‎Jul 21, 2022
07:35 AM
I meant flare not flair. Sorry.
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‎Jul 21, 2022
07:31 AM
Yes, the specific step that created this pattern is called a "Defog" action from another photographer. Spcifically it's unsharp mask, amount 20%, Radius 40 pixels, Threshold 0. These files are created by HDR and often appear to have a bit of haze or flair. This was supposed to reduce that effect but it unfortunately caused the banding issue. Thank you for your comment.
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‎Jul 21, 2022
07:27 AM
Thank you for the suggestion. I'll keep that in mind for future work.
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‎Jul 20, 2022
04:03 PM
1 Upvote
I have discovered that this pattern was created by one of my sharpening steps in an action that I use. Thanks for the comments and suggestions.
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‎Jul 20, 2022
12:53 PM
I recently did finishing work on some files of a hotel for one of my clients. On a few of the walls appeared what looks like a moire pattern in the processed images. I use Lightroom for processing prior to retouching the files. This pattern doesn't show up in the original JPEG files sent to me by the client. I have no idea what created this pattern. I didn't do anything different than usual in my processing. Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated. See attached photos.
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‎Jul 19, 2022
08:17 PM
After contacting Asus (my motherboard manufacturer) I talked to tech support and learned that the SATA ports that I am using for DVD's on my motherboard are disabled when an M.2 SSD is plugged into a particular port on the motherboard. They share functionality !! I was unaware of this. I moved my M.2 drive to another port and both of my DVD players work perfectly. It did indicate this in the manual but I misread it when searching for the cause of my problem. Thank you ASUS. Now back to work. Thanks for your suggestions.
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‎Jul 02, 2022
08:12 AM
1 Upvote
Is there any way to remove me from a discussion post? I keep getting daily emails on updated posts. I've resolved my issue and I really don't want to continue email updates on this post. Thanks !
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‎Jun 23, 2022
08:59 AM
1 Upvote
Just wanted to update my situation. After trying all of the suggestions offered here and online I resorted to my "Emergency Backup System Copy drive". Months ago I decided to get an SSD drive and clone my main drive just for emergencies like this. Best $60 I ever spent. The backup drive booted just fine and all things back to normal. I cloned that drive to my main drive and hopefully will have no more problems. I don't know what caused all these problems but apparently something corrupted my system. Thanks to all who shared their thoughts and suggestions. Happy computing to everyone.
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‎Jun 22, 2022
11:05 AM
What does this mean?
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‎Jun 22, 2022
10:07 AM
Photoshop Error information Code: -1 Text: because of a program error Message: Could not complete your request because of a program error. Stack: Adobe Photoshop 23.3.2 20220503.r.458 d8a9c44 0 address: 0x00007FF7E4CAD822 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: xmlListWalk:-1 in n.a. 1 address: 0x00007FF7E2F9E044 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: xmlFreeRMutex:-1 in n.a. 2 address: 0x00007FF7E2F9D669 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: xmlFreeRMutex:-1 in n.a. 3 address: 0x00007FF7E2456A34 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: xmlFreeRMutex:-1 in n.a. 4 address: 0x00007FF7E2456841 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: xmlFreeRMutex:-1 in n.a. 5 address: 0x00007FF7E24568F1 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: xmlFreeRMutex:-1 in n.a. 6 address: 0x00007FF7E2456861 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: xmlFreeRMutex:-1 in n.a. 7 address: 0x00007FF7E24645CD base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: xmlFreeRMutex:-1 in n.a. 8 address: 0x00007FF7E2FDE7F5 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: xmlFreeRMutex:-1 in n.a. 9 address: 0x00007FF7E2FE1778 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: xmlFreeRMutex:-1 in n.a. 10 address: 0x00007FF7E2FE115A base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: xmlFreeRMutex:-1 in n.a. 11 address: 0x00007FF7E2FC1E09 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: xmlFreeRMutex:-1 in n.a. 12 address: 0x00007FF7E0A03548 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: ??4AIDEOutputStreamCallBacks@AIDE@@QEAAAEAU01@AEBU01@@Z:-1 in n.a. 13 address: 0x00007FF7E0A035E6 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: ??4AIDEOutputStreamCallBacks@AIDE@@QEAAAEAU01@AEBU01@@Z:-1 in n.a. 14 address: 0x00007FF7E09F6BCF base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: ??4AIDEOutputStreamCallBacks@AIDE@@QEAAAEAU01@AEBU01@@Z:-1 in n.a. 15 address: 0x00007FF7E0A0D741 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: ??4AIDEOutputStreamCallBacks@AIDE@@QEAAAEAU01@AEBU01@@Z:-1 in n.a. 16 address: 0x00007FF7E0CC34E7 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: ?do_max_length@?$codecvt_null@_W@archive@boost@@EEBAHXZ:-1 in n.a. 17 address: 0x00007FF7E09F95DE base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: ??4AIDEOutputStreamCallBacks@AIDE@@QEAAAEAU01@AEBU01@@Z:-1 in n.a. 18 address: 0x00007FF7E0C5B1D2 base: 0x00007FF7E0410000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: ?do_max_length@?$codecvt_null@_W@archive@boost@@EEBAHXZ:-1 in n.a. 19 address: 0x00007FFDC6F17034 base: 0x00007FFDC6F00000 module name: 'KERNEL32.DLL' symbol: BaseThreadInitThunk:-1 in n.a. 20 address: 0x00007FFDC7BA2651 base: 0x00007FFDC7B50000 module name: 'ntdll.dll' symbol: RtlUserThreadStart:-1 in n.a.
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‎Jun 22, 2022
07:18 AM
I'll check that out as soon as I solve my Graphics card problem. Thank you !!
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‎Jun 22, 2022
07:17 AM
Thank you for the suggestion. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the current Studio driver 3 times with no change in the problem. Sorry.
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‎Jun 22, 2022
07:15 AM
I have reverted back to Photoshop 23.3.2 and I no longer see the "Graphics Processor is Incompatible" message however the "Open CL" option is still grayed out. According to NVIDIA the current driver for my GPU contains OPEN CL. I don't know why I don't have that option available. I've contacted COREL about the same issue with Painter 2022. It's very odd that both of these programs are having issues with my graphics processor. Corel Painter indicates that my GPU can't be used. See attached photo. I am wondering if all of the changes made to my settings in Device Manager yesterday to solve a problem with my DVD drives has anything to do with it. I deleted some of the devices and restarted in order to replace the drivers with a restart. When it rains it pours. Any suggestions are most welcome. Thanks. BTW, I have updated my NVIDEA driver 3 times with a clean install using the "Studio" version. Didn't help.
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‎Jun 21, 2022
02:52 PM
Today for the first time, I got a warning that my graphics processor is incompatible. It indicates that I don't have Open CL and I need a driver update. My GPU is an NVIDEA GE force GTX 1660 with 6 GB of VRAM. I've updated the driver and according to NVIDEA Open CL is included in the driver. I've never seen this warning before today however I use Corel Painter and it also indicates that my GPU can't be detected for using advanced features. I read a previous post recommending disabling an onboard graphic card. This did not improve the situation. I've uninstalled all NVIDEA software and started over with just a current driver. I'm really puzzled because to my knowledge I haven't had this problem before. Coincidently I discovered that my DVD drives aren't displaying in the explorer !! I've been working on all the suggestions I've read online to correct that problem but nothing works. Not sure if that's related but it sure is odd that all of this happened today. Any suggestions are appreciated. See screen shot attached. Thanks to all.
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‎Mar 31, 2022
12:31 PM
When I use the scrubby slider then I can input my preferred level of opacity from the numbers keyboard and no beeping. Also reverted to the previous version with the same result. Very strange. Thanks to everyone with your comments and suggestions.
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‎Mar 31, 2022
12:22 PM
I renamed my preferences folder and Photoshop created a new Pref. folder. Now when I use the numbers keys it will put opacity in levels of 10, 20 ,30 etc. Example, I want to enter 53 percent, I press the 5 number key and before I can enter the 3 it has already entered 50% and it beeps. Lately Photoshop is beeping at many things that I can't see is the problem. When I change tools, when I want to change layer opacity, when deselecting an object. This behaviour started with the last update. Very annoying.
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‎Mar 31, 2022
12:18 PM
I highlight the Opacity-text-field, then use the number keys to indicate my preferred level of opacity. Thanks.
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‎Mar 31, 2022
07:11 AM
Jane, This started after the last update. I hate to rebuild my preferences as it is such a hassle to get back to my prefered workspace. I'll try that or revert back to a previous version of Photoshop and see if it still does it. Thanks for your suggestions. BTW, do you know an "easy" way to delete the preferences folder to rebuild and get my preferences back? I make copies of all items but I still have to reinstall actions and custom shortcuts.
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‎Mar 31, 2022
07:07 AM
Windows 10 Professional
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‎Mar 29, 2022
02:24 PM
I've been using Photoshop since 1990 and I've never had this problem. Tapping faster doesn't work for me. Something changed in the updated version. Must be a bug of some sort. Thanks for the suggestion.
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‎Mar 29, 2022
11:51 AM
Does anyone know why you can't manually fill in an opacity for layers in the current version of Photoshop CC? Now I can only use scrubby sliders or the slider bar. I prefer to put a number in the opacity section but it only takes a number up to 9. Very strange. Thanks for your comments.
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‎Mar 13, 2022
11:49 AM
Thank you Jeffrey. I did as you suggested and it appears that may have corrected the problem ! If not, I'll keep you posted. I appreciate your help.
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‎Mar 13, 2022
08:06 AM
I am encountering a one to two second lag when using Photoshop 23.2.1. When moving or using zoom and then using shortcut to select the brush tool or when changing between different tools using shortcuts I'm seeing a definite lag. I don't recall seeing this prior to the most recent update. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this problem. It's very annoying !! I guess I can always revert back to a previous version if there isn't a fix for this issue. Any comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks !!
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‎Jan 24, 2022
09:54 AM
I cannot boot my computer to deactivate Photshop CC due to a bad motherboard. My operating system will have to be reinstalled. Does anyone know the procedure for deactivation when you are unable to open Photoshop? Thanks !!
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‎Dec 15, 2021
01:33 PM
Sorry everyone. Call off the dogs !! I restarted my system and tried again with success. Hopefully the Photoshop ghosts are gone.
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‎Dec 15, 2021
01:17 PM
Two attempts to update Photoshop to 23.0.2 have failed. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I did recently have to revert to a previous version in an attempt to fix a "replace sky" function. I actually had to remove the Settings folder and let Photoshop build a new Settings folder. I don't know if that had anything to do with it. Thanks !!
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‎Dec 14, 2021
11:32 AM
I found a solution in the Adobe Community forum online. I reset my "Settings" folder and now the replace sky function is working. While that procedure works, it's very inconvenient as I have to reset all of my preferences as they were previously. If there is another way to correct this I would like to know. Thank you.
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‎Dec 10, 2021
03:07 PM
I have since found some related posts here and tried the recommended action of removing my Settings Folder from Photoshop CC 2022. A new folder was built when I opened PS again with all new settings as expected. My workspaces and actions were missing but I went back to the previous Settings folder and added them to the new folder. I've tried several sky replacements with the new setup. Fingers crossed, so far it's working. Thanks to those who previously posted their information. BTW, resetting everything can be a real pain in the rear so everyone be sure to BACK UP all of your actions and work spaces. Save and Save often!!
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‎Dec 10, 2021
02:09 PM
Is anyone experiencing a problem with the Replace Sky feature in the latest and previous update of Photoshop CC 2022? Sometimes it works and sometimes it prompts "unable to complete task". I can't determine the reason for this. I tried all of the suggested remedies but I'm still having erratic behavior. I have posted a "bug" report but haven't seen anything from Adobe on this. Please help if you can. Thanks so much !!
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‎Dec 09, 2021
02:13 PM
I recently updated my Photoshop CC 2022 to the latest version and the Sky Replacement feature isn't working. I get a message that Photoshop is unable to perform this function. I reverted to a previous version and it does the same thing. Please advise how to correct this issue. Thanks so much.
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