Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Jun 27, 2024
11:26 AM
1 Upvote
I'm with Warren. This looks like you sent it via text message, and the phone carriers only allow files of a certain size and so somewhere in the chain it's getting recompressed. Get it onto your phone via another means, like a syncing service, or, upload to TikTok from your computer.
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‎Jun 26, 2024
01:03 PM
@a_leven Please don't interepret this as me trying to move blame, but, what you describe sounds like an issue with LucidLink or your internet connection being unreliable.
Premiere Pro and LucidLink are fully compatible in the sense that, when working properly, LucidLink successfully abstracts away the cloud storage and to Premiere Pro it looks just like any other directly attached file system. Premiere Pro has no special code to detect or do anything different on LucidLink volumes; so because of that there's not much we (on the Premiere Pro side) can do here.
In the abstract, Premiere Pro tells the operating system "I would like to save this data (the project file) here (the folder)." It either works or doesn't, and if Premiere Pro displays an error saying it wasn't able to save it's really just showing you the error it got from the operating system in response to the request to save the data.
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‎Jun 21, 2024
12:18 PM
When you cut a clip into a sequence, if the frame rate of the clip doesn't match the rate of the sequence, Premiere Pro will automatically skip or hold on frames where necessary to match the original temporal cadence so the video still appears to play in "real time".
In your example, there are 5x as many fps in your 120 fps clip as in your 24 fps sequence so if you go frame by frame through the sequence you should see only ever fifth clip of your source clip. Premiere is just skipping four frames each time, to keep up the same rough amount of clock time as was happening when the video was recorded.
The inverse also happens. If you cut a 30 fps clip into a 60 fps timeline, Premiere Pro will hold on each source frame for two frames in the sequence.
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‎Jun 21, 2024
09:18 AM
Right click on the Source side (left side) of the track headers and choose "Default Source Assignment". You can also assign a keyboard shortcut to the command.
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‎Jun 21, 2024
08:12 AM
@integrityvideo It sounds like maybe your new system is using Hardware Accelerated Encoding to take load off the CPU and use the dedicated encoding blocks on your chip instead. When you are on the export page, look at the summary on the bottom right and see if it says "Hardware Encoding" or "Software Encoding". You can also manually choose this in the video export settings. Try turning off Hardware Encoding and you should see full CPU usage. It may or may not be faster, it will depend on your system and your sequence.
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‎Jun 20, 2024
07:58 AM
@HLJR We've renamed the menu item "Properties" to now be "Media File Properties". You can see it in your screenshot of the Project panel context menu. I'm not sure why it's not there in the timeline, I'll ask around. Thanks!
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‎Jun 19, 2024
07:14 AM
@Peter_Robins There are two changes that happened at the same time: 1) a redesign of how clips look and function in the timeline. This is what allows for the new draggable fade handles, transition styling, and some changes to the fx badge. This you cannot revert or change. 2) An update to the default label colors – this you can change as you always could plus we added label color presets as I described to make it easier to try, switch between, and share label colors.
Which label colors are in use is an application-level setting, so it will apply to any project you open.
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‎Jun 18, 2024
02:28 PM
It's true there are many ways to accomplish the basics in Premiere Pro, so in addition to Bill's suggestion, here is what I would propose for the simplest way to export smaller parts of your clips:
If you just need to export a section of a longer video, you can import that video in the Project panel, then double click the clip to load it into the Source Monitor. There you can position the playhead on the first frame you want and hit " i " on the keyboard to set your In Point. Then position the playhead on the last frame you want and hit " o " to set the Out Point. This sets the In-Out range that you will export, or,
If you already have edited together some clips in a timeline, ignore step 1 and just use that timeline. You can also use the i/o keys to set In and Out points there if you like, then
Use the Quick Export feature which is in the header bar at the top right of the window. The icon is a square with an arrow pointing up. There you can click on the blue path name to set a file name and location to export to, and then you just need to choose an export preset. Use "Match Source – Adaptive High Bitrate" as a good default. This means it will match the frame size and frame rate of your source material and give you a decent balance between visual quality and file size. Use the "Match Source – Adaptive Low Bitrate" if you'd like to sacrifice some visual quality and get a smaller file out of it.
Click Export
Those presets will create a .MP4 file that uses the H.264 video codec. It is by far the most common video format out there today and should be compatible pretty much anywhere, without installing anything extra.
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‎Jun 18, 2024
10:37 AM
1 Upvote
@Show23911727eooq Could you share one of your XML files here, or in a DM to me on the forums? I don't need any of the actual media, just the .xml. Thanks
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‎Jun 18, 2024
07:20 AM
@esrhgzdfgazdfgzabdfshzdfs thanks for sharing, I'll make sure the right team sees this. In the mean time I know some people have had success with this plugin:
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‎Jun 18, 2024
07:15 AM
@Peter_Robins Go to Preferences > Labels and you'll see we've added Label Color Presets to the bottom right part of the interface. You can change the preset to "Classic" to use the previous colors.
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‎Jun 18, 2024
07:12 AM
Where is this XML file coming from? What happens when you try to import it? Could you share a sample?
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‎Jun 18, 2024
07:11 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @alexperro I just checked in Premiere Pro 24.3 and 24.5 on my Mac, and in both cases there is a search box in the Help menu. As far as I understand it, we get that "for free" from macOS and so it's not something in the Premiere Pro code. That leads me to think it's something going on on your system. I'm sorry I don't have anything better to suggest!
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‎Jun 17, 2024
12:23 PM
@bbbigelow Oh and also there is a metadata column you can turn in the Project panel (in List View). Right click on the column headers, choose "Metadata Display..." and then search for "Video Usage" and "Audio Usage" and turn those on. Now those columns show you how many times a clip is used in a sequence, with a quick way to jump to where.
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‎Jun 17, 2024
12:21 PM
@bbbigelow Good news – this exists! You can find it in the wrench menu in the Timeline panel, called "Show Duplicate Frame Markers". With this turned on, when you cut the same region of a clip in a second time, it'll get a colored bar on it showing which frames are used elsewhere in the sequence.
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Jun 14, 2024
09:02 AM
1 Upvote
‎Jun 14, 2024
09:02 AM
1 Upvote
Short answer: now in the new Properties panel
More here:
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‎Jun 13, 2024
12:42 PM
@linda_CG My apologies, looking again at your recording I can see that you are in fact working in a sequence. Are any of the tracks in the sequence locked? Can you edit or trim the clips in the sequence and see the transcript also update?
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‎Jun 13, 2024
12:36 PM
@KWStrick That's so strange. Would you be able to send me the media file and your project? Nothing we're trying internally is getting Scene Edit Detection to fail so we want to see if it's something in your media or project. If you're up for that, send me a DM on these forums (mailbox icon in the top right) and either send me a link or tell me what email address I can send an upload link to. Thanks.
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‎Jun 13, 2024
12:05 PM
@linda_CG it looks like you're viewing the transcript of the source clip (the clip loaded into the Source Monitor). While you can correct the transcript in terms of typos or wording, you can't perform edit operations like removing, because it's the source clip.
Cut your clip into a sequence, and then you'll be looking at the sequence transcript which does let you do the edits you're trying to do.
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‎Jun 11, 2024
08:24 AM
@The great dog Chippie This is working as intended. When you start with a 1920x1080 (16:9) sequence and choose to make a 9:16 Auto Reframe, we keep the same vertical resolution (1080) and then crop in the sides until they are 9:16 which as noted is 607 pixels wide.
If we didn't do this, and instead create a 1080x1920 sequence, you'd now have a large amount of additional scaling applied to your clips: going from 1080 to 1920 pixels tall is a couple hundred pixels off from a 200% scaling operation.
That said, if you want to do this yourself you can. After doing the Auto Reframe to 9:16, you can go to Sequence > Sequence Settings and manually change the dimmensions. In my testing, it was a seamless change that required no further modification.
I hope that helps!
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‎Jun 11, 2024
07:46 AM
@yash-lucid this is working as designed. Enhance Speech will only process the portion of the audio that is used in your sequence. This way if you only cut in, say, 10 seconds of an hour-long audio piece, you only have to spend the time to run Enhance Speech on that 10 seconds. But that means if you trim or otherwise change the length of the audio segment used, Enhance Speech now needs to re-analyze the clip. There are two approaches you could take to avoid this:
1. Apply Enhance Speech at the end of your editing process
2. Cut the entire clip into a timeline, run Enhance Speech, then right click and choose Render and Replace... which will create a new WAV file of your audio with any effects on it. Then use that new WAV clip in your edit, with the Enhance Speech already "baked in"
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‎Jun 11, 2024
07:43 AM
1 Upvote
You can turn off auto-tagging in Preferences > Audio > Auto-tag audio types in the timeline.
To clear the current tags on multiple clips at once, select the clips in the timeline, then open the Essential Sound Panel and click "Clear Audio Type" in the top right of the panel. You can then manually re-tag single clips or groups of clips at once.
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‎Jun 10, 2024
12:03 PM
@a_leven Based on your description it sounds like it was working in this version of Premiere Pro before, and now suddenly doesn't? Without the version of Premiere Pro changing? That leads me to think something is different in how they are creating the files for you then.
Can you share an example file that is crashing? If you prefer to DM me on the forums here, I can create a OneDrive folder for you to upload to.
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‎Jun 06, 2024
05:55 AM
Hi @Janice5CFE I'm sorry this is happening. We're aware of this issue and are working on a fix.
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‎Jun 05, 2024
07:52 AM
It sounds like you're looking for the Edit > Reassociate Source Clip command. Think of it like "relinking" but for pointing a sequence clip to a source clip in a different project (in your Production). You can select one or more clips in the sequence, choose Reassociate, and then choose the project file that has the source clips. Premiere Pro will then open that project and look for a match.
Note that it needs to be the exact same clip. Since your production has come together from multiple different projects, it may not work.
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‎Jun 05, 2024
07:32 AM
Look for a folder called "Adobe Premiere Pro Auto-Save" which is usually saved in the same location as your project file. That is where Auto Save will have been saving backup copies of your project. Then look at the Date Created on the projects in there.
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‎Jun 05, 2024
06:54 AM
@KWStrick I'm sorry that's happening. So in all the different things you described trying, it did work to create the cuts, but did not work to create the markers?
You mentioned 24.5 Beta – we're a whole version ahead in Beta now on 24.6. Could you update to the latest Beta and give it another try?
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‎Jun 05, 2024
06:50 AM
@Adam3486246607au Thanks for sharing this, I'll make sure to pass it on to the right team. I've used Media Composer in the past but it's been a minute, can you refresh my memory? Are you asking for a way to show the duration instead of the clip name? Or in addition to? Are there any other common things you would want to see on the clip?
I know it's not the same but you can hover your cursor on a clip and get a tooltip that includes the duration.
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‎Jun 05, 2024
06:45 AM
@defaultu3ajxdwzt0xo You need to first split Jerry's segment, then you can either merge that with Jessica's segment or just leave it as it's own segment and change the speaker to Jessica. Use the Split or Merge buttons at the top of the transcript.
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‎Jun 04, 2024
12:21 PM
@Jean-Freancoi2740338808rs The Premiere Pro engineering team has people with backgrounds from all parts of the post-production and entertainment industries, and we chose these new default colors to go hand in hand with a new design for the clips in the timeline including the draggable audio fade handles.
As part of this update we also added Label Color Presets, found in Preferences > Labels. There you'll find the new ability to easily save and switch between any presets you create as well as a preset called Classic which has the previous colors.
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