D Fosse
Community Expert
D Fosse
Community Expert
‎Jun 15, 2015
09:54 AM
1 Upvote
There is a very good chance that they will be fine with the tiff. It sounds like you were rasterizing all of the content of your original design anyway with your PDF settings. A need to retain vector content would be the only reason I could see for using PDF over TIFF to begin with. Let us know what your printer tells you.
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‎Jun 17, 2015
08:10 AM
GPU acceleration is still not working with Lightroom 6.1 update. Graphics Processor Info: Check OpenGL support: Failed Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Version: 3.3.13293 Core Profile Context FireGL 14.502.1019.0 Renderer: ATI FirePro V5800 (FireGL) Graphics Adapter LanguageVersion: 4.40
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‎Apr 21, 2015
02:34 PM
Excellent. Thank you EDIT: the "thank you" was for Madison, but goes for Jerry's poem as well. That's almost uncanny... ...come to think of it, there may be yet another account...no. Stop that thought.
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‎Mar 06, 2016
01:38 PM
1 Upvote
Don't get anything less than a 2.4ghz cpu with 8gb ram....you'll just be frustrated with the creative experience with anything less.
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‎Feb 03, 2015
02:54 PM
It's okay to ask questions. But it's also okay to choose a different profile as the default for a camera. There can be slight differences in sensors between your camera and the one Adobe used to create the profiles. As I indicated previously, there is no "right" profile. If the camera standard profile works better for the D600 then I would go ahead and create the defaults for that camera using that profile. I'm sure you understand that you can set camera defaults for every camera that you are using. In other words, changing the D600 default to using the camera standard profile isn't going to change anything for your other cameras. The default settings for each model are completely independent.
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‎Sep 04, 2017
04:38 AM
ok.. so once i restarted, same problem. back to square one. disabled both graphic cards, then enabled the NVidia.. now ok.. this is getting irritating.. it's definitely an adobe problem
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‎Jun 14, 2014
08:29 AM
Another issue with but Adobe and others are not taking into quality of Internet connection or lack thereof. Sadly The US is not number one in the world when it comes to Internet. 85% of the US either don't have Internet (in any form), have dialup (PPP) on Copper lines put in just after WWII, DSL over Copper (served by those same Lines put in just after WWII) Or cable connection that haven't been updated since the late 70's. Only the other 15% in large Metropolitan areas, (Chicago, New York City, Dallas Fort Worth Area, Almost all of California and Washington State, etc) have the top of the line systems often driven by FOIS. For Subscription to work especially the Phone home systems they use now. The Connection has to be almost perfect 24 hours a day. The least glitch in you connection and your deactivated. And without a Connection you have an expensive Door Stop. I see these sudden deactivation issues all the time both at Adobe and to some extent about office365 at MS. Adobe don't take into consideration these problems and therefore unless you live in the right area and have tons of money, you are left out.
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‎Jun 03, 2014
02:01 PM
adobe-admin wrote:
Appreciated. I was distinctly uncomfortable with this one. And this "following" business felt like someone was standing outside my bedroom window. I did not like that. There must be some way to stop that - ??!? What is it anyway and what's the purpose?
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‎Aug 20, 2014
05:11 AM
I also remember that post #21, Claudio, and I have looked at Last logged in with growing concern.
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‎Mar 30, 2014
02:24 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks 21, I'll follow the tread you posted for updates. http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1439164?tstart=0 Never opening creative cloud seemed to be one of the workarounds.
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‎Nov 20, 2014
08:02 AM
I dont know if you solved but i have the exact same one. In my cs6 works just fine, but in CC there is terrible lag. Even the liquify tool behave with lag. And both CS6 and CC works on the same machine.
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‎Mar 23, 2014
05:37 PM
sRGB is going to be my go-to workflow for the foreseeable future as well...it simplifies a lot of this.
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‎Mar 09, 2018
10:18 PM
One hint I got from Deke McClelland is to add a Brightness/Contrast adjustment layer starting with a Brightness value of 40 and a Contrast value of -40 before printing. It can be adjusted for best results. It works best for those of us with consumer inkjets, canned profiles and sub $1000 monitors, but you might try and see if works for you. Gene
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Community Expert
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎Feb 27, 2015
03:16 AM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 27, 2015
03:16 AM
1 Upvote
Robert Frost wrote:
Isn't it about time this thread was closed, and a new one opened for LR7?
Bob Frost
Bit hard to know what to ask for in Lightroom 7 when 6 is not out yet.... But quite happy to lock this...
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Sep 01, 2017
01:35 PM
1 Upvote
‎Sep 01, 2017
01:35 PM
1 Upvote
As of January 2017, Adobe officially stopped selling Creative Suite software. If you want Photoshop, you have to subscribe to a Creative Cloud Plan. The Photography Plan ( PS + Lightroom bundle) is currently USD $9.99/month (paid monthly for 1 year). Other plan options are also available. Creative Cloud pricing and membership plans | Adobe Creative Cloud Nancy
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‎Jan 28, 2014
01:46 AM
Thanks all for suggestions and "rats" There was me thinking there might be some kind of whizzo package just sitting out there waiting for me to exploit it and, suddenly, all thoughts dashed! So someone with a fleet hand probably retraced it. Ah well, back to the drawing board. And yes I did work on a drawing board so yes I do remember LP's thankyou "twenty-one" I can vaguely remember em' but only when the memory serves! Anyhow, must go, the nurse is here to push my bathchair out onto the veranda!
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‎Feb 22, 2015
04:23 AM
Ton, thank you !!
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‎Mar 22, 2017
12:17 PM
1 Upvote
Much late reply here for anyone trying to reduce glare. Lightroom 6 CC (CC only) has a dehaze feature, that when used either on the overall image or as part of a local adjustment, can be very effective toward solving glare problems, assuming the highlights aren't blown out. A good article here, blow up the images to see the difference clearly: https://photofocus.com/2015/12/27/removing-glare-from-eyeglasses-in-lightroom/
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‎Nov 29, 2013
05:01 PM
The settings Geoff posted will result in the same thing as the settings I posted initially - 3 inches at 300 pixels per inch is just another way of saying 900 pixels. Have you considered just sending her full rez files, i.e. don't resize, and see what she says. She may be able to work with them that way, so problem solved, or even if she says "they're now too big", at least you'll have a range: target is between 900 pixels and cropped number of pixels (unresized export dimension). Maybe even send her a multitude of sizes, e.g. 900 (oops, no, already done: too small), 1200, 1500, 1800, and so forth... and ask her which is closest, and whether the closest is still too small or too large. That way, you might learn what she really wants. Note: at 300 (print) resolution, 1200 pixels is same as choosing 4 inches (1500 would be 5 inches, etc.), whether you prefer using units of inches or pixels - doesn't matter: output is the same. Geoff - perhaps introducing a new unit for specifying the same settings may not have been such a great idea after all. To quote Jack Nicholson: "What we have here, is a failure to communicate...". My sense is that you keep doing what she says (from an Lr point of view) instead of what she means (as yet undefined). Rob
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‎Nov 16, 2013
11:40 AM
There was a similar request to convert PSD files to TIFFs with Image & Layer ZIP compression, so I modified it here for use with LR 'Edit In Photoshop.' ZIP Compress Lightroom 'Edit In Photoshop' Layered TIFFs with Image and Layer Compression You can do this using a PS Action with an Automate> Batch command to process ‘Open Files’ in PS, a folder, or folder tree with subfolders that contain the files needing ZIP compression. Create the Action 1) Send a file from Lightroom to Photoshop using ‘Edit In Photoshop.’ 2) Open the Actions panel and click on the 'Create New Action' button, name it something like 'Save As TIFF with ZIP+ZIP,' and hit the Record button. 3) Next go to File> Save As> Select Format 'TIFF,' select Image Compression ZIP, Layer Compression ZIP, Save Transparency, and any other settings you want to use, click OK. 4) Hit the square 'Stop Action' button. Automate Batch Processing 1) Go to File> Automate> Batch 2) Select the action just created (Save As TIFF ZIP+ZIP) in the 'Action' drop-down list if not already selected. 3) Under 'Source' select ‘Open Files’ to process ‘Edit In PS’ files. You could also select a specific folder, or a top level folder with subfolders that contain the files you want to process. Also check 'Include Subfolders' if you want the subfolders to be processed. 4) Check 'Override Action "Save As" Commands' so that it ignores the filename and destination folder used to create the action. 5) If you want the files to be saved in the same folder as the original LR file set ‘Destination’ to ‘Save and Close.’ 5) Click OK to start the batch process. 6) The PS processed TIFF file(s) will appear inside LR in the same folder as the original file. Create Keyboard Shortcut Go to Edit> Keyboard Shortcuts> Application Menus> File> Automate> Batch and assign an unused Keyboard Shortcut, which you can use in the future. I used ‘CTRL + /’
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‎Oct 31, 2013
01:13 PM
I usually keep every electronic receipt that I receive and those are backed up on my RAID 5 NAS setup, so give me a bit of credit. Unfortunately, I never received an email confirmation from Adobe when I purchased the LR5 upgrade and the order didn't even show up under My Orders on the portal site. I did write down the serial number on a sticky note, but I think that got chucked when I was cleaning out the office and I blew away the system before realising I didn't have the key (thankfully I kept a backup image - though apparently I didn't need it after all.) Believe me, for someone that is usually very meticulous when it comes to this sort of thing, I feel pretty dumb. I'm still shocked that the CSR from Adobe's semi-automated chat (come on, it is pretty bad) actually got back to me. In dealing with other outsourced support (e.g. Dell, HP, Bell, Rogers) I've never had an agent follow up, so I've got to give credit where it is due. All in all, everything worked out.
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Former Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Sep 03, 2014
11:27 PM
1 Upvote
‎Sep 03, 2014
11:27 PM
1 Upvote
So you haven't actually read the topic to see WHY it was an issue for so long, and why it took a lot of effort to get the OS fixed and other OS issues worked around?
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‎Oct 28, 2013
07:49 AM
My original Forum 'Sign In' trshaner has been restored. The solution was to assign a new unique email address for the Forum Sign that would not conflict with my other exisitng Adobe accounts. Special thanks to Adobe Staff Beverley Gray for making it happen!
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‎Oct 02, 2013
12:25 AM
I've no experience with spot, so others will have to chime in there. What I've said above is about general principles of color management. But specifically, as far as CMYK is concerned, you can't just use default settings, there's no reason to assume that will be correct. As I said, you need to get a profile from the printer. (100K black is a black that prints only on the black plate, like text. As opposed to a black that prints on all four plates).
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‎Aug 08, 2018
08:42 AM
1 Upvote
found this thread and the one on this one tooCreative Cloud Desktop app not staying logged in on boot. arij2010's answer is the one suggested here but more detailed. You may have to kill the adobe update service too to do that for some that are listed. But it seems to have done the trick. @arij2010's suggestion posted here in case the link doesn't work... 1 - Windows 8 and 10 : "Windows+X" to Access the Power User Menu Run the Task Manager to quit these processes . Adobe CEF Helper Adobe Creative Cloud Adobe IPC Broker Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service CCLibraries CCXProcess Creative Cloud CoreSync 2 - Rename The folders "SlStore" , "SlCache" and "OOBE" to "SlStore.old" , "SlCache.old" and "OOBE.old" in this location : C:\Users\<user folder>\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE C:\ProgramData\Adobe\SLStore. C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ SlCache 3 - For Windows : -> Run any application as admin and sign in .
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‎Sep 30, 2013
04:46 PM
I agree, this post is losing its focus with too many different subjects being discussed! That said I'll try to address some of the issues. howdego wrote: Well this is certainly a different approach than I have been using. I am under the impression that PS has the best downsizing algorithms so that is what I have been using for that step. Also, the leading writers say that we should downsize first, then sharpen, and that PS has excellent sharpening algorithms...... If you're going to do "additional editing" to a LR image inside PS why throw away file resolution you may need in the future by downsizing the image. LR's Output Resizing and Sharpening tools are as good as PS's, at least for a slideshow that will be viewed on a 1080p TV screen. howdego wrote: In addition, I was told by Photodex help desk a while ago that while the lightroom plugin can reduce the size of photos it processes, if that option is chosen, it does not do any output sharpening. Only the export command, which you are using, can do output sharpening. So, If I use the plugin, whichj makes building the show easier, I will not have any output sharpening, just resizing. And if I don't resize in PS, and sharpen in PS, than I am not using the sequence recommended by Schewe, Kelby, etc. So that is a dilemma. Perhaps some testing on my part might help resolve this. I confirmed that the Proshow plugin does not add any sharpening to resized images, which is a huge oversight on their part! They also use a "fixed" 60 JPEG Quality that equates to the dreaded PS 7 Quality setting. I have never used the Proshow plugin from day one, maybe just instinct. It seems very restricting and offers little benefit to my preferred workflow. Either way you need to create resized and sharpened JPEGs saved to a separate folder, which can be done very easily using the LR Export module. ALL of the other functions provided in the plugin (and more) are available from inside Proshow. In light of this information I'd steer clear of the Proshow plugin. howdego wrote: However, your recommendation for the resize settings is a revelation for me. I used 1920 X 1080 from PS in my last video, and felt there was something wrong when I displayed in on my new 1080p LED tv. That could be the problem, along with a bit too much sharpening in PS or LR. I will definetely do a test using 2800 by 1575 from PS to see if there is a difference in quality (more like the 16 X 9 aspect ratio of the TV than 2800 X 2800). Don't concern yourself with the aspect ratio unless your trying to completely fill the 16:9 screen with a 16:9 cropped image. 1920 x 1080 resize width & height works fine with all aspect ratio images if you aren't using any zoom effects in Proshow. For normal crop DSLR (2:3) aspect ratio images try using 2430 x 1620 width & height settings in LR. This will restrict portrait images to 1620 long side, which makes them 1.5x larger (same as 2430 landscape images). I use Screen Standard or Low for Output Sharpening in LR for 1080p Proshow videos, but do your own tests! howdego wrote: But I guess I should do the calibration first. If necessary please put your results and issues in a new post and put a reply in this thread with the link. That's a whole other can of worms that needs to be addressed separately!
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‎Mar 15, 2014
07:25 PM
Having read through this whole thread, I notice that it bounces back and forth between Lab and Printing Press/Advertising printing. As has been discussed, the print press guys change the color space to CYMK (which I believe should always be left to them as the presses are all so different and minor adjustments can cause major differences in the final alignment of the colors), but do professional Photo Labs (Bay Photo, Nations Photo Lab, MPIX...) ever change the color space or prefer a certain color space. I assume that the really good labs have very experienced print makers, so they can handle whatever is thrown at them. Just want to make sure those reading this thread realize that there are two different kinds of print houses, and that they do very different things with the files. Dan
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‎Jun 21, 2016
05:31 PM
Why did you need to reinstall it? you got any error?
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‎Aug 28, 2018
04:48 AM
1 Upvote
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‎Sep 12, 2013
07:24 PM
Sorry for the delay in response. The info was a bit overwhelming (good stuff) for me to digest, so I had to step away from it for a bit. I still need to digest it, but wanted to say thanks for the info guys. Even without going through the volume of info yet, I'm wondering if I simply need to be looking for an antiglare, IPS with a gamut approximatley equal to aRGB (rather than the need for 95% gamut) ... wondering at available 14" IPS, antiglare laptops options. Again, I still need to digest the info, but wanted to say thanks, lest you think otherwise. Okay ... so I got through the video and it would seem that it still suggests that if we are working in ProPhoto, we aren't able to necessarily see what we are doing if our display is only sRGB capable with regard to ProPhoto areas that are outside of sRGB. This puts me back to the perspective of 95% gamut for display in order to see what we are working on in "full". Also, the concept that gamut can be greater than 100% (DreamColor reports 120%) is also confusing. The short of it is that I'm capturing RAW, in my case from Kodak SLR/C most often and bringing it into PS. What display targets/parameters @ gamut will most show me the full color of my image? I spoke with Lenovo earlier today, they said they make no 14" anti-glare IPS displays. But then, the rep also said the T430 had no gamut. Why does this issue of IPS and gamut have to be such a secretive parameter. Add to that the % Area vs. % Coverage vs. NTSC vs. ??? this is a pain to figure out. Why can't it be simple like 100% of CIE = human vision, 90% of CIE = ProPhoto, 70% of CIE = aRGB, 50% of CIE = sRGB (or whatever the numbers actually are). This is such a convoluted issue, I don't know how anyone can discern from one mfr's data to another. if they are using differing parameters @ Area vs. Coverage vs. NTSC vs aRGB, etc. Anything that can provide objective/equitable clarity would be appreciated. It seems as there has been no industry standard established and they can spec (or largely omit spec) without specifying which reference spec they are actually using. Anyway, thanks, but I'm still no closer to really knowing the objective diff @ one MFR's monitor than another. All I want to have is a display that I can trust (once calibrated) to show me what I'm working on accurately ... is that too much too ask?
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