Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Jan 24, 2024
07:28 AM
Thanks for this report. Can you try turning off GPU compositing in Preferences > Performance > Advanced and see if it's still naughty?
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‎Jan 23, 2024
11:55 AM
1 Upvote
@PanBeep ,
I simultaneously like and dislike that analogy, but not because it doesn't feel true. 🙂
There are low level frameworks, used here and there, that have been useful for cross platform development that platform providers are not motivated to provide. For example, Save for Web (Legacy) is built on a framework that is also used for Liquify and Adobe Camera Raw. It predated GPU, and therefore utilized all CPU processing primitives. That doesn't sound like a huge deal, but writing a program to run with a GPU is a different thing entirely than CPU. We introduced some GPU capability to speed up Liquify, and Adobe Camera Raw is reworking some of the framework now to handle GPU, but we still bump into instability with how Camera Raw makes decisions about GPU hardware and how Photoshop does it; there is a lot of nuance and differences between things that are there for good reasons, but they come with some active management.
More modern components in Photoshop are in the process of being upgraded to tap into more GPU processing reserves, and things like the main canvas (with rulers, grids, floating widgets), Oil Paint filter all have operational GPU modes that do that; the feature 'Deactivate Native Canvas' was added so you could switch back to the classic GL backed canvas if needed, but the current canvas works natively on Metal and DX12+.
We also recently shipped (last year) GPU compositing, speeding up the compositing portion of screen display by about 200% (ymmv, depending on the kinds of files you work with in Ps). We briefly had to turn it off to fix a compatiblity issue, and some folks instantly recognized the slowdown that reverting to the former CPU-based compositing caused. It's on now by default.
We are also working actively in the areas of machine learning to put modern solutions behind our own generative fill features.
I am working on a large effort now to speed up a whole range of things in Photoshop by using more modern approaches to programming that will probably initially be launched in the Beta just to make sure that we have the stability we need before releasing for everybody; the numbers are pretty great, but stability is paramount. This usually means there will be a switch somewhere in Tech Previews to try some new feature or not.
So the answer is both yes and no; multiple GPUs has always presented a challenge to Photoshop, even to the point of advertising this on our system requirements. Bringing stability to that scenario will depend more on the speed of us modernizing architecture than band-aiding existing code.
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‎Jan 23, 2024
08:38 AM
We do state the following here:
Does Photoshop take advantage of more than one graphics processor or graphics card?
Photoshop does not take advantage of multiple graphics cards. Conflicting drivers may also cause crashes or other problems.
If you have a system with multiple graphics cards, see Configuring computers with multiple graphics cards.
If you have multiple monitors, a best practice is to connect them to the same graphics card prior to starting Photoshop.
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‎Jan 22, 2024
10:00 AM
1 Upvote
@Nik Nastev , we have another release coming out soon, but we do not believe the issue will be fully resolved; we're still working on GPU stability across a range of configurations.
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‎Jan 16, 2024
09:14 AM
@chrisb13277001 , that is not recommended for non ARM devices. That will divert CL operations to a software CL emulator. If there is an issue with the hardware setup, it might patch around that, but it would be better to stabilize the CL on your hardware.
FWIW, we are working toward eliminating the CL check, since it appears to trigger in more cases than it is useful (ie, even if the Preferences > Performance > Advanced Settings have CL turned off, which everyone on this thread should try).
In the long run, we are working toward eliminating any/all dependencies on CL, since problems like this arise from poor support at the OS level, and better, more modern alternatives are far better supported.
Note that there are differences between customers who show everything failing (like the graphic shared at the top of this thread), and others who just see a problem with Open CL; that latter is possibly not a problem to use Photoshop, especially if you pro-actively turn off support for Open CL in the Photoshop preferences, as described above.
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‎Jan 11, 2024
08:57 AM
Hi @Dynamic_Elixir5EFA , not abandoned; we are seeing multiple issues affecting different hardware configurations differently, so the fix will require multiple things, we believe. We are testing one patch now and will release if it holds. Thanks for your patience.
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‎Jan 09, 2024
10:17 AM
Since this bug was reported, there have been some improvements to generative fill in this area, however we are still aware of cases where the results are not a perfect match. We are continuing to invest in this area to deliver more seamless content creation, and have an ongoing internal ticket open to track progress and allow for updates here (107759, for future reference).
Looking at that ticket, we have updates from May, June and August but also more work in the pipeline. Recently one of our testers observed that, at least when working with rotated camera RAW + gen fill, creating a clipped Levels adjustment with midpoint set to 1.01 or 1.02 compensated for the color shift. Perhaps experiment with applying that adjustment to gen fill layers, at least until we can declare another improvement to how we color match our models.
There is at least one case in this thread that seems independent of gen fill, so I will follow up with @Accra5C82 separately.
That is all of an update I can provide at this time; these examples will help our teams with our investigations; thank you for those details.
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‎Jan 09, 2024
09:28 AM
We did get some similar sounding artifacts, however it did not involve gen fill and required 16-bit, and happens as far back as v23; trying to ascertain if this might be the same issue; I'm leaning toward a separate inquiry for gen fill.
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‎Jan 09, 2024
08:13 AM
@Brandon5C4D , is everybody here also working in 16-bit? That was reported in Accra's case, but not clear for others.
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‎Jan 09, 2024
07:52 AM
@Accra5C82 ,
Are you using generative AI in your workflow?
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‎Dec 20, 2023
10:29 AM
1 Upvote
@Nik Nastev , We also noticed that running sniffer out of process is working while inside Ps it's being hung up. We don't believe we've made breaking changes to sniffer, and that it's a canary in the coal mine that is signalling something else in the stack that is choking it out.
We've identified issues with the Substance materials plugin (which we put out via Beta, but didn't work), and we found a place where we needed to more gracefully drop back out GPU mode into CPU mode to avoid a crash, but we still haven't found the smoking gun for this case. We suspected some GL contention with 3D, which was behind our recent request to try those PSUserConfig tags, but that also hit a dead end.
We have not found a place to just revert a simple change; there is a systemic issue, seemingly only affecting dual GPU systems, and so far nVidia cards only, and we're still looking for the needle in the haystack. We are seeing a few but reports crashing in drivers, so we are looking for nVidia's advice, but most of those systems are older cards and outside our usual support window. Thanks for your details along the way.
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‎Dec 19, 2023
03:52 PM
1 Upvote
@Dynamic_Elixir5EFA , thought of something else; don't use gestalts, get by the bogus GPU warning, go into Preferences > Performance, click the Advanced button and uncheck GPU Compositing. Also, uncheck multithreading if the first thing doesn't work.
Sorry again for the inconvenience.
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‎Dec 19, 2023
03:48 PM
1 Upvote
@Dynamic_Elixir5EFA , can you please be sure to submit the crash report? We'll take a look at it on this side.
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‎Dec 19, 2023
03:47 PM
1 Upvote
yeah, sorry; that was for Mac; you got it right on Windows. Thanks for the information; will take this back to the team.
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‎Dec 19, 2023
10:29 AM
Discussed again this AM; can anybody try the following:
Pull down the latest beta build and delete preferences.
Create a txt file called PsUserConfig.txt, and put the following text in it, separate lines for each item
GPUForce 1 GPUSnifferOpenGLUnstable 1 GPUAllow3D 0
3. Move the file to here: Photoshop Beta: /Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop (Beta) Settings.
4. Launch PS beta and see if the GPU remains ON without crashing.
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‎Dec 12, 2023
10:46 AM
1 Upvote
We are working toward shifting our CL and GL dependencies to more modern native APIs, but game vendors in particular have been slow on then uptake, which causes drivers to depend on older APIs (OpenCL and OpenGL), which introduces uncertainty; did Adobe make a change that broke, or did a driver update perform badly, or maybe a Windows update?
Unfortunately, Adobe can reliably only diagnose crash reports for code that it authors; crashes in drivers are untraceable by us, and we are seeing that bucket increase recently, so we are doing what we can from our side to find and fix any issues, and working with partners for the rest.
Dual GPUs have always been tricky for PS, since resources could be hot swapped across cards, but without warning, we haven't figured out how to navigate that use case. I believe removing the second card would settle down many of the dual card issues, but nobody, including us, want to stop there.
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‎Dec 12, 2023
08:49 AM
@Nik Nastev , we are reaching out to nVidia for help diagnosing an uptick in driver crashes; can't say at this point if it's the same issue as we are seeing with the dual GPUs; the number of issues seems larger than I would expect for dual GPU configurations. Maybe by coincidence we started noticing issues around the time Microsoft bumped Windows 11, though I see you are on Win 10 and I haven't investigated whether Win 10 was also updated in early November. Still much to unpack.
I don't recall whether an older version of Photoshop works with your current OS and configuration; if it does, then it's going to point to a Photoshop change, and if not, it could be some other environmental factor.
I also don't recall whether we tried falling back to a pre November nVidia driver; at this point, I've asked you to do enough, but if anyone is willing, that could help us further nail things down,
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‎Dec 11, 2023
10:36 AM
1 Upvote
@Nik Nastev ,
We are releasing another update, this time to the regular version, in the next 24 hours (you may have already received it). Let us know if anything changes there for you. We had a couple more changes, indirectly to our GPU booting procedure, which may change results.
I asked about reverting sniffer, and my dev team indicated that the older version of sniffer does not work with the current version of our GPU abstraction layer, so reverting would be just putting a broken sniffer into process.
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‎Dec 11, 2023
10:07 AM
Is there a new issue related to crashes when opening files? The last activity from this thread was from March.
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‎Dec 08, 2023
12:52 PM
@Nik Nastev , dangit, thank you for the info.
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‎Dec 08, 2023
12:15 PM
1 Upvote
@Nik Nastev , we found a spot where something was breaking the GPU. That patch is in this Beta update. We don't know if it works with multiple GPU configurations, though. Looking for your feedback.
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‎Dec 08, 2023
09:33 AM
The Beta has been posted; let us know how it goes; we have more we know we need to do, but thanks for letting us know if this changes anything.
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‎Dec 07, 2023
11:02 AM
Sorry, the build with the patch hasn't been posted yet. I'll ping here when it's available.
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‎Dec 07, 2023
09:36 AM
1 Upvote
Is anyone on this thread using a system that does not have multiple GPUs?
Photoshop does not take advantage of multiple graphics cards. Conflicting drivers may also cause crashes or other problems.
If you have a system with multiple graphics cards, see Configuring computers with multiple graphics cards.
If you have multiple monitors, a best practice is to connect them to the same graphics card prior to starting Photoshop.
For those that have tried the troubleshooting issues above, we are continuing to work on this, so thanks for your patience.
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‎Dec 07, 2023
08:49 AM
@Dynamic_Elixir5EFA , the Beta will not install to the same location, so you can have both on the system at the same time. If you use Photoshop together with Lightroom or Bridge, the 'send to' or 'open with' features between the apps will only launch the last version of those apps installed unless you pre-launch the version you want (that means Lighroom could launch the Beta instead of the non Beta version). Also, double clicking files may launch the version you don't want. To eliminate that, you can uninstall the Beta after trying it out.
One thing that we will not have done by Friday, but is on our to do list, is the ability to launch Photoshop without the sniffer at all; we were unhappy to discover this wasn't already the case. The sniffer is designed to sniff out unstable or non GPU systems so that Photoshop can operate with the right information, but it was needed a long time ago when the personal computing hardware had far spottier GPU use. There is a slight danger that eliminating the sniffer may make Photoshop more susceptible to bad drivers or faulty GPU memory states, however with more modern systems, that risk is lower and not a greater inconvenience than refusing to start at all, which is where we seem to be today.
The change we have in place modifies one of our components that did recently change how it interacted with the GPU, so we look forward to seeing whether or not that unblocks your situation. It's a bit of best guess because we have not been able to replicate the problem on a system here to confirm a more absolute guarantee. Thanks for your patiencea and we are sorry for the inconvenience.
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‎Dec 07, 2023
07:38 AM
@Nik Nastev @Dynamic_Elixir5EFA , we will be releasing changes in our Beta that are speculative to address this issue; would be great if you had the chance to try it out tommorrow when it comes out.
The sniffer is not causing the issue; eliminating the sniffer removes the signal to Photoshop that the GPU is unstable, and allows Ps to proceed, but with an unstable GPU, problems will occur downstream.
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‎Dec 04, 2023
02:30 PM
Have you tried mucking with these options?
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‎Dec 01, 2023
11:02 AM
1 Upvote
@becomingcharly We are tracking down multiple leads; there is no single 'smoking gun', so to speak. Sniffer is not the cause for the issue, but if you alter it's behavior (like loading an older version), then it functions differently (namely, it could allow Photoshop to load by permitting instable GPU resources, which only leads to downstream complications).
Glad it worked for you, we are still tracking down other leads, @Nik Nastev
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‎Nov 21, 2023
09:53 AM
Hi @cosmic30923787o35b
Did you recently receive a Windows update, either for Windows 11 23/H2 or a Microsoft OCL compatibility pack?
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‎Nov 14, 2023
11:16 AM
This issue is perplexing; swapping out the version of sniffer seems to help, so that may be the right move in the short term.
One thing we did discover is that removing sniffer entirely doesn't work (Photoshop doesn't like to startup on Windows), so that is yet another thing we'll attend to.
We are putting together a multiple GPU system to see whether that might be a trigger of some sort, but to be honest, the system infos all shared around this issue so far indicate a large number of variables; many plugins, drivers, hardware, etc. Getting a dual GPU system of any stripe up and running may not be sufficient. But we're digging into it.
Expectations-wise, we will have a release coming up soon that will not address this issue because the timing just isn't in our favor, but it the issue is not being ignored.
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