‎Feb 16, 2024
03:01 PM
1 Upvote
I believe you are correct, at least in my experience. I have noticed severe performance loss in AI 2024 across systems, from a 16GB M1 iMac, to a 32GB i7 970Pro 6GB 1060, to my my 128GB TR 3955WX 24GB 3090ti 8x 2TB FireCuda 530 RAID10. They all have about the same performance for complex files. It isn't a hardware issue at your point, or at mine. It is a lack of optimization of Illustrator. It still runs on a single CPU cores for most things, for crying out loud, which is especially crappy for my TR 3955wx, because it isn't the fastest for single core tasks.
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‎Jan 30, 2024
01:51 PM
My advice for computer purchasing is, if you have to go cheap on something, get a less powerful cpu. Do not scrimp on ram.
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‎Jan 30, 2024
01:50 PM
I would give you my January 2006 system with 16GB of ram, but it just encountered an unrecoverable hardware error, so I had to replace it.
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‎Jan 30, 2024
10:46 AM
1 Upvote
It's back. Every time I double-click to open a pdf, Acrobat reports that it has crashed. It's very annoying, but I guess I have to live with it. It could be worse. Like being unable to revert to the old Acrobat UI/UX.
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‎Jan 29, 2024
02:51 PM
The repair seems to have helped! It reported the fake crash a few times, then I tried to restart the computer, and once it came back up, it didn't report the crash any longer. So far, so good.
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‎Jan 29, 2024
01:00 PM
I have the same problem. Same version. It's quite annoying, and only started for me after the latest update. I'll try the recommendations.
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‎Jan 19, 2024
12:56 PM
I detected no real snark in your reply. I'm just trying to say that InDesign and other single-core non-GPU-accelerated programs are the only things that run slowly on most of the systems I use, regardless of how thermonuclear the hardware is. I know a designer who has a system several times more expensive than mine who has the exact same issues, as well as quite a few working with i7s, i5s, and their Ryzen equivalents who also share in this dilemma. It isn't the hardware. It's the software. Having instant screen drawing would be a tremendous help, since I have to use high-quality display settings to make certain that everything lines up precisely when placing odd ratio customer-provided files, for instance. Having to toggle between the display performance modes is a waste of time. Similarly, there are quite a few tasks that, as in Illustrator, could be completed far faster on a multi-core-enabled InDesign. It's good software, but it isn't optimal. I built my system to handle pretty much anything I could throw at it for video editing and 3D rendering. I know that my per-core performance isn't as good as a much more moderately priced modern Core i7 or i9, but I have a significant advantage over those processors when I'm able to use all my cores to their fullest. I'm not just talking about benchmarking with Maxon. I mean in real-life situations. If I relied only on benchmarks, I would have driven myself nuts by now, and I wouldn't be getting any work done. I genuinely do not mean to insult or impugn anyone. I know that the experts in these forums are called so for a very good reason.
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‎Jan 03, 2024
02:31 PM
I know you keep trying to explain that the bugs can be an either/or/and situation, but this is the simplest way for me to understand it. If the software works on earlier versions of the OS, the bug is probably (not definitely) in the OS. If previous versions of the software work on the new version of the OS, the bug is probably (not definitely) in the current version of the software.
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‎Dec 22, 2023
09:20 AM
Illustrator is a great program, but it lags significantly behind current hardware capabilities. An Adobe employee explained that it isn't a simple case of just updating code to enable multi-core support, as it could adversely affect stability and other aspects. I guess we need to wait and hope for real improvements. I'm happy that you were able to get Illustrator to run better. My home system does better than the one I use at work, mainly for rendering tasks because of the difference in gpus.
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‎Dec 21, 2023
02:13 PM
This issue is mainly because Illustrator doesn't support multiple parallel processes. It uses one core on your cpu, for the most part. So, no matter how many cores you have to blaze through Photoshop or video editing tasks, you'll find yourself struggling with complex graphics in Illustrator. There is nothing wrong with your systems. I've had to wait minutes for large and extremely complex files to render changes in some cases. A fast GPU can help, but the cpu bottleneck remains.
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‎Dec 21, 2023
01:48 PM
I guess my $20k+ Threadripper Pro-based system wouldn't run Indesign any faster with multicore capability enabled. The reason I'm experiencing excruciatingly long wait times for things to render or process must be due to my system not meeting the basic requirements... I don't use benchmarks to determine my system's capabilities, but real-world use. It screams through GPU accelerated and multi-core-enabled tasks, but struggles with InDesign on complex jobs. I am genuinely sorry for the snark, but a lot more than a single-digit percentage of people would notice the performance increase. I've been buidling and using multi-cpu (or multi-core) systems since 2001. It would be nice if InDesign could support that.
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‎Dec 18, 2023
03:11 PM
I will check if our payment is pending. The payment date is on the 21st, so maybe that's what is causing the problem. I'm happy you got it fixed, and it wasn't a more serious problem.
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‎Dec 18, 2023
11:17 AM
We are having the exact same issue. It was still working on the 14th. It happened right after the generative credits were added, as far as I can tell. All our profiles are also showing either no plan, or no assets assigned to each plan.
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‎Nov 27, 2023
02:46 PM
I have a similar, though different, font problem. I'm using lots of Adobe fonts, and about half the time when I start up InDesign, the fonts aren't available and I get the missing fonts error. I have to close all Adobe apps and reopen them, sometimes multiple times, for the fonts to actually load. This is despite the fact that Creative Cloud always shows them installed and active. Then it's fine until the next reboot. This is very annoying and time-consuming. Windows 11
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‎Sep 15, 2023
12:36 PM
I totally necroed this... Sorry! Lines per inch is for screen resolution on a press. 150lpi can be equivalent to around 2400dpi, depending. I've been doing printing for 23 years. Most copiers simulate less than 85lpi at 1200dpi. I have three large format machines that are natively 2400dpi by 1200dpi and two Xerox Versants that are natively 1200dpi. I know how to avoid moire when printing an image scanned at its native size at 1200dpi when printing the same size at full 1200dpi resolution, for instance. I've got dozens of artists as clients who specifically ask for me to do their scanning and printing, because they aren't happy with anyone else's work. I know I'm not an expert.
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‎Apr 25, 2023
01:40 PM
I had to set up a veterinary form with over 1000 fields using InDesign's terrible, one-tab-at-a-time ordering system. It took days. I finally gave in and decided to do the ordering in Acrobat. It isn't great, but it is much better. I don't think Adobe is going to improve this. I do a few dozen forms a year that have to be filled out digitally and printed. I feel for you!
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‎Apr 24, 2023
12:27 PM
I've had a similar issue on new files lately. Single page to a 92 page book, lots of links or none at all. Sometimes it takes unreasonably long to see text I've typed actually appear. Saving momentarily speeds it up. I'm not using a pagefile on the work machine (listed first), and recently added a 400GB Intel dc5800x to use for swap and paging on the home system (the second). This happens on two Windows 11 machines, one at work, one at home. One has 32GB RAM and a 1024GB SSD, and the other 128GB RAM and a 4096GB RAID10 SSD array. Both are about 4 years old, and rebooted or turned off once a day. I typically have InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, Thunderbird (or Outlook), Fiery Command Workstation, and Firefox open at the same time. It wasn't a problem until the last update, at least for me. I don't think that this is due to a hardware issue.
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‎Apr 24, 2023
11:36 AM
If the linked images aren't displaying on the artboard, it might be possible that they were moved beyond the boundary of the artboard. That is something that shouldn't happen, of course. In Normal and Preview mode for displaying the artboard, nothing shows up beyond the page bounds? Can you still move newly placed objects (or even text) to the artboard beyond the page itself and have it display properly? Are you using Liquid Layout (or Alternate Layout) to automagically adjust anything for a different size or ratio than you originally set up? I've had that feature break things, very rarely, in a similar mode. In those instances, the graphics were still on the artboard, but off the page. I apologize if I'm not helping.
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‎Apr 24, 2023
11:25 AM
What happens if you right click a link and select "Go to link"? I had an issue like this a long time ago, but the renaming of the pages tab to "google pixels" has me worried for you. My issue was file corruption in CS4.
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‎Apr 10, 2023
10:50 AM
And... I also have the same problem. But it only happens to me about 30 times a day, so I guess I'm lucky? Another example of feature bloat that serves little purpose. I used to think that Microsoft had the market cornered on this count, but I guess it's spreading around the digital ecosystem. As so many have asked, Adobe, at least add an off option to disable this behavior. Please.
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‎Apr 07, 2023
10:27 AM
I can't believe that I've been using Illustrator for 22 years and didn't know about that... I've always nested type layers in Illustrator or InDesign, which isn't nearly as simple or seamless. Is there a way to do this with offset strokes, like 5 points off in one or more directions? Regardless, thank you for this information!
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‎Mar 22, 2023
10:28 AM
If it's multithreaded now, someone must have swapped in a single-core CPU from my TR Pro 3955wx.
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‎Mar 22, 2023
10:22 AM
I apologize for immediately following my previous post. Version 24.3 seems to have solved everything for me. I can no longer reproduce the problem. I really hope that the update fixes things for everyone else!
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‎Mar 22, 2023
10:17 AM
1 Upvote
I would recommend others try the legacy dialogs, as was mentioned above. As long as I use the legacy save and open dialogs, everything is fine. I tried to use the more modern interface, and it infuriated me to no end.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
01:09 PM
I do not appear to be able to type today. Anyway, I don't see why I should have to use Typical display settings instead of High Resolution/Quality, given the nature of my work and the power of my hardware. My system may not be the greatest, but it tears through multithreaded tasks like video editing/effects production. I can end up waiting (admittedly, more often in Illustrator) for an especially complex process to complete, and see the cpu usage never get higher than about 10%. There are feature request threads with considerable votes specifically devoted to the lack of multithreading in Illustrator and InDesign, and the lack of Windows GPU acceleration in InDesign, so I know that I'm not the only person bothered by these bottlenecks.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
01:00 PM
Yes, I agree, for the most part. I can set the screen for rasterization of vector artwork manually at the platemaker, so it actually is relevant in that particular niche case. Regular (laser or inkjet) printing of vector graphics does, of course, automatically rasterize at the rip's capability. I have actually noticed print quality differences going from 300-600-1200dpi for native raster artowork, and 2400 (the maximum of the print device) is requested by many of the client artists I serve. For my own use, I stick around 600 to 1200dpi.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
12:36 PM
Sorry, I should have mentioned that I primarily work on what ends up being physically printed materials, and I try to match device resolution (while avoiding moire), typically 1200-2400dpi. I know it is overkill. 300dpi is fine for most things, but tiny details from vector graphics will fill in when rasterized at 300dpi in my experience. My work system can't handle this, of course, as it runs out of RAM. I typically work in lower-multi GB linked files in that instance, and keep print resolution between 300dpi at a minimum and 2400dpi max for giclee reproductions.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
12:31 PM
By waiting, I mean that I will try to apply an effect, or even just move a graphical element in InDesign and it will take sometimes several seconds for anything to happen. Illustrator is worse when making complex graphics and using the shape builder.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
12:29 PM
AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3955wx 128GB 3200MHz DDR4 8 2TB Seagate Firecuda 530s in 2 RAID10 arrays (boot, program) 400GB Intel DC 5800X (pagefile, swap/scratch) 1TB Samsung 850 Pro (misc files) Nvidia RTX3090ti Windows 11 22H2 CC 2023 (InDesign 18.0) I usually work with very graphics-intensive files that have between 1 and 40+GB in linked images, and I do not like using Typical display settings. GPU rendering in Illustrator and Photoshop is instantaneous. I've made some files in InDesign that are compatible with Affinity Publisher, and they are MUCH easier to manipulate in Publisher vs. InDesign. This system is considerably faster than the i7 9700k with 32GB of ram, Nvidia 1060 6GB, and a Samsung 970 Pro I use at my day job, but it isn't much better for InDesign.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
11:28 AM
I've been using CC since it was released. I use it for both my day job and my home studio work. Two separate licenses. While I'm not wild about paying $80 a month, I can understand the reasoning for this business model. I don't like that I only have access to the software for as long as my subscription is current, but it makes sense. My big complaints have to do with Adobe failing to address obvious problems and limitations with their software. For instance, I do not see why Illustrator and InDesign aren't multithreaded. I've had a multiple cpu/core system since early 2001. In Windows, why don't we have GPU acceleration in InDesign? Those two performance issues comprise most of the time I have to spend waiting for Illustrator or InDesign to actually do something. The computer should be waiting for me to do something, not the other way around. It seems that Adobe just doesn't care. At least CC will run on a toaster. It's just too bad that there isn't much of a performance improvement for having comparatively great hardware... Anyway, I have to add that it seems odd that someone who has been using InDesign for so long has had such problems with using layers and master (ahem!) parent pages. Maybe Microsoft Publisher would be a better fit? (I did not mean that as an insult.)
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