‎Jul 04, 2019
02:48 AM
Example: I have a long paragraph of text in Indesign, the line breaks all look good except near the end of the paragraph I have the word 'He' that starts a new sentence but is at the end of a line, so I add a soft return to force the word 'He' onto the next line and Indesign takes it upon itself to reflow the entire paragraph making it look a complete mess. I could add a soft return at the end of every line to prevent the reflow but what a pain. Is there a setting I can disable to prevent the auto reflow?
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‎Dec 21, 2018
01:14 AM
Thanks Klaus, I'm using v19.1 of animate, under window > extensions all I have listed is 'colour themes'. In my case I managed to hand code the animation I needed but it would have been a lot easier to create using a timeline with visual feedback, timing and easing is not easy when working directly with the code.
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‎Dec 20, 2018
03:37 AM
I need to create a simple animated svg icon for a website. Working directly with the xml code embedded in an svg file is proving difficult except for the most basic of animation so I was hoping Animate CC would include an option. The snap.svg plug has been retracted by Adobe ( Is there any other option. Seems unbelievable that Adobe do not have this covered in any of their apps.
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‎Nov 15, 2018
03:05 AM
Thanks, bug fix voted for. With regard to constrain transform, I'm running on an iMac, os 10.13.6 High Sierra, anyone else able to replicate on the same platform/config?
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‎Nov 15, 2018
02:50 AM
I have recently updated to 23.0.1. Are the follow issues know bugs and can anyone direct to a logged complaint page that I can support if they are: • After launch in the properties panel > Transform: I have to click and unclick the constrain portions toggle to make it not constrain. This has been an issue for the last few versions of ai • If I have an object selected and double click the rotate tool the rotation value used to be highlighted so I could go ahead an type my new value and hit return, now the I have to manually select the text before I can change Both small issues but annoying when they repeatedly occur
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‎Mar 16, 2018
02:05 AM
This is definitely a gpu problem, I have my black settings set to display accurately but soft proofing does nothing unless gpu performance is disabled under the performance preferences. Hopefully support will be included in a future update.
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‎Feb 28, 2018
12:22 AM
This was driving me crazy and I couldn't find any real solutions online but worked out a really easy fix that will hopefully be useful to some: • create your ai file same dimensions as your comp • the scale of the layer you are pasting into must be 100%, this is what was causing my problem, if your layer scale is not 100% see below for a work around • now if you copy and paste from your ai to your ae the path will be the correct size but in the wrong position (likely in the centre of the layer), read on... • to retain the position of your path add a path around the edge of your ai file, so if your comp is 1920 x 1080 add a path 1920 x 1080 to your ai file. Copy the outer path and the path/paths, now when you paste into ae the paths will be in the correct position If the layer scale you are pasting into is not 100% a little math is needed, in this example lets say I have added a jpeg to my layer and scaled to 60%, the calculation would be as follows: • 100/60 = 1.666 (move your decimal 2 places, 166.6) • select your paths (including the path around the edge of your page) in ai and enlarge by 166.6%, copy and paste into ae and the position and scale should now be correct
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‎Dec 18, 2017
04:23 AM
It is a large volume containing over 2,500 files but since my original post git has started to work again. When it works it is available almost immediately, when I receive the 'wait being initialized' message I can work on the site for an entire day without it becoming available, it appears to be more of a DW bug than a simple case of time taken to indexing the site files.
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‎Dec 12, 2017
06:28 AM
Dremweaver CC v18.0, Mac Sierra 10.12.6. I set up a Git on one of my sites and all was working fine until this morning, now the Git icon on the files panel is greyed out and a message 'Please wait Git is being initialised' pops up on hover, the Git window is empty. Restart DW and restart Mac and the problem is still there. I have found a bug report that goes back to July (Please Wait, Git being initialized – Adobe Dreamweaver CC: Feature Ideas ) so others are experiencing the same problem. Any know how to fix the problem?
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‎Dec 04, 2017
02:10 AM
This feature was added a few versions ago and although I know I can edit a style sheet to change the background colour of tag highlighting (I've no idea what it's actually called) can it be completely disabled in the latest 2018 version? Here's a screen grab to illustrate what I'm referring to:
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‎Nov 03, 2017
09:37 AM
So if i click on 'Initialise Git' in the Dreamweaver files panel for each of my sites a local repository will be created for each site and as I do not work in a team this is the best way for me to handle versioning, correct?
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‎Nov 03, 2017
08:46 AM
Ok, so am I right in thinking that having an online account is not essential and that if I do not need a collaborative work flow a local set-up will suffice?
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‎Nov 03, 2017
04:51 AM
I have just updated Dreamweaver to the latest 2018 version, support for git now being part of the last couple of upgrades I have decided to take the long overdue plunge. I have read through: Learn how to download and use Git with Dreamweaver CC. for a quick run down and installed the git client 2.14.1 (Mac OS X). Step 2 on the Adobe learn how page states: 'Create an account for your git client', the git client install doesn't add an app to the applications directory (not that I can see) and there aren't any 'create an account' links on the git website, how do I create an account? If I now click on the 'Show git view' icon in Dreamweaver it lists a colour coded copy of my site files, I can also open the git panel and see all of my untracked site files which implies that an account has been created and possibly a repository. Do I have an account? Do I need a set of login details? Has a repository been created (locally?)? Have I been allocated space on a remote git server for multiple repositories? Where do I go from here? Any help appreciated getting over this initial learning curve
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‎Sep 24, 2017
06:23 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks, 'proof colors' doesn't seem to save with the profile. I'll just need to get into the habit of manually switching it on each time I work on a file.
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‎Sep 24, 2017
05:37 AM
So when I create a new file select preview mode > overprint within the 'More Settings' section? Where is 'proofing'?
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‎Sep 24, 2017
03:53 AM
So as a follow on question, does anyone know how to enable 'proof colors' as default. As it stands I have to select it on a file by file basis.
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‎Sep 24, 2017
03:46 AM
1 Upvote
This appears to be a GPU issue, if I uncheck GPU performance in preferences proof colors and simulate paper works. Pity, makes my GPU a bit useless. Does anyone know if soft proofing will support GPU in the future?
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‎Sep 24, 2017
03:08 AM
I'll trying to create a reliable soft proof environment across Illustrator, Photosop, InDesign. I work on a Retina iMac and have Calibrated my monitor using a Datacolor Spyder5 colorimeter. A good deal of my work is for press print in the UK so I have my Adobe CC apps synced via Bridge using the Europe General Purpose 3 profile. My Illustrator Proof setup settings are: • Proof setup > Customize • Device to simulate: Coated FOGRA 39 (ISO 12647-2:2004) • Simulate Black ink: ticked If I select proof colours (making the menu item ticked) it has no affect on the appearance of my artwork whatsoever. If I tick 'Simulate Paper Color' this also has no affect. Here is a screen grab of 2 overlapping squares, one set to cmyk super black (40, 30, 30, 100) and the other to 100% K only, proof colours shows no difference between the two. Am I missing something or does soft proofing not work?
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‎Jul 04, 2017
03:23 AM
So tempting to mark this as helpful for comedy value.
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‎Jul 04, 2017
03:21 AM
I see the drop down, looks like it defaults to to file extension so in my case is already set to php so unfortunately that does not make it any more accurate. I'll take osgood_'s advise and not rely on it.
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‎Jul 04, 2017
02:16 AM
When I double click a php variable to highlight it and copy ad paste the '$' part of the variable does not get selected, so the paste creates an error. I had the same problem in the version before 2017 but they fixed it in 2017 and now it's back. Even when clicking and dragging my cursor over a variable name often the '$' does not get selected. Is this a bug?
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‎Jul 04, 2017
02:11 AM
PHP Linting does not appear to be working correctly in 2017.5. I have errors showing on lines that refer to variables that are not on those lines, all following lines marked with an error show the same message.
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‎Jun 23, 2017
09:09 AM
had the same problem with 17 (How to prevent pop-up on cut/paste ) so a downgrade doesn't resolve the problem. 'enable code hints' & 'enable description tooltips' are both unchecked in my preferences but neither prevent the pop-ups. Thank for logging as a bug.
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‎Jun 23, 2017
05:24 AM
It does appear to be disabling the auto close brackets feature, thankfully.
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‎Jun 23, 2017
05:20 AM
Sorry, didn't work:
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‎Jun 23, 2017
04:46 AM
Thanks, I quit DW opened the json file (within my user library, there does not appear to be one in the primary library), added: After re-launch and test I'm still getting: Do I need to add anything else to the json file?
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‎Jun 23, 2017
01:12 AM
Does anyone know how to disable these pop-ups? They are driving me mad and are even more frequent in the latest .5 update.
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‎Jun 22, 2017
08:45 AM
1 Upvote
Just updated to 2017.5, this pop-up is still driving me crazy. 'code hints > enable description tool tips' is unticked, is there any way to disable it before I through my machine out of the window?
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‎Mar 21, 2017
09:02 AM
1 Upvote
Ideal, binning the preferences file did the trick. Thanks!
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‎Mar 21, 2017
03:02 AM
iMac, OS X Sierra. When I create a new illustrator document, if I select the width value, overtype the value with whatever I need and tab to the height value, the values do not get updated correctly. Eg if I want to create an A5 doc and the values are currently set to A4, I click in width, the existing 210 value becomes highlighted in blue, I overtype with 148 and I get 210148, and have to back delete and re-enter my value, I tab to height, 297 becomes highlighted in blue, I type in my value and get 297210!!!!!! It's very irritating and seems like a bug. Anyone else experiencing this problem/found a fix?
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