Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Sep 29, 2021
09:15 AM
Hi, was there a solution to your question? Just making sure you found your answer.
thank you,
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‎Sep 29, 2021
09:13 AM
Please go to Help/System Info and paste the info here so the team can review it.
You can also check this thread with others and the solutions they tried:
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‎Sep 29, 2021
07:33 AM
1 Upvote
What OS are you on, you tagged both?
On Mac OS, Ps v22.5.1, it is where it has always been. If you are not seeing it, try restarting Photoshop and see if it reappears.
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‎Sep 29, 2021
07:28 AM
1 Upvote
I could be a simple as this, switch from Grayscale to RGB Color, then your color layers will show as color.
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‎Sep 28, 2021
11:10 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, sorry you are seeing this issue.
Yes, whatever is copied into the clipboard should stay in the clipboards temp memory until you copy something else. A couple things to try:
Restart your computer and see if this persists
Check to see if this issue is the smae in ALL your Mac OS apps, ie text edit, email, etc.
What version of Photoshop and OS are you using? You can go to Help/System Info and copy/paste here for further investigation if the steps above do not work.
Thank you,
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‎Sep 28, 2021
07:36 AM
Great, glad to hear you are back up and things are working.
On the Plugin question, do you have any third-party plugins or are they all default Ps plugins? Youd could turn them on one by one over time to see if you can narrow down 'if' one of them was causing the issue. Or, undo the things you did one by one and try the same workflow you were doing when you first noticed the issue. With a little bit of detective work, you should be able to find the cause of this on your system.
Good luck,
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‎Sep 27, 2021
01:47 PM
1 Upvote
I saw them as well and then they disappeared.... strange.
Ok, here are some things to try:
Turn off the GPU in Preferences->performance? Does it repro?
Disable the native canvas in Preferences->tech preview? Does it repro?
Reset prefs is a good step to take.
Looks like there may be plugins running. Does the problem reproduce if they aren't present? Give these a try and let us know if any of them solve it.
Thank you,
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‎Sep 27, 2021
10:27 AM
1 Upvote
Sorry to hear you are having issues. Please post some screenshots of what you are seeing as well as your system info:
Help/System Info
Once you post the information others will be able to help diagnose the issue.
Thank you,
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‎Sep 27, 2021
08:47 AM
Here is an older post with more info on this:
"CS Live is perhaps a confusing term. I believe Live was a popular term in tech companies at the time, such as Office Live (and now you hear Cloud). The idea is that you have desktop products with an online component, and also services. So CS Live is this whole toolbox of stuff - Acrobat.com, Browser Lab, and Adobe Story (with NetAverages and CS Review soon removed)."CS live helps to accelerate my workflow" just means that depending on your workflow some of these new apps & services may help acce..."
With this information are you able to determine what changed in your workflow or setup?
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‎Sep 27, 2021
08:31 AM
Hi, sorry you are having issues with opening files.
Please share with us the OS, version of Photoshop and any other details about when things went from working to not working.
Thank you,
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‎Sep 27, 2021
07:37 AM
1 Upvote
The simple answer is that it moves the eyes from left to right from where they start... so if the eyes are looking straight ahead, the settings will move the eyes from left to right based on degrees from 0. I hope that helps.
Here is a video showing this as well:
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‎Sep 24, 2021
12:44 PM
Before anyone can help you we need some more information. What OS version, what Ps version... Please go to Help/System Info and copy and paste the content here.
What are you doing in your workflow to see this issue, is this new or has it been happening for a while.
Thank you,
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‎Sep 24, 2021
12:13 PM
Please share any screenshots of what you are seeing as well as your system info so we can try to see what might have happened. Go to Help/Settings Info and copy and paste the text in your reply, and attach your screenshots.
Thank you,
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‎Sep 24, 2021
11:11 AM
Please go to Help/SystemInfo and paste the results here and we can have our team look into your issue.
Thank you,
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‎Sep 23, 2021
07:57 AM
Hi, this is compression as explained above. Also, NEVER convert from RGB to CMYK. You are throwing away color data that you will never get back. For your described workflow, always stay in RGB (or sRGB) color mode and the highest file size you are allowed to post and you should not have any issues as you have sharred.
Good luck,
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‎Sep 22, 2021
03:38 PM
The main problem stems from the fact that your object is moving from within the frame, but the camera is not, so all your frames are in perfect position it is what is happening inside it that is changing.
So, one thing would be to select and mask out the backgrounds to just the bottle, then select all the layers and the Photoshop command of Layer/Align/Horizonatal Centers will work as expected.
Another option would be to write up some action that selects all the objects on each layer you have and do the same steps as above so it was an automated process.
Good luck,
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‎Sep 22, 2021
01:43 PM
1 Upvote
Without a custom profile to convert to, there is no way to know how something may print at this lab.
MOST labs are color managed and have profiles for all their machines and papers, or at least the most comonly ordered.
The soft proofing in Photoshop attempts to simulate what will transfer from a backlit device, your screen, to a front lit device, the paper. To do this, it must take the profile you are viewing and with known values, ie the custom profile, attempt to show you how it will print from that device on that paper.
It is true that colors will shift from screen to print based on the type of paper, and with the View/Gamut Warnings you can see what colors fall outside this printing profile/paper combination.
Are you going to use this printer for many projects? Maybe they would work with you create a custom profile for CMYK conversions?
Have you seen this page on using soft proofing? Might be able to work with this with the printer?
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‎Sep 22, 2021
12:34 PM
Have you asked the printer to supply you with a profile for their printer/paper combo? I would start there so that when you convert from RGB to CMYK it is based on how they have their machines setup. If they don't then ask them which of the uncoated profiles do they use?
Here is a great resource on Soft Proofing in Photoshop and how to setup your prints.
Hope this helps.
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‎Sep 21, 2021
10:22 AM
1 Upvote
Try to install a clean version of Camera Raw to see if that fixes it.
Let us know if this works.
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‎Sep 21, 2021
10:05 AM
Sorry you are having issues. Could you share some workflows of what you are trying to do with screen shots so the team can try to pinpoint what is causing it? Also, please go to Help/System Info and share the output here so developers can asses your setup to see what might have happened during the update you recently did.
Thank you,
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‎Sep 21, 2021
09:58 AM
Since you said you recovered from a TimeMachine backup it is possible you didn't pull over all the files needed, I would suggest redownloading a fresh copy of Photoshop via your Creative Cloud app and see if that solves the issue.
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‎Sep 21, 2021
06:47 AM
1 Upvote
Please let us know what version of CCD you have. Would you also go to the link and download and output your CC Log file and share with the team so we can dig into this issue further?
Thank you,
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‎Sep 20, 2021
01:34 PM
Hi, this is a Mac OS issue and not Adobes. In past versions, Adobe was able to get around this, but not now. If you go ahead and save the file with whatever name you want, it SHOULD retain the file extension based on what you have set in your file dialog, Save for Web/.jpg or .gif or .png...
Try a test and make sure it is working for you, but this workflow is for me right now.
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‎Sep 20, 2021
08:31 AM
Just tried this with Ps 22.5.1 and it worked as expected, so not sure why not for you. Have you restarted your computer and updated to the latest Ps version? Have you done any other keyboard shortcut settings that might have changed this preset behavior?
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‎Sep 20, 2021
08:14 AM
1 Upvote
Before anyone can help you, we need more information such as:
What Mac OS are you running?
What versions of Ps and Il are you on?
Have you logged out and logged back in to your Adobe account and to make sure you are using the correct one?
Are you having any other issues with other applications/internet connections?
Have you updated anything recently as in router/wifi settings/software?
Once we get more info like this and a screen shot or workflow of HOW you are getting to this issue, it will be possible to start to determine where the issue is comming from.
Thanks, hang in there.
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‎Sep 16, 2021
10:43 AM
EDITED: Bob is correct below, I am sorry I didn't catch the scrolling question. My appoligies.
Hi, there is a lock ability so that you can keep a layer from being moved.
Select the layer/s you want to lock, then in the hamburger menue in the Layers palette, select LOCK LAYERS, then a popup will ask you want you want to lock, you can select ALL and then it will not move.
Hope that helps,
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‎Sep 15, 2021
11:36 AM
Copy and pasting clean sections, then masking out edges is a good way to start, hope this helps.
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‎Sep 14, 2021
11:34 AM
Hi, please update to the newest release of Photoshop 22.5.1 which should solve this issue. Please let us know if it does solve your issue.
Thank you,
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‎Sep 14, 2021
11:17 AM
Ok, Command +H will hide Photoshop and you will be back at your desktop.... try that and let us know.
The first time you try this it will ask you if you want to use this shortcut to hide Photoshop, you can say yes and that should be it. You can also create your own shortcut if you wanted here:
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‎Sep 14, 2021
10:26 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, a few questions, is this the first time you have used this printer, or is this a new behavoir since you added/changed anything? What version of Photoshop are you using, do other images print in color and just not this one? If you can share more info on the steps you are taking before you are seeing this issue it will help the team on the forum get to the root cause of this issue.
Thank you,
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