‎Apr 19, 2022
01:50 PM
It's that simple. Thank you!
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‎Apr 19, 2022
12:24 PM
I have two clips, one on Video 1 and the other on Video 2, and I would like to cross-dissolve between them. I know how to cross-dissolve between two clips on the same line, i.e., side-by-side, but these clips are of the same animation but with different configurations, so I want the animations to be synchronized during the cross-dissolve. Cross-dissolve is the only Premiere Pro effect I want to apply. I've looked all over but can't find a solution. Can anyone help? Thanks. Premiere Pro 22.3, Windows 11
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‎Mar 20, 2022
07:07 AM
Thanks for the tip!
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‎Mar 19, 2022
12:16 PM
Neil, I never set the Preference settings. I embarked on this project a total Premiere noob, so I guerilla'd my way through it settling on whatever worked. As I recall, I scaled the images by dragging their corners.
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‎Mar 19, 2022
11:53 AM
Looks like my questions have moved into the realm of the rhetorical. Thank you again everyone for your responses.
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‎Mar 19, 2022
11:50 AM
Ann Bens, alas, you're correct. The 3k-native source images are still rendered at the same 1080p resolution in the new project upped to 4k. I went into this assuming that having upped the resolution of the new project to 4k, that it would then load and render the same source images at their native 3k resolutions, but that does not appear to be the case. Again, there is a lot of complicated layering and transition effects in the original 1080p version, and I was--hoping--that upscaling to 4k without having to revisit these effects would be straightforward.
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‎Mar 19, 2022
11:13 AM
Thank you for your reply, though I'm still not understanding why the preview is cropped to 1080p when the output is 4k; what's the point of a preview if it no longer matches the output? The static image sequences involve a lot of layered transitions, so to start messing with those settings is counter productive at this point. Am I missing something basic here? Thanks again.
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‎Mar 19, 2022
08:04 AM
I've stumbled onto a workable solution: 1) Start a new Premiere project 2) Import a 3840x2160 image and drop it into the timeline - this sets the video previewer to 4k) 3) Import all the sequences from the 1080p project - sequences are imported into the Media Browser 4) Select all the sequences and drop them into the Timeline - the images/sequences are compiled into a single sequence 5) Select the sequence on the Timeline and go to Effect Controls > Video > Scale and change it from 100.0 to 200.0 6) Voilà ! Everything is correctly scaled to 4k, including the text titles, without loss of quality.
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‎Mar 19, 2022
06:53 AM
I have a series of 1080p videos I created in Premiere Pro that are basically slide shows of static images with various transition effects. As many of the source images in the video are 3k to 4k pixels, I want to upscale the video to 4k (the original source images are still available to the project). I attempted to scale the video up to 4k by selecting the sequences (static) images and going to Sequence > Video > Frame size and changing it to 3840x2160, with the result that when exported I the images are still scaled to 1080p floating on a black background. Looks like I need to scale each image sequence by 200%. That's fine. The problem is that the video previewer is stuck at 1080p, and I can't figure out how to scale it up to 4k, i.e., what the video preview displays does not match the exported video. Any suggestions? Thanks. Premiere Pro 22.2, Windows 11
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‎Mar 18, 2022
04:39 PM
To clarify, yes I do have the original images and they're still available to the project. Barring a global solution, I'll see if I can't select each image sequence and scale them 200%. Hopefully this won't be too difficult. Thanks for the responses.
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‎Mar 18, 2022
01:32 PM
I have a series of 1080p videos I created in Premiere Pro that are basically slide shows of static images with various transition effects. As many of the source images in the video are 3k to 4k pixels, I was hoping there would be a simple process to increase the outputted video to 4k in order to take advantage of the extra available image pixels. Unfortunately, for a noob like me, I am not yet successful. Is there a simple process to accomplish this? I attempted to scale the video up to 4k by selecting the sequences (static) images and going to Sequence > Video > Frame size and changing it to 3840x2160, but unfortunately, the result was just that: larger frame size with images floating on a black background, still scaled to the original 1080p video. If I right-click a sequence, there is "Scale to frame size" and "Set to frame size," but again, neither accomplishes what I want: increase everything by 200%. I think I could probably resize each sequence manually, but that would be a lot of work that I'm hoping Premiere Pro can do more easily. Thanks. Premiere Pro 22.2, Windows 11
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‎Mar 18, 2022
07:37 AM
I am creating computer animations of space scenes which feature brightly lit planets and spacecraft against black backgrounds. The animations are rendered as individual PNG-format images (one image per frame) that I import into Premiere Pro and export as MP4. The issue is that the resulting MP4s display what I believe to be compression artifacts; they resemble sprocket holes or railroad tracks (see attached). Is there a way to eliminate this? I'm exporting as HEVC (H.265) / Match Source - High Bitrate I get better results if I export as HEVC (H.265) / 4k UHD, but the artifacts are still there, albeit less obvious, and the file size increases 10x. Any suggestions? Thanks. Premiere Pro 22.2, Windows 11
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‎Mar 10, 2022
09:04 AM
thepixelsmith, currently I'm an animation and video production noob. 🙂 As I delve into creating animations I am exploring video output settings to see what nets the best possible results for different kinds of subject matter. At this point, I would like to see what 60 fps with a unique image per frame looks like; I don't care how fast or slow it runs. Is there a quick way to achieve this in Premiere Pro? Thanks.
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‎Mar 10, 2022
08:54 AM
Jeff Bugbee, thank you for the response. I get that's what's happening, but simply doubling frames seems to me to be a pseudo 60 fps; what if I want every frame at 60 fps to be unique, i.e., 2400 frames rather than 4800 frames?
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‎Mar 10, 2022
08:41 AM
I am creating 60 fps animations via a 3D app (Blender) with the output as single PNG files, one file per frame. These import fine into Premiere Pro. My Premiere Pro default fps is set to 30, so once imported I go to Sequence > Sequence Settings... > Timebase and change it from 30 to 60 frames/second. What's weird is that when I export the animations at both 30 and 60 fps, both run for the same total amount of time; shouldn't 60 fps = an animation twice as fast and half as long? Another thing I have noticed is that I have a short animation consisting of 2400 single images, and when I import them into Premiere Pro at the default setting of 30 fps, the total frame count is 2400, however, when I change the Sequence setting to 60 fps, the frame count doubles to 4800; why? The source is still 2400 single images. Something about the fps settings I am not understanding; can anyone help? Thanks. Premiere Pro 2.22, Windows 11
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‎Mar 03, 2022
12:48 PM
1 Upvote
Hi Averdahl, Thank you!!
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‎Mar 03, 2022
07:15 AM
I'm creating computer graphic animations at 30 and 60 fps output as single PNG images. The issue is that every time I import the frames into Adobe Premiere Pro it defaults to 29.97 fps. This obliges me to select the sequence and go to Sequence > Sequence Settings > Timebase and select 30 fps with every new sequence; I never work with 29.97 fps. How do I set the global default to be something other than 29.97 fps? Thanks. Premiere Pro v2.22, Windows 11.
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‎Feb 07, 2022
07:31 AM
Monika Gause, thank you for the link! This addresses my issue. I purchased these EPS stars thinking they would be a simple port to Photoshop, but apparently not. That said, it would not hurt me to learn a little more about Illustrator--and maybe these stars will yet be salvagable.
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‎Feb 07, 2022
06:59 AM
Shutterstock makes a 6000 pixel JPG of the asset available, and while it is higher resolution, it includes the checkerboard background. (Shutterstock tech support suggested I try a "background remover" tool.)
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‎Feb 07, 2022
06:56 AM
John Mensinger, thank you for the response. I tried opening the EPS in Photoshop, but I get the same problem. The default size is 125 pixels; if I import at 6000 pixels, I just get a 125 pixel single-layer raster image scaled up to 6000 pixels--with the checkerboard included.
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‎Feb 07, 2022
06:39 AM
I'm an experienced Photoshop user but a total Illustrator noob. I purchased some star effects in EPS format from Shutterstock thinking I could use Illustrator to convert them for use in Photoshop. The problem is that if I simply open the EPS into Illustrator and export it to PSD, I get an single layer PSD just 125 pixels wide. When I examine the EPS in Illustrator, the Layers menu displays what appears to be hundreds of "groups" and subgroups containing more subgroups. I'm confused. Is there a quick remedy for this weirdness? Thanks. Illustrator 26.0.3, Windows 11
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‎Jan 28, 2022
08:40 AM
I contacted Shutterstock and the chat rep did not appear to have any idea what I was talking about. She told me that the 8-bit jpegs was all they had available, despite being labeled HDR.
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‎Jan 28, 2022
08:08 AM
Thank you for the responses, everyone. I have some HDR images in EXR format that are 32 bits per channel and when I adjust their exposure (in a 3D app called Blender) I can see the advantages. Meanwhile, if I adjust the exposure of the alleged HDR 8 bit images from Shutterstock the highlights either are blown out or reduced to a dull gray.
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‎Jan 28, 2022
07:28 AM
My apologies if this is a little off-topic, but I'm not sure where else to ask. I'm new to HDR and I downloaded some Shutterstock panoramas (https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/blue-sky-panorama-cirrus-clouds-seamless-2104429550) advertised as being HDR, but I'm not convinced they are actually HDR. Photoshop tells me that the images are 8-bit jpegs. Is there a feature or procedure in Photoshop that will reveal whether an image is HDR? Thanks. Photoshop 23.1.1, Windows 11
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‎Jan 24, 2022
07:37 AM
Is this where we post feature requests for Photoshop? I tried User Voice (https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/how-to-user-voice.html), but there's no category for Photoshop? Request: Please make Photoshop's user interface scalable, like Adobe Illustrator's. The Photoshop UI fonts especially are too small for a 4K monitor, and the UI font settings appear to influence only one Photoshop menu: the File Info option; it's been like this for years. Please fix. Thanks.
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‎Jan 23, 2022
12:27 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you for the response. The EXRs are output as animation sequences by a CGI app called Blender 3.0 under Windows 11. Blender offers two EXR output formats: OpenEXR, and OpenEXR MultiLayer; I use the latter. I don't know enough about EXR to say whether these outputs are out of spec or not. What I do know is that when opened in either Premiere and Photoshop, the EXRs display as single-layer black images. I found a 3rd-party addon for Photoshop called "Exr-IO" which allows Photoshop to display a menu of import options for EXRs, which works great for the files output by Blender, providing access to all the layers within each file. This lead me to think that there might be a similar 3rd-party addon for Premiere, but thus far no joy.
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‎Jan 23, 2022
10:28 AM
1 Upvote
I am experimenting with rendering computer graphic animations in an image format called OpenEXR. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that Premiere Pro supports OpenEXR in any useful way. While there is a 3rd-party addon that allows Photoshop to open and edit OpenEXRs, there doesn't appear to be one that does the same for Premiere. As much as I loathe learning a new video editing app, the solution for me is to switch to a 3rd-party option like DaVinci Resolve. Unlike Premiere, DaVinci Resolve easily imports OpenEXR sequences (Premiere will import them, but they display as black frames). Please Adobe, I'd prefer to stick with Premiere. Thanks! OpenEXR offers a lot of advantages: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenEXR
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‎Jan 23, 2022
10:16 AM
1 Upvote
Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that Premiere Pro supports EXR in any useful way. While there is a 3rd-party addon that allows Photoshop to open and edit EXRs, there doesn't appear to be one that does the same for Premiere. The solution is to use a different video-editing app; in my case, DaVinci Resolve is showing promise.
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‎Jan 21, 2022
08:23 PM
Hi Kevin, Thank you for the response. I tried your suggested link. Unfortunately, even with the addon installed Premiere still imports my OpenEXR image sequence as black frames. Meanwhile, I installed an addon called "Exr-IO" which allows Photoshop to read these sequence files, and it does an excellent job, so I'm reasonably confident that the OpenEXR files themselves are fine. Maybe there's a setting within Premiere I need to apply once the files are imported? Thanks again. Premiere Pro 22.1.2, Windows 11
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‎Jan 20, 2022
02:17 PM
Hi Kevin, I'm also looking for an OpenEXR plugin that will work with Premiere Pro, but unfortunately, the link you posted above (4 years ago) is broken. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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