‎Nov 16, 2023
07:25 AM
With your test, there should be no external linked files, not even one, otherwise Illustrator will go out and to collect it. also, if you are comfortable with working in Adobe Indesign; it is made for links, see if there is lagging in it? And if there is then, Apple tech might have to help you. I just exported a document from Illustrator last night it had 10 linked files with a mesh on top of each and didn't have an issue of lagging. I'm on Monetary.
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‎Nov 15, 2023
01:57 PM
At this point, I would test and see if you run a document with out any linked or embedded files. another test, run few links, embedded and see how long will take, and another one with linked files. are those linked fils in jpeg or png, and what is an average size of file. Could you post one if those linked files, let me see if I can run a test on my Mac Studio with M1. I'm sure it is frustrating especially when you buy an M1 Mac hoping will speed up your work. Good luck. yasir
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‎Nov 06, 2023
08:18 AM
"I do a placemat with 24 ads on it ( ads are either linked or created on the document)" This gives me more understanding of why the lagging. You mentioned 24 ads with links, that's where you need to look closer, those ads that have images/photos are they linked or embedded? So illustrator is going out and looking for these files and that might be the cause. After you start working in your internal, try to embed those files and see how fast they link. You might have images linked to an external and illustrator is going out to external trying to link. if you feel comfortable working with Adobe Indesign your workflow would be faster especially with linking 24 or so ads. you are getting there👌.
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‎Nov 06, 2023
07:41 AM
I have the same machine as yours, but with 32GB of unified memory w/ one SSD TB. I had the lagging issue you described in Adobe Illustrator, but when I started saving to internal SSD, I don't have it anymore. I think what Monika mentioned was the right approach at this point, customer care would be a good start, be prepared for a tech person to take over your Mac, , one word of caution; I have dealt with Adobe tech support and it's a hit and miss on who will help you and go straight to the point, some wanted to re install AI and some suggested to re install a fresh copy of MacOS. Have you tried to do a simple task is illustrator and see when you start getting a lag. Are you using images in you design brought from photoshop, are you using 3D and Material, Ray tracing, how many documents do you have open. Apple tech may have you create a new user and isolate all other apps but keep all Apple apps on to see where the issue is stemming from, especially when you mention the lag is happening either internal or external. good luck.
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‎Nov 03, 2023
10:33 AM
What OS are you running , do you have space more than 75% left in your internal ? I usually place all my project files on the SSD internal drive, when I'm done then I move them to external. I do 3D work with Adobe Dimension, when rendering I turn off the other Apps. untill this issue is figured out smoothly by Apple, this would be a good workaround. but the beachball sounds a different problem. Are your library files synced with CC. a hard restart after trash some big files might help. I'm running a Mac Studio with M1 with 32 unified memeory my is is Monterey. I hope any if this helps.
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‎Oct 19, 2023
12:08 AM
Very easy, your object is there, but you need to left it up to the ground level, short cut on a Mac is cmnd+ . Period. or there is a button to the right side under Actions, usually next to the trash can it's a down pointing arrow. you are all set.
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‎Sep 14, 2023
12:38 PM
I'm on 3.4.10 on the exact machine you have, M1 Mac Studio, but running Monterey. If I move to Ventura I will loose my Font book support for Adobe Postscript Type 1 fonts. Even though illustrator, Indesign and photoshop no longer support Type 1 fonts, I can still keep them in Fontbook, and Affinity Designer fully supports Adobe Thoe 1, since I'm a graphic designer and have a big collection of Type 1. I'm not sure about how my other software will work with Ventura. Let's see how many will respond to your question if they are running on Venture, in the meantime I can check with some of my YouTube Diminsion users, they post tutorials videos.
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‎Sep 12, 2023
07:09 PM
I thought this issue has been resolved for all. I would suggest to reach Adobe Tech and let them know you have already posted and didn't get it resolved, maybe they missed testing it on a mac mini. When you mention the latest software, what is you operating macOS. Dimension 3.4.9. let us know.
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‎Sep 04, 2023
11:42 AM
I have to admit, Adobe Dimension 3.4.9, is very stable. Running on a Mac Studio with M1. I'm using it everyday, between Illustrator and Photoshop I get my packaging designs mock-ups. No slowing down, only when rendering; which I do at the end of the day. There are few clitchs, one I'm not sure because it was an exported png from illustrator as a graphic, sometimes I get a blotch on the back of my package once I place the graphic on the front on the model. What are you issues? im hoping they will release an update, but not sure what Adobe developer team is working on. my suspicion it's an illustrator bug when exporting to Dn.
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‎Aug 23, 2023
02:24 AM
I might add to that, you will find that you can't export an .obj with a gradient or a mesh tool object.
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‎Aug 16, 2023
12:39 PM
I see that, I will try to import from there. But this needs Adobe tech support to look into it. If they are not combing this post, then I would call them +1 (800) 833-6687, they usually step in after you have exhausted all avenues of inquiries. Let them know you have been posting on Adobe cummunity. im sorry, this is baffling, I wish I could help you more.
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‎Aug 16, 2023
10:55 AM
Hi, you mentioned adobe assets library, do you mean the Starter assets that come with Adobe Dimension or the assets library you created by dropping you .obj from Adobe Iluutrator? Please watch this video, it might clarify on imprting. https://youtu.be/_oJ1NQTAzB8?si=YVnddC0XSEhieOeu Also, try to use the shortcut Cmnd + I, for import a 3d model, this should bring you to your .obj file on your computer, once you select it, it will drop on you screen, if you cant see it, then hit letter F to bring it to view. After you follow these steps and watching the video, let us know if it worked,.
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‎Aug 08, 2023
05:22 PM
Hi, A new update for Adobe Dimnesion is out today August 8th, 2023 (U.S.) version 3.4.10. Maybe now you can import your .obj files. I did not read what the update is for. Maybe some one will report to us. I found a link from Adobe regarding this new update 3.4.10, it's mainly a security update. I didn't see anything regarding features. https://helpx.adobe.com/security/products/dimension/apsb23-44.html Thanks
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‎Aug 02, 2023
05:39 AM
Could you take a screenshot of the error message. And what is the build number. also, did you try to export an .obj file from Adobe Illustrator and see if you can import from Adobe dimension. and are you in a Mac or PC, if on a Mac what Os and is it M1 Mac. so this information will be in one post, hopefully tech will see it and maybe able to troubleshoot it.
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‎Aug 01, 2023
02:50 PM
1 Upvote
Did you go through the steps I mentioned, are you able to use models from Dimension it's self? I wish I can think of something else to help you. can you post your build numbers?
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‎Jul 28, 2023
08:36 AM
Hi Daniel, I dont have this problem in v3.4.9, I just checked it again today to make sure. I'm on a M1 Mac, importing shortcut is Cmnd + i. Make sure you hit the shortcut key F for bring to view after you import, sometimes they are out of view. some trouble shooting; - can you use the models supplied in Dn, - close all apps except Dn and see if you can import an obj file, - try different obj files, or creat your own from Adobe illustrator. Last thing re-install Dn. But i hope others can respond with the same issue, otherwise Adobe Tech has to get into it and help you.
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‎Jul 11, 2023
06:17 AM
1 Upvote
Let's make sure you are aware of the latest Adobe Dimension is running under 3.4.9,. im not sure what is meant by flakey, is it running slow?. Two things to concern, when you are saving make sure you are saving to your internal SSD drive, don't not save to an external and close all other applications when rendering. I had the issue of slowness not just Dn but Adobe Illustrator especially when I use the 3D and materials feature. but when I started saving internally, I don't have an issue.. to respond to your original question regarding will there be an actual M1/M2 Dn natively that is a question I asked Adobe Tech, but didn't get an answer. And I don't not wish to move to Adobe Substance this is a big learning curve and extra cost. please let's us know after you install the lasted 3.4.9 and switch to saving to internal SSD. YASIR
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‎Jun 26, 2023
12:13 AM
My workflow has always been saving to an external drive, but when I got my M1 Mac Studio, I experienced the same slowness you did. I found out by saving to an internal SSD in an M1 or M2 is faster. that's becuse there is too much information going to your external, too much throughput, it's like a bus full of people trying to come out at the same time. Also, if you have any 3D apps on while you are working on illustrator might slow when rendering. so far I can have 12 apps open at the same time and didn't experience any slowness, because it's saving to my internal SSD. My workflow now when I work in a new project, I create a folder on my desktop and when I'm totally done, I move it to my external. im glad it worked for you.
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‎Jun 25, 2023
07:50 PM
1 Upvote
Are you saving to external or internal drives. I found my M1 Mac Studio is fast and responsive when I save internally.
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‎Jun 14, 2023
07:03 AM
I see what you are trying to do, treat your text separately from the other graphic. Here is some information to help guide you. https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/using/create-3d-graphics.html this video tutorial from YouTube is good to watch. https://youtu.be/Z-d-bVHuHTA
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‎Jun 14, 2023
05:05 AM
It depends what you used to create the art, did you apply a Gradient or used the mesh tool? if you didn't then the other possibility you might have not applied the correct 3D. if you supply a screenshot of your art, it will be easier to help you trouble shoot. keep in mind if you drew a rectangle then if you applied the effect by itself by selecting extrude or revolve - which only works for a circular object.
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‎Jun 06, 2023
11:57 AM
I hope they will. Especially now with the announcement of M2 of both top Mac's, Mac Studio and Macrpro are out and something needs to happen. It seems Adobe in focusing on its Substance apps, hoping everyone will flock to it. yasir
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‎Jun 04, 2023
05:36 PM
Thanks for the feedback are you in a mac or PC and what are your macOS if so. this is really strange.
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‎Jun 04, 2023
11:42 AM
That was a previous issue, now it is not if you are on the latest update of Dimension 3.4.9. let us know. But you are right you are logged on even though the yellow warning says you are not. yasir
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‎Jun 02, 2023
09:03 PM
I have been monitoring Adobe Dimension as I use it, I make sure all other apps are off, and the only one open is Dn. inhave the fastest Mac Studio with M1 chip. so I started to notice irregularities when access the short cut tools, like 1, 2, 3, V and any other tool, the 1 icon for rotate becomes a different tool and sometimes it becomes and arrow instead. anyine has this issue? I think it has to do with size of file, or the app is not optimized to work M1 chips? thanks Yasir.
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‎May 26, 2023
01:15 PM
1 Upvote
Update on tools not working. I tried restarting Dimenion few times, but still had the same issue, but after I closed Photoshop 2023, and few other apps, and restarted Dimesion, it working now. I hope it has nothing to do with openong photoshop at the same time. I'm a Mac M1, plenty of memory and storage. I will keep monitoring, and report any other events, I'm sure their is a good explination. Yasir
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‎May 26, 2023
12:49 PM
My solution; I'm on a Mac, is to record your screen, Cmd+Shift_5, while you orbit you object in Dimension using the short cut, in the Quicktime option you can select to record partial of the screen or entire screen, so it will not show your orbit tool. Then, in my case I droppe the video into Adobe Express-an online tool, and made a gif out of it. here is my results https://yasirsalah.com/multi-wall-bags let me know if this works for you. yasir
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‎May 26, 2023
12:29 PM
1 Upvote
My issue is I can't access to the tools, any tool I select like the move tool or rotate tool I get instead the hand tool. I have the latest update, and tired from having issues with is. I will try to reinstall. I am on a Mac M1. Any one else having this issue, please post, thanks; Yasir
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‎Apr 27, 2023
10:39 AM
Can you establish whether you are on a PC or a Mac? Control + tilde , not tab is what you can cycle through all the documents in Adobe Illustrator or any other macOS application. Control + Tab cycles through all the other applications that are open. therefor, the same should go for a PC, but not sure what that shortcut is. I work in illustrator almost 8 hours everyday and that's the fastest way to get to 30 some documents. I'm not sure what is your project, but you can try another way if all those documents are the same size, then use each layer, meaning you can have all 30 documents in 30 layers. Turn in one the layer you want to work with, while all the other 29 are off. yasir
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‎Apr 26, 2023
09:05 PM
On a Mac Command + tilde, it will cycle through every document you have open, I used it all the time, it's the fastest way. first you can slide them from the top in the order you want, as you should in your screenshot. also, you can view all recent documents by clicking on the House icon in the top left. And if you hover over each title it will tell you where it's stored, which drive and folder location. I hope this helps. Let me know. Yasir.
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