‎Nov 25, 2022
02:08 PM
Yes! You're on it ! Pressing Open instead of Done saved them as Positives - 16 bit Tifs ... is there a way that I can keep them as .dng/raw so that I can come back to them for further tweaking before saving them as Tifs? I guess not because Image processor makes you choose jpg, psd or Tif
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‎Nov 25, 2022
01:59 PM
Mac OS monterey 12.5.1 Br 13.01.583 Ps 24.01 I tried again with the same error. In Image Processor one has to choose at least one of the listed file types, you can't keep it as a Raw(.DNG) file , right? - Perhaps the nature of what I'm trying to do confuses the process - I had a bunch of old b/w negs scanned and they're Negatives (.dng)in 16bit. In Camera Raw I am flipping the point curve to make them positive, and setting the black & white points with those sliders in Basic and adjusting Exposure. Hope that makes sense coreect
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‎Nov 25, 2022
01:17 PM
Thank you. And would that "Open first image to apply settings" allow me to open Raw (.dng) files in Camera Raw and make slider, curve etc adjustment and then apply those same settings to the rest of the highlighted files in Bridge? My first attempt failed after I clicked Done on the first file, with an error message that it couldnt process the rest
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‎Nov 25, 2022
07:14 AM
I'm not following the first two replies. It's my lack not yours. Perhaps I should rephrase some of my original post. The Ps actions I've made and use are very simple - like 'flatten layers' or 'add canvas area' etc. Usually I start with an 'test file' open & strt recording But I cant do that with a nraw file. If it's open in Camera Raw or in Ps>Camera raw filter then the Actions palette isn't visible/available. So what I've been trying to do is start with Ps>Actions>New Action & start recording then File>Open or File>Browse in Bridge and go from there
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‎Nov 25, 2022
06:31 AM
I often use actions to speed up aspects of my workflow. Usually I select files in a Bridge folder >Tools>Photoshop> Batch>& select the action Ive created. Now from Bridge I want to open & process a bunch of Raw files (.DNG) in Adobe Camera Raw or the Camera Raw filter in Ps. I can't seem to get it... After I adjust all the sliders - exposure, curves, black & white points etc., click done and return to Bridge. But the adjustments made in camera raw aren't applied Can someone help me with the steps to be taken please? Or perhaps you can't record what you do in Camera Raw in an action?
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‎Oct 23, 2022
11:11 AM
I looked for a raw file that doesn't turn neutral (equal RGB) when selecting Monochrome profile. I say 'looked for' because as I've said, it isn't Always the case. Anyway I found a recent one and to answer your suggestions - On this file 1. The histogram shows the 3 col channels 2. Mask tab? (not sure where to look for 'tab'. Mask tool doesn't show anything unusual.) 3. Display Calibration - yes, I use a hardware device 4. Grading - Shadows, Midtones & Highlights individually and all together. I dont see any Col settings or saturation 5. Curves - I dont adjust the separate individual RGB curves I feel somewhat bewildered by this situation and I'm probably overlooking something obvious to others. One setting I am not familiar with or clear about is the Calibration tab. Not sure what it is. It is set to Version 5 with a Shadows Tint slider and RGB sliders. I assume this is automatically set either when importing the Raw file or when the Monochrome profile is selected ? Is this better than selecting Version 4, 3, 2 or 1 - and how should the sliders be set?
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‎Oct 22, 2022
12:54 PM
Thanks but I don't think that's my problem here. When I use a selection mask in ACR it is on a localised area like a face or perhaps the sky. If there was a col in the mask it'd not be over the entire image. In fact, the tint appears right away after selecting the Monochrome profile, before any editing with masks. Hopefully there are other ideas out there?
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‎Oct 21, 2022
06:01 PM
WQhich Masks? Like when using a brush or other selection tool ? Isn't that just black/white and shows as a red overlay. How do I check on this? Separate RGB tone curves? Do you mean a separate curve for each channel? I never use these & only use the point curve or parametric curve where all 3 are adjusted the same
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‎Oct 20, 2022
06:36 PM
The ACR profile Adobe Monochrome (profile dropdown menu) isn't giving me neutral black & white from a color .DNG image i.e. equal RGB values. I checked the B&W Mixer and Clor Gradients to make sure all are 0 & no saturation. Now here is the really confusing part - sometimes it does provide a neutral RGB /Black & white image. I don't know why it does sometimes and doesn't at other times? I know there are other presets in ACR like Portraits B&W and Style B&W Any ideas. What am I missing ? Thanks (apologies if this post appears more than once. I am not seeing it after hitting the post button)
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‎Oct 07, 2022
05:25 AM
After trying it a thousand times I think that I finally have it working again as it should
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‎Oct 06, 2022
08:52 AM
@Kukurykus I was using your amended script successfully from Bridge for a few months - I could hold the Shift key to create a Smart Object, but now suddenly it wont work from Br and I cant tell if or how it was damaged. Tried the line changes you posted above but it's not working/I'm making an error that I can't identify
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‎Sep 21, 2022
06:39 AM
Thank you!
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‎Sep 15, 2022
09:22 AM
@Trevor.Dennis OK I think I get it now. Is the bottom/bkgrd layer black because the subject was not originally shot on black & you had to isolate/select him - I didn't get that at first? Then you have the blurred layer & the bigger/foreground layer on top with a layer mask. I'm still not 100% clear on "so I could use another layer mask to blend in the top layer to the copied layeer below"
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‎Sep 15, 2022
07:55 AM
No idea if there's a video. Post the link here if you find one. As all the replies have indicated, there are several different ways to get the look.
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‎Sep 14, 2022
11:03 AM
I'd like to try the effect shown in the attached files which I saw on a fashion editorial site. No success yet but I've outlined my workflow below. Can anyone help me refine it or suggest another way ? Photo Compositing (double exposure) a blurred + in-focus image 1. Select an existing photo or shoot a new one. If shooting, leave room for the 2nd image. If using an existing photo, extend the canvas & Content Aware Fill the blank canvas area. 2. Duplicate the image or take a 2nd shot. If taking a 2nd shot blur it by shooting it out of focus. If using a duplicate, blur the Duplicate with Gaussian or Lens Blur? 3. Load the 2 images as layers & select a Blend Mode (?) or Blend If and adjust Opacity to reveal both 4. Use the Move tool to drag top image away from the bottom
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‎Mar 21, 2022
03:11 PM
An update - if there are other readers who also use Kukurykus' modified scripts, please note that it becomes non-functional after Photoshop updates. So do keep a copy which you can use to replace the .jsx file and get it back to being functional
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‎Feb 23, 2022
02:46 AM
Thanks. I'll just move the processed files.
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‎Feb 23, 2022
02:45 AM
Thanks for clarifying. I'll move the files after processing.
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‎Feb 22, 2022
10:51 AM
Image Processor Pro 3.2b5 (Mac 12.1, Ps 23.2, Br 12) How do I save different sets to different locations? For example, I may want a folder set of 1000px jpegs and another set of 2000px jpegs, but I don't want both folders (sub-folders) in the same location. There is a choice to either save in the same location & it'll create the 2 folders (for the above example). Or I can choose a different destination & it'll create the 2 folders to that location. Even if I choose a separate location to save to for each set, it'll save to one. But what I'd like is for the 2 folders (1000px & 2000px)to be saved separately to 2 different destinations. Am I missing something that is simple & obvious, or is IPP not able to do this?
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‎Feb 20, 2022
11:16 AM
1 Upvote
Sorry, didn't see that. I'm away from home and my computer. Just got a notification on my small screen phone
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‎Feb 20, 2022
03:06 AM
Thank you. I haven't looked at it yet but wanted to say that the modifications to the script as indicated by Kukurykus, & marked as correct answer, do work, from Ps & from Br>Tools. Hold Shift key for Smart Object. Hold Ctrl Key for Align. Hold both for both. Or no support keys to just load layers.
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‎Feb 18, 2022
05:36 PM
no problem thanks
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‎Feb 18, 2022
04:19 PM
Stephen, would you mind showing a screenshot of your Br>Preferences>Startup Script I am having partial success with the xbytor IPP but need to iron out a few glitches thanks
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‎Feb 18, 2022
09:18 AM
Do you think that when Photoshop updates that it will overwrite / replace this file?
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‎Feb 18, 2022
07:49 AM
1 Upvote
Apologies for creating confusion. Everything appears to be correct now. no key - layers are loaded shift - creates smart object ctrl - align layers shift+ctrl - smart object & align layers I appreciate your help and patience staying with it until it is all working properly - Thank You !
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‎Feb 18, 2022
07:18 AM
Nope. Not working. I have attached the modified script for you to see. Shift key - makes a smart object & attempts to align layers Ctrl key - loads layers but no smart object & no attempt to align No keys - no smart object & attempts to align Cntrl & Shift - makes smart object & does Not attempt to align
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‎Feb 18, 2022
06:34 AM
Before I replace the original with your modified script Is this the line where you suggest adding ! before the ctrlKey ? with(ScriptUI.environment.keyboardState) alignFlag = ctrlKey, loadLayers.createSmartObject = shiftKey
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‎Feb 18, 2022
04:23 AM
As you may have seen in the thread I was side-tracked trying to install Russel Browns scripts (which are not meant for newer Ps versions) & ended up with both Bridge & Ps not working correctly. I restored my hard drive overnight with Time machine & am now back to square one. I have your 'Load files into stack' script ready to go back in but will just work with my computer for a while to be sure it's stable again. To confirm the path - HD/Applications/Ps 2022/Presets/Scripts I am not clear on the modification you just posted regarding the Control key - questions below. Please confirm - Shift key to create a Smart Object after layers are loaded - with only the Shift key are layers aligned or Not aligned? I'd prefer by default to Not want them aligned. As the script is now- Ctrl key creates aligned or not aligned ? If I find & change Ctrl to !Ctrl = then does it create aligned or not aligned? Holding both Ctrl+Shift = ? Holding both !Ctrl+Shift = ? Sorry, to ask these not so astute questions but it's been a long nght trying to restore my computer and my brain isnt up to speed yet Thanks again for all the help.
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‎Feb 18, 2022
04:03 AM
Thanks for confirming the installation paths. I think that I have my mac back on track. I am back to square one, as they say. But I will wait a while & work with it to be sure it's stable &. returned to normal before attempting the install again. Besides Stack o matic, I'd love to have the Image Processor Pro with it's added features. Thanks for all your help.
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‎Feb 17, 2022
05:32 PM
I had Kukurykus' new script working ok with just a couple of remaining questions and tweaks. Then I read about your success with Dr.Brown's scripts and thought I'd try it. The interface seemed clear and easy to use in your screenshots. That was hours ago & Im still in the middle of trying to recover. It crashed Br & Ps and all I got were error messages and no longer working apps.Even the original version of Image Processor wouldn't work. And I couldn't even select thumbnails. A total debacle. I can't understand it because I followed instructions for the installation of the files. Now, I'm in the midst of trying to restore my computer to an earlier time via Timemachine. A few hours to go. It's copying thousands of files. Can you tell me your installation path for the DrBrown files to Ps and Br I may try again at some point if I get my system working again and my installation error, or incompatibility,is clear.
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