Glenn 8675309
Glenn 8675309
‎Mar 07, 2021
06:15 AM
You might want to try deleting your Save for Web preferences file. I haven't got access to a Mac and the directory structure may be different in Big Sur, but you should be looking for something like Users/[Username]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Save For Web 13.0 Prefs and/or Users/[Username]/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Plugins/Adobe Save for Web Elements 13 (Unless you bought it through the Apple App Store, in which case there's a more convulated way of getting to them - let us know if that's the case!) If that doesn't work, assuming you want to keep the image as a JPEG, try using the Save As... feature instead. If you keep JPEG as the file type you'll get a cut-down version of the same settings for JPEGs in the JPEG Options dialog box: Hopefully, those options will be enough for your needs.
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‎Mar 07, 2021
05:17 AM
Presuming you want to print the date the photo was taken, in the Photoshop Elements Organizer there is the option to change the Date Format in Edit > Preferences > General. Can't seem to find a similar such preference setting in the Photoshop Elements Editor though, so think the solution will be to print your images from the Organizer.
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‎Mar 06, 2021
07:44 PM
1 Upvote
Hi Ted, You've probably already worked out you this "kludge" 🙂 yourself, but just in case, and for the benefit of others: 1. Create your title page and all your 2-page spreads as you would do normally. 2. Click the "Advanced Mode" button. 3. Select the "Title Page" in the Pages panel. 4. Click the "Layers" panel button. 5. Put all the existing layers into a new layer group named Title Page. 6. Duplicate the new Title Page layer group and name it Back Page. 7. Hide the Title Page layer group. 8. Make any edits you want to the new Back Page layer group, e.g. keep the background, delete the image, move and change the text. 9. Hide the Back Page layer group when you've finished, and make the Title Page layer group visible again. 10. Now you've got your whole photo book in one document. 11. When you go to print, print the whole document with the Title Page layer group visible. 12. Then hide the Title Page layer group, and make the Back Page layer group visible once more. 13. Go to print again, but this time use the Remove button on the left-hand side of the Print dialog window to remove all the pages except the top one - which is of course, your new Back Page.
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‎Mar 04, 2021
12:43 AM
Thanks for the reply. I have looked at Media-Analysis inPreferences and generate Auto Creations was indeed checked. I have unchecked it and hopefully that will solve the problem.
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‎Mar 03, 2021
03:38 AM
distortions with images is quite common when they are not viewed at 100%-- partuculalry with textures. Zoom in to 100% with the images, willing to bet bet the lines disappear.
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‎Mar 02, 2021
03:49 PM
1 Upvote
@gc73pgc said:
I am new using Adobe Photoshop Elements. Could you please give step by step instructions your suggestion "If I were doing thing I'd flip the layout and add the labels inse after the flip. I jist covered them up with a white box, flattened al lthe resultng layers and flipped that." Not sure how to cover the labels with white box, flatten all the resulting layers and flipped that. Do I then mannually type the labels back into the flipped floor plan?
For most tasks in Photoshop, there is usually more than one way to perform it. Since this is apparently not your image but you want to learn how to perform what has been suggested, here are a couple of suggestions:
Because of the problem with reversing the text if you flip the image, the first step would be to remove or hide the text from the background diagram. In this particular image, the text goes over the schematic lines. So, if you simply put a white rectangle box over the text, it would remove the line. Similarly, if you cut the text out of the diagram and place it on a separate layer in order to move the text to a new position on the flipped diagram, some of the lines would be moved and show up in the wrong place:
However, to use these options:
The white box can be placed over the text by:
selecting the Shape tool
choose the rectangle shape
make sure the foreground color is set to white and
draw a rectangle around each text label in the diagram
If you use this method, a new layer will be created with a white box covering the text. However, once all the text has been covered, it will be necessary to flatten the layers in order to flip the image. (Otherwise, the white box layers will remain where they were.) So, you can use the flatten image command from the Layers menu or from the Layers panel context menu.
If you want to use the method to place the text in a new layer which can be moved to the correct position when the image is flipped, do the following:
Use the rectangular marquee tool to draw a box around a text label
Press Ctrl+J
This will place the text on a new layer. You would have to do the same for each label. I would recommend renaming the layer with the text contained on the layer so you can keep track of it.
You would then flip the diagram layer, using Image>Rotate>Flip Layer Horizontal and move the text layers to their appropriate position.
However, having said all of that, I believe the cleanest approach would be to delete all of the text using the paintbrush tool with a white foreground. You would then type the text labels back in using the text tool. This would avoid the problems I have mentioned above. I would use a square brush because the text is very close to some of the lines and it will be necessary to zoom in very close and paint over the text pixels almost one at a time. It all depends on how much time and effort you want to put into the project and how clean you need the end result to be.
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‎Feb 28, 2021
10:55 AM
Assuming you have windows: Look in your system processes and kill off anything that says organizer.
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‎Feb 26, 2021
04:17 PM
For some, for whatever reason, that isn't an option--- we turn off auto creations and yet some still appear. One gentleman in another thread had 1 autocreation he could not delete, using the standard method you described. Of all the autocretions I had seen, for me, none of them was anything I would wanna keep, or share with anyone. There are tons of free tools that can make way better slideshows, with thosands of percent more control.
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‎Feb 26, 2021
03:06 PM
C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Elements Organizer\18.0\CAHeadless\Creations\ The 18 is for pse 2020-- 19 would be for pse 2021. That is where the auto creations are stored-- each has a lonf random name combination of letter and numbers. I jusr deleted 15 auto creations- each one was about 100MB.
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‎Feb 25, 2021
06:09 AM
1 Upvote
This is very helpful. Thank you!
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‎Feb 24, 2021
04:01 AM
I think it's important to understand where things, like leading, came from in PSE.
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‎Feb 23, 2021
03:59 PM
Press yout TAB key to make it all go away, press tab again to make everything come back. Pressing tab provides a clean, non distractive view of your canvas-- good if you're using the same tool for a long time. Make sure you have the tools checked marked for them to show.
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‎Feb 18, 2021
05:00 PM
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‎Feb 16, 2021
01:00 PM
Elements does not have a color balance adjustment layer tool. I would say that the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer gives you the most control over color. You can also use the Photo Filter adjustment layer if there is a particular "look" that you are going for.
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‎Feb 16, 2021
07:56 AM
there is nothing after also- I can't edit a post after I make it.
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‎Feb 15, 2021
04:14 PM
1 Upvote
You can install on as many computers as you want, but only be signed in on two at a time, and only be using one at a time.
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‎Feb 13, 2021
08:06 AM
Which specific template are you having problems with?
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‎Feb 11, 2021
08:33 AM
should I simply buy an external DVD/CD reader for the Macbook OR buy PSE2021...?
By @Benny5E3F
Buy PSE 2021.
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‎Feb 11, 2021
03:36 AM
You need to get the latest version. Stop trying to "get it to work" it won't, on your OS.
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‎Feb 08, 2021
07:56 AM
That sums it up. No work arounds. You have to purchase the latest version. Your download of your old version is useless- feel free to delete it.
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‎Feb 07, 2021
07:43 PM
You may be better off asking in the Photoshop Elements forum. It look like your using Photoshop Elements not Photoshop. Elements may has some build in feature the can help you with what you want to do. Elements Forum
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‎Feb 06, 2021
04:29 PM
What? LOL its normal for computers to update, that shouldnt make the software obsolute. I have hundreds of software programs on my computer, every single one of them works after upgrading. ... By @neo15C3 It will when the OS switches to 100% 64-bit operation which is what Big Sur did. PSE 2018 was released in Oct 2017, long before Big Sur was even a gleam in Apple's eye. Would you have upgraded to Big Sur if you had to pay for it? I kind of doubt it. You have been conned by Apple, not Adobe! And, if you have "hundreds" of software programs on your Mac, I seriously doubt that you've tested each and every one of them to ensure that they work after the upgrade to Big Sur. JMO!
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‎Feb 06, 2021
04:08 PM
I happen to like blue... I've always called that grey area the "workspace"-- really not sure what it's called.
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‎Feb 05, 2021
01:47 PM
Thanks for the reply. I'll download and install ASAP. Larry Arends [Moderator deleted private identifying information]
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‎Feb 04, 2021
07:08 AM
close photoshop elements one the updater beings....should take care of it.
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‎Feb 04, 2021
05:21 AM
A user in a fb group says she can't register PSE because the activation barcode was not scanned during the pruchase process, AND she tossed the box that the two barcodes on it. The purchase was more than 90 days ago Does she have any recourse to Adobe other than a sob story and hope they "hook her up" or give her a $20 discount? I have no reason to think she is "pulling a scam".. Provided is my scan of my pse 2018 just for "an example"...
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‎Feb 03, 2021
03:08 PM
Everything you need to know is right here: (You need to register your purchase). If you bought it from Adobe you be will all registered in jsut a few minutes. Serial numbers, redemption codes, and product codes | Student and Teacher editions (
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‎Feb 03, 2021
08:36 AM
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