‎May 03, 2022
04:24 AM
In masking we should have a Negative/Positive Effect setting.
This Negative/Positive settings should be a checkbox and simply when enabled the area/pixels of the photo affected by the Mask would be turned into Negative or Positive (in case one is working on a film scan)
This simple setting would be very useful for those that work with film scans and as well for all creative uses.
I am perfectly aware that we can already turn a photo into Negative/Positive using a Point Curve but thanks to the Positive settings in Masking we would be able to do it also locally so only on a specific part of the image.
The advantage of using a mask to turn complete/partially the image into a Negative/Positive is also that Point Curve would be kept linear not inverted and for most users it's easier to work like that.
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‎May 01, 2022
10:16 AM
1 Upvote
The settings that are not currently selectable/available in the Copy/Sync Settings Menu should be added.
We should have the complete list, the checkboxes for all the existing settings and/or an efficient and simple way to copy/sync any settings.
• In detail.
With the exception of Basic Panel at today it is still not possible to select and/or copy/sync single specific setting from the other existing panels.
For instance the only way to copy one or more specific settings (e.g Red Saturation, Blue Hue, Black Parametric, Highlights Hue, Blending, Global Luminance, etc...) to other photos is to select multiple and then use Auto Sync in Develop module...but unfortunately that requires multiple steps and needlessly add steps to History as well.
I suggest to have the complete list of settings.
The following simple option in Develop module would help tremendously as well: "Right Click on setting : copy/sync!"
This option would already be better than what we have now.
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‎May 01, 2022
12:43 AM
@Rikk Flohr: Photography Adobe Camera RAW already has eyeball icon for panels! We in LR instead still have the old on/off switches which do not provide the same functionality and are essentially worse. At least we should have the same as ACR and be able to do just as well. .
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‎Apr 29, 2022
02:27 AM
We should be able to sort Masks in Alphabetical order and Custom order as well.
As of now only Chronological order is possible (last created mask goes to the top) but we should be able to have "Inverse Chronological" sorting so the last created mask is placed at the bottom.
These are basic sorting logic!
We have them for photos, we have them for files and folders on out systems....we should have these sorting options for Masks!
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‎Apr 17, 2022
05:05 AM
1 Upvote
Again this is another basic, basic feature that is unavailable to us, so many workflows that we should be able to do that can't be done. Move multiple, delete multiple, hide multiple, etc... All of these are impossible. What is the technical challenge here? Will LR crash if we selected multiple Masks or Components? This feature should not even be put to votes, it's should be a given in a modern software, in 2022! .
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‎Apr 16, 2022
03:31 AM
It is now possible to select Parametric Curve and Point Curve and copy/sync them using the wonderful Plug-in "Copy Settings" by @johnrellis Alas for Presets creation the only solution if one wants to have Point Curve only presets is to DIY.
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‎Apr 10, 2022
08:27 AM
1 Upvote
This could also be achieved with a shortcut, with the Intersect modifier. Alt/Option + click on component = converted to Intersect/Normal depending on its state.
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‎Apr 09, 2022
11:01 PM
I suggest to implement two simple right click options for existing components.
Convert to Intersect
Convert to Normal
First option would allow to convert an existing component directly into a Intersection.
This would be simpler and faster than the steps we have to do now.
Second option would allow to return an existing intersected component to the normal, default "add" component.
This as well is simpler and faster than what we have to do now to achieve the same.
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‎Apr 08, 2022
07:06 AM
@Rikk Flohr: Photography I dare to ask but why this has not been even considered?!
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‎Mar 20, 2022
01:00 AM
Any update on this idea? BTW it 's really puzzling to see that only few votes have been give to this idea. Every photographer (even amateurs) I talk to wants to have curves in Masking . .
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‎Mar 20, 2022
12:43 AM
It should be possible to select multiple presets and move them to the group we want. This is how I would do it: Select multiple Presets (ctrl/cmd + click on multiple or shift + click ) > when multiple presets are selected user are prompted to "Move to" Having to right click presets one by own to move them is terribly frustrating,
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‎Mar 20, 2022
12:21 AM
In Adobe Camera RAW it is possible to select only the Point Curve to copy it to other photos and it is also possible to create presets ONLY with the Point Curve (in Lightroom such presets can only be created if you DIY)
This is a huge omission.
Please allow to use/select Point Curve when we copy/sync settings and when we create Preset in Lightroom.
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‎Mar 14, 2022
04:48 AM
The info Panel is always displayed even when selecting recent files. IMO the Info panel should say hidden until we choose a file and open it. I attach a screen capture to illustrate.
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‎Mar 07, 2022
09:01 PM
How do you explain the DNG Validation then? If no checksum is created after "Update DNG Preview and Metadata" then why Lr says they are finally validated? .
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‎Mar 07, 2022
11:12 AM
@TheDigitalDog I used "Update DNG Preview & Metadata for all the DNGs I have. I get this now: I am quite confused. @Rikk Flohr: Photography Can you or anyone else at Adobe clarify this, Does the "Update DNG Preview & Metadata" create a checksum also for DNGs by camera manufacturers or not? If after using "Update DNG Preview & Metadata" a checksum is not created then why performing a "Validate DNG" confirms that the existing DNG are valid!? .
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‎Mar 07, 2022
10:41 AM
@TheDigitalDog So I did the test again. Imported 2 Sigma DNG, no Metadata added on import. Then Library > Validate DNG I get this message: Then I used the option "Update DNG preview & Metadata" only on one of the two DNG. Then again Library > Validate DNG I get this now. So I as i said in my OP I believe that one DNG now has the checksum while the other hasn't.
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‎Mar 07, 2022
06:46 AM
Hi, I have a small question. Is creation of the checksum within DNG possible for all DNGs? To clarify by choosing the option "Update Preview and Metadata" I was indeed able to create within "Sigma DNG" the checksum for the validation. I cannot yet test other brands that use DNG (Leica, Hasselblad, Pentax, Fujifilm, etc...) so I would like to have confirmation that the option would work with those DNG as well. .
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‎Mar 05, 2022
06:38 AM
Currently the Eyeball Icon can be used to hide a setting (only available in Color Grading for now) or a Mask/Component.
Unlike "On/off Switches" with the Eyeball Icon we can hide temporarily the setting/mask/component as we click and hold it...this is to me a truly "game changing" ability.
I suggest to have: Click and Hold any Settings while using a modifier to hide settings without adding to history.
e.g. Ctr/Cmd + Click and Hold on the name of the setting = setting is hidden, no step in history is added.
It would be wise also to replace the current "On/Off" switch in Panels with the Eyeball Icon: this way we would also have the "click & hold to hide" behavior for panels as well.
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‎Mar 01, 2022
07:29 AM
@jb64150744 Have you tried this? In the Preferences use the option "Prompt when starting Lightroom". Restart. When you restart in the window that will appear there's is an option, bottom left, that says "Always Load this catalog on startup" > Check that option > Select the catalog desired > Open. .
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‎Feb 21, 2022
05:13 AM
One might have two/several components but of different type in the same mask (e.g 1 Radial, 3 Linear) all set as add/primary. To me it would be misleading to identify that whole mask using the icon of the first/bottom component, it would not represent the complexity of the situation. I would rather have a "multiple components" edit pin like this when there is no clear "Primary Component".
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‎Feb 19, 2022
02:36 AM
@Rikk Flohr: Photography Applying Curves locally, via masking, tis absolute necessary in the work/workflow of every photographer. We need it and we need it desperately in Lightroom. I dare to say that you at Adobe should not wait for this idea to be upvoted more to consider it. Every photographer on the planet, amateur or pro, would have a use for curves in masking.
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‎Feb 17, 2022
02:19 AM
How would Lr automatically know when I/we want to add to the existing/selected mask OR create a new one altogether ?! .
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‎Feb 17, 2022
02:07 AM
As part of this request will you allow to also assign shortcuts to actions that don't have them yet or not?! That is a must have IMO.
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‎Feb 11, 2022
10:51 PM
It's a reasonable request, lots of amateurs or beginners would want to have Lr only. @Taylor5C28 I suggest to contact Adobe support and ask them if you can have your old subscription back because you don't like the new plan. I think they would allow you to switch back. In the meantime use Bridge! It is not as good as Lr for catalog organisation and the lack of history might bother you BUT it's great for beginners.
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‎Feb 07, 2022
09:38 AM
@Earth Oliver If there is a technological challenge here like "we would need to re-code entirely LR to get zoom to work while cropping" then I would understand the situation. If not then it's just about giving customers what they are asking for. Obviously there are more than 88 people on the planet that need this. To Adobe I would suggest to do the following: make a global survey. Send all LR users a simple question : would you want to have the ability to chance zoom while cropping? Add video/image example jsut to make it obviously clear. I am sure thousands and thousands of users will say they want it.
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‎Feb 07, 2022
12:14 AM
1 Upvote
How come this idea/feature request has no status and it's still in limbo ! First we need it second t's really an industry standard-...Lr is not better without this basic behavior! At this point is logical to ask: Adobe, what is the technical challenge here, what is preventing us to have it in Lr ?
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‎Feb 06, 2022
08:22 AM
I propose to have no sliders and employ a "hover over preview" system for settings. Hover over preview is, in my opinion, the best way to work.
Instead of having to click and drag a slider we would simply have hover over the area where now the sliders reside AND when hovering over the effect would be previewed in full screen (same behavior we already have for Develop Presets)
Then if we want to commit the value we click. A small circle would then appears at that value position as reference and the numerical values appear on the side as usual. I made a mock-up UI where you can compare my idea vs the existing UI.
This system would be incredibly advantageous compared to sliders. Previewing is extremely advantageous and with the step-marks we would be able to get/jump to the value we want much faster and more clearly than now. Also we would be able to have/set a value BUT at the same time preview a different one to see the difference. E.g. Set Highlights to + 100 Hover over Highlights +50 to see the difference...if you prefer +50 just click.
Much better than now, much more versatile and time saving. This is how I think we should work in the future.
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‎Feb 06, 2022
07:07 AM
Here is the UI mock-up of the Intensity modifier.
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‎Feb 05, 2022
09:15 AM
@Todd Shaner Ah sorry, someone else must have changed it. "Intensity modifier for Masks and Components" This would better reflect my suggestion...and it's also better than my original title. I did not say how to implement Intensity UI wise BUT I don't think a slider would be good. The Masking UI is quite small an editable percentage indicator would be good...I will post a mock-up UI asap.
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‎Feb 04, 2022
10:10 PM
@Todd Shaner Thanks for correcting the error but not sure why you change the title so much from my original.. The idea is more complex and article than "Intensity to dial past 100%" it's to have Intensity at Component level as well.
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