Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Dec 19, 2024
02:08 AM
@Eccentric_mindset7712 Hold down Shift and then launch Premiere Pro. Do you see the Reset Options Dialog? If you do, try checking the two options "Reset plugin loading cache" and "Disable third-party plugins" then click Continue. Does that work?
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‎Dec 18, 2024
04:37 AM
Hi @lbernier thanks for trying this out! Replying right here is fine, if you have separate points just use bullet points. This will make sure we can easily share this feedback with the team. Thanks.
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‎Dec 18, 2024
01:54 AM
@scrozier first thing to try is confirm the Media Intelligence add-on is installed in Creative Cloud:
Quit Premiere Pro
Open Creative Cloud desktop application
Click on the Apps heading, then the Beta apps section and locate Premiere Pro (Beta)
Click on the "..." button and choose "Get add-ons"
Do you see the Media Intelligence add-on listed as installed? If not, click "Add".
If it was installed, could you try making a new empty project and importing those clips?
Let me know if any of those things help, we'd like to figure out what's going on here. Thanks!
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‎Dec 13, 2024
06:12 AM
@a.t.i_7484 I'm sorry about this, it was unintentional. It is already fixed in the beta version, and will be fixed in the next release.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
12:57 PM
@lehestro I'll make sure to get this to the right team, I'd imagine any duplicated projects should maintain the column sizing and order.
But also I wanted to direct you to a little-known feature of the Project panel: Project View Presets. You can find them in the panel menu (the three horizontal lines next to the project/bin name in the tab). These let you make keyboard shortcut-able presets of how the Project panel is configured which includes which columns are turned on and in what order as well as some of the other Project panel view settings. This way you can always be one key press away from your desired setup, even when opening a project from someone else.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
12:50 PM
1 Upvote
@Mel_Esss In addition to what Kevin suggested, do you by chance have Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, or iCloud Drive syncing your computer's Documents folder? I've seen some cases where syncing is turned on for the Documents folder, and the system gets into a state where the Documents folder contents appear to be there but are really in the cloud and being downloaded on demand. This can cause problems for applications like Premiere Pro which write important cache files to the Documents folder (and others in your user account home folder). When those files aren't where they should be, or have a lag in becoming available when Premiere Pro needs them, it can lead to very strange behaviors like you're describing. Just a guess!
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‎Dec 12, 2024
12:42 PM
@Siah_Clark No, there's no functionality in the keyboard shortcuts in Pr to simulate double presses or anything like that. I'm not sure how you could have a keyboard preset that would cause this to happen, I just suggested trying the default again as a test.
In your pre-existing custom keyboard preset, search for "Edit Marker" and you'll see the command. Is it mapped to any keys?
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‎Dec 12, 2024
08:29 AM
@Siah_Clark Thanks for letting me know. Are you on Windows or Mac? And, are you using a custom keyboard shortcut preset? If so I'm curious if you try switching back to the "Adobe Premiere Pro Default", does it still happen?
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‎Dec 12, 2024
08:20 AM
Hi @Siah_Clark – how are you adding the marker? What you're describing is not a new feature, there is no change in Premiere Pro 25.1 about adding a marker always opening the Edit Marker dialog.
The default keyboard shortcut is "M" which will add the marker, then if you press "M" again it will open the Edit Marker dialog. Is it possible the keyboard or input device you're using is hitting "M" twice?
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‎Dec 10, 2024
08:53 AM
1 Upvote
@dailee_7568 the new color management workflows are still in Beta, and haven't graduated to the release version yet.
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‎Dec 05, 2024
01:50 AM
1 Upvote
@ronen_2009 It's possible that your source material is multichannel audio, and the first channel is silent. You can go to Preferences > Audio and turn on "Sum multichannel outputs to mono in Source Monitor" and that will make sure all channels get played together in Stereo on your speakers or headphones.
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‎Nov 27, 2024
04:34 AM
@James379474779d6d The fix David mentioned applies to any OS version. It is also available in Premiere Pro (Beta) now to try out.
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‎Nov 25, 2024
06:41 AM
1 Upvote
@jmacleod92 That is interesting to hear, it's not what I'd expect. That said, there are a number of factors that could be at play here and it will help to understand more about your setup.
Do you use any first-party or third-party effects in these sequences, if so, which ones? The concern here is if any of them are CPU-only effects, that could cause extra steps in the GPU acceleration pipeline, that Software only wouldn't have
What are you Hardware decoding settings at? Is it on, and set to both Intel and NVIDIA or only one of them, or neither? You can find this in Preferences > Media.
What format are you exporting to, and is that using Hardware Accelerated encoding?
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Nov 25, 2024
06:36 AM
1 Upvote
‎Nov 25, 2024
06:36 AM
1 Upvote
Hi all, sorry about this hiccup. It should be a one-time issue that most don't hit, but if you do, you should fully uninstall Premiere Pro (Beta) via Creative Cloud desktop app. This will also remove any installed add-ons. Then go back to the Beta section of Creative Cloud, and install Premiere Pro (Beta) fresh.
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‎Nov 14, 2024
06:01 AM
1 Upvote
@Alaric0101 this forum thread is about an issue with the Enhance Speech feature on Mac systems with Intel processors. Your system is a Mac with an Apple silicon processor.
You can turn off automatic transcription of your media by going to Settings > Transcription and unchecking "Automatically transcribe clips". You can also find this setting on the right-hand side of Import Mode.
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‎Nov 12, 2024
07:30 AM
@HardyIV The only thing I can think it might be is the automatic transcription, if you have that turned on to transcribe all the clips in your project. Check in Preferences > Transcription to see if that is turned on. You would also see it in the Progress panel while it is happening.
If it's not that, I'm not sure what else in Premiere Pro it could be. Can you open Task Manager and set up a column to show network speed by process, and see that it's coming from Premiere Pro or something else? Thanks
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‎Nov 08, 2024
11:22 AM
1 Upvote
@bengold72 as I mentioned, the state you are in is not supposed to happen. I know of at least two bugs we have fixed in the past that could lead to situations like this, so it's possible you hit it at that point and only noticed the issue now.
I have a suggestion for something to try but please realize I can't promise it will work since I don't have your production to know its exact state. Please make a full copy of your production folder and stash it somewhere before trying this:
Since I don't know what it's called, let's call the project with the empty folders "Project A". Create a new empty project called "Project B".
Drag the sequence or sequences from Project A to Project B so that Project A now only has the empty folders
File > Save All
Close Project B
Delete the empty folders from Project A. It's possible you won't get the warning this time, but if you do, go ahead and click Yes.
File > Save All
Open Project B again and either use that project moving forward, or move the sequences back to Project A and delete B
Do another save all, then quit Premiere Pro and then re-open it and the production/projects. Does everything seem fine? Did you get any new "Recovered Clips" folder or anything?
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‎Nov 08, 2024
10:04 AM
1 Upvote
That is the Work Area Bar. Think of it like a secondary In/Out point that you can use if you are repeatedly exporting only a certain section of your timeline. You can set the Work Area to that section, and when you export set it to only export the Work Area, and then you can continue to use In/Out points moving around as you work, while leaving the Work Area bar where it is.
You can turn this off in the Timeline panel menu (the three horizontal lines in the Timeline panel tab). Just un-check Work Area Bar.
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‎Nov 08, 2024
10:00 AM
@bengold72 I'm sorry this is happening, it's definitely a little confusing. It's possible this is due to a bug we had in a previous version of Premiere Pro Productions that could lead to this, nothing you did wrong. The best way forward is to just leave those folders as they are. If you delete them you'll see some clips disappear from your timeline. I'm sorry I don't have a full solution to clean it up, but, it should be harmless to leave them as is.
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‎Nov 03, 2024
11:52 PM
@Shahban_S0868 I'm sorry that's happening. It might be an issue where the AI models that do the transcription are not being detected properly in the new version. Could you try these steps?
Uninstall Premiere Pro 2024 and 2025 using the Creative Cloud Desktop application. You do not need to also remove preferences when it asks.
Go to your Applications folder and check if there is any leftover folder called "Adobe Premiere Pro 2024" or "Adobe Premiere Pro 2025" and if there is, delete that folder.
Reinstall Premiere Pro using the Creative Cloud app, open your project, and try your transcription again.
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‎Oct 24, 2024
11:29 AM
1 Upvote
Premiere Pro and Media Encoder certainly can export 1920x1080 at 25 fps. Could you share which version you're using and a screenshot showing where you can't choose that? What are your sequence settings? Thanks.
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‎Oct 16, 2024
02:04 PM
@Samantha32701556ybrp regarding label color, you can toggle "Show Source Clip Name and Label" in the wrench menu in the Timeline panel. When this is on, the clips in the timeline always show the same name and color as their source clip in the Project panel. Changing one ripples the change everywhere. When that is off, the clips in the timeline each keep their own "local" name and color and that's the behavior you're looking for. The project remembers both, so you can toggle whenver you like without losing them.
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‎Oct 16, 2024
12:35 PM
1 Upvote
@STUDIO29K Thank you, it's great to hear Premiere Pro is working well for you. I'll make sure the whole team sees this.
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‎Oct 15, 2024
12:16 PM
@Al Yonder Yes, you can work with this way. At the end of the day all Premiere Pro cares about with regards to media linking is the file path. As long as you and I have mirrored drives, with the same drive name (or letter on Windows), it will work. So Editor 1 can build out the media drive, clone it, and give it to Editor 2. Then you can put the Production folder in a cloud location and each editor is using their local media but a "cloud" Production.
You can try this using Dropbox or Google Drive or something like that, but be warned if both or many editors work in the Production at the same time you may have issues from time to time, as these services run in the background and aren't always the quickest at updating the Production as each editor makes changes. For this reason we often recommend something like LucidLink which is very fast at updating the small changes in the Production (media can still be on the local cloned drives).
Hope that helps!
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‎Oct 02, 2024
09:25 AM
1 Upvote
@nickflix this feature is called Hover Scrub, and you can turn it off. Click on the Project panel menu (the three horizontal lines next to the Project panel name) and uncheck Hover Scrub.
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‎Sep 28, 2024
08:25 AM
@mykeymaker your original post was talking about being warned about offline material when you export.
If your concern is being warned when you open the project, that's a little different. Premiere Pro tracks offline media in a few possible states, which you can control. If you want clips to stay in the project but to be offline, and to not warn you on project open, you can do that. You just need to click the "Offline" button in the Link Media dialog. This tells Premiere Pro that you want to leave them offline and not be warned. If instead you click Cancel, you will continue to be warned about them.
Go to your Project panel in List View and find the Status column. If you don't see it, right click on the column headers, choose "Metadata Display..." and turn on the Status column there. Here's an example of what the Status column can show for Offline clips:
If the status says File Missing, Premiere Pro will warn you when you open the project. If the status says "User Requested", it will not warn you. So the next time you open your project and get the Link Media dialog, choose the Offline All button. This will set all those clips to Offline: User Requested, and you will no longer be warned about them when you open the project.
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‎Sep 28, 2024
07:49 AM
1 Upvote
@mykeymaker Are you talking about this message:
If so, you're correct. You should only be seeing that message if you are trying to export a sequence, where that sequence contains clips that are offline. It should not appear if everything in the sequence is online, but other clips in the project are offline.
So if you think there are no offline clips in your sequence and yet you still see this message there are two possibilities:
There is in fact still some material present that is offline
There's a bug
There's an easy way to check #1. With the sequence you're trying to export open and in focus (have the blue outline around the panel) go to File > Link Media. If Link Media is disabled, then there are no offline clips present in the sequence. If Link Media is enabled, then there are offline clips. Click Link Media and you'll be shown a list of the clips that are in the sequence still.
One thing to check for is nested sequences. If you nest sequence A which has offline clips inside of sequence B, then export sequence B, you'll be notified about the offline clips in A.
Finally, you can also open your sequence, choose Edit > Find and set the first line to "All" contains "Offline" and click Find All or Find and that should jump you to the offline clips, because there is a metadata column called Status that reports Offline.
Hope that helps!
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‎Sep 05, 2024
12:17 PM
@coreyc46481032 Which version of Premiere Pro are you using?
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‎Sep 05, 2024
09:35 AM
1 Upvote
@cathrinejaber Please submit a few crash reports using that window, and in the field that asks for your email, put in an email address. You can them private message me here on the forum to let me know which email you used and I can look for your crash reports in our database to see what's going on.
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‎Sep 05, 2024
08:31 AM
@cathrinejaber Which version of Premiere Pro are you using? Do you ever see a dialog window appear talking about submitting a crash report, and do you submit the crash report with your email address?
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