Jan 01, 2019
08:15 AM
1 Upvote
I realized when implementing this script that it was not actually targeting the path by name and could therefore select a path on a layer above. I've changed it slightly so it targets the specific path named "Divider". var aDoc = app.activeDocument var myItem = aDoc.selection[0]; var Divider = aDoc.pathItems.getByName("Divider"); scale = myItem.width/Divider.width*100+8; Divider.resize(scale,100);
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Jan 09, 2019
08:56 AM
Hi ! Subfolders, this is not a problem just integrate everything in the dialog. (ListBox is more presentable see link) LR
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Dec 21, 2018
03:37 AM
Salut ! si dropdownresult = 50 1/50*10000 = 200 imprimer à = 1/dropdownresult*10000;
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Jan 01, 2019
11:23 AM
I think I just needed a refresher. The selection needed to be made a second time before applying. Thanks for your help.
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Dec 16, 2018
06:12 PM
I am worried that I did not explain clearly. When I change color by my color picker, the defaultFillColor will be changed. But when the defaultFillColor is changed by selecting one filled path or original color picker dialog, how can I get the new defaultFillColor to update my color picker automatically? @pixxxel schubser pixxxel schubserThank you for your reply. Do you mean I need to use C#?
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Dec 16, 2018
01:20 PM
Salut ! au minimum : //------------------- cols = 5; x= 0; y= 0 ; nbh = 20 for(var c = 2, len = swatches.length ;c < len; c++) { var swatchGroup = doc.groupItems.add(); = swatches .name; if (c != 2){ x= (w+h_pad)*((c-2)% cols) if((c-2)%cols == 0) { y-=(h+v_pad); } } rectRef = doc.pathItems.rectangle(y,x, w,h); //------------------- de LR
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Nov 26, 2018
04:42 AM
We are filled are stroked it appears on appearance palate. Snapshot for your reference. (Note: hight lighted color is white). Test file has attached: Thanks and regards. Kalaimani.s
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Nov 20, 2018
12:37 PM
Ah vous parlez français, c'est cool. Sinon, j'ai fais a peu près ça pour contourner le problème. C'est dommage que le fait que la propriété position ne prend qu'un couple de valeurs, ne soit pas écrit dans la documentation ExtendScript.
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Nov 23, 2018
12:46 PM
Salut !
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Nov 16, 2018
10:00 AM
Sorry renél80416020 wrong example. Transformation.CENTER does never works correct with your (star) example
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Nov 15, 2018
01:14 PM
Salut ! Comme le dit pixxel schubser très important (origine globale) var dec = 5; var ep = 4; var myDocument = app.activeDocument; var ab = myDocument.artboards[0]; var rect = ab.artboardRect; var myLayer = myDocument.layers.add(); = "titre de Doc"; // Ajouter un nouveau bloc de texte var myLabel = myLayer.textFrames.add(); myLabel.contents ='.ai'; myLabel.textRange.characterAttributes.size = 7; myLabel.position = [rect[0]+dec, rect[1]-dec]; // ajouter le contour de artboards[0] var width = rect[2]-rect[0]; var height = rect[1]-rect[3]; var cadre = myDocument.pathItems.rectangle(rect[1],rect[0],width,height); cadre.resize((1-ep/width)*100,(1-ep/height)*100); cadre.filled = false; cadre.stroked = true; cadre.strokeWidth = ep; cadre.opacity = 30; de elleere
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Nov 13, 2018
06:01 AM
Salut ! // JavaScript Document for Illustrator var space = 10; // pt var symbIndex = 0; function slign(dec,index) { var currObj, VBounds, currInstance; for( var i = 0; i < selection.length; i++ ){ currObj =selection; VBounds =currObj.visibleBounds; currInstance= activeDocument.symbolItems.add(activeDocument.symbols[index]); currInstance.position = [(VBounds[0]+VBounds[2])/2-currInstance.width/2,VBounds[3]-dec]; } } if (app.documents.length) { slign(space,symbIndex); } de LR elleere
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Nov 06, 2018
10:33 AM
1 Upvote
Additional Information. J’aimerais savoir quelle est la finalité de ton script, ce que tu veux faire exactement ? J’ai indiqué dans le message précédent que le chemin "c:\\Users\\René\\Desktop\\convert1\\convert2\\convert3\\" n’était pas pris en compte par ton script, la raison est la présence du caractère «é» de code ASCII 233 qui donne en hex E9 mais ne convient pas car il faut utiliser pour l’encodage la norme UTF8. La fonction hexEncode de ton script n’est pas adaptée, elle ne converti correctement que les code ASCII de 32 à 126. Autre exemple : Le caractère « € » (euro) dont le code est ASCII 8364, converti en hexadécimal 20AC ne convient pas ? Pour éditer ce caractère on utilise ALT+0128 et 128 en hexadécimal vaut 80 ne convient pas ? Pour finir « € » (euro) caractère UNICODE s’encode sur 3 octets : 226, 130, et 172 en décimal est E282AC en hexadécimal. Sachant que pour un nom de dossier (Windows) seuls les caractères \/:*?<>| sont interdits, il convient de modifier cette fonction. Pour un résultat correct, se reporter aux deux exemples cités plus bas. newFileDestination placeFileDest charLength newfiledestHex h:\€ 683a5ce282ac (3octets) 6 au lieu de 4 pour newFileDestination C:\Users\René 433a5c55736572735c52656ec3a9 (2 octets) 14 au lieu de 13 Ce qui implique pour "charLength" de déterminer la valeur à partir du la longueur du code hexadecimal/2 (nombre d’octets) et ainsi éviter le message d’erreur que tu as cité (29oct). var newfiledestHex = hexEncode(newFileDestination); writeFile(actionFileDestStr, actionString.replace("charLength", newfiledestHex.length/2). replace("placeFileDest", newfiledestHex)); Si tu veux un script qui fonctionne avec liste prédéfinie de chemins et une ligne de saisie pour un nouveau chemin ou ??? Me contacter par mail De LR elleere
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Oct 26, 2018
08:22 AM
Salut renél, thanks for your reply! I haven't tested in in CS6, but your code works fine in CC2019. In this case I would prefer Carlos' solution. But I'm sure I can use your suggested "File.decode" function one day to solve similar issues. Have a great weekend! Jens
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Oct 23, 2018
10:17 AM
Salut! Sur les anciennes versions (pour Windows) CTRL+ALT+A Sélection > inverser CTRL+3 Pour revenir en arrière CTRL+ALT+3 De LR
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Oct 24, 2018
03:02 AM
Salut ! I can do this script, my details are under my profile picture. de elleere
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Oct 13, 2018
03:55 AM
Salut ! I can do this script, my details are under my profile picture. de elleere
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Oct 16, 2018
03:45 AM
hello, @renél80416020, non désolé mais je n'exploite plus cette boite mail même si elle reste mon id Adobe. Tu peux me contacter via mon site web : Et désolé si jamais ton mail contenait une réponse valide. Au cas où poste la ici et je t'accorderai la réponse correcte.
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Oct 11, 2018
02:31 PM
Thank you! I really appreciate the help with this.
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Oct 12, 2018
03:48 AM
Salut ! For me it's France. Do you create a predefined parameter that includes the vectorization options ? it makes things a lot easier. De elleere
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Oct 04, 2018
09:48 PM
Genius! Agreed that swatches and these settings are odd for spots. It looks like info is stored at many levels of objects, for example app.activeDocument.swatches["test"], holds the CMYK value, and seems pretty convoluted vs the standard swatch. I forgot to mention the restriction for filling with a spot color only applies if there is transparency involved in a raster grayscale image. If there's a white fill any color can be used to fill. The downside to this is of course if the spot color swatch is deleted the raster images turn back to solid black, however this is similar behavior to what can happen with spot colors anyway if they're out of gamut and become desaturated when converting to CMYK. Being that the default fill color changes with every fill, or shape selected, this may be the most straight forward method. This method also lets you fill multiple paths at the same time without having to loop through them!
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Nov 24, 2018
10:36 PM
While you may use a script to act upon your existing files, going forward you can make use of Adobe Illustrator's Variable Data feature and use extra scripts for fitting text into a box if the font size makes it overset. This would be useful if you anticipate similar work in the future whereby afterwards such changes are necessary. The official Adobe implementation as of March 2018 is here: Merge data to create data-driven graphics through templates and variables in Illustrator My own VI script is available here, still quite useful and better option for those CS6 users: Then you can use a script in your batch processing to shrink font sizes: Adobe-Illustrator/DealWithOversetText_SingleLine.jsx at master · Silly-V/Adobe-Illustrator · GitHub Note: when this script is used with 1st record active, it sets the 'original size' into a scripting tag and subsequently resets the text to this size on each dataset before determining the overset. It removes the tag on the last dataset. You can read more about it here: Adobe Illustrator Variable Data: dealing with overset text.
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Sep 17, 2018
07:00 AM
I can adjust my script to place the starting point in the top left of all the tracks automatically selected. It would be nice to have an example : (When we cut the letter out there is the potential for a minuscule bump to be at the Starting Anchor ??) Cut with that Tool ? And to do what ? de LR
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Sep 02, 2018
06:42 AM
Hi Carlos, thanks guys. Yeah I've used sublime 2 & 3 and it's cool. I think these programmes are more for the experts, and not really helpful for the beginners. Autocomplete is cool, but you need to have an idea of what commands do what, where the object browser really is handy; it lets absolute noobs like me get an idea of what's what. I find Sublime lacks a decent way importing images, there's a plugin that completes the path name but I've found it a bit sketchy. If I'm doing a site with a lot of images I find Dreamweaver to be very helpful. OffTopic, you're completely right, I've yet to find an app with a proper manual. I really liked VBA and I'm in Excel a lot. I know Microsoft have moved towards Javascript too and I wonder how that will be in excel. Thanks for your input guys, and your recommendation of Atom.
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Aug 29, 2018
05:35 AM
You cannot access items of a locked layer with myDoc.selection. that's the main reason for having a locked property.
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Aug 27, 2018
03:16 PM
Thanks everyone for the help. I found the real problem and hence the difference between the Illustrator 2014 and 2018 When looked closely at my file, I noticed an empty Path object at the outer perimeter In Illustrator 2014 an empty path object does not count for "visible" and thus the visible boundary was smaller while in 2018 version it does count even though it is empty and has no stroke or anything at all
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Aug 30, 2018
05:09 PM
Hello! Sorry, I did not send the email, I did not have an example to provide. Someone else wanted me to build a panel / UI for this and provided me with part of that script, so I expanded it but didn't know exactly how they'd use it. I plan on rebuilding the UI from the ground up and was planning to get back to you at that point. Also with your script, coooooool! lol How are you doing the positioning for these mosaics? Any form of collision detection, or is it through the bounding box? I saw an example using Pathfinder by Ten Here, but I get two error messages in trying. I was planning to try and use that route but found LiveXMLEffect doesn't work the same and doesn't detect collisions. How did you do the 10 and 40 also? I tried to make it all together but that became confusing. Is your script anything like this one ?
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Aug 17, 2018
01:50 PM
Salut ! Exemple : app.activeDocument.path.modified; donne /i/Documents_ren%C3%A9/illustrator/courbe Sat Apr 05 2014 15:24:16 GMT+0200 alors que : app.activeDocument.fullName.modified donne : /i/Documents_ren%C3%A9/illustrator/courbe/ Fri Nov 01 2013 13:45:30 GMT+0100 Ensuite, reste à isoler le date et l'heure et comparer. Donnez un exemple de date fixe ? De elleere File object properties modified Date The date of the referenced file’s last modification, or null if the object does not refer to a file on disk. Read only.
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Jul 01, 2019
02:19 AM
In CC 2017, If i use action to add character style: If Text not setting any attributes, it will display a dialog of Character style when call action ( in CS6 :it can create character style and not display dialog). How can turn off dialog?
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Aug 15, 2018
12:29 PM
1 Upvote
anytime. i owe my livelihood to other helpful folks on this forum. paying it forward to the "next generation", as it were, is the best way i know how to pay back my debt. 😃
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