Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Jul 09, 2021
09:04 AM
Hi Tracey,
Sorry about the trouble. I would like to know if the steps suggested above worked for you? If not, I would request you to share a few more details like:
Is the issue related to some specific documents? If yes, could you please share any one of those documents with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
Where are you trying to export the files (Network Drive/ System HDD/ Shared Folder on System /External HDD)?
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates or web extensions installed recently.
Also, you may try saving the document as an IDML document, renaming it, reopening it, and exporting it as a PDF/X-4. See if this resolves the issue.
Feel free to let us know if you still need assistance. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 09, 2021
08:16 AM
Hi there,
Sorry about the crashing. Could you please share some more details, like
Operating system
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates or web extensions installed recently.
Some reports are coming from other users whose applications are crashing while they were on a Zoom call or similar application running simultaneously. Are you using any such applications?
Also, you may try the steps suggested on this page ( and let us know how it goes.
Feel free to let us know if you still need assistance. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 08, 2021
03:30 PM
1 Upvote
Hi there, Sorry about the trouble. Could you please share some more information like:
The exact version of Illustrator
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates or web extensions installed recently.
Which external monitor you are using, and is it a primary monitor or secondary monitor.
Does the same tinting issue happen on other applications, or is it only appearing with Illustrator?
Does tinting happen on the Macbook screen, or it happens only on the external/secondary monitor?
Looking forward to your response. Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 08, 2021
03:18 PM
Hi there, Sorry about the trouble. I would like to know if restarting the Illustrator worked for you as it has worked for Mike? If not, you may try "Sign Out" & "Sign In" from Illustrator (Help > Sign Out. {your email ID}). If that doesn't help, try resetting the preferences ( and see if that resolves the issue. Disclaimer: Please note that resetting preferences will remove all the custom settings, and Illustrator will launch with default settings. You can also take a backup of the folders in case you want to. Location is mentioned in the article.
Feel free to let us know if you still need assistance. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 08, 2021
02:57 PM
Hi there, Sorry about the trouble. I would like to know if the steps suggested above worked for you? If not, I would request you to share a few more details like:
OS and version of Illustrator
Is the issue related to a specific document? If yes, could you please share the document with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
Also, it would be really helpful if you can share a small screen recording of your workflow or screenshot.
Looking forward to your response.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 08, 2021
02:47 PM
Hi there, Sorry about the trouble. It generally happens due to the conflict in keyboard shortcuts used in other applications. Try booting the system in Safe Mode ( and check how it works there. Looking forward to your response. Thanks & regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 08, 2021
01:35 PM
Sorry about this trouble. I am hopeful that the issue was fixed by now. If not, I would request you to share a few more details along with the ones asked by Mike:
Exact operating system
Is the issue related to specific files? If yes, could you please share a sample file with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
Where are the files saved? (Network Drive/ System HDD/ Shared Folder on System /External HDD)?
You may also try the suggestions shared on this page ( and share your observations with us.
Kindly update the discussion if you still need assistance with it. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 08, 2021
01:27 PM
I would like to know if the steps suggested above worked for you? If not, I would request you to share a few more details along with the ones asked by Monka:
Exact OS & version of Illustrator
Is the issue related to a specific file. If yes, could you please share the document with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
You may also try the suggestions shared on this similar discussion (
Kindly update the discussion if you still need assistance with it. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 08, 2021
12:02 PM
Thank you for sharing the information Ayelet. Would you please try toggling GPU Performance under Preferences (ctrl+k) > Performance > uncheck GPU Performance & let me know if it changes the outcome?
Looking forward to your response. Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 08, 2021
11:41 AM
Thanks for sharing the log number. I have shared the log with the product team, and they will look into it.
I will get back to you as soon as I get a response from the team. Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 06, 2021
02:17 PM
Hi there, Sorry about the trouble, could you please share some more information like:
OS and version of Illustrator & Fresco.
Is the issue related to a specific document? If yes, could you please share the document with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
Looking forward to your response. Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 06, 2021
01:50 PM
I think you are viewing this notification in an email. Please click on the link shared in the Email to open the community post. Thanks!
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‎Jul 06, 2021
12:52 PM
1 Upvote
Hi there,
Sorry to hear about this trouble. In addition to the suggestions given above by Axel. I would also suggest to try the steps shared on this help article ( ) and let us know how it goes.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 06, 2021
10:32 AM
Hi there,
Sorry about this issue. We were able to replicate this issue at our end. Please allow us some time to check this with the product team.
I would also request you to upvote this issue on this UserVoice page ( ). This way, you will keep getting all the updates related to this issue.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 06, 2021
09:30 AM
Hi there, Thanks for reaching out. As per the description you shared above, you can choose either of the following workflows:
Draw on Fresco and finalise on Illustrator on Desktop - (
Draw on Illustrator iPad and finalise on Illustrator on Desktop - (
Here are the system requirements for both applications:
Fresco - (
Illustrator on iPad - (
Let us know if you need any further assistance. We'd be happy to help. Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 06, 2021
07:40 AM
Hi all, We are sorry to hear about your experiences. In addition to the question asked above, I would request you all to share a few more details like:
Exact OS and version of Illustrator? (We recommend using the latest version of Illustrator and OS)
Is the issue related to a specific document? If yes, could you please share the document with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates or web extensions installed recently.
Moreover, for troubleshooting, I would suggest you all to follow the Instruction given in this article ( step by step and see how it goes. We are looking forward to hearing from you all.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 06, 2021
07:20 AM
Hi there, Sorry to hear about this trouble. The suggestions given above are all correct. Here is a short video ( of how to change keyboard increment setting in preferences.
If these suggestion doesn't resolve your issue. You may follow the steps given in this article ( and let us know how it goes.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 06, 2021
06:51 AM
Hi there, Sorry about the trouble. The suggestion given above is correct, but if that doesn't help resolve your issue. I would suggest you to reset the preferences (( of Illustrator and see how it goes. Disclaimer: Please note that resetting preferences will remove all the custom settings, and Illustrator will launch with default settings. You can also take a backup of the folders in case you want to. Location is mentioned in the article.
If you need any further help. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 06, 2021
06:26 AM
1 Upvote
Hi there, Sorry to hear about this trouble you are facing. Could you please share some more details like:
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates or web extensions installed recently.
Are you using external monitors? If you do, open illustrator on your main Macbook screen and disconnect other monitors. And see if dropdown menus are working again.
If switching back to the primary monitor doesn't work, I would recommend you follow the article's ( instructions step by step and see how it goes.
I will be looking forward to your response. Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 05, 2021
11:37 AM
Hi there, Sorry about this issue. I agree with Ares's comment. It is possible that the tool you are looking for is hidden under some other tool in the Toolbar. To view more shapes, right-click on the Rectangle tool and let us know if you see other shapes.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 05, 2021
11:20 AM
1 Upvote
Hi there,
Sorry to hear about your experience. I would request to share some information like:
Exact OS and version of Illustrator
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates or web extensions installed recently.
Does resetting Illustrator Preferences ( help to resolve the issue? Disclaimer: Please note that resetting preferences will remove all the custom settings, and Illustrator will launch with default settings. You can also take a backup of the folders in case you want to. Location is mentioned in the article.
Looking forward to your response!
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 05, 2021
10:00 AM
Hi there,
Sorry for your trouble. Could you please share some information like:
Exact OS and version of Illustrator
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates or web extensions installed recently.
Does resetting Illustrator Preferences ( help to resolve the issue? Disclaimer: Please note that resetting preferences will remove all the custom settings, and Illustrator will launch with default settings. You can also take a backup of the folders in case you want to. Location is mentioned in the article.
Also, I'd recommend you to create a new user account and see if it is working there. Then you can check which additional programs or apps you are running on your main user account. You may follow the links below to get help: 1. For Windows:
2. For macOS: Let us know how it goes.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 05, 2021
09:40 AM
Hi there, Sorry about the trouble. As mentioned above, you are using Films & Video preset. For different workspaces, Illustrator has different presets. The one you are referring to as "dark grey, with a white drawing area." can be any of the following presets:
Art & Illustration
Also, I would suggest you visit this help article ( to know more about creating documents. If you need any further assistance, do reach out. We'd be happy to help. Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 05, 2021
09:04 AM
Hi there, Sorry about the trouble. In addition to the information asked above, I would request you to share a screenshot of your Layers panel
and, if possible, record a small clip of your workflow & share it with us. It would help us understand the issue and assist you accordingly.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 05, 2021
08:36 AM
Hi there,
Sorry to hear about your experience. Could you please share some more information like:
Exact Illustrator version?
Do you get any error while trying to launch the app?
Does Illustrator show up in Activity Monitor when you try to open it?
Have you tried resetting the preferences ( If not, please try doing that. Disclaimer: Please note that resetting preferences will remove all the custom settings, and Illustrator will launch with default settings. You can also take a backup of the folders in case you want to. Location is mentioned in the article.
In addition to the suggestions shared above, I would recommend you to update your Mac machine to the latest macOS Big Sur & let us know how it goes?
Looking forward to your response.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 02, 2021
12:22 PM
Hi there,
Sorry about the crashing. Could you please share a few more details like:
Exact version of Fresco
Logs using the Log Collector tool. After submitting the log you will receive an email with a log number. It looks something like this Kindly share that log number with us. This will help us find the log and assist you accordingly.
Does the crash happen while working on a specific document?
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates or web extensions installed recently.
Looking forward to your response. Thanks & Regards Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 02, 2021
12:12 PM
1 Upvote
Hi there, Sorry about the trouble. Would you mind checking the minimum system requirements to install Fresco from this article: ( and see if your machine meet the minimum technical specification. Also, please share the screenshot of your device specification from Settings > About.
This would help us understand your situation better and assist you accordingly. Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 02, 2021
09:30 AM
Hi all, Sorry about the inconvenience. Fresco on Android is a work in progress. Please upvote this request here ( ) which would help us prioritize. and this way, you will keep getting all the updates related to this request. Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 02, 2021
09:27 AM
Hi there, Sorry about the inconvenience. We have tried to make this transition as smooth as possible. Your files should automatically be migrated when you first sign in to Adobe Fresco. For more details, please check out this help article ( ).
Else, you can simply open Draw or Sketch files from the Fresco homepage as shown in the image below:
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 02, 2021
09:15 AM
Hi all,
Sorry about the inconvenience. Fresco on Android is a work in progress. Please upvote this request here ( ) which would help us prioritize. and this way, you will keep getting all the updates related to this request.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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