‎Jun 19, 2022
04:24 PM
Yes, I forgot that the images are black and white, not black and transparent. My bad. Using the Blend If helped a little bit, but the image was not 100% just black and white, it had some grays as well, so I would lose those if I used for example the threshold adjustment layer and then the Blend If to make sure all white was gone. But the trick to use Blend If and then Merge Visible is a good one. Will save that tip. Thanks! And yes, changing the blend more to Screen did the trick.
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‎Jun 19, 2022
04:20 PM
Yes, I forgot that the pasted images had a white background. My bad. Changing to Screen works like a charm. Thanks Can you explain that Channel Mixer Layer process? I've never used it and I don't know what that is and how that could benefit that process. If this is to make the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black look as accurate as possible, that's not really an issue, because what I'm trying to achieve is actually something where I can use different colors for each channel for different effects. But if you can explain the Channel Mixer process in this scenario, that would be great! 🙂
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‎Jun 19, 2022
04:08 PM
Just effect
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‎Jun 19, 2022
04:08 PM
1 Upvote
Look closer to the 1st image. There's a pattern of oblique squares, whereas the second image, doesn't. I'm not talking about the halftone pattern, of course 😉
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‎Jun 19, 2022
05:26 AM
I'm trying to create the halftone effect and then being able to change each channel's color instead of the standard 4 color scheme (CMYK). Now the issue is that when I have the 4 one color halftones and I apply a color overlay and clip mask them, all I get is a full color layer, instead of it filling the black information with the color I selected. Here's my layer with the black pixels: And this is what I get when I add a color overlay: Layer with a brush stroke in red: Now applying the color overlay: Why does it work with the brush, but not the other layer? Am I missing something here? UPDATE: I was able to fix this (I guess), but still not perfect. I went to the blending options on the color overlay layer and changed the underlying layer slider for the whites from 255 to 254. Now here's the tricky part and I'm not understanding what's happening: any value but 255, when the image's zoom is set to 100%, nothing changes, meaning, I get the same results (look at the slider): But with the zoom set to fit the page (look at the values of the slider): Now when I don't have the color overlay and I zoom to fit, the image doesn't turn black unlike the color overlay with certain values, also at zoom to fit:
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‎Jun 19, 2022
04:37 AM
1 Upvote
Question 1: [SOLVED - click here to read the answer]: If I have a small image (800 by 500) how can I apply the color halftone without the dots being too big? When I try 1px as the radius, I get the warning that a value between 4 and 127 is required. Question 2 [SOLVED - see the second image below]: I'm applying the filter and I still get a visible pattern, even though I'm using the "recommended" angles of 15, 45, 0, 75 I'm no expert in halftone and I was just reading on a website about it. I understand that angles can create these patterns if not set properly, so I'm confused as to why this is still creating the patterns? UPDATE - Solved the issue with these values instead: 15, 75, 0, 45:   Any tips on these?
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‎Jun 13, 2022
04:19 AM
I have an image with many different colors. Now I have a reference color, for example a blue that's particular to my brand. Is there a way to match the blue present in the image to my brand's color, but while doing that, it changes the HUE of the whole image? I'm not trying to replace the blue from the image with my brand's blue. Basically it analyzes both blues and based on their differences it adjusts the HUE and if needed, the saturation, brightness, etc. Sure, I can do that by using my eyes, but I was curious if there's a way to do this where the chances of error between the 2 blues are practically zero? Any tool that does it automatically, or a trick to achieve the same result?
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‎Jun 11, 2022
03:06 PM
1 Upvote
That script you shared is insane! I get anxiety just looking at it... haha Just saved it and will test it once I get some time to create different scenarios with missing files. Thanks for sharing!
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‎Jun 11, 2022
02:44 PM
I think the user could have the option to set links to absolute (for example if they have a folder with certain assets, like a library) or set it to relative (when you are working on a project with lots of linked PSD files that need to be together, because maybe you work with other people and need to share that project with them?). Then even if the type of link is wrong and the file can't be found, Photoshop could show a window where it would be easy to find the file(s). For example I work with Logic Pro to make music and when a file is missing, it shows me which file and gives me a few locations where files with the same name are present and then I pick one. Or I can then pick one manually, but the process is pretty simple and effective either way. https://discussions.apple.com/content/attachment/734928040
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‎Jun 04, 2022
02:52 AM
Thank you again for your time and help! This last code isn't as valuable to me as the other ones, because when I'm using this feature, it's more of a way for me to know the ratio of a particular section, not to really crop it. If I had the ability to press a button and make it automatically create the preset, that would be an improvement, but cropping it right away is not the intention... I know that on my request I wrongfully mentioned the Apply Crop button, but now looking back, it doesn't make sense that I mentioned that (at least not for my original intention for this feature). Maybe other users will find it useful though, knowing the ratio before cropping something? 🙂 Anyway, when I tried it, I got an error, after it was able to crop it successfully: Again, thanks for your help. I totally understand that something as complex as this would require a lot of extra work and to me, the first 2 scripts are already a HUGE help, because I was struggling with this on a regular basis and this will save me a lot of time, so THANKS!  
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‎Jun 03, 2022
05:21 AM
Yes, that's what I thought. A script would probably be the best option. It would be great if Photoshop had that implemented with a right click over a selection. Anyway, Stephen came to the rescue and shared some valuable scripts 🙂 Thanks for tagging those people on your reply!
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‎Jun 03, 2022
05:17 AM
Amazing @Stephen Marsh ! Thank you so much for those scripts. I just saved both of them 🙂 I have a few questions: 1 - Since this section below is just a comment, I can go ahead and just delete it, right? /*
var selectionLeft = selectionBounds[0].value;
var selectionTop = selectionBounds[1].value;
var selectionRight = selectionBounds[2].value;
var selectionBottom = selectionBounds[3].value;
var selectionXCenter = (selectionBounds[0].value + selectionWidth) / 2;
var selectionYCenter = (selectionBounds[1].value + selectionHeight) / 2;
*/ 2 - From what I saw, the scripts are only showing the information about the ratios available, correct? It's not supposed to perform any action once we hit the OK button, right? 3 - An improvement to the scripts (if that's not much work and you see it as an improvement, of course) would be to have 3 buttons instead of just the OK button. So: - The OK button would become a Close button instead - One button could be something like Apply Crop. This would activate the Crop Tool and automatically add that ratio to the W and H fields so the user could automatically see what the numbers are and apply the crop right away - One button like New Crop Preset. This would activate the Crop Tool, add the numbers to the W and H fields, then would automatically select the New Crop Preset... option from the menu. Then the user would be able to just type a custom name and hit Ok. Anyway, these scripts alone are already a great help, so I truly appreciate you sharing them and spending the time adapting the original one to my request 🙂 If you believe adding those extra functions would be a good improvement, let me know. Thanks again for your precious contribution!!!
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‎Jun 03, 2022
04:53 AM
For example, let's say I just created my official website using WordPress and installed a particular theme. Each theme has different sizes when it comes to post thumbnails/featured images. So if I'm creating new posts on a regular basis and I use stock images, for example, I want to be able to create a crop preset so I can always crop those images to fit the ratio of my Wordpress theme. So I would just take a screenshot of my website's front page with all the post thumbnails, and then paste it into Photoshop, create a selection around one of the thumbnails and create the crop preset. Hope it makes sense...
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‎Jun 02, 2022
02:56 PM
Is there a way (maybe a workaround?) to find the aspect ratio of a selection or an image? Let's say I have a document and inside that document I have a photo. I would like to select that photo and using that selection, being able to automatically know what the aspect ratio is so I can then create a crop preset based on that. Sure, I could use the size of the image as my W and H, but I was thinking if it was possible to have it done (kinda) automatically and also, instead of having an aspect ratio of 1489 by 933, I would have something a bit simpler (lower numbers the same way we have 16:9, 4:5, etc).
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‎May 12, 2022
10:22 AM
Thanks again for the quick and helpful reply. I was able to find the folder with all the assets (dcx folder) My goal is to just have access to them, should the app fail to load them, so I can copy them to another location when necessary (not moving or altering any of the files inside). The link you sent me is not useful for me, because I'm only facing that issue with the Creative Cloud app, not Photoshop. The issue is that I can't export any library item directly from Photoshop's Creative Cloud panel (which maybe you could add in a future update, so users could still use the assets without going deep into the Library folder). Anyway, your answer helped me find that folder, just in case... Appreciate your time and help! 🙂
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‎May 12, 2022
08:33 AM
Hi @Tarun Saini Thank you for your reply. I just did what you suggested (reset). When I face that problem, there are no error messages. It just doesn't load the libraries and the panel remains empty. Sometimes restarting fixes it, sometimes it doesn't. Here are the screenshots: So my question still remains: Is it possible to use CC offline? If so, then I assume the libraries are somehow saved somewhere on my computer? Any tip on how to access them, should the Creative Cloud app doesn't show them? Thank you
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‎May 11, 2022
08:11 AM
At the moment the only Adobe product I'm using is Photoshop. I use another program for vector work. If I have certain elements inside my libraries in Photoshop, but Creative Cloud is offline, because I have no internet connection, how can I export those elements directly from Photoshop or from Finder so I can use inside the vector program, for example, an svg icon? I'm having troubles with Creative Cloud not showing my Libraries, sometimes, so I would like to know rely on it 100%. Any tips?
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‎May 09, 2022
01:20 PM
@Mark C. Dahm I don't have any external monitors. It's a laptop and I only use the built in screen. I checked the option you mentioned. That doesn't put the extra options inside the Technology Previews, if that's what you meant by "does that clean it up"... If you meant "does the problem go away?", then I will have to wait until it happens (or doesn't happen). Give me a few more days and if the issue comes back, I will let you know 😉 Again, thank you so much for the quick and helpful replies! Fingers crossed now...
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‎May 09, 2022
01:11 PM
Maybe that's the issue (old version). I'm in the middle of some important projects and updating applications in that situation is always a problem for me so I will have to wait until I'm done with those. I had issues with several applications when updating and so I try to avoid updating unless I'm not "at risk" 😉 I will do it as soon as I'm done. Really appreciate your time and help!
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‎May 09, 2022
01:09 PM
But as I mentioned, I don't have that option under Technology previews:  
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‎May 09, 2022
01:06 PM
Thanks for clarifying. It didn't seem the same, that's why I thought it was a mistake. Appreciate it!
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‎May 09, 2022
01:05 PM
@Mark.Dahm I was following your replies and unfortunately my panel doesn't have those options:   Also, someone recommended unchecking the "Use Graphics Processor option. This is what I have at the moment: Any tips? I'm having a different issue, but @J453 suggested you as a possible problem solver 😉
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‎May 09, 2022
12:38 PM
Note to the forum's admin/moderators: Please, don't move this post again, because someone moved my previous post to something that's not related to what I'm experiencing and that doesn't help. (https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-document-window-turns-grey-black-photoshop-23-0-2-with-mac-os-monterrey/idc-p/12929047/page/3#M55872) My Issue: Sometimes when I leave PS open for a while, when I go back and open a new document, for example, it doesn't update the window. What I mean is that the new document seems to open, because I see the layers, but the document itself doesn't load. Or if I had for example 4 documents opened, when I close 1, instead of showing me the next document, it keeps the 1st window. For example look how I just created a new document, I can see the layers, but the window is not visible (and no, this is not a problem with the window being closed or anything, it's really a bug that goes away once I restart PS): Anyone knows what this is and how to fix it, without restarting? Sometimes I have unsaved documents and because I can't see them, when it asks me if I want to save (when I try to close PS to fix the bug), I don't know if it's safe to save or not, because I have no idea what changes I made...
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‎May 09, 2022
12:31 PM
@J453 Thank you for the suggestion. I ended up rebooting and here's what I noticed: when I tried to run it again, it didn't work. I was using Spolight to find the app and decided to see what was happening and I guess the issue is that Spotlight was grabbing another copy of Creative Cloud from a different volume I have on the same disk with another macOS installed and plenty of apps, including Creative Cloud. My guess is that it was loading that version and not the one from the main disk I walways boot from. Hope it makes sense. Anyway, it's now working and I see the files again. 🙂 I appreciate your time and help!
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‎May 09, 2022
08:18 AM
Not a user of Libraries, so I'm sorry if this is an obvious question/answer... I have a vector element inside my Libraries and when I right click it and choose Edit, it says I need to install Illustrator. Thing is, I'm not using Illustrator as my vector editor. Is it possible to change this to another editor?  
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‎May 09, 2022
08:12 AM
When I go to Photoshop I see some elements on my Libraries panel, but when I use the app (Mac), it's empty. The web version shows those elements, though.   I was never a user of the libraries, but would like to use them. I just find it weird that the app doesn't show anything. Any idea what's happening? Thank you  
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‎May 07, 2022
03:37 PM
Sometimes when I leave PS open for a while, when I go back and open a new document, for example, it doesn't update the window. What I mean is that the new document seems to open, because I see the layers, but the document itself doesn't load. Or if I had for example 4 documents opened, when I close 1, instead of showing me the next document, it keeps the 1st window. For example look how I just created a new document, I can see the layers, but the window is not visible (and no, this is not a problem with the window being closed or anything, it's really a bug that goes away once I restart PS):   Anyone knows what this is and how to fix it, without restarting? Sometimes I have unsaved documents and because I can't see them, when it asks me if I want to save (when I try to close PS to fix the bug), I don't know if it's safe to save or not, because I have no idea what changes I made...
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‎May 02, 2022
07:45 AM
Sorry, my reply probably wasn't clear enough. My confusion with your reply, was more about the sentence itself that seemed confusing. Maybe you mistyped something, maybe forgot to add some punctuation, etc? It's just the sentence that seems to not make sense when I read it. I will check the video anyway. Thanks again 🙂
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‎May 02, 2022
06:01 AM
@TheDigitalDog Sorry... your reply seems a bit confusing. Can you clarify what you mean? Thank you
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‎May 02, 2022
03:44 AM
@TheDigitalDog Thans for the link. I will watch it when I have some free time, as I noticed is 40m long so I need to really focus on that. Meanwhile I believe I understand what Gamut, Color Spaces, sRGB, Adobe RGB is. Since my work is primarily web or printing that doesn't require any special treatment, I will stick to sRGB. I think I found how to set it up as the default (using the File > New... > Advanced section, I was able to change it to sRGB and it seems that it stays as the default). Can you confirm that this is the best way to do it to set it as the default? Again, thanks for the link and will watch it soon, for sure!
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