‎Jun 21, 2020
05:19 AM
Thank you!
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‎Jun 20, 2020
07:54 PM
1 Upvote
Where/how do I access the masking slider that was just below the sharpening sliders. I used it it All the time to mask out potentially noisy ares
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‎Jun 14, 2020
08:22 AM
So it's a scaling thing implemented by software engineers to 'compensate' for non retina displays. Understandable except in cases like Topaz which work hand in hand with Ps and should display 1 image pixel = 1 screen pixel even on retina screens Thanks for your help Per.
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‎Jun 14, 2020
07:28 AM
Thank you for this Per. It kinda makes sense that you say their (Topaz') apps display at 200% when they say the preview is 100%. I checked their 50% preview and it looks the same as Photoshop at 100%. you said - "most applications will scale images to 200% to display them larger." But why ? Surely if they called their 50% preview 100% (same as Ps, since most users of those apps are using them in conjunction with or as Ps plugins) the user can just select a larger, or smaller, preview % if they want. And, on the other point of the difference between my retina resolution specs and what shows as defaultres in system prefs>displays?
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‎Jun 14, 2020
05:40 AM
I am experiencing different image preview sizes when the image is displayed at 100% view in different apps (Photoshop, Topaz labs products...). And also I want to establish my true screen res in Photoshop prefs (reason explained below). In order to resolve the issue, I need to start by knowing the screen resolution of my late 2017 5k retina iMac. In SystemPrefs>Displays> I select Scaled & hover over Default - "looks like 2560 x1440px" is displayed under the screen icon. However, under apple menu>About this Mac>Displays> it says - Built in Retina display 27- inch 5120 x 2880, Radeon Pro 570 4GB Graphics In Photoshop Prefs>Units & Rulers> the screen resolution can be manually entered and as I learned on a different forum, & it can be calculated by dividing the display resolution width in pixels by the actual physical display width in inches. For example 5120px/23.375 in = 219 ppi This is important if one wants to display 'actual print size' - for example, for a 10 inch wide print to display at 10 in on screen (as measured with a ruler). Can anyone explain the resolution discrepancy in Sys Prefs>Displays vs the resolution reported in About this Mac (screenshot below) and also suggest why different apps (Photoshop 2020, Topaz labs products...) are displaying an image at different sizes when 100% view is selected ? Thanks
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‎Jun 12, 2020
01:54 PM
I noticed a 16 bit Tif being unusually large in MB size and checked the Layers & Channnels but didnt see anything in them (except of course the one layer and 3 channels). I nevertheless Flattened the layers and voila the file shrunk to the expected size. Why would the layers (whatever they were?) have been hidden and how do I prevent that that. Thanks
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‎May 02, 2020
06:05 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you v much. I'll look into both.
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‎May 02, 2020
07:24 AM
Since I dont use a stylus I am looking for a way to sometimes highlight the mouse when I'm using it to edit in Photosop or ACR. For example, I use the Adjustment Brush in ACR very often and depending on the tones in the image area, it's sometimes difficult to see exactly where I am. Is this possible? Mac Catalina Ps2020
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‎Apr 22, 2020
09:13 AM
Answered on another forum
{Thread renamed by moderator}
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‎Feb 02, 2020
10:29 AM
Thanks so much for the help
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‎Feb 02, 2020
09:14 AM
" if you have a desktop inkjet printer, you can do some experiments with a small section of the image, using different processing techniques" How ? Once I have the enlarged file, crop a small section (with a paper ratio like 6x4 or 5x7 or 8x10) & check under Image Size that it'll fit my pper (or keep cropping smaller until it does ?
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‎Feb 01, 2020
09:44 AM
It sounds like I should talk them out of wanting a huge print from a old 35mm b&w neg 🙂 But if I have to, then perhaps a paper with tooth/texture , or on canvas, would help hide 'defects'. And, go for the best scan I can get (Imacon or drum) to print size without any further enlargement in Ps Alternatively, if I need to enlarge an image that originated as a digital raw file, then do it in Ps>Image Size>Preserve Details2 (or experiment with comparing that to enlarging in Raw workflow options or with a program like Gigapixel) Correct? .Do I have it straightened out?
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‎Jan 31, 2020
05:01 PM
Thanks for this. I assumed you'd need 300 or 360 ppl for a good print. Not 103ppi. A drum scan would be good but it's very expensive. Ill look into renting a macro lens which maybe a viable option as you described. so everything we talked through earlier is only applicable to enlarging a digital file - I'm going toget the Gigapixel trial and compare it to Ps>Preserve Details and to ACR enlargement. Do all 3 and compare.
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‎Jan 31, 2020
01:15 PM
I guess it's a tough call as to which enlarging method is best because it's not definitive and will not always be true across the board - it may be different depending on the nature of each image or the size/scale of the the enlargement? I started researching when someone asked me if I could make a huge print (about 2m) from an old 35mm b&w tri-x negative. It was made about 25 years ago on a crappy old camera. Nothing like the crisp sharpness of a modern camera 1. I just learned, on another forum, how to use the workflow options in ACR (=Lr) to enlarge. 2. Here you said Preserve details 2.0 resampling method in the Image size dialog is best. 3. And you & others recommend AI Gigapixel (or another similar Upres program).
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‎Jan 31, 2020
12:41 PM
Thank you Per. You said: "I suggest that you don't resize the image in the workflow options, but use the Preserve details 2.0 resampling method in the Image size dialog in Photoshop, which is the best tool for enlarging." Is that definitive, and always true, or is enlarging in ACR (workflow options) sometimes a better option - perhaps depending on the nature of the image or the scale/degree of enlargement ?
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‎Jan 31, 2020
07:30 AM
Nikunj, Thanks, but your reply simply repeats what I already know and stated in my original post. I'm interested in more details - how much (to what size) you can safely enlarge, or in what enlarging increments should you work. Also, what is the advantage or disadvantage to do it in ACR vs using Image Size in Ps on a Tif. I know what the crop tool is and how to use it. I was asking if you can set new enlarged image size with it (as per Julienne Kost, Adobe evangelist, youtube video) Thanks
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‎Jan 30, 2020
01:09 PM
In ACR, underneath the image, there is a hyperlink to workflow options and in that window you can check or un-check "resize to fit" and also you can check/uncheck "don't enlarge" I've also read that you can use the crop tool but I don't see how to do that I'm using the latest version (12) via the cc subscription thanks
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‎Aug 20, 2019
06:34 PM
The adjustment brush in Camera Raw only shows after restarting Bridge. Not the first time I open/launch a raw file from Bridge >Open in ACR Mac OS 10.14.6 AMD Radeon Pro 570 OpenGL engine card - 4GB 27 inch iMac 2017 - 32 GB Ram Ps version 20.06 Br version ACR This has been going on for months and I hoped the latest CC updates would fix it. Please help and advise on the Preferences settings that will fix it. [Duplicate thread as ACR Adjustment brush problem locked by Mod]
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‎Aug 20, 2019
06:19 PM
Now its August 2019 and still the adjustment brush in Camera Raw only shows after restarting Bridge. Not the first time I open a raw file from Bridge >Open in ACR Ps version 20.06 Br version9.1.0.338 ACR AMD Radeon Pro 570 OpenGL engine card in iMac
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‎Feb 21, 2019
12:23 PM
I’m sad to report that after working, today the brush disappeared again i havetried toretrace mysteps totry and see what happened. No luck. I was working on some files and then without warning I selected the adjustment brush but all I got was the cursor. The mystery persists. please Adobe help figure this out.
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‎Feb 12, 2019
08:50 AM
This morning (Feb 12) I found an Adobe CC notification that there are updates for PS & Camera Raw (PS 20.0.3 and ACR 11.2) so I have installed them hoping that any corrupt files and/or settings will be corrected. The first few files Ive opened appear to have the Adjustment brush corrected. I hope it sticks. I should add that I also removed all login items (Sys Prefs>User>Logins) in case they were creating an issue The mystery remains as to why Camera Raw when opened from Bridge directly has the missing/invisible brush, but not the case when opened in PS (Open vs Open in CameraRaw). It is after all the same Camera Raw I will report back, after a few re-boots if the problem raises it's head again Thank sto all who responded
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‎Feb 11, 2019
09:03 AM
I just re-installed CameraRaw 11.1 As before (Ive done this more than once) it appears to work. But then when I reboot the computer its back to square one - no tool visible. I also just tried again the reset the CameraRaw prefs - no luck. Also the PS Prefs
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‎Feb 10, 2019
04:46 PM
PS 20.0.2, Bridge, ACR 11.0.112 MacOS Mojave 10.14.3, with Radeon Pro 750 graphics card (27in iMac late 2017 model) When I open my raw files from Bridge> Open in CameraRaw > the Adjustment brush is not visible. When I open my raw files from Bridge> Open > then the brush is visible How can I correct this so the brush works when Open in CameraRaw? (It used to work fine until the latest round of Adobe CC and Mac OS updates) *And here's the kicker, it's not consistent. Sometimes it does work. And sometimes the brush will quit working after having worked . But I can't find a pattern to the erratic behaviour!! Except As I understand it, the first option opens it directly in Camera Raw, and the second opens the file via Photoshop's CameraRaw filter. I have tried to turn 'Use Graphics Processor' on and off in the Camera Raw prefs and In PS Prefs>Performance. I've also changed (tried check & un-check) other settings in PS>Prefs to try and increase performance and solve the problem. I did find these links but still haven't found the answer - Optimize performance Photoshop CC Adobe Camera Raw graphics processor (GPU) FAQ and troubleshooting Photoshop graphics processor (GPU) card FAQ Troubleshoot Photoshop graphics processor (GPU) and graphics driver issues Any suggestions appreciated (& thanks to this who may have tried to help last time I posted this.) Thank you See inserted screenshot:
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‎Feb 04, 2019
08:24 AM
Unfortunately it didn't. Back to square 1. Launched Bridge, opened a Raw file in ACR, went to Adjustment brush and 'poof' it's invisible. The brush works but you can't see the brush or its the feather outlines. Go to prefs un-check use graphics processor. Brush becomes visible again.
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‎Feb 03, 2019
06:06 PM
I just re-set the Camera Raw prefs by following this How To: Reset Camera Raw Preferences - YouTube I now see my adjustment brush. I'll have to keep an eye on it over the next day or two and see if it is a permanent fix
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‎Feb 03, 2019
01:57 PM
Yes, purchased Dec 2017 thanks for help
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‎Feb 03, 2019
11:43 AM
I have the Radeon Pro 570 4gb - the iMac has 32gb I contacted AMD but they said that Apple provides all the driver software
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‎Feb 03, 2019
10:48 AM
i have the latest PS, Bridge, ACR via my CC subscription and auto update. I also have the latest Mac OS update on my 27in iMac My adjustment brush disappears and after googling I tried un-checking the “use graphics processor “ in the ACR prefs. That seems to bring it back. I also tried option h can someone provide clarity on what’s up. I didn’t have this issue before the last adobe updates
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‎Jan 29, 2019
09:11 AM
Thanks very much Christopher. That worked and I see them now ! Much appreciated.
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‎Jan 29, 2019
07:51 AM
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