‎Mar 23, 2021
07:11 PM
Solved! Deleted a few startup scripts and Reset Prefs according to this page-
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‎Mar 23, 2021
04:08 PM
I have a similar problem which I suspect may be related so I'll post here but move on to a new thread if necessary. I don't mean to hijack. Without explanation Bridge stopped opening Raw files in Camera Raw. I Can open raw files from Ps>File>Open & browsing via the finder. All I get via Br is the dreaded spinning ball. I tried everything including updating to Big Sur from Catalina. Also uninstallng and Reinstalling both Bridge & Photoshop (via Creative Cloud). I also just followed your instructions above giving full disc access. The second instruction re files & Folders doesn't work because Bridge & Ps are greyed out and I can't get any response trying to add+ them. The issue seems to be in Bridge not Ps. If uninstalling/reinstalling didnt fix it what else can I try? As I said this came out of the blue, I've been using this workflow of browsing in Bridge & right-clicking>Open in Camera Raw for years.
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‎Mar 08, 2021
11:35 AM
Mac OS 10.15.7 (Catalina) Ps 22.2, Br, LrC 10.11, ACR13.1 I'm trying to clean up my computer to alleviate enexpected crashes and general misbehaviour. I see that I still have earlier versions of the above apps (2019, 2020) and want to know how to uninstall or delete everything that I no longer need. Including the files that are in the Library & elsewhere. Of course without affecting the newest versions of the apps that I currently use. Thanks in advance.
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‎Dec 13, 2020
03:06 PM
Thank you very much for finding this fault ! You are a digital detective 🙂 How or why this 'pyramid' box became checked is a mystery because Ive never had this problem before and I've done a lot of this over the past few years. The only thing different now with these 'tests' is that I am using Save As (with a different filename which I don't usually do). The 'pyramid box' only shows in the Save As dialog box. My usual workflow is - I always start with a Raw file in ACR (camera raw) and when I have it processed the way I want it I save it as a 16 bit Tif file and then do final corrections or retouching in Photoshop and save it (still as 16 bit). When I need to upload or send it to a client or a lab I either Duplicate the file or Copy it to a new folder then change the image mode to 8bit and save it again, so I have not dealt with this Save As with the pyramid options before. This halves the file size e.g 100mb in 16bit becomes 50mb in 8bit. I have looked under preferences & googled but haven't found a way to have the 'save pyramid' box unchecked/ disabled yet so that it doesnt happen again, by default. Thanks again for finding the solution to the problem. I appreciate it.
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‎Dec 13, 2020
12:32 PM
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‎Dec 13, 2020
11:06 AM
...just one last thing to be sure I'm not missing do i know when the script is complete, before i save the file. Is it fairly instant?
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‎Dec 13, 2020
11:02 AM
As you see in the 3 screenshots above, there is still a discrepancy between the file sizes shown for the same file. I tried it with 2 more files. Even after I ran the script and saved it with no layers (or channels). The mystery continues... Thanks anyway for trying to help. Appreciated.
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‎Dec 13, 2020
05:11 AM
I copied and pasted all of your code into a TextEdit file and changed the formatting from rtf to plain text and saved it as DeleteAncestorData.jsx (but first it was saved as DeleteAncestorData.jsx.txt so I just deleted the .txt). I copy/pasted it in the Scripts folder & ran it (I did not see any dialog or anything happeneing to confirm success - should there be ?) But still as per my original post the file size shows up correctly in Ps>Image size. But in Bridge where I have data under the thumbnails it still shows as being larger, and in the Finder>Get info also - see new screenshots below. The files are flattened and no channels.
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‎Dec 13, 2020
03:29 AM
I googled and found that the free app ImageOptim will do just that but unfortunately it only works with Jpegs , png etc Not with Tifs
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‎Dec 13, 2020
03:26 AM
Thank you for this. The formula for pixel data size is: W px x H px x3 (rgb) ÷1024 (= kb) ÷ 1024 (= mb) In this example, 5000px x 3750px x 3 = 56,250,000 bytes ÷ 1024 = 53941÷ 1024 = 53.6 MB The file is flattened and no Layers or Channels. So when Bridge and/or the Finder show the size as being larger it could be Metadata info added on top of the px data size ? Could it be anything else? To strip the Metadata, I am not familiar with running Scripts, but I guess I can try and open the Terminal and copy/paste the above. Is there a way to automate the process, or create an actio,n or perhaps there is a small and simple plug-in or app (Mac OS 10.15 Catalina) to strip Metadata? Thanks again.
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‎Dec 12, 2020
12:34 PM
I have a client request for a file to be 50-60MB (8 bit rgb uncompressed Tif) For some unknown reason which hasn't happened before, I am having a little difficulty understanding & calculating file size while preparing 8bit Tif files to fall within the 50 to 60mb range. The confusion arises because the listed file size differs depending on whether I view the image in Photoshop, as a Bridge thumbnail, or in the Finder (via Get Info). See attached screenshots. They differ, I think because one is reading the image pixels and the other is reading the storage space on the hard drive. But I'm ot sure why they're different. A third size appears when I apply the following formula/calculation Total number of px (WxH) x Bit depth (8 or 16) ÷ 8 (for Bits) ÷ 1024 (for Kb) ÷ 1024 (for Mb) For example - An image is 5000px x 3750px = 18,750,000 total pixels Multiply by 8 bit depth = 150,000,000 bits Divide by 8 for size in Bytes = 18,750,000 bytes Divide by 1024 for size in Kilobytes = 18310 kb Divide by 1024 for size in Megabytes = 17.89 MB So I have different sizes - this one is 17.89, Photoshop>Image Size is 53.6M, Bridge is 71.28, andt the Finder>Get Info is 74.7 M Which is it
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‎Nov 20, 2020
12:48 PM
I think you may be right. It's likely an AI system that isn't very intelligent. There's no good reason some of my submissions were rejected. Too bad.
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‎Nov 20, 2020
07:12 AM
Are images assessed by a person (who doesn't know what they're doing) or by a machine learning app that is not artificially intelligent enough for the task?
When an image has snow falling in it and it's rejected due to grain &/or artifacts then one has to wonder
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‎Nov 05, 2020
04:43 PM
Can a misspelled & essential keyword be corrected / edited after an image has already been accepted into Adobe Stock? For example the main subject was keyworded as 'pic' but should in fact be 'pig'.
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‎Nov 05, 2020
04:33 PM
Ignore msg - it's working. Cant delete msg ? I updated to ACR 13.02.644 / Photoshop 2022 and cant get the 'Box Zoom' to work. From my search it should just be a matter of hold the CMD key and drag over a small area to magnify it and for that 'boxed' segment to enlarge.
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‎Sep 20, 2020
04:04 PM
I figured that I cant save directly to that folder. First elsewhere and then copy/paste However the Lut isnt working It seems so straightforward but I'm not cracking it. What if I have a flattened reference image that needs no further adjustment layers? Can I add any adjustment layers (hue/sat, etc) but leave everything at 0 so as not to apply further effects. Can PS thus be 'tricked' into saving (the background layer) as a Lut ? In this case I am trying to use a very old historical autochrome jpeg that I found on the web & want to save it's col grading as a Lut to apply to my own image. Any idea how I can do this?
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‎Sep 20, 2020
09:44 AM
Perhaps you can help explain the error I am encountering when trying to create a cololour lookup table. I have an image open with adjustment layers and I have tried in both rgb & lab mode. Exporting it as a lookup table (tried 3DL &n Cube) to - applications>Ps2020>presets>3dluts as the destination. I get this error message -"unable to run the Export Color Lookup plugin because error: General PS error occurred. This functionality may not be available in this version of Ps." Following these instr. Any ideas ? Thanks, Frank
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‎Jul 28, 2020
07:35 PM
I uninstalled and re-installed the Nik collection. That appears to have solved the problem.
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‎Jul 27, 2020
06:52 PM
I now have the latest Ps but it doesn't make any difference. I previously had 21.2.0. Which plugin is causing the error message?
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‎Jul 27, 2020
05:34 PM
Ps2020, Nik & Topaz plugins, Mac OS Catalina
Does anyone know what this Error message means and what to do about it?
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‎Jul 27, 2020
10:23 AM
Thank you
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‎Jul 27, 2020
08:55 AM
I passed this info on and the reply was that yes, he can scan the col negs as positives but then doesnt have the option to save them as dng, only as tifs. I'm ok to get positive tifs (even though I'd have preferred dng) but just curious if that's your vuescan workflow too?
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‎Jul 26, 2020
06:10 PM
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‎Jul 26, 2020
06:08 PM
Thanks for this, I've passed the message/info on to the scanning person. --
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‎Jul 25, 2020
07:35 AM
thanks for this info F
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‎Jul 25, 2020
05:39 AM
Scanner I believe the guy doing them is using Vuescan. I’ll see if it has an Invert setting
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‎Jul 25, 2020
04:40 AM
I know but I like to process all my raw files (the col neg scans are .dng) in ACR first before saving them as tifs and opening them in Ps
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‎Jul 25, 2020
04:06 AM
Hi, does anyone have a good ACR preset to convert scanned col negatives to positives? i know it's basically flipping the curve (dragging the white and black points down/up) and I could save that as a preset. But there are other adjustments, like the col cast that would be good to have included... plus all other sliders (except contrast) work in the opposite direction so its difficult to add other presets on top
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‎Jun 23, 2020
05:35 PM
1 Upvote
Solved. By turning off Legacy Composites in Preferences>Performance
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‎Jun 23, 2020
05:21 PM
I am running 21.2 on a mac with OS catalina 10.15.5 I tried to drag an image (from its icon in the layers palette) onto a template I've created and commonly used in this way. For example, I make a 8.5x11 template with guides and drag two 5x7 images onto it for printing. Now with the Ps upgrade, I drag one image and it seems to double up the same image the image on the template. I can't move the 'double' and I cant turn it off (eye icon). If I delete the layer then both images disappear. Attaching a screenshot (only a portion of the template) to illusrate what I mean.
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