Apr 19, 2023
03:31 AM
Monika, how do you know Adobe Dimension is being discontinued, as a community expert, I'm surprised to your response. Adobe just realesed a new update 2 weeks ago, upon my postings and calling to tech to fix few ignored bugs. the issue that has been ignored is the creation of an object with the mesh tool in Adobe Illustrator, in order to use it it Dimension.
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Apr 10, 2023
06:10 PM
Photoshop 2023, on a Mac with M1,running on Monterey, I'm able to do everything except move the change light direction, I don't even see the gizmo on the screen like in the demo videos I have seen in YouTube, it seems to be an issue going on for a while. if I followed the Solved or corrected way to do it, by Deactivate Native canvas, this will grey out the Lighting Effect In drop-down menu. I even restarted. any fix coming up? it seems that it has been forgotten about since some one had posted a fix, but M1Macs are out with another issue added. I also, followed this YouTube post it has 11,000 views and 200 comments, that means there is an issue his way didn't help me, Howe er it helped others, I think PC users. https://youtu.be/ZWEGyFiYBYE
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Apr 06, 2023
05:56 PM
I have tried all these, non of them helped, but I discovered after reading about the Mac Studio with the M1 chip is faster to save to the internal SSD. Once I did that, the lagging has stopped. Prior to that I saved to my external drive and it was not an SSD. The article you shared with me, has been written before the M1 Mac’s were released. Just today, I had Blender, illustrator, photoshop, Apple Music, Adobe Dimension, Preview and CC all open, and was working without an issue. Thanks for checking with me. Yasir
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Apr 04, 2023
12:54 PM
1 Upvote
Thank You, I just installed it, and it seems they took care of at least 3 things. All Models are availble now, the yellow notification: You are not logged in, has been fixed I had issue with shortcut keys, I have to check on that later today.
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Apr 01, 2023
09:13 AM
Are you on Ventura. I'm running on Monterey.
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Apr 01, 2023
08:32 AM
I noticed I had the same issue on my Mac Studio M1, I was saving to an external, every time I'm illustrator only when saving it lags, I count 7 seconds, you see a beachball. Then I discovered that if I save to my internal SSD, all the lagging stoped. This included Photoshop, Adobe Dimension, Indesign etc... and other non Adobe apps. Please post your findings. I have 32 GB in unified memory, and 1tb in SSD, running on Apple Display. yasir
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Mar 30, 2023
03:01 PM
This issue of accessing Model starter Kit seems to be pointing to Mac users. I have an M1 chip on my Mac, Adobe tech support had a PC and running 4.3.8 with no issue. could you please any who posted verify if you are a PC or Mac user and specify if it's was M1 or M2? I was told Adobe Dimension team is aware of it as well as the "you are not logged in" issue and will have a fox soon. I should hope so.
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Mar 30, 2023
11:46 AM
The work around will be tedious, revert back to Dn 3.4.7, and save every model in the starter assets to an .obj file. then install the latest version 3.4.8 and now you have your library, I have a feeling Adobe is trying to get us to use their newly introduced Substance apps. It is so obvious, first they stop 3D support in Photoshop 2023, then act as if they are moving them to Adobe illustrator, but Ai can't handle 3D with mesh points to make a model; the back bone of modeling is the mesh object. I'm using Blender from now on, they just released 3.5 . Shame on you Adobe.
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Mar 29, 2023
08:09 PM
Yes depending on what software was used to create the model, I have noticed that myself, when I created a model of a bag of chips in Blender, it will not wrap around totally. I have tried it in Adobe illustrator's 3D and Material and it will wrap around providing you made the 3D bottle in Ai. but not sure about in Dimension. Hopefully we shall find out.
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Mar 29, 2023
12:00 PM
I'm trying to understand the situation the bottle could be in two shapes; the cap and the bottle, or one shape. Therefore if everything fits in the whole bottle including the cap, then it's all in one model. To get around it, place the graphic on the bottle and size it stop before the cap, then bring another graphic I hope this helps.
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Mar 28, 2023
03:22 PM
I agree with you, Adobe has become so greedy as it gets bigger and bigger, adding more apps to the point there are no more apps to add, so, divide a Good app into 2 apps and charge for it. yes, Blender is getting better as well as affinity products. Adobe 3D tools no longer supported in Photoshop as of 2023. In Adobe illustrator you can not export any object that has a mesh tool applied to it as an .obj to export to Dimension to use as a model. and now with an updated Dn 3.4.8, many models are not loading. Have to revert to older version to get that Coffee Bag in my case.
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Mar 28, 2023
07:35 AM
I have the same issue, so I uninstalled 3.4.8, then back to 3.4.7, and saved - Coffee Bag - one of the models as an .obj on my computer. Coffee Bag does not show up in 3.4.8 And re installed Dn 3.4.8 and imported the .obj file of Coffee Bag. Now I can use it. That is crazy!, Why Adobe has done that? And if I call tech support it will become an all day ordeal, beacuse tech is not aware of it. I am not wasting my time anymore, Now I'm into Blender; learning the modeling part, so I can have all my mesh objects created Free in Blender. Adobe wants you to use Substance, that's why they took the 3D tools from Photoshop as of 2023.
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Mar 27, 2023
10:02 PM
like coffee bag.
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Mar 27, 2023
09:35 PM
Yes. Same here. And it happened right after the update and there were no documentation on what the the update for. I have a feeling they want you to go to Substance. Adobe is not letting us know the truth. I have been learning Blender for the last few weeks and made my models. I would rather do that than dish out more money. Blender if free and if you dedicate yourself it's easy to learn if you already understand how Dimension works, unkess Adobe can prove me wrong and it was just a glitch and will release those models.
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Mar 27, 2023
09:27 PM
Je conais le meme chose.
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Mar 11, 2023
06:22 PM
Today March 11, 2023, a new updated Dimension 3.4.8. i m not sure what it is for, the warning orange exclamation on top right of my Adobe Dimension, it says You are not logged in. it is still visible. There are no documentations to what was the update for, the only thing I notice was the version jives with all other places; App info, About Dimension and on CC under versions. why don't they fix things and make it right?
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Mar 10, 2023
03:37 PM
Yes it is a glitch, Adobe has noted that, but it is not affecting the performance. also, there is another glitch, on all 3 areas to find which version you are operating with, there is a discrepancy under about Dimension and under versions on CC app, and under info on the icon if the app. hope there is a fix for those and other minor bugs. I'm learning Blender better workflow for me, limitations in Ai to export an .obj with the mesh tool or gredient tool used to create like a plastic bag with wrinkles. Dimension doesn't have that in their model startup kit. Photoshop no longer support 3D, while Adobe Illustrator is taking that task, someone neglected to check on the Mesh tool feature to creat a model to use in Dn. imsoent 4 months learning Dimension to use for packaging mock ups, I should have learned Bender instead. Now I know the modeling section of Blender so I can resume my normal food packaging designs in Ai.
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Feb 24, 2023
09:11 AM
I have a lagging issue while using Adobe apps, Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop and sometimes while accessing the tools in Adobe Dimension. This is 2023 with a Mac Studio with 32 unified memory. I don't have an issue running Blender with its latest version. I didn't have those issues on my older iMac 2015? i think Adobe has not figured out how to 100% optimize their apps on an M1 chip.
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Feb 12, 2023
11:18 AM
I need to export a .obj file to use as a 3D model so I can use it in Adobe Dimension. Unless you run it through a 3D app. that was my original post. thanks.
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Feb 12, 2023
10:37 AM
Thanks for your quick responses. I just want to share this with anyone that has been going thru this thread that Discontinuation of 3D features in Photoshop Photoshop’s 3D features will be removed in future updates. Users working with 3D are encouraged to explore Adobe’s new Substance 3D collection, which represents the next generation of 3D tools from Adobe. Additional details on the discontinuation of Photoshop’s 3D features can be found here: Photoshop 3D | Common questions on discontinued 3D features. https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/3d-rendering-saving.html
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Feb 12, 2023
08:49 AM
I am trying to create a 3D model of a plastic bag with wrenkles to use in Adobe Dimension, I am a package designer; the only way to create the wrenkle effect is to aply a Mesh, PNG exporting is only good for placing a decal on a model in AD. I did some reading on .obj and how it works, evidently obj files use a trianglur mesh to create a 3D model. https://all3dp.com/1/obj-file-format-3d-printing-cad/ So from what I unstertand, a mesh creating a mesh to export might not be feasable in Ai. Since Photoshop is no longer supporting 3D work, and Ai has new 3D and Materials to compensate for what Photoshop had. Adobe now has the new collection of 3D creation in 5 Substance apps, but it costs monthly subscription not part of the creative cloud. In the meantime I will use Adobe stock for the plastic 3D model, I have 10 free downloads. I have installed Blender; hopefully I can learn that task for the future. thanks for your response. Yasir
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Feb 12, 2023
07:49 AM
Sorry, I think it was posted on UsersVoice. I get a warning when I try to export an object with a mesh in it. '3D and Materials' effect currently works only on some object types and cannot apply as multiple instances. I googled that, and there was a post on the illustrator discussion, here is the link. https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator-discussions/troubleshoot-error-messages-when-applying-3d-materials-to-objects/td-p/12480487 Although one response towards the end recommends to utilize 3D classic in Ai. But did not detail how, I wrote back hopefully he has further details. I am trying to create a plastic bread bag with wrinkles on it, the Mesh tool gave me great results, but could not get it to Adobe Dimension.
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Feb 11, 2023
05:43 PM
It's a Gradient mesh. I posted an example of what I was trying to achieve to Egor's replay. im not using 3-D classic I'm using the new 3d and materials' effect. yasir.
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Feb 11, 2023
04:07 PM
I created a mesh shape to export as an .obj file to use in Adobe Dimension but was getting '3D and Materials' effect currently works only on some object types and cannot apply as multiple instances.' I dont see where is an option from 3D classic to export? could be more detailed, thank you so much. Yasir
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Jan 23, 2023
09:46 AM
Actually Dimension is working on my M1 Mac Studio, and it was last updated 2021, but it was an error with M1 Mac Studio, running MacOS Monterey. I was advised Dimension will run normally and the version numbers mix was a miss on their end. Here is what they wrote to me in Friday, Jan, 20th. “ Sincere apologies for this. The build information is accurate in Creative Cloud and inside the application. It is Dimension 3.4.7 and has all of the fixes from the release notes. There is an external text file that contains meta data that controls the info read in app itself that was missed being updated. This has no impact on the application functionality or data, it is simply an incorrect label. ” But I would like to address Adobe Tech: if you want to make it easy on users, either fix, or let it be known it is a bug and let you Dimension team know about it. I spent 2 hours in the phone, and 2 more hours on my own to discover it was a bug. You are wasting tech support time from taking other important calls, and users time wondering if they have the latest version and why the warning triangle is showing up constantly on M1 Mac users. Did not have that issue on my intel 2015 iMac. Yasir
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Jan 20, 2023
07:49 PM
I have already tried, the log-in log-out, waited 24 hours, it's the same. At least there are two other users have the same issue, and I'm sure every M1 Mac user will have that issue. Are you suggesting they all do the same, even if it doesn't work? if you can not duplicate the issue in your system because the issue is log-in to the CC, and not an application issue, then please let it be known to all users of Adobe Dimension so they won't waste other users time and tech support team, like I did 2 hours, and two other ours on my end. yasir.
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Jan 18, 2023
06:44 PM
I have a Mac Studio w/M1 chip, running Adobe Dimension 3.4.7 I get a orange warning triangle with an exclamion mark, on top right on the app.next to Lear and Share arrow. "You're Not Logged In" (Features that require being logged into Creative Cloud are unavailable intil you sign in). I am logged into the Creative Cloud, I use other apps, and still use Dimension, but that warning has no explanation. I spent 2 hours with Adobe Tech, it was a waste of time, they shared my screen, insatlled and unistalled and many admistrative tricks, at the end he said try after 24 hours, if it doesn clear up give us a call. He thought it was the Adobe Dimension server needed to be cleared. It has been 12 hours now. I have AD 3.4.7 loaded on my older iMac I do not get the warning Triangle? On the CC under Versions-the Uninstall points to 3.4.7, but under info it says 3.4.6, on About Dimension it says 3.4.7? Any One has this similar issue thanks Yasir
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Jan 18, 2023
08:46 AM
1 Upvote
I have just been getting a warning orange exclamation on top right of my Adobe Dimension, it says You are not logged in. I am logged in, I suspect because my new Mac Studio is an M1, and Dimension is intel? I didn't have that issue last month on my old intel iMac ?
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Dec 31, 2022
08:15 AM
Could not get it to duplicate, but the redraw issue happened yesterday working on a new year logo, used some 3D features, and had a photo of a leather background I took, the redraw is very noticeable when zooming in and out, I will proved a video, but first I need to save my files to the SSD internally, my workflow has been saving to an external HDD, I will be running few tests to verify the issue.
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