Jul 16, 2021
01:11 PM
I'm a Premiere newbie and I've been working all day on a project, but now the interface has gotten weird. The problem appears to be the timeline: it's become unresponsive to edits unless I view it full screen (via the tilde key), however if I do that, when I return to the main workspace the timeline freezes again and tool panels disappear. If I restore the workspace, everything is fine, but the timeline is frozen again. Eventually Premiere simply crashes--disappears, with no error message or anything. Per my usual work flow, I've been incrementally saving my files, however, I have to go back to file versions I saved several hours earlier to find one that isn't messed up. I'm assuming my project became corrupt, so is there a way to fix it? Thanks.
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Jul 15, 2021
01:14 PM
Okay, my last comment: Apparently uncompressed AVI isn't supported by conventional players? Anyway, the AVI video looks fine when imported into my projects. Thank you everyone for your help.
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Jul 15, 2021
12:56 PM
Okay, dumb question maybe, but I just exported the uncompressed AVI, video players don't want to play it. When I try to play it in VLC media player, it says, "Fixing AVI index," then stops working. I've got so much to learn.
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Jul 15, 2021
12:48 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the tip, Averdahl. My frame size is 3000x1688, but I think my issue was that I failed to select AVI (Uncompressed); I chose the regular AVI export option which defaults to 720p.
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Jul 15, 2021
11:45 AM
I'm a Premiere newbie working on a 1080p video and I'm creating some separate 1080p Premiere video animations for import into this project. Question: For maximum uncompressed quality, what format should I export these video animations to? Originally I thought AVI, but the Premiere export seems to limit AVI files to 720p, so I'm confused. Thanks.
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Jul 15, 2021
08:01 AM
I'm creating videos using still images and cross-dissolving between them and I'm frequently going to Edit > Preferences > Timeline in order to adjust Still Image Default Duration and Video Transistion Default Duration. Is there a hot key for this? If not, can I assign one? Thanks. Adobe Premiere Pro v15.2 Windows 10 Home v2004 OS build 19043.1110 v21H1
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Jul 10, 2021
01:43 PM
Thank you again everyone for your feedback. I don't think there's anything else to be done with the video, unless they can provide me with a less-processed version. I check back in here if that happens with my results.
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Jul 10, 2021
06:53 AM
Thank you for the response, emmrecs. I thought it was a bit of a lost cause (all the tutorials I saw addressed far less severe issues). Euan--the video comes from a smart phone video uploaded to YouTube by a third party, the link forwarded to me by a friend requesting my help, so I'm suspecting that any post-smart phone processing was applied by YouTube itself, and from my experience with YouTube that processing was relatively minor compared to the problems inherent in the video itself. While I have relatively little experience with this stuff, I suspect that the original video (it's 720p) was recorded on an older smart phone and that the phone's software applied the heavy noise reduction/compression, so it's truly "baked" into the video.
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Jul 09, 2021
02:21 PM
Thank you for the reply, Euan. Attached is a sample of the problem audio.
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Jul 09, 2021
12:34 PM
I've got a smartphone video of people taking turns speaking from a lecturn in a large, reverb-rich indoor space. The spoken words are barely intelligible, and I'm hoping to improve the quality. I'm hearing two severe issues throughout: - Booming reverb/echoes - A warbly flange/under water effect; I'm thinking is a compression artifact Per helpful tutorials I've found online, I've played with Audition's DeReverb and tried minimizing echo by tweaking frequencies via Audition's parametric EQ, but the results are only marginally better. I'm especially wondering if there's a tool that might help remediate the warbly flange effect? Any suggestions for an amateur? Thanks.
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Jul 02, 2021
07:51 AM
1 Upvote
Dang, I was afraid that was the answer. Thank you Ann Bens.
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Jul 02, 2021
07:47 AM
I'm a Premiere Pro newbie creating a standard (non-VR) 1080p video using static images. I've added a layer of color in the timeline which I animate using the VR Fractal Noise effect (I love the string fractals!). The issue is that while the fractal animation is smooth in the editor, once I export it to video it seems choppy, like the frame rate of the fractal effect has dropped to one or two frames per second. Maybe I'm just seeing the results of the video codec? (Animated gradients that look smooth in the editor display serious banding once exported.) Again, I'm not trying to create a VR video, rather I just like the effect of the VR Fractal Noise. Any suggestions? Thanks. Export settings: H.264/YouTube 1080p Full HD Adobe Premiere Pro v15.2.0 (Build 35) Windows 10 Home v2004 OS build 19041.1052 Intel Core i7-5820K Haswell-E 6-Core 3.30 GHz ASUS X99-A Motherboard / Crystal Sound 2 audio 32GB (4 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 2400 (PC4 19200) ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 8GB ROG STRIX NVIDIA Studio Driver v471.11 Monitor: Dell UltraSharp 27 QHD U2715H Resolution: 2560x1440 (monitor native)
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May 03, 2021
07:44 AM
Audition 14.1 is still acting weird. I tried various Windows 10 compatiblity modes (Windows 8, Vista), but no joy. The thing Audition does constantly is fail to start after one or two uses, obliging me to go to the Windows Task Manager and delete all running Audition background processes (typically 5 or more) and try again.
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Apr 29, 2021
07:45 AM
SuiteSpot--Thank you for checking. On a hunch I changed my MOTU M2 USB Audio Interface driver setting from 48kHz to 44.1kHz and now Audition opens the file just fine. Why this makes a difference I'm not sure, and I haven't experienced this issue with Audition before. MOTU M2 USB Audio Interface firmware v1.02 MOTU M Series ASIO Driver v4.0.8.4479
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Apr 29, 2021
07:18 AM
I have several WAV files that I converted from MP4 videos using Switch Sound File Converter. The problem is that when I try to open those WAV files in Audition I just get Audition's blank gray screen, no wave forms, no errors. I would think the problem is the WAV files themselves, however they open fine in other apps including Audacity and REAPER. I've tried re-saving (exporting) the WAVs from Audacity, but Audition still treats them as though there's no content; Audition just displays a gray screen. While I'm sure to figure out a workaround, I'm curious: What is it about these WAVs (example attached) that Audition is being intolerant of while other (far less expensive) apps have no issue with? Thanks.
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Apr 26, 2021
06:59 AM
Interesting. I have an ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 8GB ROG STRIX. Per a recommendation from Adobe's Premiere Pro forum I started using NVIDIA Studio Driver v460.89 for maximum compatibility, but that seemed to make no difference. I'll give Vista compatibility a try. Thanks!
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Apr 22, 2021
09:08 AM
Yep, me too. Version 13 does the same annoying thing. I've also got a weird thing with Photoshop where it starts up and then freezes for 15 seconds until it becomes responsive again. 15 seconds, every time.
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Mar 25, 2021
07:32 PM
New Photoshop update today, but it still says it's version 22.3.0, and it's still unresponsive for the first 15 seconds after startup. Again, not a big deal, but it's unsettling.
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Mar 21, 2021
11:25 AM
Last week Creative Cloud updated my Photoshop to 2021 v22.3.0 and ever since when I start Photoshop it starts up normally, scans and load plugins per usual, but then freezes for 15 seconds before it starts working normally again. 15 second freeze everytime. Not a big deal, but annoying during a busy workflow. I've been using Photoshop for over 20 years and haven't seen this behavior before. I also mention this because ever since the same Creative Cloud update Adobe Audition 2021 has also been acting weird--freezing if I switch to another application. Any suggestions? Thanks. Adobe Photoshop 2021 v22.3.0 Windows 10 Home v2004 OS build 19041.867 Intel Core i7-5820K Haswell-E 6-Core 3.30 GHz (no overclock) ASUS X99-A Motherboard / Crystal Sound 2 audio 32GB (4 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 2400 (PC4 19200) ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 8GB ROG STRIX NVIDIA Studio Driver v460.89
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Mar 20, 2021
10:02 AM
1 Upvote
This week Creative Cloud updated Audition to v14.0 and now it frequently stops responding, obliging me to open the Windows Task Manager to shut it down. After that, it sometimes will not start again until I go into Windows Task Manager and delete all running instances of it (typically four or five instances). When Audtion does start, I get this message: "A previous session of Audition quit unexpectedly. You may open the recovered session now, delete it, or choose at a later time." It looks like I still have Adobe Audition Build installed, so I suppose I should continue that until 14.0's issues are resolved? Any suggestions? Thanks. Adobe Audition Build Windows 10 Home v2004 OS build 19041.867 MOTU M2 USB Audio Interface firmware v1.02 MOTU M Series ASIO Driver v4.0.8.4479
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Mar 18, 2021
09:05 AM
I chatted with a helpful Adobe support person and they had me turn off my anti-virus and delete all Adobe processess via the Windows Task Manager and restart Creative Cloud Desktop and now it's working again. 🙂
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Mar 18, 2021
07:41 AM
BTW, I'm using Windows 10 Home v2004 OS build 19041.867.
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Mar 18, 2021
07:31 AM
I started Photoshop this morning and Creative Cloud Desktop popped up saying there was an update, however when I click on update Creative Cloud Desktop gets stuck at "Loading Creative Cloud..." I found this suggestion: https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/activation-network-issues.html However, https://lm.licenses.adobe.com/vact/ping results in a error: "400 Bad Request - Request Header Or Cookie Too Large." Is Creative Cloud broken this morning? Thanks.
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Feb 08, 2021
09:08 AM
1 Upvote
I think I've just figured out some of it. The "Output File Metadata/Export Template" drop down menu appears to provide access to XML templates from other projects. This may be what I'm looking for. Thanks.
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Feb 08, 2021
08:56 AM
Try as I might I can't find a way to import or export metadata templates when exporting video (i.e., metadata as a Sidecar File using H.264 format). In Photoshop I frequently use “File/File Info” for managing and importing/exporting metadata XML templates, but Premiere Pro works differently. In Premiere Pro’s “Metadata Export” dialog it seems to remember only XML data I used on a previous project with no option for creating a library of XML metadata templates for import as you can in Photoshop. I must be missing something. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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Feb 01, 2021
07:38 AM
Thank you for the reply, Ann Bens. I think you've helped me to see what's going on. My first keyframe is at the very start of the animated image on the timeline, but when I add a dissolve between it and the previous image, the result is that the animated image now appears sooner--prior to the keyframe and the start of the animation--because it's fading in. Okay, I can work with that. Thanks! 🙂
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Feb 01, 2021
07:20 AM
I'm new to Premiere Pro and I'm creating videos using static images animated by Effect Controls/fx Motion/Position and Scale (AKA "Ken Burns effect"). I'm also cross dissolving between animated images with wonderful results using Effects/Video Transitions/Dissolve/Cross Dissolve. The problem is that I'll carefully position the keyframes only to have them automatically moved when I apply a cross dissolve. This means I have to go back and reposition the keyframes after the dissolve is applied. This is especially problematic and time-consuming when I’m trying different dissolve rates or moving the images around on the timeline. QUESTION: Is there a way I can prevent the keyframes from changing position when applying cross dissolves? Thanks.
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Jan 27, 2021
01:32 PM
Thank you mgrenadier. Time for me to learn about working with sequences. 🙂
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Jan 27, 2021
08:44 AM
I'm new to Premiere Pro and I have created text titles that I would like to copy from one Premiere project to another, saving me having to create and format the new titles from scratch. Is there a way to do this? Premiere Pro doesn't appear to let me open more than one project at a time, so there's no copying the titles from one project to another that way, and I can't find any export or import options that would allow me to copy titles between projects. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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