‎Dec 04, 2023
08:21 AM
Photoshop appears on this list now. Has this issue been resolved?
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‎Nov 28, 2023
07:31 AM
Figured I would add my voice to the choir. I have had this problem for so long I have forgotten about it. My "solution" was to just conclude the "Object Aware" does not work and "Color Aware" is the only way forward. Probably not what the engineers want to hear but that is how I have proceeded for the last year or so. I know I am probably not getting the most out of this tool but the jagged selections burned me under deadline once too often. M1 Max Studio 64 GB RAM All OS's from 12.0.0 - 13.6.1 All versions of PShop from 24 - 25.1
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‎Oct 27, 2023
09:06 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you Adobe team for the option to turn off the badge on layer masks in the Layer Panel Options. However in the latest beta (downloaded 10/27) this appears to not survive a relaunch. Option must be selected each time the app is opened.
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‎Oct 26, 2023
12:23 PM
1 Upvote
Many thanks! If it is of any help, reverting to 25.0 release solved the issue for now.
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‎Oct 26, 2023
08:15 AM
I should add that attempting to add the release version to the Full Disk Access pane in the Privacy & Security system settings pane only results in the beta being added, even if I remove the beta first and then add the release version. It just pops back to the beta.
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‎Oct 26, 2023
08:09 AM
Updated my regular Photoshop to 25.1 this morning but now no image will open in it from a double click in the finder, instead it opens in the beta. I can change the default app via the get info panel but when using the "change all" option (which is customary) it "snaps" back to the beta. This was not happening with regular photoshop 25.0. Not sure if it is a beta version issue, a release version (25,1) issue, or an OS (13.6) issue. But it only started happeneing when the release version was updated. This is across all file types I have so far tried, .psd, .psb, .tif, .jpg I'd post in the regular forum but pretty sure if I mention the beta it would get moved here.
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‎Oct 09, 2023
07:15 AM
OMG yes, it's like, here is a thing you didn't know you didn't need here to cover up the part of this feature that you really need.
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‎Sep 14, 2023
12:09 PM
1 Upvote
No, according to a discussion in the beta forum, this is now the intended behavior of the devs.
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‎Sep 14, 2023
09:47 AM
Having this bug too on Mac (Ventura, Studio M1 Max). The icon updates to the current representation of the mask after a few more edits but it is never correct at the outset.
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‎Sep 13, 2023
11:51 AM
I know from the beta forum that this is intentional behavioir but I find it extremely annoying and is a time suck. Behavioir: When a intending to brush on a mask connected to a smart layer, adjustment layer, solid color layer or any other layer that cannot be painted on, but the mask layer is not currently active, a new pixel layer is created somewhere in the layer stack unbeknownst to the user and all brushstrokes are applied there. Expected behavior: A dismissable dialog that serves to remind me to reselect the mask. Disadvantages: - The placement of the new layer seems arbitrary. It's not immediately above, nor is it at the top, though it always seems to land somewhere above. Occasioanlly it unclips a layer. This is a workflow disaster when it happens if not immediately noticed. - The effect of the unintended brushstrokes may actually mimic the intended brushing on the mask (almost always true in the case of a solid color layer) causing the user to continue unaware of the new layer and its effect in the file. In a files with dozens or hunderds of layers, this is a real problem. - The circumstance of having the mask layer not be active can itself be caused by Photoshop behavioir and not that of the user. Example: user is brushing on a layer mask whilst having a selection active, user temporarily goes into quick mask to alter the selection and then leaves quick mask. This causes the mask to be unselected. Photoshop does not return from quick mask in the same state it entered quick mask. Advantages: - Developers are intending to "reduce friction" for users who intended to brush where they could not by automatically creating a layer for them to do that. Proposed solution: - Can we have a dialog box with words to the effect of "This layer is not directly editable - Create new pixel layer? or Edit mask instead?" with the familar "don't show again" checkbox at the bottom. This would reduce fritcion in both cases. Photoshop 25.0.0 Ventura 13.5.1 Studio Max M1 2022
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‎Sep 05, 2023
06:51 AM
1 Upvote
This is happeneing to me too right from the first iteration of the tool, in both beta and release versions. It seems underreported here so I am not sure it is universal. Can others test and comment? The workaround I use is: duplicate the layer you are working on place a solid color layer (of any color) underneath the duplicate select both the duplicate and the new layer and merge together clip this merged layer to the original layer below work your remove tool magic on the merged layer, now at normal speed merge the clipped layer into the oroginal layer below when done. The first four steps and the final step can be written as an action with a stop inserted for the actual retouching. It's not as cumbersome as it looks here. But I sure wish Adobe would fix this.
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‎Aug 31, 2023
06:41 AM
1 Upvote
In the little drop down arrow to the right of the swatch that shows the color you are mixing, there is an option to "clean brush." Selecting this will allow you to mix with transparency, or in other words "paint with transparent as the color."
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‎Aug 28, 2023
01:42 PM
Upon updating to the latest beta (8/28 release) I see that eash time I create a new adjustment layer it is automatically tagged gray. Is this a feature or a bug? I have to manually uncheck the gray each time as my workgroup uses gray tagged layers for other purposes. Editing existing docuaments is creating much confusion today. Mac Studio M1 Max 64 GB RAM Ventura 13.4.1 [edited for typo]
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‎Aug 18, 2023
10:21 AM
Loving the results from the remove tool, especially for smallish areas with stochastic detail. It keeps getting better and better with each release. One issue: Currently the tool is only efficient if the active layer is the same size or larger than the canvas and has no trasnparency. If the active layer is a small cutout or even just has a "hole" somehwere in it so underlying layers show through, each stroke generates a progress bar of 10-20 seconds, no mater how small. Workaround: create a solid color layer below the layer being worked on and merge the two to create a pixel layer equal in size to the canvas. Remove tool then works at normal speed. Question: Is the plan for the final release version of the tool that this workround is not necessary? Can the remove tool be made to work on a layer of any size?
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‎Aug 17, 2023
08:57 AM
And now it seems this one was too. I give up. This is not a smart layer issue, this is a mask selction issue.
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‎Aug 17, 2023
08:56 AM
My original post was relocated to a spot where it would not be found by anyone who was experiencing this behaviour outside the context of a smart layer.
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‎Aug 17, 2023
08:50 AM
1 Upvote
I realize my original post about this was moved to a discssion about similar behavior regarding Smart Layer rasterization but since the new behavior occurs more widely I feel it should be seen in the general feed. I understand the developers' desire to "remove friction" but this particular scenario is one that occurs because of a previous misguided (in my opinion) change in behavioir, one that many users have complained about when it was implemeted years ago: If I am brushing on an adjustment layer mask and for example go to Quick mask temprorarily (or do some other easily reversable move) and then exit out of Quickmask, I am returned to the layer without the layer mask selected. This was an unwelcome chnage for many of us who then have to manually recselect the mask and continue. Many of us were wondering why this was a necessary change in the first place. Now this new behavior of creating a new layer somehwere in the stack instead of the gentle reminder to reselect the layer mask compounds that confusion by creating a new unwanted layer. We now have two steps to get back to where we were now, and not one. For a change in target layer that we did not initiate, but was instead initiated for us. This is double the friction. Or rather reducing the friction on the path to an unwated place. I would downvote this new feature. Or please make it opt-in.
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‎Aug 17, 2023
08:24 AM
Unsure if this is a bug or a feature: With an adjustment layer selected if I intend to paint on the mask but that mask itself is mistakenly not selected, I am accustomed to getting the "layer is not directly editable" dialog box and the cursor is a circle with cross (do not enter style). The new behavior is that instead of the warning dialog interrupting, a new pixel layer is created somewhere else in the layer stack (often many layers distant from the current layer) and brushing immediatly begins on that layer. I can usually detect this right away and correct my mistake and this is merely annoying. But often the new unwanted layer is clipped to another layer, rendering the new brushstrokes invisible. Thus it often takes a while, perhaps many brushstrokes before I realize what has happened. This moves from the level of annoying to the level of exasperating. Espexially in a document of several dozen layers where the new layer could literally be anywhere. Is this the intended behavior of a new feature in testing? Or a bug? I also notice that the initial burshstroke that creates the new unwanted layer shows up in the History Pallete as a brush stroke, but instead of the brush icon accompanying it, it has the layer icon accomanying it. Which is why I suspect this is intentional behaviour and perhaps not a bug. Is there any way I can continue to use the beta and disable this beahavior? Mac Studio M1 Max macOS 13.4.1 64 GB mem latest 25.0.0 beta I can upload my current setup yada yada yada but I can assure you nothing has changed on my end other than the new beta being used and I can also assure you that the release version continues to function normally in this regard, so I am hesitant to go through the whole "uploading all your data" process. Can you comment on this assuming the usual data dump would reveal nothing unusual or new in in my setup?
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‎May 08, 2023
01:51 PM
Many thanks.
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‎May 08, 2023
12:32 PM
It's that when I grab to rotate (all I'm trying to do is rotate), it instead commits (which dismisses the transform) unless I grab VERY close to the bounding box. Once upon a time when there was no click-to-commit, you could click-drag anywhere outside the bounding box to grab and rotate. Then it was changed so you had to grab close to the bounding box to rotate, else it would be treated as a click, which commits the transform. Now it seems that you have to grab extrememly close to the bounding box to rotate without committing. (edited for typos)
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‎May 05, 2023
03:53 PM
Since upgrading to 24.4.1 every time I have used the Free Transform tool to rotate I accidentally commit the transform. It seems that the "target" perimeter around the transform for rotating has shrunk again. I realize it became restricted to an area close but on the outside of the box a few versions ago so that comnitting was easer to do (just click away from the box), but now it seems the area around the box available for "grabbing" to rotate is even tinier. I had just gotten used to the previous change and it seems to have gotten even pickier. I don't think it's me, I do hundreds of rotations a day several days a week and suddenly my success at "grabbing" to rotate has plummeted. Was this intended or is it a bug? Is there any way to revert to previous behavior? macOS 12.6.4 Mac Studio 2022 M1 Max
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‎Apr 25, 2023
08:46 AM
Thanks for replying, yes I could post a video but there is nothing new to report, it is exactly as described by dozens of us over the past year in this long thread. It would seem you are treating this as an unknown new thing but it is over a year since it has been brought to the attention of this forum. The video posted on 30 Apr, 2022 by mariussteffen.de is as perfect as any video I could upload. Moreover the option-clicking the dock icon, suggested in later pages of this thread restores the dialog box temporarily. So I don't think there is anything to gain by me uploading.
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‎Apr 25, 2023
07:45 AM
1 Upvote
Here to report that with 24.4.1 this problem has become much more prevalent again. Studio M1 Max 64GB RAM dual displays Monterey 12.6.4 In recent versions it was an "afternoon" issue occasionally. It is now a "morning" issue reliably. Restarting the app cures it but with several open windows and an invisible dialog box for many of them required to close them, this is getting to be a big time waste again. Annoying. Restarting the app works every time but bosses looking over shoulders get sick of hearing this explanation. Can't update to Ventura until IT oks it. Understandably they are skeptical.
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‎Feb 24, 2023
09:24 AM
Chiming in to say I have this too and also that it was apparent in previous versions, previous OS's, and previous (Intel) machines.
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‎Jan 20, 2023
02:30 PM
Bumping to say this is still an issue in 24.1.1
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‎Jan 20, 2023
02:27 PM
Bumping to say this is still an issue in 24.1.1
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‎Dec 20, 2022
01:49 PM
Hi Adam, thanks for hving a look at it. Unfortunately it's not my machine and my employer has our access to the beta blocked.
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‎Dec 20, 2022
11:23 AM
Bumping this again with new news, it has continued to happen more than periodically but a new wrinkle today in that it happened while interacting with an Hue/Sat adjustment layer. All else is the same: complete hang, no spinning beach ball, no hidden dialog box, no input allowed, rest of the machine fucntions normally - except when returning to photoshop, the previous app's menus do not change to photoshop's, even though photoshop otherwise appears to move to the front, palletes and all. Here is a link to a sample taken as quickly as I could take it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gl-pZXMSnflcGXBbNMZ5xjeNkh2s5XuB/view?usp=share_link
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‎Dec 19, 2022
02:38 PM
PShop 24.0.1 macOS 12.6.1 M1 Max Mac Studio Fairly simple issue described in title. Expected result is a new layer but the result is that the current layer is edited with the fill. Behavior is normal otherwise and since the selection remains active the workaround (floating the selected and filled part of the layer and reverting the original layer) is simple. But should be looked into.
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‎Dec 09, 2022
03:45 PM
Update: Quitting PShop and restarting the machine several times during the day seems to now be keeping this at bay, though I can't deduce why. Just wanted engineers to have an update. Not the best workaround but pretty good. Have not had it happen this week.
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