Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Feb 24, 2022
05:34 PM
Thanks for this. We should be working on an update to the Export preferences in the near future, so I'll see what I can do to get these added.
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‎Feb 24, 2022
03:43 PM
1 Upvote
Yes, we did make a change to how Quick Export Location settings work within a recent update. However, "Export files to an assets folder next to the current document" is not it. This continues to work the same way it always has, which is to create an "[FileName]-assets" folder next to the original asset (it's says so in the option itself: "to an assets folder").
The change we made was to the "Ask where to export each time" setting. In the past, the default folder in the dialog would be based on the OS and its settings. Since we weren't controlling this, it could vary wildly from user to user. While it may have been the same folder as the original asset for you, it would often arbitrarily go to something like Documents or Pictures for most users. By taking control of it, we made it so it remembers where you last exported to (like the Export As setting "Export Assets to the last location specificed").
This helped to align the Quick Export and Export As settings. The one difference that remains is Quick Export creating that additional folder, which you do not want. I would think the best solution here would be to change it so the creation of the additional folder were optional. But I am open to ideas.
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‎Feb 24, 2022
01:20 PM
Email me the file(s) or a link to them: bnemecek [at] adobe [dot] com
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‎Feb 24, 2022
11:55 AM
Would you be able to share a file where you are seeing this behavior (Save As makes bigger files than Export As)? I'd like to see if I can recreate the behavior on my end and see what the root of the issue is and provide a solution.
When you Save As a PNG, the three options you have for Large, Medium, and Small size deal with how PNG compression works. You'll note that each is paired with a Fast, Medium, and Slow save speed. What is happening is that the file is actually compressed using multiple different methods and the most appropriate results are the one you end up with. Large/Fast means it only tries a couple methods and returns the highest quality result. Smallest/Slowest means it tries many methods and returns the smallest file size. Export As doesn't give you a similar choice. Smaller File (8-bit) is not equivalent to Smallest file size (Slowest saving), instead it is the same as using the PNG-8 setting in Save for Web.
Obviously, this all can become confusing. There are often different ways to accomplish the same task in Photoshop, each with different advantages/disadvantages. Terms in one method may sound like terms in another but mean something else (sometimes subtly and other times drastically).
It is quite common for bugs to turn into exploits (people taking advantage of something not working the way it is inteneded but getting some side benefit). When these things get fixed it can remove a workflow people have come to depend on. But remember, there were people who were trying to use the Smaller File setting and expecting (correctly) that they should end up with an Index file and then wondering why some of their files export accurately and others did not.
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‎Feb 24, 2022
10:38 AM
There are separate preference settings for Export As and Quick Export. You mention using Quick Export but refer to changing the Export As preference setting. In Preferences > Export, the sub-section "Quick Export Location" is the setting you want to look at, not "Export As Location". Make sure the Quick Export Location is set to "Export files to an assets folder next to the current document". Also, the default setting here is "Ask where to export each time", so resetting the preferences will change you to this setting.
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‎Feb 23, 2022
04:54 PM
From my testing (a simple file with a single layer which doesn't cover the entire canvas and a feathered edge, thus semi-transprent pixels) would result in this:
Export As PNG (RGB) - 23 MB
Export As PNG (buggy Index) - 10 MB
Save as PNG (RGB, small size) - 8 MB
I'm assuming your file is more complex and there is a simple explanation for why you are seeing such a huge file size difference. My best guess is that you are working with artboards and Export As is only exporting your specific artboart which is a small part of the whole, but Save As is saving the entire file (all artboards) and thus contains much more information.
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‎Feb 23, 2022
04:12 PM
1 Upvote
There was never any special compression behind the Smaller File setting. It was always just supposed to make Index files (which are smaller that RGB files by their very nature, hence the name). If you export a flattened image, one with a solid background and no transparency, then you would correctly get an Index file with this setting.
Any size difference between having this option on or off when the bug was present would probably come from Photoshop attempting to convert to Index and tossing out a lot of color information until it got to the semi-transparent pixels and convertinging things back to RGB, creating an unintended type of compression. This would be extremely lossy, which is against one of the hallmark features of using PNG files (which use lossless compression normally).
[When I look at a file with this type of buggy conversion, I can see a dither applied to these transparent areas, such as when doing an Index conversion. This results in a lower quality (thus smaller file size) version of what the RGB setting provides.]
There are a few things I can suggest, depending on what you are really trying to accomplish. First, if you are just trying to get smaller file sizes with an RGB PNG with semi-transprent pixels, Save As (a Copy) is probably your best bet. You have three compression options and when you use the smallest file size setting there, you get even smaller files, the transparency you are looking for, and no index conversion-like dither (which means higher quality appearance). Save for Web is the next best option, since it gives you much better controls for managing the compression settings. Last, you can switch back to the old version of Export As where the bug is still present in Preferences > Export by checking "Use legacy 'Export As'" (not recommended).
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‎Feb 23, 2022
01:49 PM
The purpose of the Smaller File (8-bit) setting is to export a PNG file in Index Color Mode (just like a GIF file). 8-bit means it is using a indexed color table with 256 total colors. If you do not have this option on, it exports a 24-bit file in RGB Color Mode (just like JPG file). (Technically, the files are 32-bit if the Transparency option is on, but that is just another layer of confusion that we can ignore for now)
This can be a bit confusing since we generally refer to JPG files as being 8-bit. But what we mean when we say that is "8-bits per channel" (8 for R, 8 for G, and 8 for B). Another way of expressing this is to say it is a 24-bit file (8-bits X 3 channels = 24). So, having this option OFF should create an RGB color mode file while having this option ON should create an Index color mode file. This setting is not a compression method to make the file size on disk smaller (although that can be a result).
The bug was that when a file contained partially transparent pixels (Opacity 1-99%) the file would export as 24-bit RGB even when this option was on (effectively ignoring this option altogether, giving you the same results as though you had left the option off).
To check, open your exported files in Photoshop and go to Image > Mode. You can see whether a file is in RGB or Index color mode. If you were happy with your previous results while this bug was in place and RGB files are acceptable for your output, then you are not likely using this setting for its intended purpose and leaving it off is probably what you really want.
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‎Feb 23, 2022
01:17 PM
We had a number of fixes with the latest update, so it is good to hear that this may have been addressed.
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‎Feb 23, 2022
12:12 PM
1 Upvote
@chrisn50837302 We fixed a bug with the Smaller File (8-bit) setting in Export As. In the past, when you had semi-transparent pixels in your file it would create a 24-bit file (RGB) which effectively means it is ignoring the Smaller File setting.
Smaller File (8-bit) means the files are supposed to be Index color (like a GIF) and only have one swatch in the color table for transparency. This means the pixel is either fully visible or invisible. Unfortunately we do not currently have a dither settings to create the illustion of falloff for smoother transitions. Hopefully we can get that added in the near future.
@TheDigitalDog The reason you are seeing the old behavior is you are using the Legacy version of Export As, which still has this bug (the exported file will be RGB, not the smaller 8-bit that the selected option is supposed to give).
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‎Feb 23, 2022
10:32 AM
Where files are saved when using Export As is determined by a Preference setting. If you go to Preferences > Export, you have two options for "Export As Location". The first is to export to the same folder as the current document (which sounds like is what you want to do). The second is to save to the previously used folder (which sound like you have currently set). Try changing this setting and see if this gets you what you are looking for.
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‎Feb 22, 2022
02:30 PM
We only changed the labeling for the quality settings, not anything about what was going on behind the scenes. Labels like "Good" and "Great" and "Excellent" were far too vague to have any real meaning and were just confusing. So we just numbered them instead, so it is much clearer what is the highest and what is the lowest value. 7 is identical to Great, the compression process is unchanged.
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‎Feb 22, 2022
02:05 PM
Since the behavior seems to be tied to an update, the most likely cause is our change from CEP to UXP based Export As. You can change back to UXP by going to Preferences > Export and checking the "Use legacy 'Export As'" option. See if that returns your performance to previous levels. While the new version is faster in many areas, we are working on addressing some others where it is slower. It is likely your files are bumping up against these slow areas and it would be best to switch back to the old version until we update to fix these specific issues.
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‎Feb 22, 2022
12:49 PM
1 Upvote
@defaultl21823xajrr1 This is a workaround not a fix.
Whenever you use a "Legacy" option, you are switching to an older codebase within Photoshop (which may contain bugs that won't be fixed, performance issues, or other problems). For Export As specifically, you are switching from the UXP (current, under development code-base) to CEP (the old, on the way out code-base). While the dialogs look similar, they are completely different (like changing from one version of Photoshop to another). This option gets you around the problem, but the problem remains and may lead to future issues.
The current fix for this behavior is remove the damaged pref.txt file. We're working internally on a more robust solution for a future update.
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‎Feb 10, 2022
10:46 PM
Yes, that is the correct path, I forgot to include the Application Support folder.
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‎Feb 09, 2022
12:47 PM
1 Upvote
1366 x .75 = 1024.5. We will definitely round up on such math. We also generally err on the side of keeping/generating new information rather than cutting/losing information.
While I do get a slight lightening of edge pixels (only visible when zooming in all the way), I haven't gotten a noticbly white line from my testing. I'm guessing there is something about the content of your file which is making this happen. Would you be able to share the file so I could take a look?
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‎Feb 09, 2022
12:19 PM
A couple notes to keep in mind about Irina's information above:
The "AppData" folder on Windows is hidden by default. You may have to change your view settings to see it.
The "Library" folder on Mac is hidden by default. You may have to change your view settings to see it.
The "APP" folder should be "PHSP"
The "VERSION" should be "23" (the latest version)
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‎Feb 09, 2022
12:12 PM
We've discovered a possible cause to this behavior. Export As maintains a preference file to remember your settings between sessions. If this file becomes damaged or corrupted, it will cause the dialog to look like this. Please go to the following folder, delete the prefs.txt file there, and relaunch Photoshop:
Win: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\UXP\PluginsStorage\PHSP\23\Internal\com.adobe.photoshop.exportAs\PluginData
Mac: /Users/[USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/UXP/PluginsStorage/PHSP/23/Internal/com.adobe.photoshop.exportAs/PluginData
Windows Note: AppData is a hidden folder. You may have to change your view options to see it.
Mac Note: Library is a hidden folder. You may have to change your view options to see it.
Additional note: Resetting Photoshop's preferences (with keyboard shortcut at launch, option within the Preferences themselves, or manually deleting the settings folder) will not reset the Export As preferences. It is stored separately and is not yet wired into the normal preference reset functions.
EDITS: Correcting the Mac folder path and adding notes
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‎Feb 07, 2022
03:51 PM
1 Upvote
@Yona5E7C Unfortunately, we don't have enough information on the issue to make any progress. At this point we are only speculating that Sophos may be involved, but haven't been able to prove that is the case. It is very likely that a third-party component is the cause of the behavior because we have very few people encountering the issue (that we know of) and have not seen the behavior on our end.
You mentioned that disabling Sophos did not change the behavior, so that doesn't seem to indicate it is the source of the issue. However, another test would be to uninstall Sophos and test (you may wish to remain offline while performing such a test, then you can reinstall once you are done verifying). If the behavior goes away during this test and comes back after reinstalling, that would prove Sophos is the source of the issue (disabling anti-virus usually means only some portions are actually turned off while some safey measures remain running and can still cause conflicts). If removing Sophos doesn't resolve the issue, that pretty much removes it as a suspect and we are back to square one.
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‎Feb 03, 2022
03:31 PM
I just did a quick test of Generate > Image Assets on my end with 23.1.1 and it worked just fine. Can you tell me more about your setup? What version of Windows are you on? Where are you saving the files to (network drive, local user drive, sync folder, etc). Would you be able to provide a sample file or screen shots (mainly looking for what naming strings you're using on your layers to trigger Generator so I can try to reproduce on my end)? And just to make sure, Image Assets is checked in the File menu and Enable Generator is checked in the Preferences?
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‎Feb 03, 2022
09:26 AM
We have more information on this issue. Turns out the files have an invalid resolution for Photoshop. The lowest acceptable value is 1, but these files might have something like .525. Photoshop would then treat the image as having a resoltuion of 0, which was causing havoc for any math Photoshop may have to perform (i.e. multiplication and division). We have a fix in the pipeline to address the matter, so you'll be able to reasonably work with these files.
Please note, the files themselves are still an issue, but Photoshop is going to handle them better. The real fix is to address the resolution so that it more approriately matches you workflow and output. Weird but manageble things will happen when working with a file like this;
enormous size (.525 resolution means each pixel 2 inches)
relative type may be really small (even at the hightest point settings)
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‎Feb 02, 2022
07:42 AM
@D Fosse Check the version of Export As you have installed (it's the number next the Export and Cancel buttons). If there is no nunber there, you are using the CEP version of Export As which is not something which was updated and doesn't have this feature.
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‎Jan 28, 2022
11:16 AM
We've made a lot of updates to Export As recently. Still have a ways to go to get it to up to Save for Web's feature set, but we'd like to get there eventually.
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‎Jan 28, 2022
10:59 AM
We changed it so Embed Profile is on by default in the 23.1 update I believe. We also made it so whatever you chose last is remembered as the default for new files.
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‎Jan 28, 2022
10:32 AM
It sounds like there is something specific to this file that is resulting in this behavior. I'm assuming that if you create a new blank file and use Export As, it works lightning fast.
Some things in the file that might lead to these types of performance issues:
There is a large number of embedded files which add more processing than the canvas size of the document would otherwise suggest.
There is cumulative metadata which is clogging the system (this can happen by reusing the same files over and over, such as with templates)
There could be others, but these are the two most common.
Would you be able to share the file so we could take a look?
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‎Jan 28, 2022
09:59 AM
When using Quick Export, your file will never have an embeded profile, this simply isn't an option.
For Export As, there is an option to Embed Color Profile. If you do not check this option, there will not be profile emeded, even if you use the Conver to sRGB option. With that combination, it will simply convert the color information to be compatible with sRGB but not include the profile. As Stephen mentions, you can then Apply the profile to add it back in. If the colors don't look right when reopening, your Color Settings (in the Edit menu) may have a profile other than sRGB for the Working RGB Profile. The working profile is used when no profile is embeded, and if it is a mismatch to what was used to create the file, the colors will shift. Adobe RGB is a common working profile, which could explain what you are seeing.
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‎Jan 25, 2022
03:51 PM
Hello Grace, are you also using Sophos anti-virus? This is lead we currently have on this behavior.
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‎Jan 20, 2022
08:51 AM
Karasicpark, thanks for correcting me on the computer running into the issue, sorry about mixing that up. Can you tell me the version of Sophos installed? Do you have it fully up-to-date?
Same question to you Yona, version of Sophos and is it up-to-date?
Most often, getting the application and virus definitions fully updated resolves these types of conflicts. If not, we can work with them to address the issue, which would likely be fixed in a future update on their end.
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‎Jan 19, 2022
05:16 PM
Thanks for the info, third-party conflicts such as anti-virus are always a possibility, and would explain why only a few people are seeing this. Do you know if others at your company (running the same anti-virus) are running into the same issue? Yona may be able to help us verify, if they are using the same. If that is the case, we can work with the manufacturer and find out what the conflict is to deal with it.
If you are the only one seeing this at your org, there could be something more specific to your computer which could be at fault. Do you have admin access to the machine? Would you be able to create a new user account? New user accounts basically reset all system and application settings to defualt. We could have a corrupted setting which is modifying behavior.
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‎Jan 19, 2022
04:39 PM
We have a couple reports of this is occuring but no information on why it may be happening. Do you know if it only happens for some files while others work? For example, if you create a new blank file, do you get the same behavior? If it is only some files, can you send us a file where the behavior occurs?
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