Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
Dec 23, 2020
11:46 AM
@vanessaCampbell There is not an automatic translation. You'll need to create new titles using the Essential Graphics panel and workflow. Keep in mind that as you transition and if you are using an M1 Mac you can still install the release Intel version of Premiere Pro (currently v14.7) and run it using the Rosetta translation mode and that will still support Legacy Titler for now.
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
Dec 22, 2020
03:59 PM
1 Upvote
Dec 22, 2020
03:59 PM
1 Upvote
@vanessaCampbell Good news: a feature called Master Graphics exists and it does what you want – take a graphics clip that exists in the timeline and promotes to a full on master clip in your project panel for you to organize and re-use however you like. Check out the manual page here, go down to the heading "Create Master Graphics":
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Dec 22, 2020
11:32 AM
@vanessaCampbell Like Bruce mentioned, we're not planning on bringing Legacy Titler over. However we do think the Essential Graphics panel and the new Text tool should be able to handle all your titling needs. Are there things you use Legacy Titler for that can't work in our new title tools?
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
Dec 22, 2020
10:58 AM
Dec 22, 2020
10:58 AM
@Kes Akalaonu Thank you for pointing this out. It definitely should have a mappable keyboard shortcut, I'm not sure why it didn't get automatically picked up. I've let the team know and they will look into it.
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
Dec 21, 2020
03:41 PM
Dec 21, 2020
03:41 PM
@paulejonesy Thank you for pointing this out. We are looking into why the Intel Beta versions of After Effects and Media Encoder are not availble.
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Dec 09, 2020
04:28 PM
Hi Jim I'm sorry this is happening. Could you clarify an exact set of steps you're doing that leads to the progress bar getting stuck? It sounds like you have a production open, you have one of the production's projects open, and then you are trying to open a second project also in the production?
If I have that right, are you able to open that second project by itself? For example, close all other production/projects, make a copy of the second project to your Desktop, and open it from there.
Also, the .prlock files are normal and you can ignore them. They are created when you open a project that's part of a production, and they will go away when you close that project. They are there for the collaboration feature of Productions, for example if you stored your production on a server and had multiple editors working inside the same production.
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Nov 17, 2020
09:12 AM
Thank you – in looking into this issue we have a way to make it happen so now we can fix it.
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Nov 16, 2020
12:26 PM
I'm not sure what is causing this issue on your system - I'm not seeing anything like this on my end. What operating system and version are you using? Also, could you try resetting your workspace? Go to the menu Window > Workspaces and choose Editing, then Window > Workspaces > Reset to Saved Layout.
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Nov 16, 2020
11:24 AM
@Kimblah I would like to get crash logs from you to look at this issue. When you send the report to Adobe do you include your email address? If so, could you direct message me and let me know the email address you used? If you haven't been including that, please do so the next time you hit the crash and then direct message me which email you used. I can look up your crash report based on that email and we can see what is happening. Thank you.
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Nov 16, 2020
11:19 AM
Hi, thanks for reporting this. Could you confirm which build of 14.8 beta you are using? You can go to the About Premiere Pro menu and a splash screen will appear saying "Version 14.8.0 BETA (Build X) where X is the build number.
Could you also share your computer specs like operating system, CPU, and GPU, and GPU driver?
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Oct 27, 2020
11:26 AM
I'm not seeing this on my system. If you change your project panel to Freeform View, do you see squares on each clip with the label color?
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Oct 19, 2020
05:16 PM
When it comes to RED playback there are two things to consider: debayering and decoding. Currently debayering is done on the GPU if you are using the Metal renderer on macOS or the CUDA renderer on Windows. The decode step is done on the CPU, and depending on your system and the compression ratio of the RED media, that could be the bottleneck.
I can't make any promises, but decoding RED on the GPU is something we're looking at for future improvements. Keep an eye on the beta forums!
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
Oct 19, 2020
03:54 PM
1 Upvote
Oct 19, 2020
03:54 PM
1 Upvote
Yep, there's even presets for ProRes in PQ if you choose the QuickTime format. Have fun!
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Oct 19, 2020
03:48 PM
Also – Rec. 2100 PQ support has been added as a working color space in the latest beta 🙂
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Oct 15, 2020
04:30 PM
Thanks for the feedback! When the scope was limited to a single project file, it was possible to have this as a preference checkbox, and we did. However, in a Production it is not possible to have it as a preference, because it could then be turned on and off at any time, by anyone, and create all kinds of problems across the production depending on which projects were open and which were closed at the time the preference was toggled. Even as a solo editor, you would see inconsistencies if you ever changed your mind and toggled the preference again because it wouldn't be able to apply immediately to the projects you don't have open.
Therefore we had to choose: should label colors be allowed to sync from the media project to the timeline project? If we said yes, that would mean you would not be able to change the label color in a timeline without also opening the project containing the source clip. For many workflows that rely on different label colors in the timeline for different meanings, that was a non-starter. So for now we went with the option that label colors do not sync. This leaves you with the flexibility to change them at will in the timeline, without stepping on other timelines in other projects.
Of course, if your workflow did not use labels in this way, I understand completely how it can be frustrating. The problem really comes down to how widely differently people use label colors. We are exploring other solutions to this in the future, for example allowing you to force a sync from bin to timeline to update any label color changes.
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Oct 05, 2020
03:38 PM
This is a known limitation of Dynamic Link when using a shared network server. Nothing specific to Productions, you'll see the same behavior if you're in a single project or a production.
The limitation is that you won't get updates in Premiere on your end when the After Effects artist saves the .aep. After the After Effects artist saves, you need to either:
1) close and re-open the Premiere project, or
2) Right click on the .aep comp in your Premiere timeline and choose Edit Original to open the .aep in After Effects, which will then update Premiere Pro's timeline for you.
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
Sep 24, 2020
10:28 AM
1 Upvote
Sep 24, 2020
10:28 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you for reporting this. We have the issue logged internally to fix.
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
Sep 23, 2020
09:57 AM
1 Upvote
Sep 23, 2020
09:57 AM
1 Upvote
These are updates available in the After Effects Beta and are listed in Premiere's What's New by mistake. Sorry about that!
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Sep 10, 2020
07:42 PM
Sorry, no update on this yet.
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Sep 09, 2020
09:32 AM
This issue should actually now be fixed. If you could download the latest Premiere Pro Beta build and give it a test I'd love to know if you see it as fixed as well. Make sure the version/build is (version 14.5 build 18) or later.
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Sep 04, 2020
11:11 AM
Thank you for letting us know – I was able to reproduce this issue based on your description and we are looking into it.
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
Aug 25, 2020
09:31 AM
1 Upvote
Aug 25, 2020
09:31 AM
1 Upvote
If your machine handles 14.4 Beta well, it will handle 14.4 just as well when 14.4 is no longer Beta.
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Aug 05, 2020
11:22 AM
In Premiere's workspaces each project is saved individually. This is becuase you could have two or more projects open and have them docked in different parts of the interface, and you'd expect your workspace to remember that.
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Aug 03, 2020
10:23 AM
I'm not seeing the different behavior you're talking about. I've double checked in 2019 (13.1.5), 2020 (14.3.1) and Beta (14.3.2) and I'm seeing the same behavior in all versions:
"Show all clip markers in sequence": OFF
- if no clips are selected, only sequence markers are shown
- if a single clip is selected, that clip's clip markers are shown, no sequence markers are shown
- if multiple clips are selected, nothing is shown
"Show all clip markers in sequence": ON
- if no clips are selected, every clip marker is shown and no sequence markers are shown
- if a single clip is selected, every clip marker is shown and no sequence markers are shown
- if multiple clips are selected, nothing is shown
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Jul 31, 2020
04:47 PM
What you describe there is the correct behavior. The idea behind "Show all clip markers in sequence" is to do exactly that: hide sequence markers and show every clip marker on every clip in the sequence.
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Jul 31, 2020
03:13 PM
Thanks for the feedback Fabien (and Neil!)
The difficult, down-in-the-plumbing work is getting Premiere to have the concept of a configurable timeline/working color space at all. Once we have that all working and tested and in a good place we plan on making sure our support for specific color spaces is up to expactations and industry standards.
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Jul 31, 2020
03:08 PM
Are you using the current After Effects Beta as well?
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
Jul 27, 2020
12:44 PM
Jul 27, 2020
12:44 PM
That's a good question, but actually the options are only exclusive if they happen to apply to the same clip. They are not exclusive if your timeline has a mix of clips with and without proxies, and only some portions of them rendered.
Imagine an HD timeline and you have a combo of HD and 4K footage. You make proxies of the 4K so it's easier to play, but don't make proxies of the HD clips because those play fine. You also have complex effects on some sections and so have rendered those sections.
In a scenario like that, checking both "Use Proxies" and "Use Previews" could be a faster export than only using one or the other. Parts of the timeline with 4K clips will use the proxies so that's faster, and parts of the timeline (HD or 4K) that have been rendered will use the previews.
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
Jul 27, 2020
11:17 AM
Jul 27, 2020
11:17 AM
New in Premiere Pro (Beta) 14.3.2 you will find a "Use Proxies" checkbox in the Export Media dialog! Make sure you have updated to the latest build via the Creative Cloud app to try out this feature.
Checking “Use Proxies” will mean that if proxy media is attached to your clips, the proxy media will be used when exporting rather than the full resolution media. This is great for when you’d prefere a faster export and don’t require the highest visual quality.
The “Use Proxies” checkbox is not affected by enabling or disabling proxies while editing.
Note that if a section of your timeline has proxies attached and also has been rendered with previews, and you check both “Use Proxies” and “Use Previews”, the previews will be used rather than the proxies.
The “Use Proxies” checkbox state is also saved into any export presets you create.
Please let us know how this feature is working for you, and if you encounter any issues. Thank you!
Known Issues: - If you check “Use Proxies” and then queue to Media Encoder and the Media Encoder preference to import sequences natively is unchecked, proxies will not be used.
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Jul 27, 2020
11:01 AM
It's possible you don't have the After Effects Beta installed or updated to the latest version. Dynamic Link features like "Replace with After Effects composition" require matching versions, so in the case of the Premiere Pro Beta that means having the corresponding After Effects Beta as well.
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