Dec 28, 2020
01:42 PM
I'm using the latest Windows 10 release. This bug effects both Photoshop and Illustrator, whichever one I'm using. It goes like this: I'll be using Photoshop while Illustrator is merely open in the background or vice versa, along with a handful of other programs such as a web browser, Adobe Bridge, Mozilla Thunderbird email app, and an Explorer Window is typical. Suddenly, the screen goes black. It stays black for about 8 seconds then comes back. When it comes back, Photoshop is completely gone from the screen. No crash dialog. Illustrator is also either completely gone, or maybe it has some kind of major UI disaster to where part of the UI is visible, but other parts are not. Any document that may have been open at the time is gone. In that situation I will need to force quit the app if it's not totally gone already. If I'm using Illustrator, then Photoshop will have the same kind of catastrophic crash simultaneously with same characteristics. Furthermore, when I press Control/Tab to cycle through open programs, normally there's a view of the actual contents of each program that's open. When thsi crash happens, each of them will be a generic icon instead of showing the actual contents of the program. As I cycle through each program, this issue corrects itself. Once I do that and restart Illustrator and Photoshop things appear to go back to normal until it happens again, maybe a day or two later. As I said, this only effects Photoshop and Illustrator. No other programs crash when this happens.
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Dec 26, 2020
01:25 PM
I might have found a simple solution to this ongoing problem on my Windows 10 PC. I started experiencing it just recently and I remembered something a tech had told me to do with regards to some unrelated problem. Instead of restarting the PC, shut it down and let it stay shut down for a little while. I don't remember how long, but it was a matter of seconds. So just now I shut down my PC for about a minute. After booting it up again, I've been able to work for at least an hour and so far I still haven't experienced the problem again. I hate to say, problem solved, but an hour without a problem feels like it's solved. Before this, copy/pasting was only working 30% of the time. Hopefully this will help people, maybe for years to come since it doesn't look like Adobe is actually going to resolve the problem which has been going on for years already on both Windows and PC.
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Oct 22, 2020
08:59 AM
I tried Mystic Thumbs. It worked about as well as SageThumbs. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. And I had to buy it over and over because of how the licensing works. Basically, you'll keep pooring money into it. After I payed for it 3 times, I just stopped using it. Like I said, it didn't work any better than SageThumbs anyway. I suspect that a part of the problems might be the inherent lack of quality of Windows itself.
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Oct 22, 2020
08:15 AM
That is true. I've been using it for a year or so now and it is absolutely life changing. I can remember when Quick Look first appeared on MacOS way back in the early 2000's. I thought, Surely, Microsoft is going to copy this feature because this is simply the most amazing thing. But nope! Never. In fact, Microsoft proceeded to make Windows less visually functional in terms of viewing images. Windows 10 got rid of the preview pane that was on the bottom that made it easier to view a decent size image at the bottom of the Explorer window. They moved it to the right side, but that is a terrible place to put it since it forces you to use a much bigger Explorer window. There's another app called oldnewexplorer that actually puts the preview pane back on the bottom, just like it was in Windows 7. I've been using that for years and it works great. MacOS is just a million times better than Windows when it comes to being able to just view images and file types. I'm also using SageThumbs to "help out" with viewing file types but it is completely hit and miss. You never know what it will view and what it won't. If I have a folder full of Illustrator files, it will view some of them, some of the time and not others. But the next day it might view other files and not the ones from the day before. So it's a real mess on Windows. I don't understand why Microsoft won't solve it.
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Oct 15, 2020
01:12 PM
1 Upvote
This is specific to Windows OS. Sometimes (very often) I'll try to delete a file (or rename a file) and Windows will say that the file is open in Adobe Illustrator and will not allow me to delete the file. If I'm using Bridge and I try to delete a file, at first, simply nothing happens. After a few seconds, an error message pops up that something has gone wrong with Bridge. This message will pop up again after a few seconds. Bridge becomes unstable and crashes shortly thereafter.
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Apr 18, 2020
02:13 PM
Real time drawing, I suppose is a good thing. I enabled it and found that it just made my work a little clunkier and slower. Some things hesitate before moving, and other things are probably too heavy to show the preview as it moves. So I disabled it within minutes. It's weird because when I use other programs that have this feature, I don't find any problem with it but I think it just doesn't work very well in Illustrator unfortunately.
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Apr 18, 2020
02:09 PM
When OS X first came out, I thought to myself that Windows would surely have a similar overhaul and become amazing like OS X, but it never happened. Quick Look was and is among the greatest things ever for people who deal with graphics. Why Microsoft doesn't respond to this is hard to understand. But, there are a couple things that are available to try. There is a free app called Quick Look which you can download from the Windows store which does exactly what Quick Look does, just not nearly as elegantly. select a file, press spacebar and it will enlarge and become visible just like on a Mac. But it has one flaw. If you are typing two words and you press the spacebar in between, Quick Look will attempt to show the file that is selected. It's a small price to pay. I would rate Quick Look on Windows as 8 out of 10 with regard to how well it works. The next thing to "try" is Sage Thumbs to show the actual thumbs of Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat files. Sometimes it works and sometimes doesn't. Some thumbs may be visible and others won't. Some thumbs may appear after some time, or not. It's a 4 out of 10 in terms of how well it works. It's free though. There's another solution which is not free. I can't remember the name of it at the moment, but it is also a 4 out of 10 in terms of reliability, plus it wants you to continuously pay for updates. This situation will remain sad until Microsoft understands that people use PCs for more than Word and Excel.
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Mar 11, 2020
06:47 PM
It seems to me that this has only been partially fixed. Alt-clicking on a layer still zooms the window. Control/Alt/Shift combos are OK, but Alt alone is still zooming the window. I'm I reading this right, that this is supposed to be a feature?
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Nov 26, 2019
04:31 PM
1 Upvote
This double ruler bug is still unresolved in 2020 update. I actually have some more details about how it happens. It happens constantly when you switch from overprint preview back to normal view. That's what triggers it immediately. On Windows, it doesn't produce a double ruler, but it creates a different problem. Exit Overprint preview and everything looks normal. But use the hand tool to pan and the screen is garbled. It happens 100% of the time on MacOS.
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Nov 26, 2019
04:25 PM
The keyboard shortcut for "high light text" no longer works. The shortcut is Ctrl/Alt/Shift + F. If I switch it to G instead of F, it works. But it seems that it refuses to accept the F. I thought for a moment that my keyboard was broken so I checked that. The keyboard is working fine. I go back to the shortcuts and try to put in the F again and it doesn't work. Curiously enough, Ctrl/Shift + F does work. This same problem happened when Adobe first went to CC but it was fixed with the next update.
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Nov 23, 2019
12:02 PM
It's pretty simple. Press the key command for Path/Average. The dialog pops up. Options are Both, Horizontal, or Vertical. The way it used to work was that you could press the cursor key on your keyboard for up, just once and it would land on vertical. Press again for Horizontal. So, once committed to memory, it's a fast workflow. But in 2020, it's different. Press up arrow once for Vertical. Press again...and nothing. It's still on vertical. OK. Cancel the whole window and start over. Now, instead of pressing the up arrow, press the down arrow once, and it lands on Horizontal. Press again and it stays on Horizontal. So, the new functionality is effectively, up arrow for vertical, and down arrow for horizontal, but if you get it wrong, you end up pressing more times trying to get where you want to go. It begs the question, why in the world was this a thing worth changing, or was it a byproduct of other changes that just broke this functionality by accident? Logically, pressing the up arrow twice just made sense. I mean, why wouldn't I be able to press the same key again to continue moving the selection up? That's how pretty much everything has worked for as long as I've used computers. LOL Probably, I'm going to get used to this new way eventually, if it's not a bug being fixed, but it bothers me that I have to look forward to more of the same kind of changes around the interface, that are change for the sake of change. Random disruptions in my high speed workflow that don't add any amount of increased productivity. I normally do that stuff without even looking at the dialog because I know what happens but for now, I have to slow down and see what's happening, or risk a mistake.
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Apr 15, 2019
10:56 AM
This bug involves the selection of image elements like png or jpeg and is easy to reproduce. I will explain how to see the bug. Let's say we have 3 images. If you drag a selection over all of them, it's fine. If you click one, then shift click the others, it's still fine. But, if you select the first 1 or 2 by any means, then drag a selection over the last image, the last image isn't properly selected. The selection handles will only surround the first 2, but not the last. See the attachments. This happens 100% of the time and it doesn't matter how many images. The problem seems to be in mixing the methods of making the selections.
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Feb 15, 2019
12:01 PM
Right clicking on the ruler works, but you won't have the dialog box to type in a new size. Also, if you press Command T to get the Transform Controls on an object, right clicking on the ruler will turn off the Transform Controls. You could choose to keep the Transform Controls on permanently, but I never work that way. The Transform Controls are a kind of distraction so I only turn them on when I need them.
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Feb 15, 2019
09:13 AM
Thank You so much for your kind responses. I would not have thought that Mojave could be the problem, but Mojave and OS X releases in recent years have also had increasing numbers of bugs in Finder. I'm attaching an image of the box I click on in Photoshop to change measurements type. I select "inches", and it jumps to centimeters, or milimeters, sometimes 2 or 3 times in a row before I can get it to land on Inches. I never bothered reporting it because it's not a big enough issue to worry about, and it doesn't happen all the time, but enough for me to realize that I'm not just accidentally clicking something else. Another thing I just noticed now is that when I went from Percent to Inches, it actually scaled the selected elements down just a little. 100% goes to 99.55, or 99.87 if I keep changing the measurement. I can actually see the element reduce in size when zoomed in close. These later releases of Photoshop and Illustrator have a handful of these little flaws but none are very serious.
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Feb 13, 2019
06:05 PM
Yes, I'm running the very latest Adobe CC update, and I've already updated to Mojave. I have a handful of issues with Photoshop as well but in recent years the number of small bugs in both Illustrator and Photoshop have been adding up. Nothing show stopping, but aggravating. For example in Photoshop, if you right click in the little box dialog box for size/measurement and try to change it to "inches", it will choose mm, or px, or something else maybe 1 or two times before finally choosing inches. This problem started with the version of Photoshop prior to the current release. Sometimes when i focus away from Photoshop and come back and click on a layer or anything, The art disappears. I have to Control/tab away and come back to make it come back. Other times when I try to zoom, it just won't do anything. I control/tab away and come back and it's back to working again. In Illustrator, there's a problem where as the day goes on, it begins to become sluggish with handling text. Restarting Illustrator resolves the problem. Another problem in Photoshop happens when I double click on a channel to enter a name, then hit tab. It should tab to the opacity box but instead, it hides all the menus as if I were not focused on the channel pop up. This started happening just weeks ago. Zooming on an area while using the crop tool instantly re-centers your zoom location, away from the spot you zoomed in on, forcing you to pan back over to the area, or try zooming in again. That's in Photoshop. In Illustrator, the new tool that crops images is buggy. As soon as you hit the key command to start the crop, it crops to some random size that has no rhyme or reason. When this tool was first introduced, you'd hit the command and it would logically crop to the outer boundaries of the image. Stuff like that are happening more and more frequently but nothing too serious like crashes or features that don't work.
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Feb 13, 2019
12:45 PM
I'm running an iMac from around 2013, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M I can't turn off GPU. Illustrator performance is nearly unusable at this point if I view using CPU. This problem pops up probably once every 2 days or so.
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Feb 13, 2019
11:21 AM
Double Ruler appears at random times. When the double ruler appears, the cursor is offset by about the same space as is between the two rulers. So if you click and drag, the selection will appear a quarter inch or so below the cursor. This issue is resolved instantly by hiding the ruler. [Title edited by moderator for clarity. Was: “new bug”.]
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Oct 19, 2018
07:48 AM
1 Upvote
In the settings, I have it set to "Disable Home Screen". It doesn't work. It comes back after a few minutes. I restart the program a few times and at first, it stays gone. Then after 5 minutes, I close a document and the home screen pops up. I don't like the home screens. I wouldn't want to use them even if they weren't super slow. After a new update, why is it that both Photoshop and Illustrator decided to enable the home screen which I've always had disabled? Why not use the same settings I already had?
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Aug 22, 2018
10:55 AM
None of us are ever in the room, and every bug is possible to be not a bug. Whether it's a bug or not is less unimportant than the the behavior of rotating objects in Illustrator. We can call it a "feature request". That whenever you rotate an object, and whichever method you use to you rotate an object, there could be the option at least that the bounding box will rotate with the object. I imagine that it is possible to implement if Adobe thinks it's worth spending time on. The fact is, I use the Rotate tool 99% of the time because it's faster to operate and allows greater flexibility with how the object can be visualized. For example, you can hide the bounding box completely and rotate an object without that distraction. And you can place the cursor anywhere on the document, rather than tediously trying to aim for that hover rotation control. Plus, you can move in finer increments by placing using the rotation tool far away from the object. It would be good to be able to do that, and also have the bounding box rotate along with the object. this way you can still scale an object vertically without skewing it.
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Aug 22, 2018
09:19 AM
This one is related to rotating objects. Depending on how you rotate an object, the bounding box will either rotate with the object, or it won't. This has been in the back of my mind for years, but never enough aggravation for me to investigate and figure out exactly why the bounding box sometimes rotates the way I want it to, and sometimes it doesn't. Look at the images attached. One additional issue is that if you want to move the center of rotation, you can't do it with the "hover" method. It can only rotate around the actual center of the art. With the Rotate tool, you can move the center of rotation and rotate around a new point, but the bounding box doesn't follow.
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Jul 09, 2018
10:48 AM
Model Name: iMac Model Identifier: iMac14,2 Processor Name: Intel Core i7 Processor Speed: 3.5 GHz Number of Processors: 1 Total Number of Cores: 4 L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB L3 Cache: 8 MB Memory: 16 GB Boot ROM Version: IM142.0130.B00 SMC Version (system): 2.15f7 Serial Number (system): Hardware UUID: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M: Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M Type: GPU Bus: PCIe PCIe Lane Width: x16 VRAM (Dynamic, Max): 4096 MB Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de) Device ID: 0x119e Revision ID: 0x00a2 ROM Revision: 3782 Metal: Supported, feature set macOS GPUFamily1 v3 Displays: iMac: Display Type: LCD Resolution: 2560 x 1440 (QHD/WQHD - Wide Quad High Definition) UI Looks like: 2560 x 1440 Framebuffer Depth: 24-Bit Color (ARGB8888) Main Display: Yes Mirror: Off Online: Yes Rotation: Supported Automatically Adjust Brightness: No Connection Type: DisplayPort This computer is updating with regular Apple scheduled updates. This particular glitch is extremely rare, but I thought I'd mention it.
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Jul 09, 2018
08:50 AM
Look at the series of images. The only difference is when changing from preview on CPU to preview on GPU. GPU is showing incorrectly. This is a simple piece of art with no explanation for why this is changing. In the GPU image, notice that the paths are straight yet the fill color appears to be following a different path, which is not there. I included the outline view as well.
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Jul 05, 2018
12:37 PM
In the past you could use the Group Selection Tool to select just the path, then switch to the Selection Tool to get the handles so you could reshape the path without distorting the text. The text would reflow along the path, but not distort.
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Jul 03, 2018
06:50 AM
Unfortunately, I don't have any recording software on my work machine. But this bug is actually even simpler to see. It doesn't require layers. If you have 3 boxes. 2 are overprinted and one is not. What matters is simply the order in which you select them. Click on the First overprinted box, then shift click the 2nd overprinted box, then shift click the 3rd box which is not overprinted and there will be a check mark in the Attributes Overprint Fill. That is of course incorrect. Now do it in the opposite direction. Click on the box which is not over printed, then shift click the two boxes which are over printed. Now there will be a dash instead of a check mark in the overprint. That is of course the way it should be. So the difference is merely in the order in which the boxes are selected.
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Jun 30, 2018
03:14 PM
That works. Just need to hold shift to constrain the movement to keep it from jumping around. That's the best workaround. But I still wonder if the Free Transform tool works because on my older install, it gives the control handles the way it normally works.
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Jun 30, 2018
05:19 AM
That gets closer, but it scales both sides of the shape proportionately. Either horizontally, vertically, or both. For example, you can't grab just the bottom of the circle and pull it down, without the top of the circle moving an equal distance up. Would someone try this for me. I'm at home and I'm using an older version of Illustrator where this still works correctly so I can't test this. Try switching to the Free Transform tool after selecting the path and see if it gets the controls so that you can edit the shape independently of the text. It would still be a workaround because it takes me through an additional tool change for a tool that I don't typically use. Thanks for all the replies.
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Jun 29, 2018
01:34 PM
Option clicking on the path twice is not a workaround because it selects everything, including the Text. What I mentioned earlier is the workaround. Option click the path, then use the transform tab to type in sizes. This will scale just the path and the text will reflow but not distort or resize.
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Jun 29, 2018
12:56 PM
Yeah, I'll go ahead and do that. Thanks.
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Jun 29, 2018
11:54 AM
No. I always have show bounding box on. Just out of curiosity, I checked now and it says "Hide bounding box" because it's already set to show bounding box. It's likely an accidental change in the way these things work. Each new update seems to make some subtle unintended changes. Sometimes Adobe resolves them by the next update.
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Jun 29, 2018
11:41 AM
Here's the problem. If I have 3 layers, each with a simple colored box. 2 boxes are overprinted but the 3rd box is not. "Select All" and the overprint checkbox will correctly show a dash, indicating that not all is the same. Here's where it goes wrong. Turn the eye off the layer who's box is not overprinted, then turn it right back on, then Control A again. Now it shows a check in the overprint box indicating that everything you have selected is overprinted. This is a problem that seems to have begun with possibly the earliest update of 2018. I think it was addressed, but not totally resolved because I'm still dealing with it. It's a rather critical problem because if something needs to be overprinted and it's not, you get a disaster when you print. Everything will be missing underneath the element that is not overprinted.
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