Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Dec 14, 2022
02:22 PM
I was able to reproduce this issue. Thank you for bringing it up to our attention.
We'll advise as soon as it's fixed.
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‎Dec 07, 2022
02:06 PM
Hello @yuske05 could you record a video of what is happening and send it to me?.
Please also send me a copy of your System Info. This can be found in Ps > Help > System Info.
My email is
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‎Dec 07, 2022
12:23 PM
Hello @defaultqen7v3nzr211 , @leds2097726 could you please email me sample swatches that are showing this issue? I'd like to reproduce it. My email is
Swatches can be exported using the Swatches Preset Panel.
Window > Swatches
Once Swatches Preset panel select the folder or group of swatches that show the issue.
Go to the hamburger menu (top right) and select 'Export selected swatches' and select the location.
This will create a file with .aco, please send that attachement.
Also please copy System info and save it to a text file. This can be found in Help > System Info
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‎Oct 20, 2022
10:11 AM
Thank you for the example. I'll make sure we test this case.
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‎Oct 20, 2022
09:05 AM
Hello, this feature is available in Photoshop Public Beta application. If you are a paying customer, you can access the public beta version via Creative Cloud Desktop > Beta apps. This version will install in its own directory.
For anyone else wanting to try it, there is a free 7 days trial available.
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‎Oct 20, 2022
06:33 AM
Hello @hinddj , thanks for your feedback!. It's in our future plans to enable it for masks.
Right now when you click on the mask, it will switch the tool to work in legacy gradient mode so that you don't need to be thinking about what tool you are using.
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‎Oct 18, 2022
11:01 AM
We’re excited to share a new feature now available in Photoshop beta and would love to get your feedback on it. It’s called Live Gradients.
It allows to easily draw, preview, and modify beautiful gradients with an updated gradient tool. Here’s where you can learn more about Live Gradients. Please try it out, and let us know any feedback you have right here in this thread!
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‎Sep 21, 2022
06:00 AM
My email is
Thank you!
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‎Sep 20, 2022
04:10 PM
1 Upvote
Hello @WScottForbes , I'd like to reproduce this issue and it would be very helpful to know what size of a file you were working with, a general description of the layers, what were the steps before the crash happened.
If it's possible to get a copy of the file that would be great. Thanks!
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‎May 23, 2022
07:43 AM
1 Upvote
Hello @roboroaster , I apologize this is causing inconveniences. The issue has been fixed in June release. Please make sure to updare once this new release is out to the public. In the meantime, the option Export As is exporting the png with the correct gradient fill angles.
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‎Apr 13, 2022
07:59 AM
1 Upvote
Hello @Eko Wardoyo can you please share the System info data from the application? It can be located in Help > System Info.
Thank you!
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‎Mar 03, 2022
01:48 PM
Hello @fayemate , if you are working with Ps 2022 and I understand the problem you are facing, Swatches management is done via the Swatches Preset Panel. This panel can be accessed via Window > Swatches.
To delete a selection of swatches, click on the 1 swatch.
Hold down Shift key and then click on the last swatch. This will make a selection of adjacent swatches.
Click on the Trash icon at the bottom of the Swatches Preset Panel.
This same behavior applies for Gradients, Patterns, Shapes, Styles and Brushes.
I hope this helps!
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‎Feb 17, 2022
06:33 AM
1 Upvote
Hello @ashoks56750080 , I apologize for the inconvenience this is causing. If a document created in Ps 23.1.1 contains Gradient Maps with Perceptual or Linear interpolation methods, when this document is open in Ps 22.5.5 a warning message will be displayed.
The message reads "This document contains a gradient map rendered using a method that is not available in this version of Photoshop, which may alter the appearance of the document. In order to ensure consistent rendering, please flatten the image in Photoshop 2022."
The Gradient Maps interpolation method will default to Classic in Ps 22.5.5. The new interpolation methods are not supported by earlier versions of Photoshop.
If what you are experiencing is different from this, it could be a scenario that hasn't been covered, please provide the specific steps of the workflow and the System Info file of the 2 computers used in the workflow.
System info can be found under the Help menu.
Thank you
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‎Feb 14, 2022
06:56 AM
Hola Luis,
En este articulo encontraras information relacionada con Neural Filters
Espero te sirva.
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‎Feb 07, 2022
06:00 AM
Hello @mx5fan I apologize for the incovenience and I'd like to ask a couple of question to help investigate.
Can you please provide a copy of your System Info? Ps > Help > System Info?
Can you confirm if you have Preset Syncing ON? Do Ctrl+K to open Preferences dialog and check for this option in General.
Can you check the size of the file Brushes.psp that is located C:\Users\<user_name>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2022\Adobe Photoshop CC 2022 Settings and provide an updated screen shot of the brushes in the panel at the moment the brushes.psp file was checked?
When mentioning the brushes in the group in the first line, are these newly imported brushes? If so, can you let me know the size of the file that was imported?
Thank you
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‎Feb 04, 2022
06:46 AM
Hello, please make sure the most recent versions of Photoshop have been installed for version 23.x and version 22.5.x.
When opening a document with a Gradient Map created in most recent version of 23.x in version 22.5.4 or newer, the interpolation method of the gradient map defaults to Classic.
If this is not what is happening, please provide steps on the workflow you are doing and we'll investigate. Thank you
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‎Jan 18, 2022
12:11 PM
Thank you for bringing this to our attention @NCARalph . We'll look into it and get back to you.
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‎Jan 18, 2022
12:03 PM
Hello @aandjmom , thank you from bringing this up. In my initial test I'm not able to reproduce the same behavior. I'm using the 10 point star shape to create a pattern and I do not see the noise you are experiencing.
Can you please provide the system info from Ps > Help > System Info?
Would it be possible to get a copy of the psd or more information about the layers in the file?
Thank you
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‎Jan 04, 2022
02:37 PM
1 Upvote
This issue has been reproduced with the file provided. Ps engineers are looking into it.
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‎Jan 04, 2022
02:04 PM
1 Upvote
@PECourtejoie I'll be creating a ticket for this issue. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
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‎Jan 04, 2022
12:35 PM
Hello @PECourtejoie , @J453 , if there is a jira ticket, please assign to clrodrig. Thanks!
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‎Nov 18, 2021
07:47 AM
Hello @TDC3000 ,
Thank you so much for all the detailed information. It seems there is something else going on in your situation.
Can I please ask that you run logcollector on the desktop that is having the issues so we can analyze them?
Please rename the extension of the zip file to something like .zpp and email it to me
Some quick questions regarding a comment related to upgrading to Ps 23.0.1, did you have Preset Sync turned OFF before upgrading?
Have you downgraded to an older version of Ps before upgrading to Ps 23.0.1 and if so, what version of Ps?
Preset Sync is not suppose to be turned ON by default on installation or upgrade.
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‎Nov 17, 2021
10:43 AM
Hello @tinah26585253 , I'd like to make sure I understand the issue. Preset Sync was ON on your computer. Swatches, Gradients, Patterns, Shapes, Styles and Brushes panel had presets. Photoshop was closed. You upgraded to a newer version of Photoshop and when launching, the error message "Something went wrong .." appear and now all the preset panels are empty.
Can you confirm the statement of the issue is correct?
What is the operating system you are working with?
What is the version of Photoshop that you upgraded to?
Can you please run logcollector on your machine and share the logs?
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‎Nov 17, 2021
06:35 AM
Preset Sync is a feature that is meant to be left ON once it's turned ON. It will sync any changes to the cloud and sync them down to other desktop that have Preset Sync turned ON.
If you turn Preset Sync ON after having turned it OFF and chosen to removed presets from the cloud, these folders should not be created.
The feature has evolved and the folder with local presets used to get created more frequently however, and unless there is something else happening, that should not be the case.
There is an open issue we are investigating that could cause a folder with local presets to be created, an error comes up saying that Something went wrong and asks to restart Ps. This is more frequent in Windows.
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‎Nov 16, 2021
11:13 AM
Hello @TDC3000 , @vanfam
The benefit of having Preset Sync ON is your presets live on the cloud and are available for all the desktop devices that have Preset Sync ON. When Photoshop is shut down, a copy of the latest state of the presets is saved locally to the Settings folder.
A scenario where a folder with your computer's name is created with a copy of the presets may have been more common in the initial phases of this feature.
With the recent upgrades, this scenario would happen when preset sync is turned OFF on a desktop, user chooses to keep the presets in the cloud when turning it OFF, and changes are made to the preset panels (Swatches, Gradients, Patterns, Brushes, Shapes, Styles) before Preset Sync is turned ON again.
When turning Preset Sync ON again, Presets in the cloud are downloaded to the panels and a folder is created with the intention of preserving a copy of your local presets and give you the option to reconcile them.
What you want to do is delete the duplicated folders and allow this action to sync across all the desktops where Preset Sync has been turned ON. If you only use one desktop, allow time for folders and presets to be deleted from the cloud.
To check is Preset Syncing is done, open the Creative Cloud Desktop app, click on the Cloud Icon (top right corner) and observe the Libraries Syncing status. When libraries are syncing, the progress will show as 'Libraries: xx%'.
I hope this helps. If issues still continue please let us know.
Thank you
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‎Nov 15, 2021
05:58 AM
Hello @TDC3000 , I apologize about this issue. When turning preset sync OFF, Ps will ask if you would like to keep presets in the cloud with options to choose Yes and No. Can you please let me know what is the answer choosen?
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‎Nov 10, 2021
01:18 PM
1 Upvote
Hello, I apologize for the inconvenience you are experiencing. We are working on the root cause of this issue.
If you error appears frequently or interrrupts your work, the suggestion is to turn Preset Sync off.
Please follow the steps below:
Ensure your machine has internet connection.
Close Photoshop on all machines.
If you haven’t done so, back up your presets. Copy preset files from Adobe Photoshop 202X Settings folder to a safe location (Brushes.psp, CustomShapes.psp, Gradients.psp, Patterns.psp, Styles.psp, Swatches.psp). MAC: /Users/<user>/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop 202X Settings Win10: C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 202X\Adobe Photoshop 202X Settings
Launch Ps, go to Preferences > General and uncheck Preset Syncing. Click OK.
When asked if you want to keep the presets in the cloud, user can choose Yes (keeps presets in the cloud and counts toward Library quota) or No (removed presets from the cloud).
Please note that uninstalling, reinstalling and downgrading to a previous version is not a valid or alternative solution for this issue.
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‎Nov 10, 2021
01:12 PM
1 Upvote
Hello, I apologize for the inconvenience you are experiencing. We are working on the root cause of this issue.
If you error appears frequently or interrrupts your work, the suggestion is to turn Preset Sync off.
Please follow the steps below:
Ensure your machine has internet connection.
Close Photoshop on all machines.
If you haven’t done so, back up your presets. Copy preset files from Adobe Photoshop 202X Settings folder to a safe location (Brushes.psp, CustomShapes.psp, Gradients.psp, Patterns.psp, Styles.psp, Swatches.psp). MAC: /Users/<user>/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop 202X Settings Win10: C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 202X\Adobe Photoshop 202X Settings
Launch Ps, go to Preferences > General and uncheck Preset Syncing. Click OK.
When asked if you want to keep the presets in the cloud, user can choose Yes (keeps presets in the cloud and counts toward Library quota) or No (removed presets from the cloud).
Please note that uninstalling, reinstalling and downgrading to a previous version will not solve this issue.
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‎Nov 04, 2021
06:23 AM
@isidorekol We can look into this. Could you provide a sample file that is causing the issue? and also provide the System Info file. This can be found in Ps > Help > System Info
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‎Nov 04, 2021
05:29 AM
Thank you for bringing this up to us and I apologize for the inconvenience this is causing. I see there are 2 issues here: 1) opening a document with a gradient map in a previous version of Ps turns it into a blank layer, 2) A document with a Gradient map created in earlier versions of Ps is defaulting the interpolation method to Pereptual instead of keeping it as Classic.
We are working on fixes for these issues.
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