‎Oct 26, 2024
04:22 AM
From what I can tell upon refining if the dabs in the masks are "intersecting" or "close enough" the masks are inserted in the same spot index Masks table. This is bit like saying that two sentences in two paragraphs (in a text file) should be saved in two separate files while sentences separated by a period, on the same line, you should be saved the same file. This does not make sense. Anyway aside for the issues @johnrellis reported there is also another consequence of this "logic". Steps to reproduce. 1. Paint a first "hole/stroke" (do not create the spot yet) 2. "Refine Add" another "hole/stroke" but not connected to the first one. So the first set of dabs does not intersect with the second set and neither tis "close enough" (Screenshot two hole/stroke") 3. Refine Subtract and "join/connect" the two holes. Now all 3 sets are intersecting 4. Finally create the Remove. Result: Two differet Spots were created and they both have a copy of same "subtract" masks. So it is NOT sufficient to paint connected, intersected, strokes because Subtractions do not count...probably because the function in place only considers "Add Masks" (i.e masks with MasKValue = 1) This is for me a case of over-engineering. Very simply all masks should end up in the same spot WHEN WE REFINE. I would remove the "intersect" and "proximity" logic altogether, Simpler for users, simpler code. .
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‎Oct 24, 2024
12:46 PM
There's also a UI design misfeature that Adobe hasn't acknowledged as such. Though Adobe tells you to select all of the disconnected parts of the object, if you make disconnected selections, Remove will treat them separately when it goes to remove, and you're likely to get "replace" instread of "remove". So you need to apply an obscure trick (described in more detail here). etc... By @johnrellis It is nto a Ui msifire. The soruce of the problem is the way LrC and CameraRaw handle Remove Refienments. @Rikk Flohr: Photography I have now documeted the issue and shared internally...I quoted you there. .
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‎Oct 24, 2024
11:06 AM
@johnrellis I use Chrome and usally it worked. I was seeing a red dot over the Extension suggesting the script is active and running. The script is active but seemingly not running. I wish the forums allowed Google spell check. Being dyslexic I make constant typos and invert letters, even though I know the right order. Adobe > Aodbe So spell check helps a lot. .
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‎Oct 24, 2024
10:31 AM
@Jasminder Singh_Obero8336 Can you share the photo of the woman in your example ? I need to verify one thing. .
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‎Oct 24, 2024
10:23 AM
1 Upvote
The Lightroom Queen article is a good reference and Victoria and Paul are keeping it updated: https://www.lightroomqueen.com/generative-remove-replace/ By @johnrellis Yes but it's not widely known. Personally I think that it should be Adobe to provide the info, available offline in LrC. But thats just me probably.
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‎Oct 24, 2024
10:11 AM
1 Upvote
@johngregoryfcb no there are no direct Ai Selections to be usable with Remove. Use Detect Objects Remove and paint over the "item" to remove. Unfortunately there is no "rectangular" mode for Objects in Remove so is not as fast (and good for performance) todo the selections like it is in Masking using Objects You can paint around the item to select and Gen Remove will auto fill it to make the selection. .
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‎Oct 24, 2024
10:00 AM
1 Upvote
All the tips and tricks to use Gen Remove should be available in LrC, via the help section or via an icon in the Remove Panel. We have now a new revamped "What's New" secrion and we could have a similar section dedicated to "How To Use Gen Remove" with explanations, images, videos, gifs, etc... So many users would NOT have problems if only this "manual" was made available within LrC. Praise must go to @johnrellis which seemingly all alone is sharing the good knowledge on the forums. Perhaps John we should create a "Gen Remove Guide" Plug-in 😉 .
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‎Oct 24, 2024
08:29 AM
@DhandaNot your screenshot shows you need to Update Ai Settings for Masking i.e. Red Dot under Masking panel icon. If you have a Sky Mask apllied it might be the cause of the smudges. Consider also there is a bug when trying to clone/heal a Sky affected by ANY type of Masks. .
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‎Oct 24, 2024
05:03 AM
@johnrellis For some reason Google spell check is still disabled on these forums although I have your script enabled. .
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‎Oct 20, 2024
08:18 PM
@johnrellis Ah ok then it's hard to tell what's the "logic" behind using one model or the other. Imo it would be ideal to let users decide which model to use. So let's say we get Firefly 3, Firefly 4 and so in then users might want to use older versions.
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‎Oct 20, 2024
08:05 PM
@johnrellis It might be that Remove is using one model AND Objects Remove uses the other one. Objects Remove in Content Aware has also different Expand. All of this just to say that I am not sure that Gen Remove in LrC 14 got a drastically different model compared to what we had in LrC 13. Ai gets us very different results based on the same Input If one refreshes the same Gen Remove 10 times it might get some repetitions but usually no two variations are alike. .
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‎Oct 20, 2024
07:31 PM
@johnrellis Gen I did my test and remove has two "pm_clio_model_version" and alternates between the two. Core Model is : 1.0.5-beta.1-1.2_1.2-8c2cea4 Then Remove can have either use: -a6 -, In LrC 13.5 I have created 2 Gen Remove (normal and Objects) and they have each one of the "sub-models". But maybe Remove is retroactive, since is powered by Firefly. Remove Detect Objects is using the same ModelVersion as Objects in Masking (I.e. ModelVersion = 234881976 ) BUT the team has changed the "Auto expand" that is applied on the resulting mask. E.g In LrC 13.5 the Remove Detect Objects was expanding, let's say X pixels. In LrC it expands 2X pixels. Those familiar with Photoshop know that any Ai selection can be "Expanded" in Ps...and more Camera Raw is kinda doing the same BUT we have no control on the "Expand" for Remove Detect Objects. .
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‎Oct 20, 2024
03:58 PM
1 Upvote
Lots of users are saying the older version was better. I have checked and unelss I am mistakenly Gen Remove in LrC 13 and LrC 14 is using the same ModelVersion(s) .
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‎Oct 19, 2024
08:51 AM
@ctcbox the uodate process automatically created a backup copy of your LrC 13.5 catalog It is in the folder Old Lightroom Catlogs located next to the catalog that was updated. I suggest to go back to using LrC 13 until Adobe fixes these bugs. Fwiw nobody needs to Update Ai Settings photo by photo. Select them all and run the command Update Ai Settings in batch. In LrC 13 there will be no update to do Btw.
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‎Oct 18, 2024
06:00 AM
When it comes to Generative Remove usually you will have no other choice then to generate anew. Check the screenshots: At this point Gen Remove failed, 3 version 0% usability. I need to rety. Ah ah, second attempt, variation 5 overall worked. 6 version but overall only 1 works. 1 in 6 success rate. Same image in Photoshop BUT with instructions when I type as instructions "Cat Fur" 3 versions 1 works 1 in 3 success rate...no need to iterate though version to see which works unlike LrC since thumbnails help. All it takes for Camera Raw to be more successful at removing is to add instruction..BUT that would open the door to also generating content on our images. That option is BTW one click away from you: Edit in > Adobe Photoshop: .
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‎Oct 18, 2024
01:21 AM
1 Upvote
@goodomenphoto LrC never showed wich Masks are affected in the Correction. E.g. Where is/are the Mask(s) that need(s) to be updated within these Corrections? (See screenshot) It is impossible to tell without opening each Correction one by one. I reported this problem in April 2023 This is the Ui I proposed. One can immediately find the Correction with mask(s) in need of update. .
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‎Oct 17, 2024
10:24 AM
1 Upvote
If you save your files the edits and metadata are saved into the sidecar, which is in XMP If you use DNG then the edits are saved inside the DNG. You said "edits on these files were gone" so I guessed you didn't save the edits and they were only in the catalog. If you had saved them they would have been seen by the catlaog and by reading metadata you would have gotten them.
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‎Oct 17, 2024
08:19 AM
@MIFKAP glad to hear it worked. It is strange that rhe latest catalog prior to the update to LrC 14 (I.e. the one in the Folder Old Lightroom Catlaog) was so much lighter than the previous ones, weeks older Save your edits in the XMP, this will ensure that even if the catalog gets lost (or corrupted) the edits are alongside the files and you can see them after import. Save in XMP only for the valuable files. . I personally backup every day, at the end of the day OR after a long editing session. I delete the backups older than 3 days. .
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‎Oct 17, 2024
12:48 AM
@tkoenig4141 without instructions Ai doesn't know what to do. Try in Phothsop and type "asphalt". Even if Ps fails you can more comfortably generetate many variations AND view their thumbnails. LrC will demand you to spend much time to view even only 3 variations. In any case please use the Report Variations option. That is the best way to pass the problem directly to Adobe. .
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‎Oct 17, 2024
12:11 AM
@MIFKAP You cannot get history back in any other way. You could do "Import from Another Catalog" BUT in this case that catlog is LrC 13 so the process will demand the Update of that catlog anyway. So simply re-upgrade your old LrC 13 c6atalog and hopefully this second time it will go well. I also suggest to rename the catalog appending the version number. E.g CatalogName v14.lrcat or CatalogName v14-1.lrcat You can rename by doing File > Catalog Rename Your exiting side folders will be renamed accordingly. CatalogName v14 Previews . Renaming used to be possible upon Upgrade but it was removed...leading to catlaogs with identical names BUT in different versions.
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‎Oct 16, 2024
11:38 PM
@till213 thanks for the insight. Please understand that after loosing 20Gb of histry I am now on the edge for even discrepancies of 20Mb. You know 10 histry steps less, or a Virtual Copy less, or a Snaphsot less somewhere might still do some damage. What is alarming is that during the upgrade LrC didn't detect any anomaly, didn't verify the upgrade was done properly. 30Gb in > 19Gb out 20Gb less should have immediately triggered a warning. .
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‎Oct 16, 2024
03:56 PM
@DdeGannes Lucky you! .
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‎Oct 16, 2024
03:51 PM
@Russell Proulx ACR demands users to drag handles to cop. Adjust Crop instead uses sliders ( a limit of the SDK that does not allow any control on the LrC UI) This said those sliders offer many advantages. For instance you can crop and zoom in /our and crop without having any distracting UI to deal with AND only visualising the current crop. ACR doens't allow that. If you think that's not good you can then spend your time to open the image in ACR just to crop. This request has been standing for 12 years now. @johnrellis provided a solution tha tis only limited by what the SKD allows. .
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‎Oct 16, 2024
03:33 PM
@MIFKAP I had the same problem Upon upgrade a copy of you old catalog was created in a folder called "Old Lightroom Catalogs"...it is located in the same folder of your current LrC 14 catalog. Keep that safe...move it to a safe location if you prefer but you can keep it there. Now copy the old catalog (I said copy, do not move it) back to the location of your choice., for instance where the current LrC 14 catalog is. If you have NOT not renamed your catalog after upgrade then copying the old LrC 13 catalog the same location of the current LrC 14 will overwrite it so be careful Upgrade again the LrC 13 catalog (it will be copied again a second time in a nearby "Old Lightroom Catalogs"), the date appended in the name will differ so you can identify them. E.g CatalogName_2024_10_dd_1235 CatalogName_2024_10_dd_2345 dd = day After upgrade verify your new LrC 14 catalog size is in line with the old one...this will be indication tha the upgrade this time carried over history. In my case I got a successful catalog upgrade at my second try Original Catalog 29.55Gb First LrC 14 upgrade 19Gb Second Catlog upgrade 29.52Gb There is a 30Mb discrepancy and the Adobe team has not explained it to me...yet. I have been able to work normally after the second upgrade. .
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‎Oct 16, 2024
03:18 PM
@Russell Proulx If you need to crop when zoomed then you can use the "Adjust Crop" command provided by "Any Crop" Plug-in: https://johnrellis.com/lightroom/anycrop.htm The author is @johnrellis No need to journey to ACR.
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‎Oct 16, 2024
03:02 PM
A bit of context for the users is need. Ai needs to be updated in 4 cases: 1. A new ModelVersion has shipped. LrC never informs users of this, it just demands you update your Ai without explanation...there is no way to determine current ModelVersion for any existing AI beside using the SDK/API photo:getDevelopSettings 2. Remove has been done and might affect the existing Ai Selection (Sky, Background, Subject, etc...) Reality is LrC never really verifies the location of the Remove so you must check yourself. e.g. Create a Ai Sky Mask. Use remove NOT on the Sky...on the land. LrC knows there is a Sky Mask and demands an update..BUT alas is not needed because the Sky is not affected. 3. Image was flipped vertically or horizontally. This affects Ai selections such as Sky. 4. Empty Ai maks or Remove are present on the image and thus need to be updated. LrC leaves Empty Ai on the photo because if you sync or copy them to another image it might actually detect them. Empty Remove are the result of interrupting "Update Ai Settings" when Syncing or Pasting the Ai powered Remove (Ren Remove , Content Aware) . Last but not least: Users should check always if the Update of AI settings gave better or worse results...visual check only.
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‎Oct 16, 2024
02:44 PM
1 Upvote
@dewaynec "Honestly, this whole "updating masks" thing doesn't make a lot of sense to me anyway. If Lightroom knows a mask needs updated, why doesn't it just update it then?" Because it is computationally expensive to update them AND also lrC let's users decide when its best to do it to minimise creating useless history steps. e.g Suppose you do a new Remove (Clone/Heal/Gen Remove...or Objects Aware) LrC doens't know if you need to do another Remove right after this one, LrC lets you decide when it's best to Update Ai Settings Otherise in history you would end up with this sequence: Update Ai Settings New remove Spot Update Ai Settings New remove Spot If LrC was updating Ai Settings automatically then you would find yourself staring at the Update Ai setting modal progress basically every time LrC finds one in need of Update..and if you cancel the update you end up with Empt Maks that will need to be updated...and the auto update would start again ad infinitum till you let it finish. Not good.
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‎Oct 16, 2024
08:31 AM
Is anyone getting back the Firefly Credits wasted due to the bug?
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‎Oct 15, 2024
11:50 PM
@johnrellis Opacity slider was available whenever we created a new stroke. It was removed for the Ui for LrC 14 so now the user must first paint then change Opacity. This leads a problem. If one sets an existing Remove to Opacity X then even the next new one will be at Opacity X. 1. So set an existing Remove/Clone/Heal at Opacity 0. 2. Create a new one. Result: The new one will start at Opacity 0 because we can't set it before painting anymore. We complained.
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‎Oct 15, 2024
07:48 AM
To all users having with Remove (i.e Gen Remve doing a poor job OR replacing object with another object) then use the "Report Variation" menu. You can send the images to Adobe so that eventually can train the Ai. Unfortunately you must add a description of the problem because there are no checkboxes for "Quality issue" or "Replaced instead of Removed"...the two common case of Generative Content failure that so many of you are experiencing, that we all experience daily. Adobe will hopefully issue Firefly credits refunds. .
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