‎May 21, 2024
07:54 PM
@Sameer K Is this fixing well? It's a bug that happens on Photoshop 2024 but I want you to know that it's a weird bug that affects other versions as well (e.g. Photoshop 2020-2023).
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‎May 21, 2024
07:52 PM
@fmnijk This is a hidden picture search. =(
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‎May 15, 2024
07:28 PM
@Sameer K Is the investigation on this going well?
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‎May 09, 2024
05:43 PM
I also wrote about these bugs or issue things. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/ps-makes-lag-or-broken-gpu-function-thingss/m-p/14601483#M808606 Not only Select subject calssifer model things. Something wrong... from 25.7
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‎May 06, 2024
05:46 AM
I don't know how and what is. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/20-minutes-after-launch-ps-25-6-becomes-laggy-loses-all-gpu-enhancements/m-p/14601240#M807988 I've seen this thread before and thought of each other because he didn't use the latest drivers. And I have a Photoshop version that I like stable every year. Mainly use Photoshop 2020 (21.0.3) and 2023 (24.0.01). And Photoshop 2024 was just updating Marilyz and just seeing if the bug I wanted fixed. But since version 25.6? or 25.7 (now 25.7) something's definitely off. My colleague and I are using the latest Nvidia Studio driver. And before someone else says it, write it down, what you can be sure of I've already reset and reinstalled Photoshop It's not even a Windows OS privilege issue. It's not a problem with the GPU, it's not a problem with the CPU. It's not a problem with the plug-in, it's not a problem with the preset. So I was able to narrow down the target to 25.6 to 25.7. <suspected symptoms> 1. Photoshop's GPU functionality is not properly supported or it slows down very much like an error occurs. 2. This happens after a certain period of time. 3. Sometimes, if you use a feature like Select Subject, it slows down immediately. (select subject classifier model not loaded correctly) << I don't remember the exact phrase of the error, but that also happens. 4. can't write new document preset file photoshop << Sometimes you get this error window, every time you try to shut it down Some users seem to go through this at 25.6-25.7. But on the contrary, 25.7 is fine. However, other years of Photoshop were broken with the above symptoms. So I tried reinstalling Photoshop, resetting, and forced resetting the Photoshop setting folder. After going through this process a few times, I also reinstalled 2024 (25.7), and now I think it's a little stable. However, I also noticed Photoshop 2023 works strangely when I installed 25.7 on my colleague's computer. So I don't think this is a bug that appears to everyone. But it's been reproduced pretty easily, and something seems to be contaminating the existing Photoshop configuration files. Even if I reinstall Photoshop and remove all the components, it seems to break something. I've been through this bug and had to work quickly, so I haven't been able to leave a record on this. (Recording a video or screenshot it like other bug threads I've reported). Sorry, excuse me. @CJButler @CShubert Could you please look into this? Something strange is definitely going on.
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‎May 06, 2024
05:35 AM
I'm rather different from you guys. I have a version I like (stable) for each year and use it with changes as needed. I usually use Photoshop 2020 (21.0.3) and Photoshop 2023 (24.0.1), and Photoshop 2024 only updates each release to see if the bugs are fixed. But since this 25.7 version, all my other Photoshops have gotten weird after a certain period of time (especially when I use a feature like select subject). Like the GPU gets disabled. So I reinstalled Photoshop, but it's the same. But the interesting thing is that Photoshop 25.7 is fine. Something in 25.7 seems to break something. Because it's not a normal situation, 25.7 was suspected, and when I tested it on another colleague's computer, the same different versions were contaminated. For your information, I use the latest studio driver. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/ps-makes-lag-or-broken-gpu-function-thingss/idi-p/14601483 I wrote a new thread on this as a bug category. There's definitely something wrong with it.
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‎Apr 22, 2024
05:56 PM
@CJButler Thank you for your kind and prompt response. Yes, that's correct. Since this doesn't seem to relate to the topic of the thread I reported on, "Hand tool," I won't add any further content to this thread. I'll be taking a break in a month, during which I plan to record screens on multiple PCs and compare various versions to create a new thread. Based on today's tests, it doesn't seem to be a specs issue with PCs, as I noticed this on PCs with Intel 14th generation CPUs, Ryzen 7000 series CPUs, and GPUs from the 4000 series. It sounds like a good plan to double-check on your old laptop when you get home after work today.
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‎Apr 22, 2024
04:40 PM
@CJButler I installed 25.6 and tried it and neither the mouse nor the wacompen finally managed to recreate this bug (I did it for about 20 minutes). So this feels fixed. Good! But I felt a little heterogeneous in the movement of the screen. So while I was holding down on the Spacebar, I tried moving it around with my mouse or pen, and I shook the screen. And it seems to be quite disconnected (if the original screen was 60 frames, now it's not as smooth as 24 frames) It's a metaphor. Is it because of the process of reporting mouse ups and downs? Definitely feels a lot of difference compared to 24.0.1 or Photoshop 21.0.3 before that. Of course, I don't shake the screen that much while working on it, but I think it's a lag or an issue that can be felt enough because I often move the screen. So I roll back again.... =(
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‎Apr 11, 2024
04:26 PM
Would you like to try the previous version? I'm sorry. You mean there was a problem after the upgrade. I've also seen some PC's (GPU4080, latest studio driver) releases of Photoshop 2024 work abnormally slowly at times. But it's not my main computer, and I only test it until the bug I want is fixed, so I went back to the version I used to use. Currently I am keeping 2023 (24.0.1) as the last version.
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‎Apr 04, 2024
08:30 PM
Looking at someone else's brush cursor thread, it came to me after a long time, so I got back to this thread. Is there any progress on this? I reported this bug last year (some users, of course, have also been experiencing it in Photoshop 2018, 2019).
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‎Apr 04, 2024
08:28 PM
1 Upvote
Is this the kind of bug you're going through? https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/cursor-disappears-when-use-brush-or-cloenstamp-things/m-p/13672763#M716482 https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-brush-outline-circle-disappearing-when-working-with-masks/idc-p/13679982/page/5#M79434 If this is correct, it has not been fixed yet. If not, I think it would be good to record and upload a screen of what you're going through.
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‎Mar 29, 2024
01:50 AM
@Just-Justin Yes. I keep the version for each year. Actually, the most used version is Photoshop 2020 (21.0.3). It's the lightest. Fast and stable
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‎Mar 28, 2024
10:03 PM
https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-completely-broken-hand-tool-ps24-5-hand-tool-sticking-sticky-not-seeing-mouse-up/idc-p/14520060/page/24#M103677 The developer made some improvements, so the mouse users said it would be better. But it doesn't seem to have been fixed perfectly enough to be officially included in the fixed issue. So I won't update until 25.7 or 25.8. It's staying at 24.0.1.
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‎Mar 28, 2024
04:47 AM
Has everyone fixed this bug? I'm just watching the thread because I can't test it because it's the busiest season. Also, since it is not included in fixed issue page (although it is natural because some changes are applied), I am curious about your opinion.
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‎Mar 08, 2024
04:37 PM
@Goyko Also, which mouse do you use? Do you use a tablet? (Wacom? Hunion?), is the graphics card Nvidia? I'm not criticizing and criticizing, I'm asking politely. I have an expectation that your experience is the key point to solve our old problems. @CJButler Can you do a research based on this user's experience? Of course, we've seen improvements in beta. But this user's experience seems very special.
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‎Mar 08, 2024
04:35 PM
@Goyko I haven't used Lightroom for so long that I can't remember it properly. But if I remember correctly, Lightroom and Adobe Camera RAW could have shared something like a common preset? (Maybe not. The memory is too old.) It sounds very strange. I think that's the story that leads to experiences where some users reset their preferences and said the stickiness disappeared. We suspected it was a matter of preference, but we didn't know exactly which one, so based on your experience, it would be nice for developers to track this down. What else do light rooms and photoshop have in common?
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‎Mar 08, 2024
05:58 AM
@Goyko It seems like a very unique experience. Do you have any more detailed information?
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‎Mar 07, 2024
07:25 PM
I want many people to test the beta version. I'm willing to test the beta too, but I'm so behind in work right now. I'm looking forward to your reviews.
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‎Mar 05, 2024
06:19 PM
@DanielAllen No it's photoshop problem. This may be related to tablet, but I don't think it is. Because I made this thread last year, when I reinstalled OS on multiple PCs and installed only Photoshop without connecting or installing wacom, I was able to reproduce this bug with my mouse.
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‎Feb 21, 2024
06:53 PM
@CJButler We're always grateful for the hard work of Adobe employees and developers, including you. I have one question. It sounds like your current investigation, approach to this bug is to try to fix the problem itself through reproduction, right? But that seems to be not as easy as it seems, and there are delays. But what if we tried a different approach? To the best of my recollection, this bug has been apparent since version 24.5. So what changes were made in version 24.5 and earlier? I suspect that one of the changes is causing this bug (but maybe not). When i saw Newfeature in Adobe Photoshop 24.5 - Generative Fill - Adjustment Preset - Remove Tool - TaskBar work - Gradient tool improove And we can check fixed issue in 24.5 https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/wacom-hand-tool-stuck-after-next-selection-in-photoshop/idi-p/13724338 https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-gpu-stops-being-used-after-opening-many-files/idi-p/12520322 https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-menu-flicker-when-painting-in-full-screen-modes/idc-p/13671597#M78952 https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-moving-two-adjacent-points-of-a-a-rotate-rectangle-shape-does-unexpected-behavior/idi-p/13340538 I think the first link's Fixed issue has something to do with the bug we're currently experiencing. Could that be something that causes something as it fixes? (Wacom - Hand tool stuck after next selection in Photoshop)
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‎Feb 10, 2024
04:21 PM
I don't know why this was transferred from the bug tab again. I'm just conforming to this bug and using it.
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‎Feb 10, 2024
04:20 PM
@A.L.5E2E Yes. And even if the reset solves it, it's not a normal installation process (though that's not the way to fix the problem) It is not convincing that newly installed users should reset as soon as they install. I don't know about event logs like mouse up and down. (I don't know about programming at all). But I think Adobe can solve the problem faster if they focus on comparing the previous version (for example, versions before 24.0.1) with the current 25.4....
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‎Feb 06, 2024
01:31 AM
@annes52155099 I agree with you. I don't think it's trivial, either. It's inconvenient. But since the bugs that make Photoshop so inconvenient to use at all (hand tool for example) are already continuing to the latest version, this thread has not been noticed by the big bugs, so I'm just working by adapting. Don't get me wrong.
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‎Feb 05, 2024
10:14 PM
@annes52155099 This minor bug (?) started at about 23.0 in my memory. I don't think this will be on the revised list because it won't continue to be discussed. I'm used to it now, so I check it once in a while, and if it works wrong, press ctrl+Z to cancel the job. If you want this bug back in the spotlight, you'd better record a video and make a new thread for you.
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‎Feb 02, 2024
07:56 PM
Have you experienced it in a previous version of Photoshop? (e.g. 2015.5 / 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
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‎Jan 28, 2024
12:31 AM
When I first reported on this issue, I reported that it didn't seem to be a hardware or setup issue for each user. Since it was reproduced immediately on the PC where the OS was newly installed, bugs were already included from the installation file distributed by Adobe. And the act of resetting the pref works sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. What's clear is that something is already going wrong from the "installation process."...
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‎Jan 25, 2024
03:57 AM
The fixed issue page of 25.4 came out. However, this bug of ours has not been reflected. The wait begins again. I hope it gets fixed at 25.5..... =(
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‎Jan 19, 2024
06:41 PM
@jeromea13244388 It's an interesting approach. Actually, I'm not even attempting to install a new version at all after Photoshop 2024 schedule. I just check the fixed issue page from time to time. =( ................. But even when we were talking about this (even during Photoshop 2023), I was always working on RGB mode. I also work on 16 bits, but I mostly used an 8-bit work environment, and I work on psd, but I also reproduced this bug in a small (1024x1024) document that I newly created. (Of course, these are what I reported when I talked to Adobe by mail, just like you.) So..................... So I really don't know why. =(
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‎Jan 17, 2024
04:18 AM
1 Upvote
@ibanksy This will also be reproduced with the mouse on a PC without the Wacom driver installed. It has nothing to do with the pen/wacom..................
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‎Jan 10, 2024
05:23 PM
Yes. I don't know how many times I've written this since I started the thread........ It's not a matter of speed. And it's not a matter of pen. It's easily reproduced with a mouse. Even if you do it very slowly. It's a good idea to exclude the possibility of Wacom at all. It has nothing to do with it. (I don't even install Wacom drivers, I don't connect them at all, and I can recreate them on my newly formatted PC.) Same with the mouse. I usually use the Logitech Gpro mouse, but it's not even a problem with the mouse because I don't install Logitech software, and it's reproduced with an old mouse with a polling rate of 125, and a noise-free Bluetooth cheap mouse for 3$ sold on the internet. This is not a problem with the device.
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