‎Jan 16, 2024
10:12 AM
I don't think I would call this a bug, but something has changed in Illustrator to where, if I draw an object, then hover over the corner to attempt to scale it, Illustrator now seems to prefer the rotation widget and I'm struggling a little to find the scale widget. The thing is, in decades of using Illustrator this was never a problem for me until recently. I don't know when I started to notice it but it's certainly been about a year or so. I'm working a little bit on auto pilot so I select and attempt to scale, but it's actually rotating. So I started experimenting to see how much effort it takes to "find" the scale widget and it's actually taking some effort and time. It's really aggravating because I'm having to slow down and carefully select the scale widget just to scale an object. I don't suppose there is any way to make Illustrator prefer the scale widget instead of the rotation widget. In my time with Illustrator, I used to have to "find" the rotation widget, which was fine for me because I don't use it that much. Now I'm having to find the scale widget which I use constantly.
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‎Jan 16, 2024
10:05 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you. I was afraid that if I closed Illustrator normally it would save in this condition. So I force quit instead. Anyway, I've rebuilt the toolbar and the problem is solved.
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‎Jan 16, 2024
08:42 AM
The problem is Adobe's blue, pop up mandatory explainer about the tool. After it to break the toolbar, then clicking though the mandatory explainer, then rebuilding the toolbar and saving it, the problem is solved. So the problem is not the dimension tool, it's the blue box explainer that pops up right on top of the custom toolbar.
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‎Jan 16, 2024
07:45 AM
I have a custom toolbar. If I select this new dimension tool, it instantly wipes out that custom toolbar. It appears that all the tools are actually still there, but invisible. If I hover over the toolbar, I get a ghost image of where a tool was/is. Resetting the workspace does not fix it. Switching to a different workspace doesn't work either. I dragged the dimension tool into the drawer and the same thing happened. It wiped out my custom tool bar. I force quit Illustrator and restarted. This time, finally the dimension tool is gone from my toolbox. This is my 2nd attempt at using 28.1 but was met with bugs both times. I'm finding so, so many bugs in Illustrator nowadays.
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‎Jan 13, 2024
02:21 PM
I reinstalled my Windows and all of my software about a week ago. I had been using Photoshop 23 to avoid the sticky problem, but now I don't see 23 in the available apps. Oddly enough, 22 is there. Anyway I decided to go with the very latest Photoshop release. 25.3.1. So far I haven't run across the problem. I suppose it will show up sooner or later though.
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‎Dec 19, 2023
11:02 AM
No. No special mouse driver, keyboard settings, and no langswitcher app. And the problem is instantly resolved by rolling back to Illustrator 28. The problem started immediately with Illustrator 28.1. Every single update now comes with new bugs that I can find within minutes of launching the program.
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‎Dec 18, 2023
02:01 PM
I wish resetting prefs and setting it all back up again was a quick few steps but it's not. I've reset my prefs a lot of times lately for a lot of various bugs and resetting prefs hasn't resolved anything. This time I'm just going back to an earlier version of Illustrator and hoping for the best. It's faster.
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‎Dec 18, 2023
01:39 PM
1 Upvote
As soon as I upgraded from 28 to 28.1 I began to notice this issue. The moment I press Alt, the cursor stutters. The first time it happened, if I held the cursor and just moved the mouse in circles, the cursor would jump from position to position rather than making smooth circular motions. I rebooted the PC and hoped that would resolve it. It was fine for an hour or two then it started back stuttering again, but not as bad as the first time. Now, each time I press Alt, the cursor reacts with a quick pause then continues with whatever movement. So if I sit here and move my cursor in circles then intermittently press alt, the cursor will stutter every time. I'm getting really frustrated with Illustrator. I used it for decades and it seemed like I never found any problems. But in the last 5 years or so, I'm finding plenty bugs. I don't even report all of them. I only report the ones that are aggravating enough to report. I'm uninstalling 28.1 as soon as I finish writing this. It's not good that we are paying for updates that we can't use. Now I can't use the latest version of Bridge, Illustrator, or Photoshop but I'm paying for all of them, and Adobe just raised the price!
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‎Dec 10, 2023
06:03 PM
Thank you for this answer. I spent so much time fixing the issue and had no idea that the setting for precision was there. So you've saved me an awful lot of future trouble. Thank you so much.
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‎Dec 10, 2023
02:11 PM
Changing the precision solved the problem. I didn't even realize the option was there, but I suppose it comes at some kind of performance cost eventually. Thanks!
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‎Dec 10, 2023
02:08 PM
It still has to be united eventually. And the appearance panel just gives more flexibility so it's not a solution for me. As for the precision set up of the pathfinder, it's at it's default setting which I've never changed. 0.0283 pt.
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‎Dec 10, 2023
01:20 PM
This is becoming increasing the norm for me. In decades of using Illustrator, I did not have issues like this and I'm not sure why it's happening now. But, it may coincide with what I've been seeing visually in Illustrator. Anyway, I start with a piece of text or other object. I use the Appearance panel to put a stroke on the text, mostly stroke behind or outside. Eventually I will expand the appearance, then unite the whole thing. Normally it would be a single solid object with no gaps between the two colors, but this is the result I get regularly now. A lot of gaps as if the two colors were never perfectly aligned. If you look at the close up image below, you can see small gaps where the two colors are supposed to meet perfectly. Something seems to have caused the quality of the vectors in Illustrator to become less perfect. This problem is causing me A LOT of time in trying to clean it up before I can move on with my processes. The one thing that coincides with this problem for me is my increasing use of the Appearance panel for adding strokes to objects. In the past I did not use the Appearance panel nearly as much as I have in the past few years and maybe that is related to this problem.  
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‎Nov 28, 2023
07:04 AM
Yeah it's not just the hand tool. I experience this problem with other tools, such as when using the lasso tool or pen tool. I think it can happen with any tool. The problem seems to correct temporarily if I restart Photoshop but it comes back eventually. For now I've reverted back to 23.5.5.
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‎Nov 26, 2023
10:42 AM
I've just updated the driver to the absolute latest version, 546.01. I rebooted the PC, threw out the preferences, and the issue is still there. Also still there on my Surface Pro laptop. This quirk has been around for years and has been there on previous PCs and earlier versions of Illustrator, and Windows 7.
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‎Nov 25, 2023
01:33 PM
Right now I have em Client, Photoshop, and web browser running. I use Astute Graphics plugins. I rebooted the PC probably a few days ago. I typically reboot about once a week. There are 297 fonts installed.
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‎Nov 25, 2023
12:47 PM
This is Illustrator 28. This has been happening for years in Illustrator so it doesn't matter which version. The last part of the video where it looks like wireframe is actually something that doesn't get fully recorded. There's a pop up that says, can't fininish previewing. It turns off the GPU preview and I'm not able to turn it back on until I delete that shape. I'm able to capture it with a screen capture but the video recorder doesn't capture that pop up. So I'm including it here. The other thing to understand about this is, after making 3 points, then closing the shape using "Add", if I then deselect the shape, before beginning to draw a new shape, then everything works as normal. The first shape is fully closed and a new shape begins to be drawn. But as shown in the video, if I do not deselect the first shape after closing it with "add", then it will get confused. The shape appears to be closed, but it's not. And as soon as you move it, you can see that it was actually not closed. Also, after drawing the last 3 or 4 points, if you then try to view with wireframe, there is nothing there. No point and no paths. But, as soon as I use the select tool to move it, the paths and points instantly appear. Then pressing undo a few times eventually causes the preview problem. Any version of Illustrator from the past few years Microsoft Windows 10 Home AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12-Core Processor, 3094 Mhz, 12 Core(s), 24 Logical Processor(s) Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 32.0 GB Nvidia GeForce RTX2080 Ti
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‎Nov 20, 2023
03:22 PM
I found the reason for copy/paste not working for me in Illustrator. The problems happens when I'm using a program called Vector Magic. I use that program to do vector tracing. After I trace something, the program may still be open as I move back to Illustrator. And that's when copy and paste becomes unpredictable. Once I close Vector Magic, I don't have any further copy/paste problems in Illustrator.
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‎Nov 15, 2023
08:16 PM
1 Upvote
This has been happening since the last 3 or 4 Illustrator versions. Select object, double click a swatch, then tick the checkbox. Adjust colors and the colors on the object do not respond. I always have to tick the checkbox, untick it, then tick it again and then it will work.
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‎Nov 02, 2023
03:30 PM
Yes, I am too. After unchecking spring loaded tools it still happens. But, restarting Photoshop seems to resolve it for a few days and then it happens again.
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‎Oct 28, 2023
06:44 PM
I didn't say or suggest that it was a succes to disable features but I guess you are frustrated. I'm just reporting my experience with hopes that it might be helpful to Adobe or someone else. It's helpful to me because spring loaded tools has never worked well for me since it was first introduced into Photoshop. Disabling it saved me the aggravation of dealing with always trying to use it and having it only work 40% of the time. Other than that, I want 100% of the features to work properly.
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‎Oct 28, 2023
09:51 AM
I think this issue might be related to the spring loaded tool setting. I've experimented with disabling it and restarting the program which makes the problem go away, at least temporarily. So I've been using version 25 lately and only occasionally having to restart the program, but I have that setting permanently disabled.
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‎Oct 19, 2023
08:31 AM
I may have resolved this issue in version 25 but I don't know if it's a permanent fix or temporary because of how I resolved it. I installed version 25 this morning and it immediately exhibited the same problems. I went into the preferences and experimentally unchecked "enable gestures"and "Spring Loaded Tools". I checked "Use Open CL" under Performance/Graphics Processing section. I closed the program and relaunched and the problem was gone. I closed the program again and reversed all of those options back to where they were, restarted the program, and the problem did not return. So I'm not sure if this is a permanent or temporary fix. Hopefully this info can shed some additional light on why this problem is happening.
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‎Sep 21, 2023
03:08 AM
I'm really beginning to worry about this. I'm still on Photoshop 23.X. Anything after that has this bug. I had been working with 24.X for awhile and at some point it also exhibited this problem, so I went back to 23.X.
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‎Jul 09, 2023
03:10 AM
I had to go back to 23.5.5. Anything in version 24 is now having this issue. Is Adobe saying anything about this at all?
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‎Jun 01, 2023
04:06 AM
I upgraded to 24.5 yesterday and immediately started experiencing a problem where when I press the keys for pan, or zoom, they stick and won't let go. They won't let go until I actually click the mouse. I reset my Photoshop preferences to default but that did not solve the problem. So I uninstalled the latest version and went back to 24.1.
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‎Mar 19, 2023
04:27 AM
Version 27.3.1. Latest upgrade recently. Windows 11. I'm just really aggravated. I'm setting up a new business in a country right now where the electricty is going on daily, the internet is incredibly poor, among other things. I was on the phone with my wife overseas and I was saying to her, with all of the things that don't work, at least I have Adobe which is just magnificent software. It always works. Imagine if Adobe software was as unreliable as these other things! And then this soul crushing crap started happening. I'm just exhausted with the way things are going with these companies. Why do they have so little respect for the consumers as we try to get on with our jobs.
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‎Mar 18, 2023
03:18 PM
1 Upvote
I'm trying to work. And this crap keeps popping up and subverting my document when I try to save. Why Adobe! Why must you do this? We are paying for this software because we have work to do. And you are interrupting our work and causing headaches with popups! It's just terrible. Let me work in peace please! Is there a way to prevent this thing from popping up again when I try to save a file?
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‎Mar 17, 2023
05:08 PM
I have a little bit more info. I had previously bound Paste Remember Layers to the F9 key with an action since I could not directly assign it to a keyboard shortcut. I disabled the action, then tried it the multi-clipboard again and this time it did not enable past remembers layer. I also tried re-enabling the action but changing the to F10 and it also did not cause problem with paste remembers layers. So, the issue is with the F9 key.
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‎Mar 17, 2023
08:04 AM
I was having an issue where "Paste Remembers Layers" was somehow enabling itself and I have finally found out how it is happening. Using the new multi-clipboard function with Illustrator is causing it. I can reproduce it 100%. I copy something like an image from the internet. I control/tab over to Illustrator, press the keyboard shortcut for the multi-clipboard. The clipboard pops visually in the right corner of the screen. Now, just pressing the shortcut does not trigger the problem. I must actually tap the image which pastes it into Illustrator an THAT is what suddenly enables Paste Remember Layers. I've tested it a number of times. Windows key/V opens the multi-clipboard but does not enable Paste Remember layers. tapping the image which pastes it into Illustrator, then check again and Paste Remember Layers is enabled. There is also a problem with the multi-clipboard in Photoshop. It only pastes the first image in the multi-clipboard. If you try to tap the 2nd image, it won't happen. But, if I control tab away from Photoshop, then return it will be able to paste the 2nd image, but not another image. It's one at a time. So, the multi-clipboard is having trouble with both Illustrator and Photoshop.
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‎Mar 09, 2023
05:13 AM
I'm having this same problem. In my history with Illustrator, I've never used the Properties Panel but in the last week, I ended up with a smaller monitor, and I'm no longer able to fit all of the panels I need to see on the screen, so I finally turned to the properties panel which is definitely inadequate. Anyway, I'm having this problem constantly. I select an object and find that the properties panel is showing the document properties rather than the properties of the object I have selected. It doesn't matter what kind of object I select. I'm using Windows 11, Illustrator 27.2. I think in my first 25 years with Illustrator, I probably almost never found a reason to report bugs, but in the last 5 years or so, I find lots and lots of bugs. Some of them get fixed and some don't.  
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