Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Sep 04, 2024
10:48 AM
If there is a .png extension (which Windows can hide from you) on a non PNG file then that will confuse Photoshop. Change the extension, or use the file format dropdown in Photoshop's 'Open' menu to pick a different format for the file when you open it.
We had done some work in the past to retry different formats instead of having the parser lock up like this, but something may have changed to limit that flexibility. I suspect Paint is iterating through the parsers to catch mismatches between filenames and formats.
Sorry for the frustrating time with the file.
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‎Sep 03, 2024
01:23 PM
1 Upvote
@Walter5F9B ,
I sent you a private message last week, as follows; thanks for any additional details you can provide.
Are you still encountering issues with your system recognizing the GPU?
What model of GPU do you have? Version of the OS? Are you seeing the same error reported at the start of the online GPU error thread (where the GPU is not being recognized)?
Customer reports of this problem have died down, and we have tried issuing speculative fixes but have been unable to confirm that the issue has gone away enbtirely. If you are still facing the issue, please share System Info from Photoshop's Help menu and send along.
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‎Sep 03, 2024
01:18 PM
@Mehrgrid , is this the card you have?
Yes, please send system info and a screenshot of the GPU compatibility screen you see in Photoshop.
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‎Aug 14, 2024
12:27 PM
Photoshop also offers several modes under the options bar for brushing that sound like they could meet your needs.
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‎Aug 14, 2024
08:36 AM
@ZheIncFox @Luis38932695n5f6 Open GL is an aging system of APIs for GPUs, and as such it is often unreliable through OS and driver updates; it looks like you could try updating your driver, if an update is available, and that might bring it back.
Photoshop is decreasing its dependency on Open GL, so the fact that it is not working should not be a concern. Anything that uses Open GL in Photoshop also has a CPU fallback, so if OpenGL is off entirely, Photoshop should continue working just fine.
That card should work fine with Photoshop.
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‎Aug 12, 2024
02:44 PM
Dynamic switching allows the operating system to make the choice for you. It presumes the correct choice is to choose the lower power GPU (less performance), especially when not plugged in, or with an external monitor.
If you want the best performance with Photoshop all the time, turn off dynamic switching, and stick with discrete only. Shorter battery life, faster Ps.
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‎Aug 01, 2024
08:48 AM
@Trevor.Dennis , we miss Chris too. 🙂
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‎Jul 29, 2024
11:15 AM
@toddj13680390 , since we are not being inudated with issues like this from others, I'm inclined to believe this might be an isolated case, and restricted to Beta (not seeing this yet, even in the recently released full version, right?) To help us get to the next stage, is there any way you can grab System Info from the version of Photoshop that does work, when it is working? The fact that your configuration works with an older Ps version has peaked our interest, and we'd like to see if we can get any more useful info before we fall back to the 'reinstall the driver' routine.
Also, do you have the Geforce 'Experience' software running on that system?
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‎Jul 26, 2024
10:12 AM
@caring_painter5CD8 , are you familiar with Photoshop's Pattern preview?
Go from this:
To this:
Using the View > Pattern Preview command.
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‎Jul 25, 2024
10:22 AM
@Trevor.Dennis , thanks for chiming in. That is a relief. I was wary about suggesting a driver update (or downgrade) since it was working fine in a previous version of Ps, but we might be coming to that point.
@toddj13680390 , I shared your output with the team, and am awaiting their response.
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‎Jul 24, 2024
07:56 AM
@G38783438paye , thanks for letting us know; can you also try running sniffer, as recommended above?
Are you able to run the previous version of Photoshop?
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‎Jul 23, 2024
05:00 PM
@CShubert , I got the system info and have shared this with our team; they asked whether @toddj13680390 could run sniffer via command line to see exactly where it's crashing.
@toddj13680390 , if you can, would you follow these directions:
Go into the following folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)
Click in the address bar of File Explorer to select its contents.
Type cmd and press Enter. This opens a non-admin Command Prompt session in the current folder.
Type /sniffer.exe > c:\users\[username]\snifferoutput.txt
This last command will write the sniffer output into a text file where you have write permissions; please send us that file; if you could also do that for the shipping version that works, that would be great
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‎Jul 19, 2024
09:55 AM
The Beta branch where you are seeing the problem will be shipping very soon; may want to hold off upgrading PS in your situation until we track down what's going on. This is the first report I've seen like this with this branch, so we didn't hold up the release, but let's stay on it. Let me know if the 3rd party suppression helps us narrow down the situation.
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‎Jul 18, 2024
05:28 PM
@toddj13680390 , if you launch Ps and hold down the shift key, it will disable 3rd party plugins; if you do that, does the error dialog still appear?
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‎Jul 18, 2024
04:04 PM
Photoshop does not use an explicit list to qualify cards, but I know other Adobe products have gone that way. If you could, would you mind sending me your System Info output (from under Photoshop's Help menu)? Can either post here or send email diredctly to me. Thanks!
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‎Jul 18, 2024
12:46 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for posting this. This is unexpected, for sure. Please delete preferences. I hesitate to recommend getting the updated drivers, since it seems to work fine with the standard Photoshop release. Something specific to your Beta operational environmenet; either the prefs, or a TDR when launching (or even before it) that could be tripping Ps up. Please let us know if the preference reset does it, and also restart the computer and launch Ps first thing to see if a fresh reset of memory behaves any differently.
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‎Jun 07, 2024
11:35 AM
@dianaw31134978 ,
It looks like the document memory pyramid data is loading incorrectly into the document window. This is generally a temporary glitch, and resizing the window or forcing a redraw of any sort should correct the situation.
As for why it's happening, there isn't enough information here to say for sure, but I'd recommend rebuilding your preferences file to see if things straighten out; if that doesn't work, share some more details, like does it happen with all files (even new ones created from scratch), and what kind of hardware do you have?
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‎Mar 27, 2024
10:26 AM
1 Upvote
@JessicaZeoli , please let us know if you do run into issues and share system info if so.
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‎Mar 07, 2024
08:29 AM
@peggphoto , unfortunately we could not get a verified fix into this latest release; still working on this. If you didn't see one earlier report, one customer noted that Liquify seemeed to work fine when operating on a smart object; maybe try turning your source content into a smart object to see if that works better for you in the meantime.
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‎Feb 28, 2024
01:19 PM
1 Upvote
@Jose Gregorio Hernandez ,
That sounds like a hard crash; try resetting preferences.
Restart Photoshop, and hold down the control or command-alt-shift keys until prompted to recreate preferences. If you don't see the alert to reset preferences, it didn't work, and try again.
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‎Feb 28, 2024
01:17 PM
@Safouane35755138ugro ,
If you accidentally hid the contextual task bar (where you type commands), it can be recalled by going to the Windows menu and selecting "Contextual Task Bar" (at the bottom of the menu).
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‎Feb 28, 2024
01:11 PM
@Jackiedaw ,
There are two distinct Lightroom applications for desktops, and they work similarly.
"Adobe LIghtroom CC" has a built in command that you can access if you right click on any image: "Send to Photoshop". Sending a file over in this way will send over a TIFF file to Photoshop, effectively 'burning in' ACR adjustments. Your document will open as a normal pixel layer in Photoshop, and any changes you make there will effectively be in addition to the burned in adjustments you made in Lightroom.
But you can also right click and use the "Export > Original + Settings" command, which will open in Photoshop as a RAW image, using Photoshop's Adobe Camera Raw plugin; this plugin will let you modify the images using the same command set available in Photoshop, but changes can be saved back to the file, that you can re-importe into Lightroom as a new asset, and all the adjustments will be unified.
"Adobe Lightroom Classic" has a command for Export that will let you Export to DNG, and that will also preserve the Lightroom edits which can be modified in the Adobe Camera Raw plugin in Photoshop.
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‎Feb 28, 2024
11:33 AM
1 Upvote
@usagi35416700n13b ,
Can you share with us your Photoshop System Info (from under the Help menu in Ps)?
Looks like you are using an eGPU via dock?
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‎Feb 27, 2024
08:08 AM
@Patrick_Biller ,
A layer can be converted to a smart object by right clicking (or control clicking on Mac) on a layer name in the Layers panel. If it is a background layer, the right click menu looks like A below, and if it's a normal layer, it looks like B below:
Select 'Convert to Smart Object'. That will allow all filters to be run non-destructively, and modified and tweaked as much as you want without ever losing access to the original pixels of that layer. To go into the smart object and edit like a 'normal' layer, you can double click on the layer thumbnail, and it will open as a separate document window; changes to that layer are written permanently, and this change is destructive. But you may never need to do that; the liquify filter can then be used on that layer just as you would normally use the liquify filter, and without ever opening the smart object layer.
We have been able to replicate the performance issue with an M1 on Ventura, and are working on solving this, so thank you for your patience.
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‎Feb 26, 2024
09:14 AM
1 Upvote
I appreciate @Efekan Pürçekli input; no need to criticize; sometimes certain steps works for everybody, sometimes it doesn't. I think Efekan's note is also a good one, since it's generally preferred to edit non-destructively whenever possible, as described.
This issue has been difficult to isolate; changes in operating systems, hardware and drivers are dicey, and if we can't duplicate the symptom here, we're left with pure guesses as to how to address certain issues. We were finally able to do a screen share with one customer from this thread, and it helped us to replicate one certain scenario that we were not able to get from reading just the text descriptions left here (many of which were stale, since this thread started almost a year ago, but keeps getting piled on with modified steps; not complaining, it's just like herding cats to get the right description of an issue that is current; thank you @Patrick_Biller for your details, btw).
We are looking at how to solve for that issue, which was a file of at least 8k pixels on Apple M1 hardware. Might also resolve Patrick's issue with 16-bit TIFFs, as we were able to get things to act up with Adobe Camera Raw opening rather than Capture 1.
A note about the GPU; Multiple applications hammering the GPU at the same time, especially imaging apps (as opposed to games) is a recipe for instability. Releasing GPU resources can help minimize GPU contention across apps, though I know how inconvenient that is to the workflow described.
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‎Feb 22, 2024
09:46 AM
1 Upvote
We were able to observe this lagginess in a recent screen sharing session, on Mac Intel, and were able to duplicate inconsistent lagginess with very large files. We are investigating this.
Would be happy to know from you:
1. Happen predictably/with specific steps, or just more randomly?
2. Happen with files an any particular size, or color profile or bit depth?
3. Happen on what hardware and software combination?
4. Does it seem like the mouse click down event is getting locked up, or is the drawing clearly just lagging behind the mouse down events?
Thanks for any additional clarification. We beleive we started seeing this with Ventura and on newer Mac hardware, but not every report lines up that way, so there could be multiple issues happening.
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‎Feb 22, 2024
08:54 AM
1 Upvote
Photoshop is relatively late to the D3D game, and we've selected D3D feature level 12 as the minimum supported version for Ps (it was released in 2015, which has given customers plenty of time to adopt newer hardware to keep up with the times; we've deprecated support for DX11 in our APIs). One of the reasons for this is that DX11 support could likley degrade over time, manifesting in driver updates that are unstable. We have already seen this with OpenGL and OpenCL, and the technical debt from investing in these APIs is widespread and deep.
Photoshop's largest investment in GL was its 3D features, which are now being fully deprecated from the application. We expect this to improve stability. We have not been able to replicate the behavior described in this thread, so we've been unable to target the right set of updates to address it, but we have been trying successive patches in the hopes that, paired with the right driver, we might stabilize. I think we are seeing here is simply that drivers supporting DX12 apps might conceivably rarely work equally well for DX11 apps. But if/when they do, that's a combination worthy of hanging on to that driver for longer than the next version up.
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‎Jan 29, 2024
12:54 PM
@Seven Zhang , we have not been able to reproduce in house to troubleshoot the issue; all attempts to find a person willing to get on the phone and share their screen have failed. If you have the issue and can reproduce it, we would appreciate the assist if you also have the time.
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‎Jan 26, 2024
09:53 AM
There may be a tendency to leave older issues like this alone; it's deep in the bowels of the compositor, and going in there is risky for a wide range of other operations. But we have it on the backlog now to look into, and will give it a shot. This will likely take a good month or so do get a read on the situation and pull together a response; thanks for your patience.
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‎Jan 24, 2024
09:21 AM
The GPU is designed to blast through many threaded operations very fast, then dump the results out at the end. Calculating polygons (what many graphics apps rely on GPUs to do for games and rendering) can be threaded across GPUs efficiently, establishing a clear performance boost vs CPU.
But not all things work faster on a GPU, at least for Photoshop, so we use a scalpel to introduce GPU features when apps who never mastered the CPU can just use a sledgehammer; Photoshop needs the GPU to hold image state data in the GPU so that it can have GPU based algorithms run and render results. Sometimes the overhead of copying that data from CPU to GPU costs more than the speed up from GPU based processing, and it isn't worth it. Over the years, Photoshop had mastered CPU processing strategies, and to use the GPU, it must be clearly faster than the CPU alternative, otherwise it's a step backward.
The difficulty Photoshop has with multiple GPUs is how it can mainstain a steady enough machine state so that it's GPU accelerated functions can render the right results on the in-memory image data held in the GPU. Other apps can just flush all their work over to the GPU and never have to worry about persistent image data. Because other graphics apps use the GPU in a different manner than Photoshop, there should be differences in the operational expectations.
We are still working on making these challenging GPU configurations work better, but this information might be helpful to set expectations that not all programs capable of using the GPU share the same architecture or needs.
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