Sean, you write other langauges allow to choose the JVM you run it on top. The thing with ACF is the missing compatibility with recent releases. I have to update JAVA every once in a while. I don't care if the major or the minor release number increases. The possibilities in my opinion are either Adobe provides JAVA 8 releases for the money I bought the license with. Adobe can also recommend a free updated release like AdoptOpenJDK or Corretto. Other possibility is, Adobe updates CF to be compatible with recent JAVA versions. I'm not a JAVA developer. I cannot say how much 10, 11, 12 etc. differ. Maybe Adobe needs to do a handful fixes only, and is safe for a couple releases. I don't remember a CF update bringing a new JDK version, an updated installer, however, brought a newer JDK version. I always keep my JDK install recent myself. That allows to secure my installation against JAVA security issues.
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