‎Jun 14, 2022
01:46 AM
test pc is window10. Photoshop version 23.4
GPU comp off / on , Multithread of / off , Native canvas on /of
I reset it, but the result is the same.
It doesn't matter if it just looks like that and it doesn't affect the actual output. But that's how it's reflected in the actual output. So I can't proceed with the work right now.
That bug occurs randomly when zooming in and out. Even if i use clone stamp, patch tools, or healing brushes, bugs occur randomly. Emergency patch is required.
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‎Jun 08, 2022
07:57 PM
1 Upvote
@juancasini I agree with your experience. So I tell my team to save it often. Don't think about it. Just press Control+S once a minute.... Delays and heavy workflow are such important issues, so why adobe aren't the plans announced yet? @si24781306tbj5 2014 is also a good choice. As you say, using the old version is the smartest solution. However, We have to think of two things. 1. Why should we use the old version? Then why do we pay for the current version? 2. People who belong to companies that are eligible for the Adobe License Agreement must be forced to use the new version. So if you're not an individual user, can't actually use the old version.
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‎Jun 08, 2022
07:52 PM
It's fascinating that it doesn't fixed yet...
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‎Jun 08, 2022
07:50 PM
I have tested both HD and FHD displays and there is a problem. It's not only high-res display. In the really older version of Photoshop, there's no such problem. Also @yelm Problem occurs regardless of Windows/Mac OS. There's nothing wrong with your Mac.
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‎May 28, 2022
08:55 PM
The problem also occurs in Windows 10. So I open just one each.
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‎May 27, 2022
03:25 AM
1 Upvote
Best way is... If you belong to a company that needs to keep licenses and versions up to date, install the oldest version possible (like the 2021 version). And if you're a typical individual consumer who doesn't, write a version at least before 2019. That's the onlyway. The 2020 version is not bad, and the 2019 version is good. However, 2018, 2017, and 2015.5 are the best options for finding faster, softer, and more stable versions. If you have an old CS license, and you want to feel the maximum speed of Photoshop, which is really stable, Photoshop cs5 or Photoshop cs6 is the best choice. When I opened the image of the Hasselblad mid-sized camera in Photoshop, there was a delay in the current version of the high-performance desktop and Max Studio that I and my team were using. It's very slow. But, When I tested the same image with CS5 or CS6 version on a really old and bad laptop that I bought around 2012, there was no lag at all. Basically what Adobe suggests is to disable or enable certain options and you've already done it. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-photoshop-23-3-is-slow-and-heavy/idi-p/12875654 I wrote the thread of the link and many people are reporting bugs about various delays. We tried many solutions from Adobe's official website, Reddit, and Facebook, but they didn't improve, and our conclusion is that the current Photoshop is broken. There is no improvement by changing your computer or changing your settings. Wait for Adobe's bug fix or use the previous version as mentioned above. I can't help it....
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‎May 27, 2022
02:30 AM
I don't want to cut it because I'm afraid you can't see it well. so upload fullscreen. It's funny.., right?
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‎May 27, 2022
02:25 AM
it's not windowmode, fullscreen mode. (I added the black background on the right randomly because I thought the writing background would be white because I was trying to upload the image on the community. It's not window mode.) isn't werid... right? How to get rid of that line disappears by clicking once in window mode and then clicking on the full screen again. Something's wrong.......=)
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‎May 27, 2022
01:13 AM
1 Upvote
Currently: if i have some adjustment layer(cuver, level something), use minimize tab, auto collapse lconic panel, it's really clean and simple. But if need to edit value, i have to "double click" adjusetment layer. it's not big deal when use mouse. However using wacom tablet, Sometimes double-clicks aren't good. I want you to make an option to open it with one click or double click like we use a smartphone or ipad thing.
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‎May 24, 2022
09:48 AM
@CShubert Hi CoryShubert. As I wrote in the text, I have already tried the two solutions you suggest and have informed you that there is no improvement.(Multithreaded Compositing,GPU Compositing). I've already tried all Adobe solutions that can change the Photoshop settings. I've done everything I can myself, so I'm confident that this is a bug, and I'm asking for a bug fix like this. Looking up, there are people who go through the same phenomenon as me. Our team members are having a hard time because of the same bug.
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‎May 23, 2022
11:23 PM
I'm reporting two bugs. One is The hand tool moves differently. (Standard view mode vs Fullscreen mode)
It feels like it's lagging. Something like hand tool operates as if the some low FPS is restricted.(When work in Stadard view mode)
You can see below 1 GIF.
But if move work on Fullscreen mode(or with Menubar Fullscreen mode), it's really smooth.
My vertical synchronization option is turned off and the graphics driver is the latest Studio driver.
Also, i tried some solutions. Turn off gpu/gpu comp/multithread/opencl/native canvas,ruller/reset prefs/reinstall.
But it's same. FPS seems to change depending on the View mode. Can it be fixed?
And please take a look at this too. It's not a serious problem, but if you zoom in and out using the Wacom tablet, the screen shakes a little as soon as you put the pen down? It works like a bounce. The mouse ends very exactly .
I don't know if you can see this well, but look carefully at both ends of the canvas. Every time you finish zooming in, it looks like it's bouncing up a little by little.
It's not a serious problem as I said, but it seems like a bug that needs fixing because the mouse doesn't work like that. (Ofcourse wacom driver is latest version, and When I zoom in with a wacom pen on purpose, I don't raise my hand shaking like that. That's just how it works.)
window10, photoshop version 23.3.2
check this issues. thanks
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‎May 18, 2022
02:23 AM
@cnn24501002ncqw I don't think you read all of the thread... People (including myself) who are experiencing this delay in this thread have already tried all the solutions that Adobe offers and have come to the same conclusion. This is not a configuration Setting turn on/off or hardware issue. Defects in the current Photoshop version(23.3.2) and cannot be improved by customers who are consumers. It's something Adobe engineers have to fix. (Actually, This delay began after 2018 when a new compossite engine was introduced. It was somewhat okay at the time, but after 2021 and now 2022 are completely unusable.) If it's the best option, you can either stay in the 2020 version or choose the 2018 or 2019 version and wait. To be exact, a lot of people have been waiting. Hoping that this slowness will improve, However, those who apply to corporate licenses must be forced to use the new version. And all of the versions that are licensed now are slow and work efficiency is very much less efficient. In a task that takes 10 minutes, a delay of 1 to 2 seconds is accumulated and included, so it is often 20 minutes. This is a really big problem...
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‎May 11, 2022
05:42 AM
Maybe Adobe will suggest this way to you. 1. Turn off G-sync 2. Disable GPU 3. Turn off Multi thread or GPU Comp. 4. Turn off Native Ruller, Native canvas Unfortunately, these problems often appear to me, and there was no way to solve them. There are a lot of delays and various bugs happening in the Photoshop version this year, including the twitching shown in your video.... Let's wait together. This is not our fault. It's not a computer specification issue, it's not an OS issue....
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‎May 10, 2022
06:28 PM
1 Upvote
omg Hasn't this problem been solved yet? As far as I remember, this inconvenient problem has occurred since 2018. Some people have said that the problem is a specific symptom that only occurs on high-density displays(hidpi), but it is not. Also its not abut OS problem. Something changed...No one knows, and don't know when, but... Something's broken. In the past, there was no such inconvenience when working on precise Dodge Burn.
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‎May 10, 2022
03:07 AM
1 Upvote
@faith32too The 2019 version is not really a bad choice. 2018 is more optimized, but it's a fairly stable and fast version. Cheer up. Adobe will fix it someday. @tpuskas Same problem. And native canvas thing is one of the ways to try and my team and I have already tried. The problem is not solved, especially the delay of the liquify is serious. Turning off GPU-related options or disabling any options in Photoshop to fix the bug is not really the right way to deal with it. We need to be able to use it as it is, and the lag in canvas zoom and liquify zoom is a delay from a code error. Keep it as it is. Disabling an option and experiencing discomfort is not the right solution. Waiting for Adobe to fix it... (Photoshop 2020 21.0.3 This version has no problems with zoom and delay.)
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‎May 09, 2022
06:38 PM
@karwaiwesley There was no update in the first place.(Current version is 23.3.1.) And my team and I have tested it and the problem remains the same. Nothing change And this bug has been around for quite some time. In my personal opinion, next year's photoshop version will reflect bug fixes. It's an old bug.
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‎May 01, 2022
07:54 AM
@karwaiwesley How to disable something is no longer the solution. And if Disabling GPU acceleration causes more problems elsewhere. I know what you say, But there's nothing we can do. You must not change any options. keep them. The broken one needs to be repaired, and we need to be able to use our computer specifications as they are. Adobe's code is broken, so they'll fix it if you wait.
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‎Apr 30, 2022
02:32 AM
@greg-ory I saw your writing well. Thank you for sharing your experience. What are your computer specifications? And what is the size of the image you usually work on? I usually work on photos with a minimum size of 6000~7000px, and in 16bit and 20 to 30 layers. I also don't have much delay in small-sized photographs(2000~3000px), or in normaly vector-based work. I'm curious. @vicki degruy I'm experiencing inconvenience like you and I feel sorry for you. Today, I instructed my team member to test Photoshop again with a new overclocking system. I don't know if it works well in the environment we work in... And Same result, same issue. About Maybe 5years ago?, working on large-sized images in Photoshop with a much worse computer used to exponentially increase CPU usage (70 to 80 percent share). AND Despite such high CPU usage, there was no such delay. It's just that the computer's fans are working hard. lol But Both CPU and GPU are currently underutilized. They's very relaxed. All the computers on our team that I tested... It's a very pleasant situation. The specification of the computer is sufficient. But Photoshop doesn't use that much performance. o I used to look for ways to force the CPU or GPU to be activated more and allocate it to Photoshop, but the results were unchanged... And some people say that. "Use the old version." If you enjoy Photoshop alone at home and work individually, the offer is valid and fine. However, due to Adobe's licensing policy for companies, we inevitably have to use the latest version. Even if you want to use the old version, you can't use it. We are using the current version of 23.3.1 in tears, and I hope Adobe will consider this licensing policy. It's hard to wait for updates when you can't do this or that. PS : btw, My other teams work with 3D CGI as well as video work. This is a problem only with Photoshop. Photoshop also experiences delays on computers with more demanding and heavier tasks.
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‎Apr 29, 2022
06:45 AM
@greg-ory Various lags in Photoshop have come with various updates. Acutally, There were many changes in the comfort of the work when it changed from CS version to CC version, but it was not that bad. And as time went by, the computer specifications of Adobe customers got better. And the 2015.5 version of Photoshop is actually the last time we were able to photoshop comfortably. Until 2018 version was okay. However, since the introduction of a new development composite engine in 2019, everything began to be delayed from the canvas inside Photoshop. Of course, it wasn't a big delay from the beginning. But for those who have been using Photoshop for a long time, it's an intrusive delay. And many problem was start.....(Zoom lag, Select and Mask freeze, Cursor too thin, over 30+layer in16bit incredibly slow... etc) In fact, the bug above has not been fixed yet. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-weird-brush-size-animation-very-slow-using-keyboard-windows/idc-p/12765175/page/2#M48373 For example, the thread of the link was also uploaded by me, and that problem was a problem that many people have experienced since the 2017 version of Photoshop, and it was fixed not long ago. lol Most of the 2020 versions of Photoshop were stable.(It's not as pleasant, light, and accurate as it was in the past, but there were still a lot of delays.) But... Since 2021 again, the interval between delays has been shortened, and the feeling of delays themselves has become very heavy again. So, What I want to say is this. It is true that there is an improvement in speed with the introduction of multi-threads and GPU composite. However, If the original speed was a sports car, now it's walking speed. This is not a matter of computer specifications, nor is it a matter of system OS differences. Hundreds of computers and hundreds of team members shared information. It's a problem that comes from Photoshop engine processing, so it's not something that can be solved simply by something like native canvas on/off or gp turn on/off thing.(Btw, In fact, it is also strange that some options should be turned off to improve the problem.) Anyway... I hope it gets fixed soon...
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‎Apr 28, 2022
09:37 PM
@juancasini i post about this. and Adobe said, many customers reporting similar like this issues. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/photoshop-23-3-is-slow-and-heavy/idc-p/12906910#M54632 You can downgrade. 23.2 is no good. 21.0.3(stable, and not bad..) or more older version....
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‎Apr 26, 2022
09:35 PM
@Andrew Sender thanks for report. I hope it improves as soon as possible. Thank you.
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‎Apr 26, 2022
06:39 AM
That's bug. The same goes for my laptop, and also same the main desktop with Ram128GB. lol... In addition, I tested all of my team members' equipment, and this was not a problem with computer specifications. The operating system also experienced the same phenomenon as Windows/Mac. We have to wait for Adobe to fix it. That's the only way..... =( btw, All I can say for sure is, i tried everything. (Reset pref, Reinstall PS, Reinstall OS, Change Hardware lol) And if you have to use Photoshop, Use the old version(PS2015.5 is really fast, PS2020(21.0.3) is.. not bad, stable)
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‎Apr 25, 2022
11:37 PM
1 Upvote
I'm not an employee of Adobe, I'm just a personal one user of Adobe. Isn't 50% gray at a click and drag correct? I think that's the problem if you keep rubbing it while clicking and it turns black. If you want the brush to get darker as you move the cursor, change the opacity to 100% and lower the flow..... If I understand correctly, it's a matter of opactiy and flow setting, and if I misunderstood, I'm sorry.
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‎Apr 23, 2022
01:31 AM
Select and Mask Crash everyday, and if not that happen... use Refine Brush.. loading or freeze or Werid Square or bluurry select. I know what i have to do, and use way. i'm retoucher for 15years. To be really honest. Does this function work? I haven't been able to use this function properly since 2015. Every time there's an error and it's slow... (It's not my device problem. Because i test many type of OS, Computer spec) Window/Mac, intel/amd, nvidia, radeon.. Yes. I work manually select all the time. brush or Channel, Calculation, luminosity things..... BUT, Why should I do that? I want to use some functions that I have............ =( My main device is win10 Ryzen5600x Ram128GB 2070super, and M1 imac. All the computers I use as my main focus also have such delays or bugs. ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇The contents below are what I did.⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇ Reset prefs. Reinstall, No use Plugin thing. Reinstall OS, Try current GPU driver, And old driver is same. Change HDD , SSD , Nvm2, Deactive canvas thing, Multi thread thing, GPU comp thing.. I've tried all of thing what i can way. I'll ask you one last time. I'm not angry. I'm really curious. To be really honest. Does this function work?
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‎Apr 23, 2022
12:22 AM
@Andrew Sender also Just in case i just wonering, it's maybe a problem with the storage device??, and I changed nvm2, normal ssd, normal hdd, and so on, and I changed the scratch disk, but it's the same result. It's so hard. Please help me quickly.
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‎Apr 22, 2022
04:13 PM
yes.Not only that, but I've done everything I can to turn it on and off in all the settings one by one. I don't have variables.
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‎Apr 22, 2022
08:55 AM
1 Upvote
And photoshop 2015.5 is a really good environment and an example of an update, but 2018 (19.1.6) is also a good example if you can't go back to that pace. Version that can be the basis for updates : ps21.0.3 or 19.1.6 Do you know why I suggest a specific version? Because I installed and tested all the versions I could, all the builds, and I found some versions that were not restricted in actual use and had no bugs. This is not a limited version of liquify zoom. The Two version(ps21.0.3 or 19.1.6) is very stable and faster than Compared to all the versions up to now(23.3.1) liquify zoom lag bug, layer toggle visibility lag, zoom and hand tool lag, Just all the thing delay slow in 16bit workflow, also If there are more than 20 layers, it's lagging There are many differences even in a typical environment that is not heavy. Based on my suggestion, please improve the working environment compared to the previous code. thanks and plz help us.
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‎Apr 22, 2022
01:23 AM
sometime same issue for me. I have several computers. but funny thing is Sometimes that happens in Windows.
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‎Apr 22, 2022
12:13 AM
1 Upvote
And it's true that 8 bits have less delay than 16 bits. But it's also very slow and difficult when there are more than 20 layers. If you open the task manager, my Cpu, Ram, and gpu are very relaxed. But Photoshop is having a hard time. Someone could say this. "Change the image mode to 8 bits." "Put the layers together merge." "Reduce the size of the image size." Yes, I want to do that too. However, you must preserve the job history. I think it's ridiculous to tell my client that we need to work on it again from the beginning because that part is a Photoshop issue. And it goes without saying that because it was so soft and fast until a few years ago. (Every computer I had worked fine. The current file size and 16-bit work environment were all the same. The only thing that has changed is the Photoshop version)
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‎Apr 22, 2022
12:09 AM
When I was working on Photoshop at Mac OS, even if I made more than 10 layers, it was less cut off. Should I say it's softer? But that's a long time ago. In the past, people who used Adobe programs recommended buying Macs as much as possible, and I also told people around me that. But I use both Windows and Mac and now I feel that Photoshop is causing a lot of discomfort in my work every minute and every second.
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