Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Sep 23, 2019
02:35 PM
The slider should be visible to you even if you have Camera Standard as the profile selected instead of Adobe Standard or Adobe Color.
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‎Sep 23, 2019
02:29 PM
Hi Mary,
This Whites slider is still a part of the Basic panel in the Develop module of Lightroom Classic.
Would you mind sharing a screenshot of the Basic panel as it appears at your end?
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‎Sep 23, 2019
02:13 PM
1 Upvote
Hi there,
NEF is a proprietary RAW format that can not be altered by Lightroom Classic hence the edits you perform on the images are stored in the catalog (on in XMP files if you have enabled the option to do so in Lightroom).
If you save the images as tiff or JPEG through Lightroom Classic, a new file is created with the data of the RAW file and the edits you have done on the images.
If you still have the images in the catalog, you can link them to the new location on the hard drive using the steps in the link below and then save the files with the edits through Lightroom Classic.
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‎Sep 23, 2019
02:00 PM
Hi there,
The issue you have mentioned regarding the slow import speed may be due to an issue with the card reader as well since you have already tried to change the card slots.
Would you mind sharing a few more details to help diagnose the issue?
1. Help us with the version of Lightroom you are using by going to Help > System info
2. What is the version of the operating system that you are using?
3. Can you try using a different card reader to check if that helps?
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‎Sep 23, 2019
12:29 PM
Hi there,
We apologize about the issue you are facing with Lightroom crashing when importing images.
Would you mind telling me if the issue started after an update to the application or to Windows? And, have you tried using a different card reader?
You may try to reset the preferences for Lightroom classic using the link below.
Note : Please take a back up of your presets, profiles and other settings prior to resetting the preferences
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‎Sep 23, 2019
12:00 PM
Hi there,
The images show missing in Lightroom Classic if the application is unable to to locate them at the original location from where they were imported.
You would need to check if you have have moved or deleted the images from the location from where they were imported. For that, you can check the folder in the Library module to check if the folder that contains the images shows up a Question mark.
You can follow the steps mentioned in the article linked below to relocate/relink the images to the new location.
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‎Sep 23, 2019
08:44 AM
Hi There,
We apologize about the issue you are facing with Lightroom classic in the develop module.
This may be happening due to either an incompatible Graphic card or the Graphic drivers installed on the computer.
You can go to the Preferences for Lightroom through the Edit menu. Go to the Performance Tab and uncheck the option to Use Graphic Processor. If Lightroom is up to date to the latest version then select OFF from the drop down and select OK. Then quit and relaunch Lightroom Classic to check if the images appear properly in the develop module.
If it works with the Graphic Processor disabled. You can check the troubleshooting steps as per the below mentioned article.
Note: Though the acticle is for Photoshop but the steps should help with Lightroom as well.
Let us know if that helps.
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‎Sep 23, 2019
07:20 AM
Hi there,
We do not have an option to merge catalogs or import from another catalog in Elements organizer.
You can submit the idea as a feature request at the forums linked below. This forum is monitored directly by out developers and they can check if the feature can be included in a future version.[settings][type]=idea
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‎Sep 23, 2019
06:46 AM
Hi there,
When you open a RAW file in Camera Raw, you can make multiple adjustments to the file and then proceed as desired.
The option to save the file allows you to save the file in a DNG format with the adjustments/edits you have performed. DNG is a non-propriatary format which can be opened using various applications. When you open the DNG file, Camera Raw is able to show you the image along with the edits.
When you click on done, an xmp is created which saves all your edits alongside the original RAW file since the RAW formats (NEF, CR2, CR3, etc.) are propriatary to the camera manufacturer and hence the original files can not be altered. When you open the RAW file again, Camera Raw is able to detect the XMP (since it is saved with the same name as the RAW file) and show you the edits performed.
When you open the RAW file in Photoshop Elements, after editing it in Camera Raw you can edit the file further and save it as a PSD which would have the further edits stored in layers. Till the time you do not merge the layers or save the file as a JPEG or any other compressed format, you can still access the edited RAW file using the background layer (first layer) of the PSD.
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‎Sep 20, 2019
01:24 PM
Hi there,
Photoshop only supports basic touch functionality like pinch to zoom for the canvas/image or selecting the tools using the touch interface and not drawing. You can check the below mentioned article for the details.
As for the selection between OLED or a non-OLED panel, the choice would depend on the color reproduction of the screens. The higher color gamut the screen can support the better.
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‎Sep 20, 2019
12:39 PM
If you are facing the issue with a particular file then it is possible that Photoshop is not able to read the JPEG correctly due to a corruption in the file.
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‎Sep 20, 2019
11:55 AM
Hi there,
The Lightroom engineering team is able to create the tethering support for cameras based on the SDK for the camera provided by the camera manufacturer. Sony currently does not provide a camera SDK to allow Lightroom to control the Sony camera.
Please check with Sony if they provide a tether plug-in for Lightroom.
You may follow the discussion on the forum linked below and add your vote to the discussion. This forum is monitored directly by our developers.
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‎Sep 20, 2019
10:20 AM
1 Upvote
Hi there,
Scratch disk is basically the amount of free space on the main drive of your computer that Photoshop requires to Create necessary temporary files.
You can check the details mentioned in the article linked below.
To use an external hard drive as a scratch disk with the Macbook Pro, you would need a hard drive which is in the FAT32 file format.
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‎Sep 20, 2019
09:26 AM
Could you please check the amount of free space you have on the computer's C: drive? And what format if the file in that you are trying to embed?
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‎Sep 20, 2019
08:29 AM
Please try to reset the preferences of Photoshop once using the steps mentioned in the link below.
Note : Please take a backup of your presets, actions, brushes and other settings prior to resetting the preferences.
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‎Sep 20, 2019
08:16 AM
Glad we got it working. I would recommend you check the manufacturers website to for drivers updates for your Graphic card since this may be happening due to old or incompatible drivers.
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‎Sep 20, 2019
08:14 AM
Hi there,
We apologize for the issue you are getting while trying to embed or link images.
Would you mind going to the Help menu > System info and sharing the version of Photoshop with us along with the operating system version you are using?
You can to go to the Preferences for Photoshop, then navigate to the Performance tab and set Cache Level to 2 and the Cache Tile size to 1028K. Then quit and relaunch Photoshop to check if that helps.
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‎Sep 20, 2019
06:42 AM
Hi there,
We apologize for the issue you are facing while trying to use Lightroom Classic after the 8.4.1 update.
Would you mind going to the Preferences for Lightroom Classic, then navigating to the Performance tab and setting the option to Use Graphic Processor to OFF.
Once you have made the changes, please quit and relaunch the Lightroom Classic and check if that helps.
If you are able to see the images after setting the Graphic Processor OFF, then I would recommend installing the latest drivers from the manufacturers website prior to switching the option back ON.
You can also check the below mentioned article for assistance.
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Adobe Employee
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Sep 20, 2019
06:26 AM
‎Sep 20, 2019
06:26 AM
Hi there,
You can submit the feature request at the forum linked below. This forum is monitored directly by our developers and then can check if the feature can be included in a future version.
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Adobe Employee
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Sep 20, 2019
06:08 AM
‎Sep 20, 2019
06:08 AM
Hi there,
The Sony model ILCE-7RM4 is a fairly new camera, the support for which has been added recently to Lightroom, however, it is still in the preliminary stage.
Please see the article for supported cameras below.
I would request you to check if you have any updates available for Lightroom to ensure you have the latest version of the application installed.
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Adobe Employee
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Sep 19, 2019
02:54 PM
‎Sep 19, 2019
02:54 PM
Hi there,
JPEG is a highly compressed format and hence the image size gets reduced drastically when saving the images from RAW to JPEG.
You can keep the image Quality at 100 and the Resolution at 300 pixels per inch while exporting the image from Lightroom Classic and that should give you decent result. Also, ensure that the option for Resize to Fit is unchecked.
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‎Sep 19, 2019
12:41 PM
Hi there,
PNG was designed for transferring images on the Internet, not for professional-quality print graphics, and therefore does not support non-RGB color spaces such as CMYK.
To convert the document to CMYK in Photoshop. Open the image in Photoshop and then go to the Image menu > Mode > CMYK color.
You would need to save the file as JPEG or the other available formats using the Save as command.
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‎Sep 19, 2019
12:23 PM
Hi there,
Could you confirm if you are using a Mac or Windows computer?
In case you are using a Mac and the pop up is asking for the password to allow the installer to make changes then try to use your Mac password in the field. Basically your computer is asking for authentication to allow the installer to run.
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Adobe Employee
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Sep 19, 2019
10:38 AM
1 Upvote
‎Sep 19, 2019
10:38 AM
1 Upvote
Hi there,
You can import the images to Lightroom on your iPhone and enable sync on both Lightroom mobile and Lightroom classic on your desktop to have the full resolution images on your desktop.
In Lightroom Classic on your desktop, you can go to the Preferences for Lightroom Classic and go to the Lightroom Sync panel and assign the folder on your computer where you wish to save the downloaded images.
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‎Sep 19, 2019
10:26 AM
1 Upvote
Hi there,
Lightroom Classic does not use the Graphics processor during exporting images. It only uses the graphics processor to generate the previews and from Lightroom classic version 8.4 for image editing as well.
Please see the below mentioned articles:
For exporting images, Lightroom classic only depends on the CPU of the computer.
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‎Sep 19, 2019
10:11 AM
Hi there,
We currently do not have the option to sort the color swatches Alphabetically in Photoshop.
You may submit this as a suggestion (feature request) at the below mentioned link. This forum is monitored directly by our developers and they can check if the feature can be included in a future version.
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Adobe Employee
in Lightroom ecosystem (Cloud-based) Discussions
‎Sep 19, 2019
09:18 AM
‎Sep 19, 2019
09:18 AM
Hi there, We apologize for the issue you are facing while syncing presets from Lightroom desktop to your mobile phone.
Please make sure that Lightroom desktop is currently running on version 2.4.1 by going to the Help menu > System info and Lightroom mobile should be on 4.4.2 for Android and 4.4.1 for IOS.
Could you please sign out of the Lightroom CC mobile app and sign back in? Also, have you tried to add images recently to the Lightroom desktop to check if you are able to sync the images properly to the phone? The presets you are trying to sync have been created by you or have you downloaded them from somewhere? Regards, Nikunj
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‎Sep 19, 2019
06:42 AM
Hi there,
Would you mind changing the export settings of the images and increase the quality to 100 instead of the 60 at which you are currently exporting to check if that helps?
Also, have you tried to trasnfer the images using a different method like through a cable of uploading it to the iCloud storage from your Dell and then downloading it to the iPhone to check if there is any difference?
It would also be helpful if you could share the dimensions of the image or the link to the image so that we could check the image once.
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‎Sep 19, 2019
06:31 AM
Hi there,
We apologize for the issue you are facing while trying to use Save for Web in Photoshop Elements 17.0 on your Mac.
Would you mind sharing the macOS version you are currently using?
In case you are using macOS Mojave (10.14.x), please follow the steps mentioned below to check if it helps.
Click on the Apple logo on the top left and select System Preferences.
Navigate to Security and Privacy > Select the Privacy panel > Select Accessibility from the list on the left.
You would see a list on the right once you select Accessibility. Please check if you see Photoshop Elements Editor in the list. If you do not, please unlock the screen using the lock icon on the bottom left and add the Photoshop Elements editor from the applications folder and ensure that you see a check mark before its name.
Then restart the computer and try using Save for Web in Photoshop Elements again to check if that works.
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‎Sep 19, 2019
06:08 AM
Hi there,
As you have mentioned that you are facing the issue with a particular image in Lightroom 6.14, would you mind checking if the particular image has been moved from the location or has been edited using any other editor?
Also, please check the image in the Library module to see if you see an exclamation mark on it or any other image in the same folder?
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