Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
Apr 26, 2023
12:07 PM
We're talking quite a lot about this topic inside Adobe. Can you tell me some workflows that you'd like to see?
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Apr 26, 2023
12:06 PM
It sounds like you really want to rearrange the order of clips on your timeline without leaving an open space. You can do this by holding command+option while you drag. This method is a lot more flexible and powerful than what you suggest, but I do like the idea of having a ripple-cut command just like what you spelled out.
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Apr 12, 2023
06:50 PM
Hi @fiendishmedia. This sounds frustrating and should not be happening. I just want to confirm that you are using the regular shipping version of Premiere Pro v23.2, not the beta, correct? If you are using the beta, that is a very old version, and I recommend you update it. Have you heard about our text-based editing workflow that is in beta? I want to confirm that you are not using this workflow in beta. Either way, you should not be experiencing this kind of lag. If you are willing to share media with me, I can try on my end and let you know if there is anything weird with your media or if you indeed found a bug.
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Apr 11, 2023
02:14 PM
1 Upvote
Hi, I'm the Product Manager for Premiere Pro. I just heard about this issue. It's entirely possible that GPU drivers could cause the issues you are seeing, and I'm glad to hear that updating the drivers was a solution for many of you. Auto Reframe uses AI to identify objects of interest and then try to keep them in frame. It uses the GPU to compute the AI model. So if there are issues with the GPU or driver, it makes sense to me that weird things would happen. We didn't make any changes in this area recently, so I'd be very surprised if we introduced a bug. I downloaded the clip that @Spencer5E9C posted, and I got good results (but I'm on Mac). One tip I have for content like that is to use Scene Edit Detection first to create cut points. That way, Auto Reframe doesn't have to calculate movement across scene, which can really throw it off. The other tip is to try using the "Slower Motion" preset for this type of content since it's mostly static.
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
Mar 23, 2023
09:05 AM
Mar 23, 2023
09:05 AM
The Effects Manager lets you see which third-party video effect plugins are installed and disable or enable them. If you suspect a plugin could be causing stability issues, it’s now easier to disable it with the new Effects Manager. We need your input as we finish working on this new manager!
The Video Effect Manager is a dialog that allows you to see a list of all your installed video effects along with helpful details including Effect Name, Category, and File Path on disk. But most importantly: each effect has a checkbox to enable or disable the effect on next startup. Effects that have been disabled in the Effects Manager will no longer be available to apply in the Effects panel. Any projects opened that use disabled effects will display them as “Offline” in the effects control panel and they will not render.
To find the Effect Manager, choose Manage Video Effects… from the Effect panel hamburger menu.
Future features that are in the works but not yet functioning include the ability to:
Automatically detect when a plugin crashes and prompt you to disable it
Show rendering technology (CPU/ GPU) – you could disable all CPU effects for example
Export the plugin list as a CSV text file
Unify the Video Effects manager and Audio Plug-in manager into one dialog. Right now, they are separate.
We need your help to make this feature great! Our questions for the beta community:
Would you ever want to disable built-in Premiere Pro effects?
What do you expect to happen when sending a rendering job to Media Encoder that contains effects that were disabled in Premiere Pro?
We want to know what you think. Join the discussion below.
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Mar 15, 2023
08:19 AM
Hello, C++ Premiere Pro plug-in developers! You've likely already read that we're removing capture functionality from Premiere Pro, in version 24.0, which is expected to ship in October 2023. As part of this change, the Record module and Device Control plug-ins will no longer be supported. All other plug-in types, including Control Surface plug-ins, and Transmit, are unaffected by this change. It has already been removed in Premiere Pro (Beta). We’ll keep all users posted on further general information on Adobe HelpX page:
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Feb 21, 2023
09:06 AM
@mariat24077160 you can find info about new features here:
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Feb 17, 2023
09:54 AM
1 Upvote
@Michael Grenadier It was way down deep in the guts of the sequence code. I don't understand it either, to be honest. The sequence is the most complex part of the whole app. Luckily we have a lot of very smart engineers on the team.
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Feb 16, 2023
05:24 PM
I'm pleased to announce that Premiere Pro version 23.2 has just been released with a fix for this issue and some other nice features. Please update to get the fix.
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Feb 16, 2023
05:16 PM
Hello everyone. I'm pleased to announce that Premiere Pro version 23.2 has just been released with a fix for this issue and some other nice features. Please update to get the fix. Thank you to everyone who contributed detailed information. It was very helpful in tracking down this issue.
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Feb 15, 2023
05:51 PM
I totally agree that stability is critical and non-negotiable for a pro product! As the Product Manager for Premiere Pro, I can assure you that this is our number one priority. We've invested heavily in this area over the last few years and I'm proud to say Premiere Pro is faster and more reliable than ever before. But we know we're not done and we're not slowing down on this any time soon.
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Feb 15, 2023
05:40 PM
1 Upvote
Yes, they are aware of this issue and have the workarounds. It can take a bit of time for them and us to connect the dots on reports they are getting to bugs we are working on. I personally communicated this issue to the support staff as soon as the engineering team learned about it.
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Feb 03, 2023
11:37 AM
We have a fix in hand! The fix is in Premiere Pro beta version 23.3 build 22 which was made available just this morning. In Creative Cloud Desktop, go to the Beta section and click "check for updates" – Beta info and FAQ I encourage you to download the beta and let us know if it fixes the issue for you.
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Feb 03, 2023
11:34 AM
We have a fix in hand! The fix is in Premiere Pro beta version 23.3 build 22 which was made available just this morning. In Creative Cloud Desktop, go to the Beta section and click "check for updates" – Beta info and FAQ I encourage you to download the beta and let us know if it fixes the issue for you.
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Feb 02, 2023
06:16 PM
That's a fair question @NatashaTonkin, and of course, we don't want our users to feel like beta testers. We actually have a dedicated public beta for that! This issue didn't come up in beta or in our extensive internal testing. But now that we know it's there we're moving quickly to fix it as soon as possible. I'm very sorry you ran into this issue. I was a professional editor before coming to Adobe and these sorts of bugs are massive productivity killers. I can very much empathize.
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Feb 02, 2023
01:36 PM
1 Upvote
You got it, Michael. We're working hard on this one over here. Actually, we have a speculative fix in testing now. Will keep you posted.
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Feb 02, 2023
01:29 PM
Hi everyone, I'm the product manager on Premiere Pro and I want to let everyone know that we are working hard to fix this issue. This is a bad bug for sure. Our engineers are very confident they have tracked down the root cause and are working hard on a fix. In the meantime, this is what we know. We are only getting reports of it affecting MacOS, but the problem could in theory affect Windows too. Closing and reopening the sequence is the best workaround that we know of right now, but it's not a permanent fix. Slower machines are affected more. This only affects Premiere Pro version 23.1. Rolling back to 23.0 will definitely fix the issue. I have posted a Known issue doc over here: Known issue: Timeline performance in Premiere Pro 23.1. I'll post updates over there and also here. Thank you to everyone for the detailed notes you put in this thread and elsewhere. It really helped us get to the bottom of this issue.
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Feb 02, 2023
01:17 PM
This issue has been fixed in Premiere Pro version 23.2. Please update to get the fix.
Interactions in the Timeline can become less responsive over time. This can include scrubbing with the playhead, selecting clips, moving clips around, or switching between multiple open sequences.
The issue predominantly affects macOS. Windows may be affected to a lesser extent.
The issue can be more pronounced on older or slower hardware configurations.
If you are experiencing this issue: update to 23.2 to get the fix The workaround in version 23.1 is to Close and re-open the active sequence
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Jan 24, 2023
09:36 AM
We are working on this. We have completely redesigned the captioning workflow in Premiere Pro version 15.0. You will see many dramatic workflow improvements. Please update to the latest version. Learn all about the new captions workflow here:
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Jan 24, 2023
09:36 AM
This is not a bug, it's as designed. We specifically limit the visibility to one track at a time to avoid accidentally burning in multiple tracks. Also, when exporting to a format that only supports one captions stream like SRT or STL, we need to know which is the active track in order to export the correct track. But I understand why you might need two tracks visible at the same time. Multiple speakers: If we could automatically identify speakers and designate a style associated with them, would that help? For example speaker 1 is blue and on the left, speaker 2 is yellow and on the right? Multiple languages: Do you ever need to burn in both at the same time or is it just a matter of being able to see both to aid in translation and alignment? Thanks for the feedback, we really are listening 🙂
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Jan 24, 2023
09:35 AM
This is a good suggestion. I agree this needs work.
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Jan 24, 2023
09:35 AM
1 Upvote
Currently, Premiere uses the Lanczos method for intrinsic scale and rotation. Lanczos is an exceptionally high-quality interpolation method which generally yields better results than bicubic, bilinear or nearest neighbor. From reading the forum post, it seems that up-scaling is the real issue here. I suggest looking at the Detail-Preserving Upscale effect in After Effects. It does a really good job and gives you some parameters to tweak to fit your specific content.
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Jan 24, 2023
09:35 AM
1 Upvote
This is a great request that is certainly something we want to implement. Rest assured our engineers DO understand the importance of this feature and how to get the job done. We also know that the performance and stability of the app should be our #1 priority and that is where our focus is right now.
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Jan 24, 2023
09:35 AM
This is by design. We always keep captions within safe margins (10%). Would an option to defeat this restriction be useful or is it better to remove this safeguard all together. Opinions welcome.
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Jan 24, 2023
09:35 AM
This is good feedback. Would you be interested in seeing other transitions too, like slide on from the side or bottom?
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Jan 24, 2023
09:35 AM
This is a total pain, I agree. It really means that very fine masking is impossible. If we made masking work more like After Effects, would that be a good solution? Double-click on a mask to bring up a bounding box to scale and rotate.
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Jan 24, 2023
09:35 AM
We finally have some happy news to share on this frustrating issue. Try out the beta to see rotation no longer tries to take over when adding points close together. This change is in Premiere Pro Beta version 23.1 build 40 or later. Please leave comments on the beta forum here: ( )
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Jan 24, 2023
07:55 AM
Thank you for the request, Joel. This is certainly a great idea that we are interested in implementing. Here are a couple of workflow suggestions in the meantime. - Enable "Selection follows playhead" in the sequence menu. The lumetri color panel turns this on by default, but you are free to turn it on yourself at any point. - Selecting multiple clips will allow you to add effects, including effects presets, to all at once. - Label colors are a good way to keep things organized (A-Cam = Blue, B-Cam = Green, B-Roll = Purple, etc.). You can select all clips with the same label and apply an effect. Right-click on a clip in the timeline > Label > Select Label group. - Master clip effects are a good way to apply an effect to every instance of the media throughout your project.
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Jan 24, 2023
05:28 AM
1 Upvote
Totally agree! We are looking to modernize our LUT workflow. Others, please post your LUT workflow ideas - we are listening.
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Jan 24, 2023
05:23 AM
Adding your own LUTs to the Premiere Pro application package is not recommended or supported and is the cause of your current problems. Yes, your assumption is correct, the default LUTs that come installed by default with Premiere Pro are indeed indexed by item number in the folder rather than by name. It's done this way because users are not meant to alter the files in this folder. If you are using several custom LUTs and want them to show up in the Lumetri dropdown menus we have a solution which is newly available in a recent update (2018 - version 12.1). You can install your LUTs into a specific folder in your OS user library and Lumetri will scan them in. Here are the instructions to install and use custom LUTs: Like to read: Like to watch: LUTs that are stored in these folders will get embedded into the project file when you use them. So you can share the project with a colleague and all the LUTs will be present and be functioning for them even if they don't have the specific LUTs installed. It will not install these LUTs onto the other person's system for them to use on additional clips, however. It is therefore recommended that you send them the LUT with instructions on how to install it onto their system. Hope this helps.
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