Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Jul 20, 2021
04:19 PM
Glad to hear you're back on track. Please feel free to reach out if you run into any other questions or issues in the future. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 20, 2021
04:03 PM
Hi there,
Sorry for the delayed response. I recommend updating InDesign to v16.3.2, which contains multiple bug fixes and performance improvements.
If InDesign crashes randomly after the update, let us know. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 20, 2021
03:56 PM
Sorry, you had to do that. But glad to hear that you resolve the issue. Please feel free to reach out if you run into any other questions or issues in the future. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 20, 2021
09:36 AM
1 Upvote
It's evergreen, Eugene!
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‎Jul 19, 2021
05:49 PM
Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. For more information regarding this, kindly visit this article (
Feel free to reach out if you need any further help. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 19, 2021
05:34 PM
Hi there,
Sorry about the inconvenience. Could you please share a few details like:
OS and version of Illustrator & Creative Cloud
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates, or web extensions installed recently.
Do you get any error messages when they get crashed. If yes, do share the screenshot.
Share crash logs by following these steps: While submitting the crash report, please use the same email address with which you are signed in on this community. It will help us find the crash report and help accordingly.
Also, you may try the steps shared on this page ( and share your observations with us.
We’re here to help. We just need more info.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 19, 2021
04:51 PM
Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. Do you work for a Company/Organization? If yes, contact your IT team as your organization/Company license has expired.
For any further assistance, feel free to reach out. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 19, 2021
04:34 PM
Hi there,
Sorry about this inconvenience. Could you please elaborate on the issue you are facing currently? Also, could you please share information like:
OS and version of InDesign
Are there issues related to specific documents? If yes, could you please share a sample document with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
We’re here to help; we just need more info.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 16, 2021
03:15 PM
Hi there,
Sorry about the trouble. Could you please a few more details like:
OS and version of Illustrator
Is the issue appear while working on some specific documents? If yes, could you please share a sample document with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
Where are you saving the files (Network Drive/ System HDD/ Shared Folder on System /External HDD)?
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates, or web extensions installed recently.
Does resetting Illustrator Preferences ( help to resolve the issue? Disclaimer: Please note that resetting preferences will remove all the custom settings, and Illustrator will launch with default settings. You can also take a backup of the folders in case you want to. Location is mentioned in the article.
Looking forward to your response.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 16, 2021
03:13 PM
Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. Could you please a few more details like:
OS and version of Illustrator
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates, or web extensions installed recently.
Does resetting Illustrator Preferences ( help to resolve the issue? Disclaimer: Please note that resetting preferences will remove all the custom settings, and Illustrator will launch with default settings. You can also take a backup of the folders in case you want to. Location is mentioned in the article.
Looking forward to your response.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 16, 2021
03:03 PM
Hi there,
Sorry about the crashing. I understand your frustration. Are you able to save your files? Could you please a few more details like:
OS and version of Illustrator
Is the issue related to some specific documents? If yes, could you please share a sample document with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
Where are you saving the files (Network Drive/ System HDD/ Shared Folder on System /External HDD)?
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates, or web extensions installed recently.
Does resetting Illustrator Preferences ( help to resolve the issue? Disclaimer: Please note that resetting preferences will remove all the custom settings, and Illustrator will launch with default settings. You can also take a backup of the folders in case you want to. Location is mentioned in the article.
Looking forward to your response.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 16, 2021
08:48 AM
Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. You may check out this helpx article ( we have created regarding Endnotes & Footnotes. It may help you resolve your issue. If not, then I suggest creating a new InDesign document and creating one footnote without placing it from a word document in InDesign. Then convert it to endnote and see if you get the desired result. If you get the desired result, then will it be possible for you to share the file with us? If yes, you can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link. We can check it at our end.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul
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‎Jul 16, 2021
07:42 AM
Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. Could you please share some more details like:
OS and version of InDesign
Screenshot of the black-bordered boxes with a pink background. Usually, the pink background indicates that the font being used is not installed on your machine.
Does the text appear like that in a specific document? If yes, could you please share the document with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
Looking forward to your response.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 16, 2021
07:09 AM
Hi there,
Sorry about the trouble. I can totally understand your frustration. It would be really helpful if you could please share some details like:
Exact OS and version of InDesign
Is there any error or message displayed when you try to launch InDesign? If yes, please share the screenshot of that.
Does resetting In Design Preferences ( help to resolve the issue? Disclaimer: Please note that resetting preferences will remove all the custom settings, and InDesign will launch with default settings. You can also take a backup of the folders in case you want to. Location is mentioned in the article.
Looking forward to your response.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 15, 2021
11:35 PM
1 Upvote
I have - as recommended here in another thread - switched off the GPU Performance in the Indesign settings... It worked! So far I don't have a problem with the disappearing text boxes anymore 🙂 Very strange!
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‎Jul 15, 2021
03:39 PM
Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. Could you please share some details like OS and version Illustrator? Are you asking for an Arabic UI interface in Illustrator? The Adobe Asian composers enable you to create content in middle-eastern languages. You can type in and mix between Arabic, Hebrew, English, and other languages. Please follow the instructions in this help article ( to know how you can use Arabic & Hebrew features in Illustrator.
For any further assistance, feel free to reach out. We'd be happy to help. Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 15, 2021
08:17 AM
Hi there,
Sorry about the crashing. Could you please share some more details like:
Exact Operating system
Are you using an M1 Mac machine?
Does it seem to crash after a particular action?
Does this error occur with any other Adobe or third-party applications you use?
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates, or web extensions installed recently.
The system generates this error message when application files get corrupted with viruses or bugs and malfunction in the MAC hardware or errors in macOS. I suggest you visit this third-party website ( and try the troubleshooting steps mentioned there. If this doesn't help, you may try using the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool ( to remove the Illustrator altogether & reinstall once done. Let us know how it goes.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 14, 2021
03:08 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Could you please edit this insulting article: And write: for seamless and interruption free experience, iOS users can easily migrate to fresco etc etc Thanks Thanks.
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‎Jul 12, 2021
11:09 AM
Hi there, Sorry about the trouble. Could you please share a few more details like:
OS and version of InDesign
Is the issue related to a specific document? If yes, could you please share the document with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
As you mentioned above, if we track your workflow, that slope over the outline text looks odd. I would suggest try turning off GPU Performance under preferences and let us know how it goes.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 12, 2021
09:53 AM
Hi Elenya.
Clearing the DirectX Shader Cache has worked for a couple of people having this same problem but before I give you the steps, I want to make sure that there's not something else going on.
Unfortunately I don't see the information that I need in the logs you've submitted. Can I trouble you to write to us through Fresco's Report A Bug link? It's in App Settings > Help > Support > Report A Bug and all of your device/app information will auto-populate the email.
You don't have to repeat all of this conversation just put the link to this post in the email.
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‎Jul 12, 2021
08:34 AM
Hi there,
Sorry about the trouble. As Bill has asked above, please share the information like:
OS & version of InDesign.
Which commands/functions are "greyed out," and what tools you used, and what actions you performed that led to this?
Do these commands/functions "greyed out" on all the documents or any specific document? If yes, could you please share the document with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
Share some screenshots or some short videos of your workflow. It will help us understand what you are trying to do, and we can assist you accordingly.
Does resetting InDesign Preferences ( help to resolve the issue? Disclaimer: Please note that resetting preferences will remove all the custom settings, and InDesign will launch with default settings. You can also take a backup of the folders in case you want to. Location is mentioned in the article.
We're looking forward to your response.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 12, 2021
08:09 AM
Hi there,
Sorry about the trouble. Could you please share a few more details like:
OS and version of InDesign.
Is the issue related to a specific document, or is this happening on all the documents? If yes, could you please share the document with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
Share a short video of your workflow, it will help us understand the issue, and we can assist you accordingly.
Here is a third-party link ( with steps on "How to use the Liquid layout and have an object-based rule." If still it is showing disable, try resetting the preferences ( and see how it goes? Disclaimer: Please note that resetting preferences will remove all the custom settings, and Illustrator will launch with default settings. You can also take a backup of the folders in case you want to. Location is mentioned in the article.
Looking forward to your response.
Thanks & Regards,
Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 09, 2021
09:04 AM
Hi Tracey,
Sorry about the trouble. I would like to know if the steps suggested above worked for you? If not, I would request you to share a few more details like:
Is the issue related to some specific documents? If yes, could you please share any one of those documents with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
Where are you trying to export the files (Network Drive/ System HDD/ Shared Folder on System /External HDD)?
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates or web extensions installed recently.
Also, you may try saving the document as an IDML document, renaming it, reopening it, and exporting it as a PDF/X-4. See if this resolves the issue.
Feel free to let us know if you still need assistance. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 08, 2021
07:17 PM
The Selection tool (black arrow) is the one you should be using to select objects. The Direct Selection tool is for anchor points. What is getting selected instead
Is there another object on top of the text? Try Cmd+Click to go through the stacking order (Ctrl+Click on Windows).
Can you select them using the Layers panel? If you have a lot of overlapping objects, you might want to utilize Layers.
~ Jane
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‎Jul 08, 2021
03:30 PM
1 Upvote
Hi there, Sorry about the trouble. Could you please share some more information like:
The exact version of Illustrator
When did this start happening? Are there any recent changes made to your system? For example, any antivirus, system updates or web extensions installed recently.
Which external monitor you are using, and is it a primary monitor or secondary monitor.
Does the same tinting issue happen on other applications, or is it only appearing with Illustrator?
Does tinting happen on the Macbook screen, or it happens only on the external/secondary monitor?
Looking forward to your response. Thanks & Regards, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 08, 2021
01:35 PM
Sorry about this trouble. I am hopeful that the issue was fixed by now. If not, I would request you to share a few more details along with the ones asked by Mike:
Exact operating system
Is the issue related to specific files? If yes, could you please share a sample file with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
Where are the files saved? (Network Drive/ System HDD/ Shared Folder on System /External HDD)?
You may also try the suggestions shared on this page ( and share your observations with us.
Kindly update the discussion if you still need assistance with it. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 08, 2021
01:27 PM
I would like to know if the steps suggested above worked for you? If not, I would request you to share a few more details along with the ones asked by Monka:
Exact OS & version of Illustrator
Is the issue related to a specific file. If yes, could you please share the document with us? You can upload it to the Creative Cloud ( and share the download link.
You may also try the suggestions shared on this similar discussion (
Kindly update the discussion if you still need assistance with it. We'd be happy to help.
Thanks, Anshul Saini
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‎Jul 07, 2021
03:25 AM
1 Upvote
Happy endings - and it's not with Adobe. Stop your bloatware BS. If I purchase/subscribe to a program - I ONLY WANT THAT PROGRAM. It is currently impossible to install Illustrator, and update it to latest version, without creative cloud. Have a blast... Counting the excessive services, processes, call backs to home, telemetry, etc - embarrasing. Surprised ADS are not popping up every 30 seconds. And I will admit - Your solution KICKS ASS! But, Affinity Designer is eating your lunch - no strings attached. I have no clue why such an amazing, "industry leading" company, is not acting as such, I know this does not matter - but I care enough to try. Best wishes.
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‎Jul 07, 2021
12:55 AM
Honestly... do it on a computer.
And get a tablet from Wacom, XP-Pen, Xencelabs, Huion or Parblo.
It will save you a lot of money and just makes more sense.
See iPads are not full computers and not all software for iPad can do what computer software can.
To me the only iPad software I would want is Procreate.... but I am not buying an iPad for just Procreate. My main issue with Apple is they are smart. They want you to buy both an iPad and a Macbook. This is why they have not released a touchscreen computer. They are also doing this with their phones... no headphone port... so they want you to buy ear buds. Smart marketing move.... get people to buy more.
The thing is... now there are computers out there where you can draw directly on the screen that are full PCs. Meaning they can run all software (ok accept Procreate, because Procreate is partly funded by Apple). But seriously think future forward... you will get more use out of a computer as opposed to an iPad.
I have a Wacom MobileStudio Pro and Cintiq Companion 2. Both are full PCs where I can draw on the screen. I also know that there are several PC laptops out there that are produced for gamers that also have screens that you can draw on. They are super cool actually.
Also by getting a PC with a screen you can draw on you... can think future-forward. Animation might be something you want to do with your art in the future.... maybe with Adobe Character Animator. Well you can not do that on an iPad.
Or like I said buy a drawing tablet from the companies I mentioned and use it with your computer.
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‎Jul 06, 2021
03:35 PM
Can you check the scaling settings in the system? Maybe something clashing there?
Does it work better when you open the Characters panel and open that menu from there?
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