Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Mar 05, 2024
06:40 PM
We think weve made some progress on this bug.
I have made some code changes which are reflected in the current Beta builds, m.2528 or higher, and will be avaialble upcoming 25.6 release. I am hoping these changes will offer some relief for Mouse users. There is more work to be done with Pen devices which will unfortunately have to wait until a later release (hopefully 25.7).
For those of you who have access to the latest beta (check your build number), if you can try things out and report back, that would be appreciated. The bug is still really hard for us to reproduce, so if you can still reproduce the bug, I definitely would like to know and I would like to collect Event Log files.
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‎Feb 21, 2024
07:57 PM
> It sounds like your current investigation, approach to this bug is to try to fix the problem itself through reproduction, right? But that seems to be not as easy as it seems, and there are delays.
> But what if we tried a different approach?
> To the best of my recollection, this bug has been apparent since version 24.5. > So what changes were made in version 24.5 and earlier? > I suspect that one of the changes is causing this bug (but maybe not).
To truly fix a bug we generally need to reproduce it so that we can verify that any change to the code actually fixes the problem. That's why reproduction is a critical step in the process. That's true for pretty much any bug we tackle. It is especially true for Event Handling bugs.
We think this problem actually started (at a low rate) earlier than 24.5, but something has increased the frequency to a level where a larger number of folks (as indicated by this thread) are now affected.
We have looked extensively at the changes in source code that support event handling, like mouse and pen tracking. This includes all trackers, like the hand tool, the marquee tools, and painting. Everything suspect that has been done since 2019 has been re-reviewed. Nothing we have seen has obviously looked like the culprit. At least not yet. A typical day will see 30-50 checkins to the Photoshop source code, each of varying size, so you can see that this becomes a very large number of checkins to review if you look back from 2019 until now. Even when we narrow to specific files, it is still a very large number of changes that are typically supporting features which have been been getting their own bug fixes. Backing these changes out would be extraordinarily expensive, and I'm not sure it would be successful as it would certainly break other parts of Photoshop. So, yes, we have looked at the changes. Extensively. No, we have not seen anything obvious.
We have looked at the Prefs files provided, but have not spotted anything that might be a clue.
We do have some other theories which we are following up on right now. We do have a reliable failing machine (with Daniel), although his failure are only observed with a Pen, and only with the Brush Tool. Even so, we are augmenting the Event Logging Tool and feeding him updated builds, trying ideas, and carefully examining his log files looking for clues. That's where we are at. I don't know if our candidate changes will make the cutoff for 25.6 or not, but we are working on that. When they do, we should have some things for people to try. We'll let folks know when these changes are available in the Beta builds.
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‎Feb 16, 2024
04:43 PM
"I honestly don't understand the pushback about updating the state of the bug as of the current version and year."
No pushback. Done. (I am not a community manager, nor do I pretend to be one. So I neglect community manager duties. I'm just a Dev trying to figure this problem out.)
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‎Feb 16, 2024
02:04 PM
We don't have any useful information to share at this point. The problem is not being ignored and is being actively worked by multiple engineers.
As mentioned last month, Daniel has a fail case which just happens when using a pen. His mouse works just fine. I have been trading builds with Enhanced Event Logging with him in an effort to understand why things are going sideways in his environment. The hope is that this will give us some insight as to what might be happening on a larger scale. Other Developers and Quality Engineers at Adobe still cannot reproduce. That's where we are at the moment. The upcoming 25.5 will not have any changes to help this situation.
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‎Jan 27, 2024
11:07 AM
Thanks @chrisell99 , I picked them up. I'll have someone take a look.
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‎Jan 25, 2024
05:01 AM
> The fixed issue page of 25.4 came out. However, this bug of ours has not been reflected.
Correct. It is being actively worked. We're still trying to figure out why it is misbehaving. No change in status.
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‎Jan 12, 2024
08:35 AM
1 Upvote
>> M1Pro MacBook using macOS 14.2.1 and working with a Huion H610PRO v2 Pen Tablet
A few things:
We have never seen the lost mouse-up problem on Mac.
All evidence gathered so far indicates the problem in this thread is a Windows only issue.
We have not tested (or even seen) a Huion H610PRO v2 Pen Tablet. It is not supported at this time.
My ask to @bagadefente is to remove the tablet from the mix. Disconnect the tablet and remove all installed software (including plugins) associated with the tablet. Then see if you can reproduce.
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‎Jan 11, 2024
06:57 AM
1 Upvote
@Andreas Resch The status has not changed. We still don't have an understanding of the root cause. We have one person (Daniel) who can reproduce with a pen and he is working with instrumented builds so that we can try to understand more. So far, he has not been able to reproduce reliably using just a mouse. No one else can reproduce whatever is special about his environment.
Since we don't have an understanding of the root cause, we have no ETA for a fix.
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‎Jan 09, 2024
11:36 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks - That's certainly something interesting to explore, as one of our early theories was that a plugin was pulling events directly off the OS event queue for some (bad) reason. They are not supposed to do that, of course. But we've seen the behavior happen with no third-party plugins installed.
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‎Jan 09, 2024
11:28 AM
Thanks - that's the log file we're looking closely at. I presume you just quit instead of stopping logging? It looks truncated, but the last events were in the Hand Tool and no WM_LBUTTONUP was seen, and so the Track just does TrackContinue until the log file ends. This aligns exactly with the other log files that we've seen. (I'll ask that folks not post log files in this thread, but link to them in some other accessible location. You can privately PM me that location and I will let you know when I have pulled them down. Thanks.
Explanation: Because I personally don't normally gather data from end users, I don't know if there is some generally accepted place where we accept user support files. I will ask around.)
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‎Jan 09, 2024
10:52 AM
1 Upvote
>> Log below for you. Is this a convenient way to submit one, or would you prefer me to do something else?
Unfortunately, that log is capturing a set of information that we do not believe applies to the lost mouse-up. It looks like high-level communications events with plugins.
The logs we are interested in are from the Event Logger, which must be enabled using configuration files setting and activation using an enabled menu command, as documented earlier in this thread, and here: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/photoshop-event-logger.html Because the Event Logs logs are so verbose, when the stuck mouise-up happens, you should pause for about 5 seconds so that the time stamps in the log file show exactly where the issue happened, and then stop the logger.
Be advised that we are working internally on an updated Event Logger which has a lot more information which may be helpful to us. I'll let folks know when it is enabled in a beta or general release.
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‎Jan 06, 2024
11:38 PM
1 Upvote
>>> maybe it would be a good idea to try to officially rope in one or more of the folks from this thread to do BETA tests on future releases--just in case there's some kind of hole in the hardware/platform specs for the test devices being used in internal testing?
We have done that; but not everyone has the time and energy to download and try builds that pop out every two weeks.
I believe anyone is welcome to apply for the Beta Program. It's fairly wide open and it should be available in the Creative Cloud Application. I don't recomment Beta products for production work, though.
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‎Jan 05, 2024
11:46 AM
>> ... "I am actively pursuing the issue with engineering."
>> Can you pin your post?
I'm the engineering guy with whom Daniel is actively pursuing the issue. We have another engineer who is trying to replicate Daniel's fail conditions, and so far is not able to. I'm working on an instrumented build for Daniel to try so that we can gather more data from his environment and steps-to-reproduce (STR).
At this moment, my last pinned post is still the latest status. But we are working the issue.
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‎Dec 28, 2023
10:03 PM
> She had the stuck hand issue from the beginning in PS right after all the apps were installed. Through a series of updates, OS and PS, the issue has gone away. I was not there to see exactly how it was cured. Initially, we tested with different keyboards to eliminate a stuck space bar. That was not the cause.
This sounds different from the lost mouse-up problem we are currently pursuing and which dominates this thread.
I'd have to see it happen with precise details on all the gestures: which Tool was being used, knowing exactly when the space key goes down, when the mouse button goes down, and when the space key and mouse button go up, and in which order. And which verison of Mac OS and Mac Photoshop. If you can reproduce this, the new Event Logger in 25.2 also works on Mac, and might offer some additional clues.
But it might be a completely different issue, up to and including being unknowingly stuck in some special keyboard mode offered by the Mac OS Accessibility Control Panel.
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‎Dec 28, 2023
11:08 AM
> I want to at least push back again on the "it's only 1%."
I think folks misunderstood why I reflected that guess - and it is just a guess. There have been good points about users who don't recognize the behavior as a problem, and users who don't post on the forums or call technical support. Altogether those additional users imply a multiplicative value to just the folks we can count on this thread. At the same time this bug got past all our internal testing, our internal users, and our beta testers, and it continues to defy our engineering efforts to reproduce it internally. That is also a problem. We do not know the root cause of this behavior, and as such, there are no simple fixes.
Under no circumstances do I want to suggest that we are minimizing the impact of this behavior on affected users. We are not being "dismissive". The problem is not being ignored. This is not how the product should behave and it is prioritized as a critical bug.
> many users experience this all the time on many different platforms.
Can you be more specific here? We're currently focused on Windows because that's where we have seen it happen. What other platforms?
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‎Dec 24, 2023
03:52 PM
> I am willing to share the information from my system if someone could tell me (not very tech savvy) what is desired (for, example, PS: Help: System Info)
Thank you. Unfortunately the System Info that Photoshop generates has not offered us any clues as to what might be special about affected systems. Whatever and wherever the problem is, it's in some area where we don't currently gather data.
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‎Dec 23, 2023
02:12 PM
Please refer to the pinned reply. That reflects our latest information.
We have observed the bug on user machines. Observing the behavior has not been sufficient to diagnose the cause.
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‎Dec 23, 2023
12:55 PM
> Those of us who've made suggestions for ways on how they can reproduce the bug i.e connect with someone/multiple someone's (in person) who can demonstrate/reproduce the bug, have been ignored.
Sorry, but that very simply is not true.
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‎Dec 22, 2023
04:06 PM
We really don't have an idea of how many people are affected, but it's probably < 1%. Unfortunately, if you are in that category, that is an extremely unhelpful bit of data.
In my private build, I've added some internal code that simulates the lost mouse-up messages (WM_LBUTTONUP). This allows me to exercise some "backup" code that might help things recover, but it will take a while to get this new code tested and out to you. One difficult area is the Polygonal Lasso Tool which has been reported to fail. It's what we call an "up-tracker" and it's a somewhat convoluted bit of code. The dropped mouse-up event makes it behave in a very annoying fashion. I'm working through how to make up-trackers behave reasonably well in the event of the lost mouse-up.
One thing I don't know is whether we are also losing WM_LBUTTONDOWN messages, i.e. mouse-down. It seems possible if we are losing one, we may be also losing the other, but the feedback may be less severe, and most folks just click again. This would affect the Polygonal Lasso Tool in particular. Just FYI, Most of Adobe is now on Winter Break until January, and I expect we will have new forum moderators sometime after that. But I'm still watching this thread.
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‎Dec 06, 2023
12:51 PM
> I'd recommend reaching out directly to Adobe's support team or posting on their official forums
We're paying close attention to this thread and the data that is being provided by Users who can reproduce reliably. The current status is unchanged and is up-to-date with my last Pinned Reply.
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‎Nov 30, 2023
11:17 AM
@Vit Kovalcik Yes, that log file is interesting. I do see earlier mouse-down-mouse-up sequences where the WM_LBUTTONUP is seen by the Tracker code and the gesture is properly terminated. Those earlier sequences are how it is supposed to work, and that's what we see in our testing.
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‎Nov 30, 2023
10:57 AM
Hi Vit,
Thanks very much for that log file!
Sure enough, no WM_LBUTTONUP is seen by the Tracker code. We can see the key-up event as you take your hand off the space bar, and then a lot of TrackContinue calls. I do see a WM_POINTERDOWN followed by WM_LBUTTONDOWN when you initiate the gesture. Are you by chance using a tablet/pen? Just for clarification.
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‎Nov 30, 2023
10:35 AM
> How does one contact a Community Manager?
Ordinarily I would have said Cory, Caity, or Pete, but I just found out they are being rotated off Community Management duties. I'm not sure who the new community managers are yet. In the meantime, you can send me a direct PM.
I'm mostly interesting in dissecting the last part of the Event Log, something that begins with:
>>> Starting a Trace for a Mouse Down Event >>>
and ends with
... End Trace for Mouse Down Event.
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‎Nov 30, 2023
10:05 AM
>> My work computer does not have any fancy gaming equipment. The mouse I'd been using for the last year comes from the cheapest kit that money can buy (under $20 for the Logitech keyboard/mouse combo). It seems it was more likely to happen when the mouse was moved quickly.
I believe Logitech mice may have a custom device driver. This is what interprets the mouse-hardware and generates events which are handed off to the Windows OS, which in turn, packages it up and hands it off to Photoshop.
If anyone has access to a basic Microsoft USB Optical mouse (About us$10), that uses the Microsoft Driver, and can reproduce the problem, that would be good to know (and will probably exhaust this avenue of investigation)
BUT - if we CAN reproduce with something like a Razer mouse with variable sample rate, that would be extremely helpful, since at that point we would be able pursue debugging and possible workarounds with something where we could verify any changes we make to address the issue.
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‎Nov 30, 2023
09:59 AM
>> For the uninitiated, what changed between 24.7 and 25.0 that means you no longer see "WM_LBUTTONUP"
OS updates. Driver updates. 1000's of changes to the Photoshop code.
Also: we think this issue has been happening since 22.3, just less frequently and to fewer people.
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‎Nov 30, 2023
09:57 AM
1 Upvote
>> Do you have an Adobe office near where someone with this problem, who is able to demonstrate it to you, lives?
We have observed the stuck-mouse issue. We've even see it happen briefly on our machines, and then it goes away. We can't make progress on this unless we can reproduce it. That involves using machine with a development environment with a debugger, and the ability to iteratively add diagnostic output as we hunt where things might be going wrong. Even when we can reproduce, that bug hunt may take days or weeks (Event handling bugs are like that). And, as mentioned in the sticky post, if the problem is that we are not even getting the needed event, we may have to pursue drasticly different event handling mechanisms; that will take a lot of time and effort.
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‎Nov 30, 2023
09:18 AM
In Photoshop 25.2, we have added some diagnostic capacity to Photoshop to record in more detail what events Photoshop is seeing and how they are handled. The Event Logger is intended to help us diagnose problems with missing or mishandled events encountered by end-users.
The Event Logger is enabled using two setting files. Please navigate into one of the following locations:
Mac: //Users/[User Name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop (Beta) Settings/
Windows: [Installation Drive]:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Adobe Photoshop (Beta) Settings\
Create/edit PSUserConfig.txt, and add this line: "TraceKeyAndMouseEvents 1" Create/edit pslogSettings.txt, and add this line: "LogKeyAndMouseEvents=1"
When the above flags are enabled and Photoshop is launched, you will see a new menu item on the Help menu: Help > Start Logging Events Help > Stop Logging Events
This will put output into a log file which can be found in the following location:
Mac: //Users/[User Name]/Library/Logs/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop 2024/
Windows: [Installation Drive]:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024\Logs\
To Set Up for Testing and Potential Problem Reproduction: If you have seen the problems mentioned in this thread, we are interested in receiving your log files.
Please work normally until you see the stuck mouse down problem. Start Logging Events using the menu item and try to reproduce the problem while event logging is active. When you have seen the stuck mouse, Stop Logging and give the file to Adobe, either to a community manager, or by logging a bug with the supporting data.
Thank you!
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‎Nov 30, 2023
09:13 AM
Current status on this "stuck mouse-down" issue.
We're continuing to have extraordinary difficulty reproducing the issues at Adobe. We understand that for many of you in this thread the issue is happening very frequently, to the point of making the latest versions of Photoshop unusable.
Some of our users (Vit K, Alan P) in this thread added instrumentation to Photoshop using developer tools (Spy++) and observed in their fail cases that Photoshop was not even getting the WM_LBUTTONUP message from the Windows Operating System. The lack of this message will prevent the Photoshop "Mouse Tracking" gesture from terminating properly, leaving us in the stuck mouse-down state. Thank you Vit and Alan for that analysis.
We don't know why this happens on some machines and not others. There is some speculation that high-sample rate input devices (e.g. gaming mice with specialty device drivers) might be a factor. We're following up on that to see if it helps us reproduce the problem.
In Photoshop 25.2, we have added some diagnostic capacity to Photoshop to record in more detail what events Photoshop is seeing and how they are handled. There is some overlap with the Spy++ tool: The Event Logger is intended to help us diagnose event handling internal to Photoshop, whereas Spy++ looks at the events external to Photoshop.
Details on how to enable this new Event Logging mechanism will eventually posted on Adobe's HelpX pages. I'll post instructions in this thread as well.
However, if the problem looks like a situation where Photoshop never sees the WM_LBUTTONUP event, we'll have to look into alternate methods to detecting that the mouse-up has occured. Such solutions will likely be time-expensive to implement due to the complexity and testing required.
Update 2/16/24: The problem still exists in 25.5 and is still being worked by multiple engineers. We don't have any useful information to share but we are actively enhancing the Event Logging mechanism to allow us to gather more information. The bug remains elusive for us at Adobe. Please see the latest comments in this thread for the most up-to-date information.
Update 3/5/24: I have made some changes for 25.6 which which I hope will offer some relief for Mouse Users. There is some additional work for Pen users which I expect to be available for 25.7.
Update 4/24/24: Photoshop version 25.7 has been posted and should address the remaining outstanding Pen issues of which we were aware. We believe the original issue reported in this thread has been resolved. If you are still having lost mouse-up or pen-up problems with version 25.7 or later, please post with the version you are using, your platform and OS, and precise steps that make the problem occur for you. Please be as detailed as you can. We will try to reproduce at Adobe. We may ask you to generate an Event Log using the Event Logger Tool. We will continue to watch this thread for a while, but reserve the right to lock the thread if too many tangential issues are posted. As always, please keep your posts civil and informative and we will try to help. Thanks.
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‎Nov 17, 2023
11:53 AM
Well that certainly looks annoying. I have no idea what would cause that, nor what service those files support. I can't even tell you if it is an Adobe Photoshop thing. The best bet is to tag @Caity.psd or @CShubert and let them investigate.
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‎Nov 16, 2023
08:25 AM
>> So the non-appearance in the logs of WM_LBUTTONUP does not imply it doesn't happen, just that it has gone to a message queue that is not being read - which presumably is not the one it was expected to go to. Am I right?
It's really hard for me to say, since we have such difficulty reproducing. But yes, that is a possible scenario.
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