‎Apr 12, 2022
06:35 PM
have you tried rebooting after update? when I was having other issue and was going back and forth from one version to another, something remained and was affecting working version even after version change even after uninstall and reinstall. Had to clear the system by rebooting...give it a try if you haven't already, it'd only take fraction of your time trouble shooting.
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‎Mar 01, 2022
05:55 PM
People see it as failure if you put Hemi engine in new car design, and say the car is built with/for Hemi, but then it has mechanical problems here and there that makes your ride uncomfortable or makes you frequent visitor to car shops.
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‎Feb 17, 2022
11:16 PM
wedding photog, I don't usually use this function, but this time client hand picked two images with slight motion blur (images could be considered junk depending where you stand on the blur but it's besides the issue at this point) went ahead in the photoshop and decided to use the smart sharpen. I noticed with the smart sharpen filter dialog open, and preview checked, there were multiple, evenly distributed weird 1pixel line running across vertically. ( and I could also see the lines in the preview inside the smart sharpen filter dialog) thought nothing of it and commited, then I noticed the lines were commited as well. The lines didn't appear when I turned off the graphics support or turned off openCL. Although, they take a bit longer time without the graphics acceleration or openCL, of course. I don't see the progress bar withe openCL checked. the screenshot was taken while applying the filter with shortcut. everything checked with compatibility check, of course. here's where I run my LRc and PS -----------------------------------one more test before posting------------------------------------------ out of curiocity, I went ahead agian to tinker more with the filter and noticed the gear icon. by ticking "use legacy" helped resolve the issue but there's a bit of difference in end result, especially with artifact suppression.
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‎Feb 09, 2022
11:55 PM
so I guess they didn't get this wrinkled out on minor version update...darn...
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‎Feb 09, 2022
06:39 PM
updated LRC to 11.2 ACR to 14.2 yesterday got back from a 3hr recital photo session with 2324 photos auto sync isn't syncing as it should skipping files randomly on highlihgts and shadows. found out by chance and had to go back and comb through several groups of photos then gave up and just went with manullay forcing sync by command (cmd+shft+s) to sync up the valuse of the edits. radial filter, brush, lineal gradient works just fine macOS Monterey 12.1, m1 Mac mini with 16GB RAM and 512GB SSD catalog's on that 512GB SSD on mac mini, editing files on my sexternal SSD hooked up on USB3.0 hub
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‎Sep 17, 2021
01:03 PM
Hi, Nikunj The lag regarding patchtool is gone with the "Deactivate Native Canvas" checked. (for the sake of posting I'm just gonna abbreviate it to DNC) But this seem to bring out the issue regarding the "ruler" Now with the "DNC" option checked and "ruler" visible, moving opened image(canvas) around in PS with hand tool is choppy. If the ruler is off, then it's bothersome but tolerable enough but with ruler on it's irritating to say the least. Let's say, GPU support on + the "DNC" unchecked +/- "ruler" = 60fps / GPU support on + the "DNC"checked - "ruler" = 20-25 fps GPU support on + the "DNC"checked + "ruler" = 10-15 fps This reminds me of the issue of magnification on Windows UI conflicting with PS when user sets UI magnification anything but 100% on Windows which it took me a long time to figure out about a year or so ago. I was having a lag with Stamp tool with "ruler" on when I set Windows UI to be 150% on my QHD 27" monitor. It was different problem, but seems like there's a bit of overlap to the untrained eyes. The lag I experience while moving around canvas is far less important then the smooth opertion of "patch tool" so if it's something Adobe needs to work under PS's hood then I can live with what you're offering me as workaround until Adobe fixes the issue. Liquify is still lagging with all DNC checked preferences reset and rebooted and what not. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/m1-mac-mini-weird-lag-on-start-of-liquify/td-p/11914051 this is my previous post about the liquify issue, and seeng as I put it under "discussion" is maybe the reason why there's no Adobe rep response. None the less, there's another person who said he/she was experiencing the same thing on Intel Macs.
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‎Sep 16, 2021
11:51 PM
M1 Mac mini (CTO, 16GB RAM / 512GB SSD)
MacOS 11.5.2
PS 22.5.1
Wacom 6.3.44-1
Selecting patch tool (any selection) is back to normal, selections are made in an instant.
But when I drag the patch tool and let go, there's a bit of delay.
Things work fine with patch tool, IF I turn off the GPU support despite the choppy graphics when zooming in/out, loading liquify, and whatnot.
liquify load mouse drag lag is somewhat sporatic but it's more often than I'd like (say, 9 out of 10)
I can't comfirm if the GPU support is culprit or part of the problem here since a photo loads in a sequnced tile from top-left to bottom-right without GPU support and that I have to wait for liquify to finish loading a photo.
but I think there's a strong correlation on how GPU support is affecting (or not affecting) since the duration of mouse drag lag is about the same time it takes a photo to load on liquify window without GPU support.
if I resize the photo enough there's no drag lag whatsoever.
I've reset preferences numerous times, tried every possible combinations on GPU support + rossetta2, and I'm all out of ideas.
I have a late 2013 15" MBPr with PS v21.2.2 (which I found to be functioning perfectly without any hiccups and never bothered to upgrade since), copied the app, ran it on my M1 Mac mini, found out to be running just fine on M1 as well on both aforementioned issues, albeit the fact that it's not native M1 support.
{Thread title edited by moderator}
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‎Aug 24, 2021
09:04 PM
gotta say, I feel like I'm paying for beta experience when I should be working on my photos focusing my attention to my clients and my business. extremely disappointed (with many grpahic langauges I can't write here) I was happy to see my liquify filter's initial mouse lag gone with 22.5 (mouse lags except when I exit liquify with hand, zoom, face, and open liquify again with those tools selected) but this is something I can't work with. my editing photos require a lot of selection and 2-5 sec delay everytime i make selection is crippling my work. I just reverted to 22.4.3 and liquify filter's lag is back but this issue is gone so...back to where I was...
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‎Aug 15, 2021
10:06 PM
I was out when I first left comment on your comment on Youtube, my 2013 15" MBPr is currently running v21.2.2 Photoshop and v11.4 MacOS Big Sur at this point. liquify is opening up just fine. Too bad Adobe has to take down older builds
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‎Aug 15, 2021
09:50 PM
1 Upvote
seems like this is happening to very, very few people. Everytime Adobe release new version, I go and look for this specific issue on the release note then disappointed, fire up Adobe Creative Cloud and install new version hoping it was some behind curtain voodoo coding magic that fixed the issue and later gets disappointed that Photoshop still gives me hickups with liquify. This post didn't get any response from the Adobe engineer here and I've contacted Adobe Korea about this over the phone and asked them to make a report so that this issue can move up the chain of command. Every minute I get disappointed by Adobe but then what can I do? I've gotten so used to Adobe's interface and interpretation of photos I can't really switch to other apps(i.e. Affinity Photo, Capture One)
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‎May 25, 2021
02:43 AM
1 Upvote
Thx for the reply! holy molly your action set is way more comprehensive than simple action set I made and used! never really got around to build muscle memory for F/S but I'll def look into this to implement to my workflow 😄
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‎May 25, 2021
01:32 AM
thx for reminding me of that option! totally forgot I could use that one 😆 don't really recall why I didn't implement the "clarity" method, maybe it's b/c I had perfectly functioning plugin at hand when it first debuted. guess it's time I get to reeeeally dig in on that function and see if it can replace the portraiture plugin.
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‎May 24, 2021
08:13 PM
**some background and complaint from beginning, scroll down to my main question 🙂 ** I've used Imagenomics Portraiture for fast skin retouch since 2017 with the lack of their PR and lack of communication on all of their channels (could be my lack of search skills but website, facebook, twitter all seem to have stopped updating from mid to late 2020) I am seriously considering finding alternative for skin retouch plugin for my m1 mac mini. Sure I can run my Photohop on Rosetta 2 to use the plugin but switching from Lightroom to Phosohop (directly cmd+e while its closed) instantly disables this option I need to have Photoshop open and then go back to Lightroom and cmd+e to work Rosetta2 version of Photoshop to work. So........................ Anyone know of a good photoshop skin retouch plugin that will work with native m1 support version of Photoshop (or in the progress of developing)?
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‎Apr 13, 2021
11:50 PM
ugh, sorry my comment didn't pan out.
guess it's up to Adobe, whether they intend to or by happy accident,
to somehow fix the internal code for you.
my saying so may not mean not much to you, but, best of lucks to you on finding the solution
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‎Apr 13, 2021
11:43 PM
ah, I was only offering help with my limited knowledge, but my method was never mentioned so I thought it was worth the try anyway, whatcha got to loose, eh?
at any rate, sorry to hear that smoothing toggle didn't work for you.
I, too, have some frustration with Adobe and is reeeeally looking into alternatives,
but, alas
with nearing 2 decades of muscle memory and streamlined workflow
it's hard to move onto other apps
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‎Apr 13, 2021
08:44 PM
hmm...no one really posted brush settings screen shot here...
Was experiencing lags all over the place and read somewhere to disable smoothing.
I no longer experience lags
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‎Apr 13, 2021
08:21 PM
it's been two months sine last input but I gotta ask,
What's your windows magnification in display setting?
I usually have my Windows at 150% or 175% and
photoshop clone tool is laggy with "ruler" on
after setting the windows magnification back to 100% it's back to business as usual
I've gone through several days, turned into a few weeks, to figure this out
and later was able to come to my conclusion with help of this blog
the result video I recorded may not be obvious but it's million ways better than the stutter.
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‎Mar 22, 2021
05:17 AM
Oh, and I've also tried resetting the preferences and re-installing the app with v22.3.0 but so far, the only solution at this point for me is to revert back to previous version, 22.2.0 which is disappointing but, I guess it's going to be a while for me to fully experience M1 support. Just yet.
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‎Mar 22, 2021
05:02 AM
just an update, weirdly, the mouse lag isn't present if I enter liquify with "Face Tool" "Hand Tool" and "Zoom Tool" as my first choice of tool. (i.e. quit liquify with any of the said three tools and re-enter liquify) Every other tools are lagging.
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‎Mar 20, 2021
08:01 PM
1 Upvote
Hi, I was wondering if there's anyone else having this issue, M1 Mac mini with macOS Big Sur v11.2.3. Photoshop v22.3 (natively. no rosetta option) when I open up an image in liquify and twirl around pen or mouse (I am eager to make changes) there's about 5 seconds of lag where the cursor goes slow-mo on the path I just went through. https://youtu.be/xENojK1w8mU
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‎Sep 10, 2020
02:01 AM
FYI, just installed 21.2.3 (with 21.2.2 uninstalled) and rebooted to see if the problem went away, nope, it's still there and I'm going back to 21.2.2.
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‎Sep 10, 2020
01:44 AM
Hey, my issue with PS/ACR radial filter glitch was resolved in 21.2.2 I've updated and tested 21.2.3 myself but the version brought back the issue. removed and reinstalled 21.2.2 but for some reason 21.2.3 temp files remained or something? the issue transfered back on to reinstalled 21.2.2 rebooted, and the radial filter works fine on my 21.2.2 I saw the only thing they fixed was snapping while resizing which I can totally live without. So I'm settling for the 21.2.2 for the foreseeable future until they specifically state the issue is fixed.
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‎Jul 28, 2020
10:51 AM
forgot to mention I'm on Ryzen/Radeon combination. And since the OP's spec is Intel/Geforce combination, it's clearly not hardware dependent. I've tried evey possible combinations, including resetting preferences with Alt+Ctrl+Shft, and there's no fixing it. Edit: I also have an old 15" MBPr (late 2013) running PS 21.2.1 // Camera Raw 12.3 and guess what. It's running just fine... granted, performance is a bit lacking compare to my ryzen2600/radeon570rx but it's working just fine...
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‎Jul 28, 2020
10:47 AM
have the same problem. seems like Adobe broke the feature while updating...does yours happen all the time? I can apply radial filter the first time I go in and apply radial filter in Camera Raw but whenever I close and go back, I get the bending artifact. Sometimes even crashes PS. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop/camera-raw-radial-filter-isn-t-behaving/m-p/11234125?search-action-id=85183983492&search-result-uid=11234125 this guy has the same problem and is using Intel/Nvidia while I'm using AMD/Radeon so this seems to be software issue. The only solution I found is to quit PS entirely and go back in when I need to apply radial feature on Camera Raw
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‎May 24, 2020
05:33 PM
just so anyone's curious, this issue is still going (it's only a wee bit less than a week) settled for FHD on my monitor to reduce the travel distance my mouse/tablet needed to cover. and set the magnification on Chrome to 125% to read better on the internet.
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‎May 19, 2020
08:12 PM
My setup Dell U2713H (QHD) Ryzen2600 Samsung 32GB Samsung 1TB SSD Asus B450M-A Asus RX580 Dual 8GB Windows 10 Pro v1909 build18363.836 Photoshop CC v21.1.3 Photoshop CC v20.0.9 (installed to see if downgrade solves the issue. NO, it didn't) I usually set my windows scaling set at 150%. (Recently to 175% but that's besides the point.) I noticed some time ago that my clone stamp tool was beeing very, extremely laggy. Did some due diligence and found there was some conflict going on with Ruler. Clone stamp was laggy with preview on and ruler shown. And once the lag happens the ruler seemed to move a bit off its place, and on extreme cases the top side ruler would show glitched out pixelated graphics. (sorry, I didn't take screen shots before, after resetting scaling to 100% and back to 150,175 and somehow cleared on Ruler's glitched out graphics) Did more digging and found out that it was scaling issue. https://sandboxvideo.io/blog/photoshop-clone-stamp-sampling-fix I coulnd't find what exactly that function was located in my Radeon Software so did some more digging. At one point I thought I didn't have much to loose other than my soaring eyes so decided to change the scaling on windows display settings to 100%. and it did work! clone stamp finally worked smooth even with preview and ruler on at that same time. I'd really like to see bigger UI and letters on PS but, unlike LR, PS is a bit limiting on UI scaling on its own and when scaling is happening on OS level its spewing out conflict on unexpected parts of it. Anyone know how to resolve this? or know if Adobe is working on this?
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‎Mar 12, 2020
02:10 AM
I just got so fed up with this problem and I couldn't figure out for the heck of it. my symptom's whenever I press windows key (by accident or by intention and say meh) and press windows key again to close the windows menu, LR goes to background and whatever app I was on right before LR (i.e. file explorer, chrome, etc, even photoshop) comes to focus. anyone know what causes this? fix if there's any? adobe products : PS and LR classic are up to date OS : Windows 10 finished updating to the lastes this morning with "security update" CPU : AMD Ryzen 2600 VGA : AMD RX580 with driver 20.1.3 (will be updating to 20.2.2 in a short while)
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‎Mar 11, 2020
11:33 AM
do you have any plug-in installed? I just happened to notice this behavior since my photoshop was acting weird just now and I realized I had a plug-in called "Negative Lab Pro" which specifically told me to turn off GPU support in LR to avoid issues (that I can't recall whether the issues were specified or not) turn off GPU support even if you don't have any plug-in installed. stepping down in gpu driver version could potentially solve your case as well?
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‎Nov 01, 2017
12:13 AM
Hi, been using those tools with a bit of struggling (going out of tool, set the zoom slider ratio, get back to the tool at hand, zoom in and out with 'z') is there a slider I can pop open to set the zoom ratio at any time within the tools mentioned in the title?
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‎Apr 12, 2016
09:48 AM
Just before I left work, I installed driver on my co-worker's PC (i5 with AMD graphics HD...6 thousand something, windows10) and it was flawless with/without graphics support on PsCC settings I returned home from work and have tested with a laptop(lenovo E320 with i5 and switcheable graphics between intel and AMD, win7), desktop(i3 with intel graphics, win10) and MBPr15" late 2013 with latest Yosemite update MBPr does show a bit of jittery once in a while but it's not too bad compared to the desktop (i3) lenovo laptop showed flawless performance with both external and internal graphics... desktop was OK but on both (graphics support on/off) occasions the cursor would jump opposite to the direction of my stroke time to time... test model's the same I took video of each test with my phone and will be presenting the case to the Wacom Korea on Thursday..
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