Glenn 8675309
Glenn 8675309
‎Feb 07, 2021
03:55 AM
Could you please post a screenshot of this window (From inside the editor choose HELP > ABOUT)
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‎Feb 06, 2021
04:08 PM
I happen to like blue... I've always called that grey area the "workspace"-- really not sure what it's called.
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‎Feb 06, 2021
09:59 AM
1 Upvote
You can't, thank Apple for that. For big sur, yes you do need the latest version. It really is that simple.
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‎Feb 05, 2021
10:53 AM
You betcha they can! I manually install brushes from everywhere with zero issue (unless the actual ABR file is goofed up). Just put the ABR file in the location shown below for PSE 2020... FOR PSE 2020 C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\18.0\Presets\Brushes FOR PSE 2021: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\19.0\Presets\Brushes
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‎Feb 04, 2021
07:08 AM
close photoshop elements one the updater beings....should take care of it.
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‎Feb 04, 2021
05:21 AM
A user in a fb group says she can't register PSE because the activation barcode was not scanned during the pruchase process, AND she tossed the box that the two barcodes on it. The purchase was more than 90 days ago Does she have any recourse to Adobe other than a sob story and hope they "hook her up" or give her a $20 discount? I have no reason to think she is "pulling a scam".. Provided is my scan of my pse 2018 just for "an example"...
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‎Feb 03, 2021
03:21 PM
1 Upvote
YES! Purchase the graphic! Sometimes it really is that simple.
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‎Feb 03, 2021
03:14 PM
Are you using the same icon you used to start PSE 2018? It sounds as if you uninstalled 2018, the desktop icon got left behind, you click on it, and nothing happens. Each installation of PSE goes into it's own directory, and needs it's own icon to start. The default location for the EXE that starts PSE 2021 is here: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 2021
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‎Feb 03, 2021
03:08 PM
Everything you need to know is right here: (You need to register your purchase). If you bought it from Adobe you be will all registered in jsut a few minutes. Serial numbers, redemption codes, and product codes | Student and Teacher editions (
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‎Feb 01, 2021
03:36 PM
Yes it will run fine.... 16GB ram or more... is better.
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‎Feb 01, 2021
05:42 AM
EDIT >PREFERENCES >APPLICATION UPDATES Uncheck the "notifiy me" box.
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‎Jan 31, 2021
02:55 PM
I gave your method a try and it produces the same results that I can do all day long with no problem. I did print up your response- I like putting things i ndocument protectors / 3 ring binders for safe keeping.
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‎Jan 31, 2021
04:21 AM
One of the reasons I use 3D models. I'll grab a 3d model and just change the clothing or the material layer, or the color of the clothing with a few mouse clicks, be done with it, and start on something else. I typically use about 5 minutes as my "cut off" time: If I can't get it done in 5 minutes or less in PSE (and I've been usign it a while) I won't bother with it.
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‎Jan 31, 2021
03:52 AM
It's part of PSE 2021, but not PSE 2020- even though the adjust facial features is in PSE 2020 it does not have the tilt slider. You're probably using the same icon / shortcut to start the program with, and are starting PSE 2020, not PSE 2021. "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 2021\Elements Home\Adobe Photoshop Elements 2021.exe" Is the default icon start properties for PSE 2021. Right mouse click on your icon you're using had see what's what.
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‎Jan 31, 2021
03:42 AM
Definately an advanced user skill. If I could learn how to do this, and master it, I'd charge people to do it.
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‎Jan 31, 2021
03:40 AM
I llke the emboss filter idea... It's like a bump map in my 3D modelling stuff in DAZ 3D. This is definately not a "new user" skill! The user in the facebookbook group wants to remove a pattern on a stock dress image she was wanting to purchase. I tolder. if it was me, I'd just look for a different free image, andgo back to watching cat videos on youtube..
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‎Jan 30, 2021
04:51 PM
In a Facebook group I'm in a user was wanting to change some clothing that has patterns in it, to just one solid color, or to replace the pattern with a different pattern. I can make solid color clothing, like a white sweater, any color I want with no difficulty, and maintain the clothing texture through the color change. I jsut can't figure out how to change clothing with patterns in it to a solid color, and maintain the texture of the clothing. In the image below (which I got off of pexels) is it possible to change the jacket to a solid color, lets call it blue, and maintain the pattern / texutre of the jacket material? I'm running PSE 2021 / WIN 10 and the user is running PSE2020 and WIN 10.
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‎Jan 29, 2021
05:16 PM
Man! I never knew that!
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‎Jan 29, 2021
03:57 PM
That looks like a "low drop shadow" with a lighting angle of 180 and width of zero. The drop sadow color is "greyish".
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‎Jan 27, 2021
06:57 AM
That's all fine, go ahead. In a photoshop elements group on facebook, many of of the users are a bit older (50+) and were often compaining abotu spending hours watching youtube videos on various things, and still not understanding it. I started making screenshots of various things and people said they liked it, so I kinda ran with it. Of course I always explain there are typically 3 or 4 ways of doing what I show- I just talk about the way I like doing things. That doesn't make my way any better, or worse than your way of doing it--- I like using the paint bucket A LOT. I also have been posting a "Daily Cup of knowledge" simple, 1 post a day- all the info must fit on that one graphic. In the facebook group people will often take a photo of their screen, with their phone- and it often doesn't show what is needed, or is out of focus, or is too small...
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‎Jan 26, 2021
02:38 PM
I actualy started making my own user friendly help manual.... designed for new users. Lots of pictures, answers lots of the basic quiestions new users have. I used PSE 2020 to start it with. Below is one of the pages from the "manual"--- alot of the last bunch of pages are blank- and the table of contents is not completly updated. The users is this group could easilly "crowdsource" our own, user freindly manual. The adobe help stuff is pretty dry.
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‎Jan 26, 2021
06:08 AM
1 Upvote
Turns out "Adoibe reader" cand do it. save the image as a pdf first. Print posters and banners using Acrobat or Reader (
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‎Jan 26, 2021
05:39 AM
Look here: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\18.0\Presets\Brushes (18 is pse 2020-- 19 is pse 2021) The "user" is generally whatever name you gave your account when setting up windows... i didn't name anything so it says "user"- whats important is the roaming directory, not the program files directory. Just go to the brushes pre set folder and delete what you dont want.
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‎Jan 26, 2021
05:29 AM
Why bother? I just take my images like that (bigger than 8.5. x 11) on a thumb drive to a local print place hand have them print it up for me at the size-- which would cost me about 60 cents... I save tons of time by doing that. The suggestion by Greg S is about the only way you can do it- and it's going to produce poor looking results regardless of how careful you are cuttiing things.
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‎Jan 24, 2021
07:55 PM
Your answer is probably not correct. He is implying full justifcation- the 9 year old post you cited is not corrrect. Full justifcation is not possible in PSE.
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‎Jan 24, 2021
03:07 PM
Just turn off the layers you don't want to use / see (click on the layer eyeball).
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‎Jan 24, 2021
03:04 PM
1 Upvote
Non there is not. Only Left / center / right justifiction is built in. You would have to get "elements+" for full justification. About Elements+ (
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‎Jan 21, 2021
04:38 PM
Yes, but not from the mocrosoft store. Purchase it from the main adobe site. During the checkout process there will be a llittle box you check for having a previous version. Typically, in the U.S. it knows off $20 off the current price. It's not a upgrade, it's a brand new installation. Your prrevious version remains untouched. You will be prompted during the isntallion process about importing your catalogues, just do it.
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‎Jan 21, 2021
03:57 PM
‎Jan 20, 2021
12:05 PM
If you meant the font's (text) used in the interface, there is nothing you can do about it. The size it dispalys at is it.
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