Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Sep 05, 2024
08:31 AM
@cathrinejaber Which version of Premiere Pro are you using? Do you ever see a dialog window appear talking about submitting a crash report, and do you submit the crash report with your email address?
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‎Sep 05, 2024
07:58 AM
Premiere Pro can make use of all of the hardware you can throw at it. What you need depends on the frame sizes and frame rates and types of formats you are using to edit. Personally I'd start with 16 GB RAM minimum. The RAM is going to be more useful to you than the +2 GPU cores, but Pr certainly can use those +2 GPU cores if they are in the budget.
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‎Sep 04, 2024
12:28 PM
Hi @Touri unfortunately there isn't a key specifically for that. Some people use Sequence Markers for this purpose, though. Use the M key (with no clips selected) to add a marker to your sequence. Drop a second one somewhere else, and then you can use the "Go to Next Marker" and "Go to Previous Marker" keyboard shortcuts to jump between the two.
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‎Sep 04, 2024
12:24 PM
Hi @Touri!
No, you can't have the same sequence open in two different Timeline panels. However for the case you are describing you can duplicate your sequence, open that duplicate sequence and now you will have two tabs in your Timeline panel. Drag one of the tabs downward so it comes loose, then drag it to the top highlighted blue portion of the Timeline panel. This will create two Timeline panels, one on top of the other. You can freely drag or copy/paste between them, and leave each one zoomed into the appropriate area. When you're done, just delete the duplicated sequence and you are left with your final edit. Make sure to clearly name your duplicate sequence when you duplicate it so it's clear which is which!
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‎Aug 31, 2024
08:43 AM
With the latest Premiere Pro (Beta) v25.0 you now can set Command (Mac) or Control (Win) + J to a command of your choosing and have it work. Thanks for reporting this!
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‎Aug 29, 2024
06:46 AM
File > Project Settings > Scratch Disks > Video Previews controls where the video preview renders are written.
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‎Aug 29, 2024
06:19 AM
1 Upvote
Ann's suggestion is good. Make sure that setting is turned off, and Premiere Pro will look for duplicates when you import a sequence. However it will only catch exact, literal duplicates. If the same clip was imported independently in each project or if the metadata or markers are different, it doesn't count it as a duplicate and so you get both copies of a clip.
I realize you may have already been cutting this project for a while, but in the future you should use the Productions workflow for this. With Productions you create a folder full of as many projects as you like, and think of the projects like bins. Each editor can have their projects in the production and share sequences between the projects with 0 duplicates being created, ever. Source clips can live in a bin in Project A and be cut into a sequence in Project B without also showing up in Project B's bins. You can work with the Production hosted on a shared server, or, you can build out the production (import the media, etc) then share copies of it to everyone and still benefit from sharing projects with sequences, without duplicates.
I realize that's a lot to try to explain – check out Chapter 6 of our Best Practices Guide which documents all about Productions:
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‎Aug 23, 2024
03:03 PM
1 Upvote
This is due to you using version 2023. In v2024 (24.2 to be exact) we re-introduced support for writing H.264 codec in a MOV container. You'll need to be on Premiere Pro 24.2 or later to be able to set QuickTime/H.264 as the preview codec.
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‎Aug 23, 2024
12:29 PM
@Touri happy to help! There is a cheat sheet built into Premiere Pro. Open the keyboard shortcut editing interface and at the top is a "Copy to Clipboard" button. Click that, then paste into your text editor or document of choice.
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‎Aug 23, 2024
11:36 AM
1 Upvote
No, the closest thing is to use the track targets, which control which edit points are jumped to. You can quickly toggle all audio or video track targets either by Shift+Clicking on one of them, or using the "Toggle All Audio Targets"/"Toggle All Video Targets" keyboard shortcuts.
So if the audio track targets are off, using the up/down arrow aka Go to Next/Previous Edit will only take into account the targeted video tracks, and vice versa.
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‎Aug 16, 2024
12:33 PM
@Verneal5E78 Ah, it sounds like maybe the button for "Automatically set In/Out points is disabled". Can you make sure it's on? If it's off then selections in the transcript won't create In/Out points in the sequence and then you can't perform a delete edit.
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‎Aug 16, 2024
11:14 AM
There are two situations where the Text panel won't let you cut or delete sections of text:
If the Text panel is looking at a source clip loaded in the source monitor. You may see a transcript that is attached to the source clip, but you can't edit out sections of that transcript because it is a source clip.
The Text panel is looking at a sequence but it was transcribed as a "static transcript". Click the "..." button in the Text panel and if you have the option "Generate text-based editing transcript..." that means the sequence has a static transcription. A static transcription is fixed based on the audio in the sequence at the point of the transcript and doesn't update when you change the edit. If you choose "Generate text-based editing transcript..." then the transcript is no longer "static" and instead is built up by the source clip transcripts. Working in this way (which is the default) will allow you to edit/cut/remove sections of transcripts and have it update in the timeline.
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‎Aug 15, 2024
09:48 AM
1 Upvote
@lori_petersen_waite there's not a specific command for only video or only audio tracks, but, you can use track enabling in the track header to control which tracks are affected when you do "Sequence > Add Edit". Click the V1 or A1 track header to toggle its state and you can Shift+Click to do all audio or all video tracks.
So if you Shift + click V1 it will toggle off all the video tracks, then you can do Sequence > Add Edit and the edit will only apply to the audio tracks that are enabled.
Hope that helps!
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‎Aug 13, 2024
07:58 AM
1 Upvote
@Robert32194799hqfj we've got a fix for this issue in Premiere Pro Beta (version 25.0). You should be able to run Scene Edit Detection on any unlinked clips now. Let me know if you do get a chance to try it out. Thanks!
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‎Aug 09, 2024
07:05 AM
@ChrisY1184977 I'm not sure what you mean by "top of their local hard drive". If you mean the highest up in the folder hierarchy of the file system, that doesn't matter. There's no relation between where in the file system the media is and how it performs in terms of playback in Premiere Pro. We don't care if it's at the root of the driver or 10 folders deep.
Regarding media stored on a network sever, no, Premiere Pro doesn't first copy the footage locally. The file data is read over the network and decoded into RAM as its needed for playback, but there is no intermediate step of storing it on the local drive.
The only reason you might prefer to move footage locally is if the network doesn't have the bandwidth to send the file data fast enough for Premiere Pro to play without stuttering. If the network is fast enough, then it makes no difference if the media lives on the network or locally.
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‎Aug 08, 2024
08:47 AM
1 Upvote
@Roberto39070155hepr You can double click a clip in your Project panel and it will open in the Source Monitor. Depending on how your workspace is set up, you may have the Source Monitor and Program Monitor as two tabs in one single group. You can switch to the Editing workspace (Window menu > Workspaces > Editing) and that will have Source and Program Monitor side by side like you see in my screenshot.
So the idea is you can load your example reference clip into Source Monitor (just double click it in the Project panel) then have your timeline open in the Program Monitor side by side like my screenshot, then go to the little Wrench button in either monitor and choose "Gang Source and Program" which will lock their playheads to move in sync.
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‎Aug 08, 2024
08:02 AM
Yep – you should load the video you want to compare to into the Source Monitor and put the playhead at the beginning. Then in your timeline put the playhead at the beginning. Then go to the wrench menu in the program monitor and turn on "Gang Source and Program monitor". This will keep the playhead in each in sync making it easy to compare.
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‎Aug 08, 2024
07:39 AM
@Tommy39024311qmfy Good news – we think this issue is already fixed. If you're up for it, you could try out the Premiere Pro (Beta) version, which you can install in the Creative Cloud application under the Apps > Beta section. This will install Premiere Pro 25.0 which will need to upgrade any project file from an earlier version. So instead I'd just suggest installing the Beta, making a new project in it, and importing some of these clips and seeing if it works fine.
This fix should also be in the next update to the 24 version, it's just not quite out yet.
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‎Aug 08, 2024
05:55 AM
Hi Anna – the short answer is no; you can't really use a Team Project in conjunction with a Production in a meaningful way.
One option some people use is to store their Production folder on a cloud server, something like LucidLink, which then multiple people can connect to and it behaves a lot like as if all the people were at one building working on a shared network. In that scenario each editor can mount the LucidLink volume, open the Production, and each editor be working in their respective projects, referencing materials from across the Production.
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‎Aug 06, 2024
07:32 AM
@Tommy39024311qmfy I'm sorry this is happening – but first things first you can roll back the version of Premiere Pro to see if that works around the crash for now. Open Creative Cloud desktop application, click on the Apps section, find Premiere Pro, and click "..." then choose Other versions. This will remove Pr 24.5 and replace it with the version you chose.
Second, what is the NVIDIA driver version on these systems? If it is an issue with this codec, it could be related to GPU hardware decoding of that codec and so knowing the driver version you're using can help.
Finally, do you see a crash report window appear when Pr crashes? If so, please make sure to submit it and include an email in the email line so we can search our crash report database and find your reports.
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‎Aug 05, 2024
06:36 AM
You can import using the macOS file browser directly in the Project panel. With the Project panel in focus, do one of the following:
Choose File > Import
Press Command + I
Double click in an empty portion of the Project panel area
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‎Jul 24, 2024
07:53 AM
@Robert32194799hqfj I'm sorry about this, I can see the same thing happening on my system. We'll take a look at why it's failing with unlinked clips. The good news is, you can run Scene Edit Detection without affecting your audio clip if instead of unlinking you first lock the audio track. This way the cuts won't be added to the audio, but you can keep the audio and video linked.
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‎Jul 22, 2024
08:57 AM
Sorry about this – we'll have a fix up soon.
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‎Jul 18, 2024
09:08 AM
@Mia Ryoo which version of macOS are you using? Also, if you open an Apple app like TextEdit, do you see Emoji & Symbols in the Edit menu there?
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‎Jul 18, 2024
06:20 AM
1 Upvote
@firexrwt What I'm saying is that if one or both of the situations I mentioned are happening, then nothing is wrong and the system is working as intended. Not every situation for video editing can fully utilize the CPU and GPU at the same time.
If you want to try an experiment, you could cut a longer clip into your timeline that has no effects on it, and just add one Lumetri color to it, and change the colors a bit. Then render the previews for that clip. You should see some GPU usage, even when rendering to ProRes, because Lumetri color is a GPU-based effect and if it's the only effect on a clip we know it will use the GPU pipeline. Essentially the Lumetri color rendering will happen on the GPU and then the CPU will do the ProRes encoding. This is an example of a scenario where Premiere Pro should be able to utilize both.
If that works, it proves that back in your normal sequence, some effects you are using are CPU-only and thus forcing the whole render to fall back to render on the CPU. But if you need those effects, there's nothing you can do about that for now.
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‎Jul 18, 2024
06:09 AM
@Patrycja37411817x6rc thanks. It looks like you have an active search in the search box of the Project panel. If you clear that out, do you see the sequences again?
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‎Jul 18, 2024
06:06 AM
@firexrwt Got it, thanks for that information. Two possible things may be forcing your render to be CPU only, or maybe both of them. First, if there's any CPU-only effect in your effect tree, Premiere Pro will fall back to only rendering with CPU. We're working on ways to improve that in the future, but the fundamental reason is that while GPUs are fast, if you have to stop and copy the video frame from main memory to GPU memory, then back to main memory for the CPU-based effect, you waste more time copying the frames around and so we keep it on the CPU only. It's possible something in your effects stack or AfterEffects stack is CPU-only and causing this.
Second, ProRes is a CPU-only codec (except for recent Apple silicon chips which have hardware encode/decode). That means when Premiere Pro (or any application) writes ProRes, it is happening on the CPU. When you are rendering preview files you are essentially exporting clips as ProRes.
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‎Jul 18, 2024
05:58 AM
@Patrycja37411817x6rc Could you share a screenshot of your Project panel when you open the project?
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‎Jul 18, 2024
05:47 AM
@firexrwt Where possible Premiere Pro will utilize both the CPU and GPU, but not all video tasks make sense for that. Sometimes you'll see mostly one or the other being used.
If you open up the Sequence settings, (Sequence > Sequence Settings) what is the Video Preview format and codec set to? Also, in the sections you are rendering, what effects are on the clips?
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‎Jul 12, 2024
07:34 AM
@Maiane Gabriele I'm sorry about these long menus – we're working on a way to keep them shorter and avoid this issue altogether. This is happening because the menu for right clicking on a single video clip (the adjustment layer) is shorter than the menu for clicking on an audio-video clip. That longer menu for audio-video clip is then requiring scrolling. How much of the menu shows up and how much has to scroll is controlled by macOS, and it depends on where in the screen your mouse is when you click.
But, we (Premiere Pro) can definitely improve this by keeping the menus shortere and we're working on it!
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