‎May 02, 2022
03:31 AM
@D Fosse Thank you for the reply. I decided to so some research and found this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2T62ZHIu6s) and I think I understand it a little bit better now. So since I'm not going to work with any kind of image that requires more than sRGB (for example on the video he recommends Adobe RGB for printed photography), how can I make my default workflow sRGB so I don't have to deal with this issue ever again? I just want to always see a color and when I export it, that color doesn't change, because it's always using sRGB. Can you tell me if this is the right way to do it? I go to Edit > Assign Profile > Working RGB: sRGB IEC61966-2.1 When I do that, I see that the color changes to that less saturated version, the one I see when I use Save For Web. I noticed that when I use Profile: Display, it gets super saturated. So should I set the profile to Working RGB: sRGB IEC61966-2.1? I noticed that when I create a new document, in the Advanced section, I can change the Color Profile to Working RGB: sRGB IEC61966-2.1 and if I then create new documents after that change, it keeps that profile as the default. Is this the right way to set it as default or is there another "standard" way? Thank you!
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‎Apr 30, 2022
11:03 AM
"As long as you check "embed profile" and "convert to sRGB" you'll be fine." Unfortunately for me, that didn't solve the problem... Here are two images. Maybe you can see something I'm missing? The whole color settings, spaces, etc, is not something I've really explored, as 99% of my work is for myself and always for web. Those technical details were never a real issue for me, up until now. Maybe this is more obvious than other stuff I've done in the past.    
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‎Apr 30, 2022
11:00 AM
@Per Berntsen You are correct. When I mentioned CMYK was not that the file was being converted, but more about the "look" of the file compared to the original. Even checking Convert to sRGB, Embed Color Profile and the Preview set to use Document Profile (as someone I believe suggested), I get the same desaturated image. The saturation goes from 100% down to 67%. This is what I just tried and I get the same results:  
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‎Apr 30, 2022
10:55 AM
"Why do you think that the saved file is CMYK? Are you sure?" Sorry, I created a monster here... hahaha What I meant was that the color is similar to the one if I convert the document from RGB to CMYK. The Save as Web is not converting the file. I was just using CMYK is an example of what the color look like. For example the color I use is #ccff00 and the preview is showing me something different. Comparing them I get this: ORIGINAL   CONVERTED (look at how the saturation goes from 100% down to 67%). Even the hue is different.   "Open your saved image in Photoshop and at bottom left click the arrow and select the "Document Profile" option" I don't see that option. Maybe we have different versions and that changed? Here's what I see:   "Since Save for Web converts to sRGB, your pixel values will change if the originating image was in another colour space, say Adobe RGB perhaps?. That could explain what you are seeing." Even with 20 years of PS experience, the deep/technical aspect of the program was never something I really dove into, because all the work I do is for personal use. I'm not very familiar with the color spaces technicality, maybe you can see if this is what I should be looking at?  
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‎Apr 30, 2022
10:49 AM
"we should be grateful that Save For Web is still around" Yes, I was trying the Export panel and it seems a bit "incomplete" or at least stuff that I'm used to doing with Save for Web, is not present in the Export panel (or maybe I just don't know to get there) such as the option to view the original file next to the optimized one. "None of them support CMYK, so you can disregard that" Yes, when I mentioned CMYK was not that it was converting, but the color itself changes to something similar to when I convert the file to CMYK, hence my mention. "If you convert to sRGB from something else, the numbers will change" I don't think I'm converting it from something else... I think... Even though I've been working with PS for maybe 20 years, I never really dove into the deep waters of it (the technical stuff), because all the work I do is pretty much for myself, so I tend to just explore what I truly need, if you know what I mean?
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‎Apr 30, 2022
10:42 AM
@Test Screen Name I believe this is what you need? I've never messed with that panel so I would guess those are the default settings...? Can you please clarify what you mean by "How are you checking the colours exactly"? I was looking at the Export panel and it seems that it's missing some features and not being able to see the original file in contrast with the optimized (or maybe, I can't seem to understand how to do it), make the Save for Web the best option to export files, as long as the colors remain the same. Thanks!
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‎Apr 30, 2022
01:08 AM
I have a few questions regarding the Save for Web feature: 1 - Why is this feature seen as "legacy"? Assuming that Adobe see it as something that's not supposed to be used anymore, what is the alternative to achieve the same results? The Save for Web window has a lot of useful features besides just messing with the quality of the file to make it smaller. Any tips? 2 - When I export a jpg using this feature, the colors are different from the original, even if I select the Embed Color Profile. It seems that it converts the colors to CMYK even though my image is set to RGB. So for example my main color #ccff00 gets converted to #ccfd54. Why is that and how can I change this behavior while still using Save for Web? When I use the normal File > Save As, the color is retained, even if I set the quality to 5 (Medium).
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‎Apr 25, 2022
06:20 AM
@Kukurykus Oh I see what you mean. Thanks. My questions before your reply were not related to that though. All I wanted to know if that particular script was supposed to run inside xtools (because I was/am assuming that that is an app?) or if I could run it by itself (which I then tested and realized it can) and also, if that script can be changed to bypass the window where it asks where to save the backuped actions, because I want my actions to always backup to a specific folder, so being asked where the destination is, is just an extra step that I would like to bypass, if possible.
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‎Apr 25, 2022
05:37 AM
@Kukurykus Sorry, but I don't understand your message... can you clarify what you mean and what that would do? Thank you
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‎Apr 21, 2022
02:12 PM
1 Upvote
@J453Yes, that was the issue. Thank you so much for the tip 🙂
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‎Apr 20, 2022
05:37 AM
@Stephen Marshsorry, by question wasn't clear enough. My question was if that file was a normal script that could be run by PS or if it was a file that would only run by using any other files inside that xtools thing. Again, I'm not familiar with xtools and so I saw a lot of files there, assuming that it was some kind of "app" and that "app" would then read certain jsx files, including the one you mentioned, making it impossible to read the jsx file by itself. Does it make sense? Anyway, from your reply, I understood it is a script, ran it and it's a great alternative indeed! Now, I opened that file and I was like WHAAAAT? 20k lines of code?! My question: do you know if all that code is indeed only for saving the actions? Also, do you know how to bypass that panel where it asks where to save the actions and just insert the destination on the code itself? For example I have a Backups folder where I save a lot of backup files from different apps. Since I started using Keyboard Maestro I would like to create a macro that would run that backup for PS actions, but I would like it to go straight to my Backups folder (/Users/dannywyatt/Backups). Is this easy to achieve? Do you know how to make that change to the code? Thanks! 🙂
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‎Apr 20, 2022
03:42 AM
@Stephen Marsh Thanks for the link to xtools. I'm not familiar with what this is, but I downloaded it and I can see the jsx file you mentioned. Should I put this on my scripts folder and run it from inside PS? Is that how I should use it? Thank you!
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‎Apr 20, 2022
01:10 AM
1 Upvote
@Stephen Marsh I don't think it needed a major reworking or changing how sets and actions work. Behind the scenes it could just do some stuff that we can do normally and manually. For example, if one or more actions are selected and we choose Save Actions, it would (without the user seeing the process): 1 - Create a new temporary set 2 - Create a duplicate of the selected action(s) inside that new temporary set 3 - Export that set as an atn file 4 - Delete that new temporary set once the save actions window is closed Or it would automatically recognize that 1 or more actions were selected and it would save an atn file with just that action(s). Or, to avoid breaking old versions as you said, sets would still be called atn, but now individual actions would have a different extension like acn, since at the moment, they don't have one. So on the menu we would have Save Actions (Set) - it would save the set (atn) the way it is now, Save Actions (Selected) - it would save the selected action(s) - new acn files. Also, it seems weird to me that saving more than 1 set isn't available, even if it would save each set separately, not as a single atn file. It would be way better than going 1 set at a time. I started using Keyboard Maestro recently and now I am able to at least reduce the work and time when saving actions a little bit, but I still need to do one at a time when I want to create my weekly backups.
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‎Apr 14, 2022
07:26 AM
1 Upvote
I think the actions panel could benefit from some improvements to make the whole process of exporting and importing actions, more friendly and easier to the user. Tips: 1 - Allow the export/import of single actions, instead of the whole set. If I just created a new action and it resides inside a set with 100 other actions, maybe I don't want to export all 101 actions? Maybe I just want to export that 1 action to maybe share it with another user? Or maybe to just have them organized by actions and not sets? Of course you can create another set, create a copy of that action and export the set. That's not the point. I'm talking about easy of use, not workarounds. 2 - Allow the export of selected actions or sets. It would be great if we could select a few actions or sets and export those as a package. Again, exporting the whole set is a bit too much. The same for when importing. Maybe I just want to import 1 action, not a set with 100 actions to clutter my actions menu. Again, of course you can create another set, create a copy of that action (or actions) and export the set. That's not the point. I'm talking about easy of use, not workarounds. 3 - Allow the export of ALL sets. In the top right menu, we should be able to just export the whole collection, as a backup file, so it would export whatever we have there, even the Default ones (if we haven't deleted them). This would be great to keep regular backups of the whole collection. Making this fast with just 2 or 3 clicks, would make it so much easier for the user. What do you all think? Do you agree? Any disadvantages I'm not aware?
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‎Apr 14, 2022
07:20 AM
1 Upvote
Well, it's just a matter of habit that will probably change from now on. And to be honest, the whole process of saving actions is a very cumbersome process. The fact that you can't just save a single action, but need to save the whole set, or that you can't save all sets at once, but you have to save them one at a time, makes the process less "friendly" and I believe maybe that's the reason why I don't do it whenever I create a new action. But again, maybe that mindset will change from now on...?
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‎Apr 13, 2022
06:24 PM
Yeah from now on I will be creating .atn files weekly. It's on my todo list.
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‎Apr 13, 2022
06:19 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the reply Stephen. While waiting for a reply, I kept doing some research and I found another thread where someone mentioned the Actions Palette.psp file. Luckily, as paranoid as I am with backups (I have 3 disks that I use daily, several times a day), I was able to go back and retrieve that file that was updated this morning, before I messed up with the app. Now everything is back, already created manual copies and will create backups of them weekly, just in case 😉 Thanks for the tip anyway!!
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‎Apr 13, 2022
06:00 PM
UPDATE: I was able to go back to one of my backup disks and find the Actions Palette.psp file and replace the old one. Anyone facing the same issue, if you're on a Mac, this is where the file is (hopefully you have a backup disk and you are able to retrieve the old file): ~/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop 2020 Settings/Actions Palette.psp (of course this last folder's name might change depending on your version of Photoshop). ----- Today I was working on some AppleScript stuff and I couldn't make one of them work with Photoshop so I just tried renaming the original app file and even moving it out of the original Adobe Photoshop 2020 folder. After running some tests, I put it back with the original name. Now when I opened PS, my actions are gone... It only shows the default ones. I have some old ones saved, that I saved manually, but some of them weren't. Anyone knows what could have happened and how to recover them? I'm on a Mac btw. Thank you so much for any tips you can share!
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‎Apr 11, 2022
01:52 PM
Thank you @J453 for the workaround. That's a good option. I didn't know that artboards were kind of cut-outs of the larger image. Good to know. Just a quick question: any specific reason why the artboard information only shows me the Width and the X position?
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‎Apr 10, 2022
06:27 AM
I'm not sure what's happening and I find this very weird. Why is it that when I have an artboard it says I have a certain size, but then when I go to Image Size, it shows me something different?   Also, if I have 2 or more artboards, how can I just rotate one of them? Rotating the canvas rotates all artboards.    
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‎Apr 09, 2022
07:11 AM
YES!!! That worked like a charm! 🙂 Awesome! Thank you again for your great contribution and help! I really hope other people who need this, find this thread. I don't know if there's a public place where people can share their scripts, but if there is, you should definitely add this, because I'm sure others would find it super useful!
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‎Apr 09, 2022
04:33 AM
1 Upvote
Oh ok, I see what you mean. By default, when we use the picker it sets the foreground color, you're right! So, using variables would it be possible to do what I assumed it was doing? For example: 1 - check the hexa value of the current background color and set a variable with a name such as "originalBackgroundColor" 2 - run the rest of the script 3 - at the end of the script it reverts the background color back to whatever hexa value is set by "originalBackgroundColor"?
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‎Apr 09, 2022
03:53 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks again! It's working with the new code, but it's doing the same as yours. If I have red as my background color, for example, if I then pick green as my color for the borders when resizing the canvas, it applies the green as my canvas color (so far so good), but after the script is done running, it keeps the green as the background color, not the red. Is it what it's supposed to do or did I misunderstand what Chuck said? I thought it would store the original color in memory and once the script was done running, it would put it back (in this case, the red). It's not a big deal. As I mentioned, it's working great the way it is, but if that was the purpose, there's something that's not working, in case someone else would like to use the script 🙂
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‎Apr 09, 2022
03:19 AM
1 Upvote
@chuckoand @Stephen Marsh you guys are amazing for sharing this! Thank you so much! Using the latest code provided by Stephen, I was able to pick the color and make it work, so for what I need this script for at the moment, this works for me. But while we are at it, I have 2 questions for Chuck: 1 - You say that your latest code could be added at the end of the code Stephen shared. I'm not exactly sure where that code would go so can you share the full code with yours include, please? 2 - I'm guessing that what you mean is that if I have, for example, green as background, if I pick orange as my color while using the script, at the end I would have the green back as my background, instead of orange, right? Right now it seems that it keeps the picked color as background. Can you confirm?
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‎Apr 08, 2022
11:01 AM
Thank you for the tip. Unfortunately, I'm really not an expert (not even close, to be honest) so that sounds like a task that's too advanced for my current knowledge...
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‎Apr 08, 2022
06:17 AM
Hey @Chuck Uebele ! First of all, thanks for sharing this script. It indeed helps a certain workflow where I have to resize the canvas of dozens of pictures! 🙂 Now my question (request): Is it possible to interrupt the script to let us pick the background color, maybe via Photoshop's color picker and after that, the script continues and resizes the canvas? I know how to change the color inside the script itself, but if I want a particular color, instead of creating a new script and having to reboot PS for it to be loaded, it would be super useful if we could pick the color in real time. This wouldn't be useful for a droplet with dozens or hundreds of images, of course, but for a few images, it would be great! Let me know if that can be done. I can look at JS and kinda (big emphasis on "kinda") understand what's going on, but I'm no expert at all, especially when it comes to the specifics of PS... Thanks! 🙂
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‎Mar 24, 2022
01:38 PM
1 Upvote
Oh that... Apparently, someone pumped me up a few "levels", because now I am able to edit my replies and my posts 😉 I'm part of a music forum as well and it's always good practice to add the [SOLVED] along with marking the correct answer, just because it's easier for people to see it when they go through a list of posts. It's just a habit of mine.
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‎Mar 24, 2022
10:48 AM
I'm sorry, I don't get what you mean by that... Can you clarify?
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‎Mar 23, 2022
06:47 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for sharing your GitHub. Saved it for later research 😉 When I said "instructions on what it does" it was just a brief description, for example in this case it could be something like "Increate / decrease all text inside a text box, proportionally, when multiple font sizes are present". But yeah, adding the link to the thread is helpful. You are doing a great job and I appreciate you sharing this with us!
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‎Mar 23, 2022
06:31 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the detailed reply. Here's my thought, let me know if I'm missing something: You said "To get around that, the scammers simply write a first post that looks like a very innocent request for help. And then, after that first post is approved and becomes publicly visible, the spammer turns around and edits the post to insert their ad and spam link." Right now, I can easily post spam content without a moderator approving it, right? So that applies to both people like me who are genuinely asking questions (and replying) and the spammers. So having the ability to edit the post or not, doesn't really change the fact that anyone can post spam at the moment. Does it make sense? Also, you said that after their post is approved, then can go back and edit it. Well, but that's why I said we could have a "editing window" of 5 minutes, for example, after the post is published. So by the time the moderator is approving the post, they will be approving or denying the final post and once it gets aproved, it can't be edited. So my "suggestion" (if anyone sees this) is that: 1 - Until you achieve a certain level of "trust" you always go through approval by a moderator 2 - When you publish a post you have 5 minutes right after you hit PUBLISH to edit or delete the post. This would apply to both users who need approval (based on previous "rule") or those who don't. 3 - Moderators wouldn't be able to see posts that are less than 5 minutes old, because that is still under that time window and it wouldn't make sense that they approve a post that the user can still edit or delete 4 - Once the 5 minutes are over and after the moderator approves the post, it can't be edited/deleted. I believe this workflow would deal with the issue, I guess. Would you agree?
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