Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
Apr 14, 2022
09:03 AM
Raymond, curious if you have updated you Chromebook as well as browser? Here is a link to the steps and we would love to hear if this fixes the issue? https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/177889?hl=en
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Apr 13, 2022
12:35 PM
1 Upvote
Hi Amanda,
Thank you for your question about effects in Ps on the web. At this time, layer effects are not available but we will be happy to pass your request on to the team.
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Apr 08, 2022
11:03 AM
Hi David,
Thanks for your message. Currently, it is possible to leave a shared document by clicking on the Share button, then hover over your email and you should see a Leave link that if clicked on will allow you to exit the shared file. If this is not what you meant or we misunderstood what you are looking for, please shoot us a message and we will be happy to dig into this further.
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Apr 06, 2022
07:55 AM
Hi Jkaiden,
Sorry to hear you are having issues, could you share your computer/browser version and more details about what is happening when you are seeing the crashes? Screenshots of what you are seeing are also helpful for the team to diagnose what might be happening.
Thank you,
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Mar 30, 2022
07:06 AM
Hi Marianne, sorry to hear you are having issues.
Could you share a screenshot of the error message you are seeing? Has it worked before and is not working now, any other bits of info you can share on the process will be helpful as we try to figure out what is going on.
Thank you,
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Mar 28, 2022
08:03 AM
Hi Olga,
Sorry to hear you are having issues. We would be happy to see what might be happening. Curious what type of file you are trying to save? You should be able to save transparecy in .png, webp, psd and tiff. Please share your systems info and any screenshots of the file and what you are seeing and the team can try to help you. Please follow the directions below to grab the log file.
Google Chrome:
Open the top-right Chrome menu, then in More Tools find and select Developer Tools.
In the Developer Tools that show on the right, click the Console tab at the top.
Right-click within the Console panel and choose Save As…
Save the .log file on your computer so you can share it.
Microsoft Edge: For Microsoft Edge logs, see Open Microsoft Edge DevTools.
Thank you,
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Mar 25, 2022
11:23 AM
1 Upvote
Don't forget of scripting for Photoshop (Beta) and if you move this thread to Ideas I'll vote for it.
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Mar 22, 2022
03:05 PM
Hi aZhu,
Thank you for the report. We tested here and am able to see comments on sharred files in Ps desktop beta. Could you share your system specs (Ps go to Help/System Info) and copy and paste that here we can have the team see what might be happening.
Thank you,
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Mar 15, 2022
02:02 PM
Hi chanaart, thank you for posting the question. Happy to try to help. I will be happy to add the feature request to save color swatches, anything else? Thank you,
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Feb 17, 2022
09:56 AM
Chatting with our dev team, they suggest you update your Chrome OS to v.99. Also, just for reference, Ps on the web doesn't run on ARM Chromebooks due to limitations of the the browser in Chrome OS and require at least 4 cores (CPU cores). Hope this helps, please let us know. Cheers.
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Jan 28, 2022
11:26 AM
Photoshop for ipad is a joke, sometimes the app starts to crash everytime I open it, and the only solution I have is to open and open it again during weeks until it works again like magic.
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Jan 14, 2022
07:13 AM
Uncoated Print is basically incapable of the same saturation as Coated printing media. Every image printed on uncoated has to endure this lack of saturation and punch, so, in an uncoated print environment, where all images are suffering in the same way, you'll be fine.
As an artist you can appreciate that if you were painting with watercolours you'd have far less saturation that oils or Gouache - however you would still be able to make a pleasing rendition of the scene.
Uncoated print is like that.
Using a coated icc profile for softproof (or even for conversion) isn't going to help at all if the image is reproduced uncoated. The "coated" soft proof will be far "nicer" than the "Uncoated" print and if the RGB is made into CMYK (separated) using a coated profile, there will be far too much ink on the press - if it gets that far, prepress may spot it.
In any case its not going to give you more colour than the ink on paper can physically provide.
I hope this helps neil barstow, colourmanagement net :: adobe forum volunteer google me "neil barstow colourmanagement" for lots of free articles on colour management [please only use the blue reply button at the top of the page, this maintains the original thread title and chronological order of posts]
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Jan 14, 2022
06:55 AM
Hi Boris... Sorry to hear you are having issues, could you explain more what steps you are trying to do and any screenshots you can share with what you are seeing? What do you mean "processing snapshots"? If you can give us a step by step on what you are doing/tools you are using and then seeing this freez up issue, we can better assist in solving it. Cheers,
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Jan 13, 2022
07:05 AM
Hi Kratom Pros,
Sorry to hear this, could you share some more info on what is happening and how? What is your system info? If you would go to Help/System Info in the top menu and copy and paste that in your reply, we can have the team look into what might be happening.
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Nov 24, 2021
06:32 AM
Hi MegCarpen,
Thanks for the suggestion, am happy to pass it on to the team. Are there other tools that you would like to see added that are not there yet?
Thank you,
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Nov 19, 2021
11:17 AM
Absolutely fmgdes1, check Jasper's post at the top of this thread here!
Let us know if you run into any issues.
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Oct 28, 2021
07:54 AM
Many thanks for posting here Jens!
Wanted to check in and see if you've discovered the gradient tool underneath the Paint Bucket yet?
Is this gradient what you're after? Or can you provide more more specific details on what you'd like to see in Photoshop on the web?
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Oct 26, 2021
01:11 PM
1 Upvote
On the question about cloud based select subject: "Select Subject in Photoshop on the web uses cloud-based machine learning and local post processing. The background tech is very close to what’s used on Desktop, albeit slightly different." Thank you again for asking and happy to help anytime.
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Oct 25, 2021
03:03 PM
Here is an article that allows you to see what versions are based on release date: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/legacy-version-updates.html And you can instal older versions using your CC aplication, not online but the CC app in your applications folder.
Give this a try and let us know if it works for you.
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Oct 15, 2021
11:16 AM
Just walked through the steps and it worked as expected, v.22.5.1, Mac OS 11.5.2. Would it be possible for you to share screen shots of your steps so we can see if anything else is happening? Happy to look into this further as a fellow VR shooter, so please let us know.
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Oct 07, 2021
06:32 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you very much for diving into this further. ill be sure and post back on here if I ever find out on how it was originally saved out.
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Oct 06, 2021
12:52 PM
Could you share a bit more on the workflow you are doing and how you want it to work? Here is another article on shortcuts that has timeline info in it that might also help:
Thank you,
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Oct 06, 2021
12:41 PM
One way to make sure it is available or viewable is to add or make it visible in your toolbar. Once you see this you can select the alignment you want. Is this what you were looking for?
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Oct 05, 2021
03:10 PM
1. Select your target elements with your favorite selection method to isolate them.
2. Use Ctrl + J to copy selection to a new layer.
3. Apply your favorite Adjustment Layer. In this example, I used a warm Photo Filter.
4. Hold ALT + click on line between Adjustment Layer and the layer below it, a down arrow will appear. See screenshot.
Hope that helps.
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Oct 05, 2021
06:10 AM
IF you see a visual difference in the same image between Lightroom and Photoshop then it COULD be the display profile, have a look at this advice:
Display profile issues on Windows
Here's something to try
It'll only take a few minutes and is good troubleshooting.
At least once a week on this forum we read about this, or very similar issues of appearance differing between colour managed applications.
Of course you must not expect accurate colour with programs such as Windows "Photos", because colour management is not implemented there so such programs are incapable of providing accurate image display.
Unfortunately, with Microsoft hardware: Windows updates, Graphics Card updates and Display manufacturers have a frustratingly growing reputation for installing useless (corrupted) monitor display profiles.
I CAN happen with Macs but with far less likelihood, it seems.
The issue can affect different applications in different ways, some not at all, some very badly.
The poor monitor display profile issue is hidden by some applications, specifically those that do not use colour management, such as Microsoft Windows "Photos".
Photoshop is correct, it’s the industry standard for viewing images, in my experience it's revealing an issue with the Monitor Display profile rather that causing it. Whatever you do, don't ignore it. As the issue isn’t caused by Photoshop, don’t change your Photoshop ‘color settings’ to try fix it.
To find out if the monitor display profile is the issue, I recommend you to try setting the monitor profile for your own monitor display under “Device” in your Windows ‘color management’ control panel to sRGB temporarily.
(ALTERNATIVELY, if you have a wide gamut monitor display (check the spec online) it’s better to try Adobe RGB here instead as its better suits the display characteristics).
Quit and relaunch Photoshop after the control panel change, to ensure the new settings are applied.
You can click ADD to add sRGB if it’s not already listed there.
Once it’s selected, be sure to check “Use my settings for this device” up top.
And click on “set as Default Profile - bottom right
Screenshot of Color Management Control Panel
Depending on the characteristics of your monitor display and your requirements, using sRGB or Adobe RGB here may be good enough - but custom calibration is a superior approach.
If this change fixes the issue, it is recommended that you should now calibrate and profile the monitor properly using a calibration sensor like i1display pro, which will create and install its own custom monitor profile. The software should install its profile correctly so there should be no need to manually set the control panel once you are doing this right.
Still got problems?
If you want to try a method that’s proved successful to rule out many an issue we see with Photoshop, you can reset preferences:
To reset the preferences in Photoshop:
Note: Make sure that you back up all your custom presets, brushes & actions before restoring Photoshop's preferences. Migrate presets, actions, and settings
I hope this helps
neil barstow, colourmanagement net :: adobe forum volunteer
google me "neil barstow colourmanagement" for lots of free articles on colour management
[please only use the blue reply button at the top of the page, this maintains the original thread title and chronological order of posts]
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Oct 04, 2021
12:29 PM
1 Upvote
If you go to Creative Cloud > About Creative Cloud does it say
If not, if you quit and restart the Creative Cloud desktop app does it update?
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Oct 03, 2021
05:03 PM
Try updating or rolling back your graphics driver directly from the video card manufacturer’s site. If NVIDIA, do a clean install of the latest Studio Driver (NOT the Game Driver).
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Sep 30, 2021
02:53 PM
I am very happy to hear that you had a TM backup. Yes, not the fastest or best, but better than nothing. Let me ask the team if there might be a way to search the backup for file(s) to help get you back to where you were.
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Sep 30, 2021
10:46 AM
1 Upvote
you probably have Export Clipboard disabled in the prefs and you're opening from the desktop instead of from Ps.
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Sep 30, 2021
09:14 AM
Do not work off Google Drive. Period. Only work with local files.
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