Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Apr 06, 2022
11:49 AM
Hey Mathew,
Thank you for sharing what you are seeing. This is a known bug and the team is at work to fix it.
We appreciate your input.
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‎Apr 06, 2022
07:55 AM
Hi Jkaiden,
Sorry to hear you are having issues, could you share your computer/browser version and more details about what is happening when you are seeing the crashes? Screenshots of what you are seeing are also helpful for the team to diagnose what might be happening.
Thank you,
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‎Apr 05, 2022
02:50 PM
Thank you Matt for your feedback, sounds like you are looking for Smart guides, is that correct?
We have heard this request from others, and happy to pass your request to the team.
Please continue to share with us any other features that would benefit your workflow.
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‎Apr 01, 2022
02:08 PM
Hi Raymond, Chromebooks using an ARM processor are unable to support Photoshop on the web. The amount of RAM available to web apps on those devices does not meet the Photoshop requirement.
If we didn't understand your issue, please let us know and we will be happy to dig into this further for you.
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‎Mar 31, 2022
02:37 PM
1 Upvote
Hi Omega,
Thanks for the suggestion and we are happy to add it to the list of features that customers would like to see.
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‎Mar 30, 2022
07:06 AM
Hi Marianne, sorry to hear you are having issues.
Could you share a screenshot of the error message you are seeing? Has it worked before and is not working now, any other bits of info you can share on the process will be helpful as we try to figure out what is going on.
Thank you,
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‎Mar 28, 2022
08:03 AM
Hi Olga,
Sorry to hear you are having issues. We would be happy to see what might be happening. Curious what type of file you are trying to save? You should be able to save transparecy in .png, webp, psd and tiff. Please share your systems info and any screenshots of the file and what you are seeing and the team can try to help you. Please follow the directions below to grab the log file.
Google Chrome:
Open the top-right Chrome menu, then in More Tools find and select Developer Tools.
In the Developer Tools that show on the right, click the Console tab at the top.
Right-click within the Console panel and choose Save As…
Save the .log file on your computer so you can share it.
Microsoft Edge: For Microsoft Edge logs, see Open Microsoft Edge DevTools.
Thank you,
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‎Mar 28, 2022
07:50 AM
Hi levriermotion Thanks for the kind words, glad you like Ps on the web. We are happy to add your name to the list of those who have requested the Polygonal tool, are there more you think are missing? What other tools do you need to do your work?
Thank you,
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‎Mar 25, 2022
08:05 AM
Hi Lino,
Thanks for the request, happy to pass this on to the team for consideration. Feel free to add any other tools/functions that you think should be in Ps on the web and we will share them all.
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‎Mar 25, 2022
08:02 AM
Hi Monique, thanks for the question.
At this time batch processing is not available, but I will be happy to add it to the list of feature requests. Feel free to request anything you see that is missing for your workflow. The team is always interested to hear what should be on the roadmap.
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‎Mar 22, 2022
03:05 PM
Hi aZhu,
Thank you for the report. We tested here and am able to see comments on sharred files in Ps desktop beta. Could you share your system specs (Ps go to Help/System Info) and copy and paste that here we can have the team see what might be happening.
Thank you,
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‎Mar 16, 2022
10:51 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Amanda, happy to add this as a new feature request. Currently, you are able to hold the space bar and move around the canvas. Hope this will work for you until the Hand tool becomes available. Thank you for your post,
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‎Mar 15, 2022
02:02 PM
Hi chanaart, thank you for posting the question. Happy to try to help. I will be happy to add the feature request to save color swatches, anything else? Thank you,
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‎Feb 17, 2022
09:56 AM
Chatting with our dev team, they suggest you update your Chrome OS to v.99. Also, just for reference, Ps on the web doesn't run on ARM Chromebooks due to limitations of the the browser in Chrome OS and require at least 4 cores (CPU cores). Hope this helps, please let us know. Cheers.
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‎Feb 17, 2022
09:01 AM
Sorry to hear you are having issues. Have you confirmed your computer meets the specs for Ps on the web? https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/system-requirements-web.html Thank you,
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‎Jan 14, 2022
06:55 AM
Hi Boris... Sorry to hear you are having issues, could you explain more what steps you are trying to do and any screenshots you can share with what you are seeing? What do you mean "processing snapshots"? If you can give us a step by step on what you are doing/tools you are using and then seeing this freez up issue, we can better assist in solving it. Cheers,
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‎Jan 13, 2022
07:05 AM
Hi Kratom Pros,
Sorry to hear this, could you share some more info on what is happening and how? What is your system info? If you would go to Help/System Info in the top menu and copy and paste that in your reply, we can have the team look into what might be happening.
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‎Jan 04, 2022
09:51 AM
1 Upvote
Hi gototheframe,
At this time we are exploring additional file formats to support and appreciate the feedback.
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‎Nov 26, 2021
12:36 PM
Hi Sentiospace,
We have heard this as a request, so happy to add your voice to those who would like to see the video timeline in Ps on web. Are there other features you need for your workflow? Let us know and we can add them as well. Also, be sure to vote for the features and ideas that you think are needed, these votes help us to see what the majoritiy of our customers would like to see added.
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‎Nov 24, 2021
06:37 AM
Hi charles,
The goal is to support additional file types. We plan to support the exportable formats out of Photoshop, so keep your eyes out for future builds.
Thank you,
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‎Nov 24, 2021
06:32 AM
Hi MegCarpen,
Thanks for the suggestion, am happy to pass it on to the team. Are there other tools that you would like to see added that are not there yet?
Thank you,
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‎Nov 17, 2021
06:36 AM
Hi fleeht,
Thanks for the positive feedback on Photoshop on the web and your suggestion. Curves adjustment layers are on the roadmap and you can rest assured that we believe as well that it is an important tool in Photoshop.
Glad you are here and looking forward to sharing more with the world as Photoshop on the web continues to evolve and grow.
Thank you,
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‎Nov 16, 2021
12:44 PM
1 Upvote
Hi Mounir21767849w5u3,
Chromebooks using an ARM processor are unable to support Photoshop on the web at this time. The amount of RAM available to web apps on those devices does not meet the Photoshop requirement.
If you would share your console log for the Intel Asus Chromebook I would be happy to pass it along to our team to see if they can help.
Thank you,
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‎Nov 16, 2021
06:51 AM
Thanks strunkl for letting us know you are now able to access Ps on the web beta. Sorry you had an issue before, would love to figure out what might have been going on, but for now, happy you are in.
Be sure to let us know how it works for you and any issues/questions.
Thank you,
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‎Nov 15, 2021
07:18 AM
Could you share screenshots of the process you are going through and the screens/messages you are seeing? Happy to work with you to figure this out.
Has this ever worked for you or is this the first time you have tried to access Photoshop beta?
Thank you,
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‎Nov 01, 2021
06:46 AM
Hi, thanks for the question.
Here is a list of the browser/system requirments:
In this initial release, Photoshop on the web works best with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge version 95 and above. We plan to bring more Photoshop features to the web – including expansion to additional web browsers - in the coming year, and are excited to work with our community to shape this offering moving forward.
The launch of Photoshop beta on the web is just the beginning of our journey. Let us know if you have any other questions.
Thank you,
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‎Oct 28, 2021
06:09 AM
Hi jensb92979170,
Yes, your idea of gradient filters is on the list for bringing to Ps on the web, as are many others. Do you have any other ideas or workflow additions you would like to see added? Happy to pass them on to the team.
Thank you,
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‎Oct 27, 2021
02:39 PM
Glad to hear that.
Also, if Ps is running when the file is sent from CC to Ps, it may avoid the "not supported" error.
Thank you,
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‎Oct 27, 2021
11:31 AM
Hi, would you be willing to setup a temp account to see if there is an issue with your account? Steps to try are:
Sign out of Ps from Setting/Account.
On sign in select sign up item at the bottom.
Create a new account with an alternate email. This does require setting up a new subscription, which you would need to cancel before the 30 day trial expires to avoid getting charged.
It does appear to take a while for the subscription to show up to be cancelled on the apple side.
I know this sounds like a lot of work, but it would really help the team to be able to see what might be happening to you and your device/account.
Thank you,
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‎Oct 27, 2021
10:14 AM
What region are you in? Doing a search I came across this solution that seems to work for many, just wanted to share in case it may work for you. "We are working on an issue where devices with non-US regions can encounter crashes on startup, in the meantime if you switch your device Region to US-english in Settings/General/Region you should be able to get the application to launch. We hope to have an update for this issue out soon."
Another thing, do you have a lot of files in libraries? Thinning these out might also help in this issue. Also, if you have Fresco, it has been reported that if a customer launches Fresco, then launches Photoshop the crash doesn't happen. Thank you,
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