Glenn 8675309
Glenn 8675309
‎Feb 28, 2021
07:10 AM
do it like this: No reason to copy anything.
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‎Feb 26, 2021
04:17 PM
For some, for whatever reason, that isn't an option--- we turn off auto creations and yet some still appear. One gentleman in another thread had 1 autocreation he could not delete, using the standard method you described. Of all the autocretions I had seen, for me, none of them was anything I would wanna keep, or share with anyone. There are tons of free tools that can make way better slideshows, with thosands of percent more control.
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‎Feb 26, 2021
03:12 PM
THIS IS FOR WINDOWS USERS This is for people who don't want to see any old auto creations for any reason on that pretty start screen. C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Elements Organizer\18.0\CAHeadless\Creations\ That's the location for auto creations for PSE 2020. PSE 2021 would be 19, isntead of 18.0. The names are radomly generated: '7a8433fe-1476-4bd4-b1d6-03655626af55" for example. Just go in the creations folder and delete them
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‎Feb 26, 2021
03:06 PM
C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Elements Organizer\18.0\CAHeadless\Creations\ The 18 is for pse 2020-- 19 would be for pse 2021. That is where the auto creations are stored-- each has a lonf random name combination of letter and numbers. I jusr deleted 15 auto creations- each one was about 100MB.
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‎Feb 25, 2021
03:14 PM
I call this one of my "monkey methods" (it works for me but probably is not the most popular way of doing it: Go to your images, sort by file type , right click on one, like the first jpg for example, change what you want to open that type with... scroll down your list of things you can open it with. You wil be given the option to "Open all these type of files with this other program?" My second image is not complete- I have about 25 other programs that can open JPG images for example.
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‎Feb 25, 2021
06:31 AM
I think you may be a bit confused: Every single version of adobe phtoshop elements is a brand new installation. If you have version 2020, and buy version 2021, it's a brand new installation it does not "upgrade". There are no "upgrade only" discs. Here is the amazon link for your country, on dvd. Adobe Photoshop Elements 2021 | Standard | 1 enhet | Windows / Mac | Skiva - Engelsk version: Software
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‎Feb 24, 2021
02:52 PM
That's the "photo stack" symbol. Each photo you see with that means there are ather photos "grouped" with it, and what you are looking at is the top photo- of a stack of photos "sitting on your desk." WATCH THIS: Stacking photos in organizer
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‎Feb 24, 2021
08:21 AM
PSE is not cloud based, it's about the only program from adobe that is not. How old is your computer? When I start the editor from the fancy home screen, it takes 6 seconds to fully open and load. Loading an image to edit? virtually instant (I do has a ssd).
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‎Feb 24, 2021
04:01 AM
I think it's important to understand where things, like leading, came from in PSE.
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‎Feb 23, 2021
07:36 PM
With old school printing, usint metal type and letter presses printers put strips of metal (made out of lead) to space lines of text. It's pronounced "ledding", because of those strips of metal.
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‎Feb 23, 2021
07:34 PM
‎Feb 23, 2021
03:59 PM
Press yout TAB key to make it all go away, press tab again to make everything come back. Pressing tab provides a clean, non distractive view of your canvas-- good if you're using the same tool for a long time. Make sure you have the tools checked marked for them to show.
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‎Feb 23, 2021
03:50 PM
I happen to make this graphic this morning for a private PSE group. Short version: cllick on the text tool, click and hold your left mouse button and drag down and to the right, till you get the size you need. The cursor, by default will be in the upper hand corner. Just start typing, or past youe text in. PSE does not have full justification (lines spaced out evenly along the left and right sides- like a newspaper) - jest left, right, and center justification. Don't click o nthe green justification checkmark til lafter you have you text all set up. I set my font and text size up first, then paste any text.
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‎Feb 22, 2021
08:53 AM
Two things: 1:Make sure what the arrow is pointing to is unchecked (this view is from the elements organizer preferences). EDIT> PREFERENCES 2. Buy a bigger hard drive.
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‎Feb 21, 2021
05:15 AM
You just need to select the custon shape tool (it's the "funny looking shape" ... I manually install shape libraries, so my shape directory will look different than yours. I installed a 10,000 shape library just a couple of days ago.
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‎Feb 16, 2021
09:30 AM
This si the closest you can get in PSE.....
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‎Feb 16, 2021
07:56 AM
there is nothing after also- I can't edit a post after I make it.
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‎Feb 16, 2021
07:55 AM
When a program (basically any program) works fine in safe mode, but not work in regular mode: it's generally a result of a video display driver issue. My suggestion or two: ensure you video card driver is up to date- go to the manufacturer web site and check for the latest version number. Second thing to try: I have video built into the mother board (I don't use it) I have an NVIDIA card isntalled in an expansion slot)... if you have a simliar set up uplug from the video card you installed, and plug into the video card plug on the mother board-- changing your system settings as needed. ALSO:
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‎Feb 15, 2021
03:31 PM
1 Upvote
Two. You can only use 1 copy of the software at a time.... meaning both computers can't be using it at the same time... I however think that is sort of a "wink wink" thing. I know there are at least 5 background processes that are always checking for a valid copy of your software. What's an invalid copy? Those ones from shady web sires offering it for $29,,,,
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‎Feb 13, 2021
10:59 AM
Silly question time: Does it work whe nyou start it from here?
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‎Feb 13, 2021
04:12 AM
A text effect (that said "photoshop" I downloaded... nothing really mysterious about it
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‎Feb 13, 2021
04:10 AM
Lots of things that say "photoshop" work just fine in PSE. Brushes for example... ABR files work just fine- the ABR file doesn't care what program it's in. Same goes for shape files--- Text effect templates work too- for the most part. Big issues ares missing fonts, and missing effects. You download a tempalte, and some font's in the template are missing, or an effect in Phtoshop (ambient lighting for one) is missing (nothing you can do about that) ( just note the fonts that ae missing and download them). Nothing magical about text effect downloads: Some are simply messy- not very organized, while others are pretty simple to edit. The biggest concern, I think, may be the grouping and ungrouping of layers. I literally will turn layers off, one at a time, and see what happens on the screen. Adjusment layers seem to be the biggest thing that confuses people- many simply seem to do nothing if you turn them on or off. I am convinced that most of the free text effect downloads are "works in progress" and often will contain things that simply are not set up very well. There also is nothing magical about editing thext effect downloads- You really have to understand the grouping and ungrouping layers, and realize yo uaretaking chances: A text layer in photoshop with 3D extrusion applied to it just won't work in PSE- along with Ambient lighting effects- those are things that are in Photoshop, but not PSE, so they won't work in PSE. I've donwloaded some text effects in the past and have come to the conclusion, for me anyway, not to mess with them, simply becouase many can only be described as "a hot mess".
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‎Feb 11, 2021
03:36 AM
You need to get the latest version. Stop trying to "get it to work" it won't, on your OS.
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‎Feb 11, 2021
03:32 AM
Throw those cd's away- they are worthless. Delete that copy of the cd yout put on the ssd- it's unuseable on a mac with the latest OS Your only option is to buy the latest version. Even if you bought an external dvd player, The software won't work on your mac. There simply are no work arounds, or "hacks"- you need to puruchase the latest version becouase of your OS.
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‎Feb 10, 2021
10:53 AM
The EULA for off the shelf purchases states you can only use 1 computer at a time if installed on two computers. There are always deals for educators. CC apps are only $5 a month- that means the full version of photoshop would cost less than purchasing Phtosohop elements. The interface for phtoshop can be overwhelming for younger users---- in the district where I teach al lthe Cloud apps are available to grades 7 and above- middle school here is grades 5 and 6---- photoshop elements would provide a less intimidating interface. Read this: Value Incentive Program guide (
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‎Feb 09, 2021
10:49 AM
Give this a try. I found this in a chate from 5 years ago..... Adobe - Adobe Application Manager : For Windows : Adobe Application Manager : Thank You
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‎Feb 08, 2021
07:56 AM
That sums it up. No work arounds. You have to purchase the latest version. Your download of your old version is useless- feel free to delete it.
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‎Feb 07, 2021
11:37 AM
I think this might be a bit misleading, and perhaps is what you are calling "19.1"
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‎Feb 07, 2021
11:28 AM
I'm not aware of a version 19.1.... I jsut look at the build numbers.... if you have something documenting there is a version 19.1 please post it. . Phtoshop CC 2018 is at version 19.1.4.
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‎Feb 07, 2021
05:04 AM
That's really interesting: That's not the correct "build number" for the latest version. That's a build number for PSE 2020. That makes me think you are still starting PSE 2020, using the same old icon you had been using before. The default location that starts PSE 2021 is here: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 2021 Based upon your build number posted you just need to use the right icon to start the program with. That's a guess, but it's pretty good guess....
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