‎Nov 29, 2024
02:34 AM
As @johnrellis said the models used by Photoshop and ACR are the same; in CR they run on RAW data. But Generative Fill is vastly superior in Ps. . In Ps we can type instructions. . In Ps we can feather the fill/selection. . In Ps we can movw the fill without triggering a refresh, which allows users to place it better...I fixed this in LrC using the SDK but due to lack of feathering it doens't work well. . In Ps we can generate many variations without loosing the ones we have already. . In Ps we can copy and paste the Genrative Remove to other images as it is (John has implemeted this in his Plug-in "Copy Settings" but Adobe doesn't allow it) . In Ps we can erase part of the variation without losing it : refine subtracting in LrC is simply horrible. . In Ps variations are presented as thumbnails which is better for usability. . Gnrative fill is handicapped and vastly less usable in LrC than in Photoshop. It's not a good port IMO. .
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‎Nov 26, 2024
03:40 AM
I tried with LrDevelopController.setMultipleAdjustmentThreshold( seconds ) But it does not work.
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‎Nov 24, 2024
01:04 AM
1 Upvote
I have created a plug-in to modify Radial Gradient in real time ( the advantage is I don't need to use the overlay) I use photo:applyDevelopSettings Alas this creates many history steps. How is it possible to stop too many steps from being created when using photo:applyDevelopSettings ? p.s. I am not using a slider to modify the mask. .
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‎Nov 24, 2024
12:16 AM
See this thread: https://community.adobe.com/t5/lightroom-classic-discussions/p-syncing-masks-of-faces-with-multiple-people-not-working-lr-classic/m-p/14953011/page/3#M386922 @Rikk Flohr: Photography Perhaps move these comments there.
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‎Nov 21, 2024
06:45 PM
krakozavr@gmail.com Since the very first days of Generative content in Phothsop user reported this problem with grain...alas a solution is not coming anytime soon. Read my earleir comment on how to deal with this situation within LrC: https://community.adobe.com/t5/lightroom-classic-discussions/p-generative-remove-feedback-lr-classic-amp-lr-eco/m-p/14917497#M382464
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‎Nov 20, 2024
02:00 PM
I'm trying to remove some stretchmarks on a persons skin. Just a small area. The bot thinks I'm working on nudes. I am not. It's just a small area of skin. Do I need to go outside of Lightroom to fix it? By @Dennis Larson Try using Clone or Heal or even Content Aware, it could work and give good results (fingers crossed because Content Aware is very bad) If not yes you need to use Photoshop. .
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‎Nov 20, 2024
02:52 AM
In ACR it is possible to see the uncropped image when applying Remove. That option solves the problem with cropped images.
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‎Nov 20, 2024
01:40 AM
@christinef58502318 I shared with you via direct message a plug-in Please install it and run the command "Crete History Step (Date)" on a photo. It simply creates a history step with the current edits so hopefully the correct state will be re-applied. Also try to undo the creation of the step, it might do the trick and simply force LrC to select the las/top step. • So you can try to apply edit to all your images affected, then undo. If this doesn't work then I am afraid you need to select each step manually yourself. The SDK offers no mean to navigate or select a history step afaik. @johnrellis do you know any method to select history?
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‎Nov 20, 2024
12:54 AM
@christinef58502318 Do this test. 1. Take one of the images whee no step is highlighted. 2. Using "Quick Develop" in library change its exposure OR change a setting in develop. At what level is the new history step created? IS the new step created ABOVE all existing steps OR is created after the import step, effectively erasing the other steps (if it the latter then undo) .
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‎Nov 20, 2024
12:05 AM
@christinef58502318 In your examples the history step is not highlighted in the "original" image and it might be the import step. Select the last step and the UI should update accordingly and as well the previews. Let me know if this works...it should wrk, fingers crossed. As I said I never had history missing before the LrC 14 catalog update. The only way to fix that is to revert to a catalog with history OR import it form a catalog that has it (source catalog from which you import should also be updated to LrC 14) .
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‎Nov 19, 2024
01:42 AM
@Psiche_DeepInside Verify your GPU preferences are correct and you have Full GPU acceleration or at least have "Use GPU for image processing" enabled. LrC often regresses GPU option and doens't tell you. Also as @johnrellis said in the thread try disabling your firewall as it might prevents Generative Fill to work.
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‎Nov 18, 2024
05:19 AM
@christinef58502318 •"Why is the edit history completely disappearing for quite a few users (in my case it happened in v13)? Sometimes there is a down arrow in the History tab but the panel is empty, not even an import date." User might have deleted history. •"When the edit history is actually there, why are some previews not reflecting the edits? This means that you can't tell by looking at the thumbnail whether an image has been edited or not, or see how it looks with the edits. " Sometimes it takes long time for the newest thumbnail preview to replace the old(er) one...ergo why the image in library looks different compared to develop. •"When the edit history is there, why is the top step in the history in the History panel not highlighted?" It depends. (A) You might have selected another step, prior to the last one. (B) UI sometimes fails to highlight the correct selected step...its rare but it happens and mostly happens after "Clearing History Above this Step" (C) If you hold the Ctrl/Cmd modifier and click history the step is deselected and un-highlighted. This is a know bug I reported log ago but was never fixed. It might be that. • "Why is the 'develop adjustment' badge missing in the thumbnail?" Definitely a bug that I can't reproduce The badge should appear (if you have enabled it in the options) • Why are the develop sliders in the develop panel not moved when there are clearly steps in the edit history? Another bug that I can't reproduce. Usually the sliders reflect the history step. I personally experienced loss of history only after updating my catalog to LrC14 and I have reported any issue with History I have ever encountered. .
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‎Nov 15, 2024
08:39 AM
1 Upvote
@marjav if you are talking about People Ai masks created on several individuals then they can't be synced to other images and obtain separate selections as in the source image. This is a long standing issue and it's due to the fact that there are no settings that tell the Ai to create separate Masks. You must create anew each masks in each Correction. E.g Source image has : Mask 1 Hair person 1 Hair Person 2 After syncing you end with 2 Hair masks but targeting the same person. Delete one and create a new one for the other person. Repeat for all maks, for all photos to which masking was synced. That's the only thing you can do. .
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‎Nov 14, 2024
12:53 PM
@midroz No drastic changes have been done to Geerative Remove behavior or algorithms compared to spring 2024 It's is nearly the same as before. What changed is that: 1. UI has been redesigned for and now there is a dedicated section for the creation AND a secrion for the currently selected Remove. Alas in this redesign the "Opacity" slider has been removed form the creation section...this is a regression to what we had before (and was duly reported). 2. Detect Objects Remove now "Auto Expands" by 500 pixles around the actual selection. Again this supposedly is to include a bigger area and increase the Gen Remove success rate BUT in reality it only leads to selecting unwanted part of the image that we must "Subtract" ourselves. A good intention, not really prorpely implemented. As @johnrellis says is best to disable and never use that mode until Adobe fixes it. So overall Genrative Remove is basically the same as before with slightly new UI. .The high failure rate is mostly due to the total lack of explanation of how to use the tool. The article that John has linked will help. Until we have text prompts Genrative Remove will always fail more than in Phothsop were users can instruct and describe what they want to generate.
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‎Nov 13, 2024
09:54 AM
@Shawn Pridgen You can censor images by apllying a radial filter with 0 Feather and Exposure -4 and Amount 200 in case Export or publish with the censorish THEN hide the Correction used for censorship OR delete it.
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‎Nov 11, 2024
11:38 PM
@brandonc27548190 Hold Alt/Option modifier and use arrow left/right to move the next or previous image when either Remove Panel or Masking Panel is open.
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‎Nov 09, 2024
04:49 AM
@jabraham After moving file with LrFileUtils LrC will mark them as missing and so you have find them yourself again in the good location. Tis simpler to move via LrC directly. I hear there's maybe a way to programatically cut-n-paste metadata. You can do with photo:getRawMetadata() and then do photo:setRawMetadata( )
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‎Nov 08, 2024
02:02 AM
@johnrellis If one look carefully even very small "holes" have blur Yes it is hard to spot but the blur is there so it's not only for upscaled patches. It is sufficient to paint a stroke and the blur, the different color, the hard edges become very evident. Grain helps to blend the patch and neutralise the blur (or add mroe if one does global Grain) BUT doens't solve the hard edge and the different colors. I don't know which setting is responsible for the colors (pm_gamma_type or pm_black_level).
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‎Nov 06, 2024
11:50 AM
@johnrellis I think that if I try multiple times eventually I can get the window removed. But it's a waste of time and credits IMO when in Phothsop is few seconds with instructions. Now even when Remove succeeds in (LrC or PS) if I zoom I can see the removed area is sub-res/blurred AND the hard edges. So all looks fine but if one looks carefully the Remove it's evident...it's worse when the area generated is big. One needs to apply grain on all the image to kinda "hide" the sub res...or the pseudo high res in Phothsop. .And if one doesn't want to aplly grain then simoly is better to use Clone or Heal that reuse the photo's pixels and have feather. Reducing Opacity kinda helps with Gen Remove as well but in certain conditions only. I have sice day one Generative Content in Camera Raw asked to have feathering to at least solve the problem of hard edges...it probably will nver be done.
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‎Nov 06, 2024
01:29 AM
FWIW I myself am unable to remove a window despite painting a very large area. I tried to refresh more times and never I was able to get a result In Photoshop by instructing the Ai and typing "Wall empty" I got 2 usable results. So IMO without instruction Generative Remove is failing too much in LrC. . .
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‎Nov 06, 2024
01:27 AM
Glad to have helped.
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‎Nov 06, 2024
01:05 AM
1 Upvote
Uncheck the Detect Objects option, i.e the second checkbox (see screenshot)
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‎Nov 06, 2024
12:56 AM
@stanislavat34109225 From your description it looks like you are using Detect Objects that makes a new selection, based on the painted area. Disable it and the paint using Generative Remove normal mode.
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‎Nov 05, 2024
09:19 AM
1 Upvote
@johnrellis If the Ui had a small "help text" saying "Tip: include shadow and connected parts to Remove in the selection" soooo many users would not have problems @Rikk Flohr: Photography A small help text can surely be added to the Ui in little time by the team. That small Ui change would help users tremendously with Gen Remove. .
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‎Nov 05, 2024
05:18 AM
1 Upvote
Update on this problem, and it's happenings now 100% of the times for me on Mac. Steps to Reproduce. Import photos AND copy them to a folder created on import. Select and delte one image Actual Result: File can't be moved to trash. Workaround: A. Do "Show in Finder" B. Remove the selected photo form the catalog instead of deleting it. C. Using the finder/OS move the photo to Bin. Now back in LrC all photos in that folder can be moved to trash. Seems like folders created by LrC do have immediate permission to trash and it's "unlocked" once the Os moves to bin a file. .
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‎Nov 03, 2024
03:28 AM
1 Upvote
@eXecutiveHippie Adobe censorship is kicking in. Whenever there is some skin showing in the image (e.g. woman in bikini) then Adobe Ai thinks we want to generate p*** or nudity content. Both legal in many countries especially the latter. I want to make an example. Female model wearing lingerie (lingerie job) I try to remove a scratch ON THE BACKGROUND so not the model's body NOR what she is wearing. Violation of guidelines! It's nonsense and the same happens in Photoshop BUT in Photoshop it can be done with a simple workaround. There is a way to bypass this nonsensee in LrC but you need to use a Plug-in (not because it allows illecit content OR hijacks the system) but becausee it allows to work properly with Remove. .
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‎Oct 31, 2024
12:53 AM
@sakipo54272919 When using Objects Detect Remove the selections is "auto expanded" about 500 pixels compared to the real selection. The underlying idea is that the larger the area the better the Remove will be as hopefully shadows, reflections and other elements that need to be removed will be included in the auto expand. It is actually better to paint the area ourselves than trust this auto expand that might include areas we don't need to remove OR not include shadows, reflections, connected parts. You can chage the color of the overlay to what you want. If you needed to refresh several times to get a usable results it might be either becasue (1) the area to remove was not painted big enough (2) without instructions Ai can only guess what to generate so doens't know waht you need. Please report the variations you got using the … menu in the selected Gen Remove. The reports will be sent directly to Adobe for analysis, that's the best method to train better the Ai. .
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‎Oct 28, 2024
02:53 PM
@johnrellis but with instructions users could paint smaller holes AND have results. Instructions help a lot. Also this is another example of why having tips would help. I used Object Detect and the tool very basically expanded the "real selection" by about 500 pixels...the tool didn't search for other meaningful/connected areas that should have been included in the selectio for the optimal result. I did what any new user would have done using the tool the first time: I trusted the tool. There was no indication whatsoever that the area auto selected was not enough. Not tips or tricks to help. .
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‎Oct 28, 2024
05:48 AM
@efficient_dancer5CC7 you can't do much about it. I want to make an example: Original photo I refreshed and I got 0 success rate upon several tries. I open the image in Photoshop and entered instruction "Street" Failure again, I was no specific enough so Ai "thought" that "street" could have a car (makes sense tbh) But in Photoshop I can add more instructions to guide the AI So I wrote "Street, no cars" Success ! One of the 3 versions works. The other ones are silly, I got giant walking furry creatures. • BUT in Photoshop at least one can guide the AI so at last we are not at total mercy of what AI "thinks" will work. One way to have higher success rate would be to have instructions. .
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‎Oct 28, 2024
02:49 AM
Doesn't work with a workflow where you synch your setting across hundreds of photos, because you would have to reset all settings. By @Patrick22616748c1sx What do you mean? When I sync Gen Remove to other images the the other settings don't need to be reset. .
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