‎Feb 22, 2020
08:54 AM
Today I posted in the Photoshop area of the community and I'm trying to reply to someone, but when I hit Reply, all the blue reply buttons along the thred become white and nothing happens. I can't reply to anyone's comment... I could early in the day, but not anymore Any idea why?
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‎Feb 22, 2020
07:21 AM
Ok I found the problem: If I change the name of the folder, it will show me that warning. If I only rename, move or delete the file, it shows me the original path. So I still think that Photoshop is still 50% broken when it comes to this. It should show the original path, regardless of the folder not existing anymore. It should record that as a normal text information and show it to us so we could locate that file
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‎Feb 22, 2020
07:18 AM
Weird... I created a test action and indeed it shows the file that was supposed to open and it shows me the "Open" window for me to pick the file... but that didn't happen with those other actions I had where the File or Folder Not Found warning... I wonder what happened with those other actions, because I definitely did the same thing on both
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‎Feb 22, 2020
06:01 AM
When I record the action it shows me the path and file name. Now try to move that file to a different location and you will get the File or Folder Not Found. And that's where I think Photoshop is "broken". Photoshop should save that information and say "File or Folder not found. Original path and file name: /folderX/folderY/filename.jpg". That way we would be able to know what file/folder is trying to open. If I go back to an action I created 5 years ago, it's hard to remember what Photoshop is trying to open. Maybe I still have that file, but it's just in a different location. If I knew the name of the file and its original path, I could at least remember what I was trying to achieve. As a musician and producer, when I use Logic Pro and there's a missing file, it shows us that information:
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‎Feb 22, 2020
04:15 AM
Thank you. Done! 🙂
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‎Feb 22, 2020
01:46 AM
Hi, I would like to know if Adobe has a place where we can suggest new features and report bugs, besides the community here? In many years of using Photoshop, it's a bit hard to believe that no one there ever thought that having the original file/folder name next to a broken step wasn't a good feature. I have many actions that won't play, because I moved the files/folders, but I also have no idea what those files/folders were. Here's what I thought it would make sense to have. Just a simple feature that could save us all so much time and work: What do you think? And where can I suggest this? Thank you!
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‎Feb 11, 2020
12:48 PM
Here's my issue with this: If you create 2 300px by 300px images, regardless of their resolution, if you check their size, they are both 300px by 300px. That's their size inside Photoshop, and that's what Photoshop should focus on. Now, if we create a Smart Object inside Photoshop by selecting various layers, the Smart Object won't be resized, so it's ok that if I try to resize that SO, it shows 100% BUT... When we drag an image (Place), if we think about the first example of the 2 images of 300px, just different resolutions, if my dragged image is smaller than the original document, then it shouldn't resize it (unless we tick that option) and it shouldn't say (after it scalled it up to fit the canvas) that it's 100%, because it's not, it scaled it up. That's my only issue with this, because by scaling it up, it degrades the quality of the image and then I won't be able to know when it's the optimal size. Like a "reset" button. Because if we need to open the image, copy and paste it to avoid image degradation, then what's the point of even having the Place feature... right? 😉 When I say that it degrades the image, I mean that it scales it to a size that will be in a lower quality. I know that being a Smart Object, the image itself is "protected", but still, if it scalled up, it degraded the quality if I don't make any changes and, for example, print it like that.
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‎Feb 10, 2020
09:41 AM
Sorry for the late reply, but I wanted to have some free time to really dive into this. Ok so one of my issues is not the degradation of the image, even though that's not desirable, of course. My issue is that Photoshop says that the image is at 100% when in fact it's not, at least, size wise. This only happens when the resolutions are different, yes, but if an image is 1000px by 500px and it's now at 2000px by 1000px, because it was resized to fit the canvas, then the Transform information should clearly say 200% and not 100%, otherwise I will never know how much the image was scalled up. Does it make sense? In your example, the second to last image was in fact scalled down to fit the canvas, but I don't see a problem with that. It's just how Photoshop works, I guess and for me, it actually works better that way. But as you can see, the Transform window tells you that the image was scalled down to 33.33%, which is a good indication. The issue is when it's scalled up and you have no idea how much. That's when real degradation happens, not when you scale it down. I was testing with some images with different resolutions and what I noticed (not sure if that makes any sense or not for those more into resolution than I am) is that if the resolution of the image being dragged into an opened document is LOWER than the opened document, it scales UP and doesn't tell you how much. The opposite also happens, but the other way around: an image with higher resolution will be scalled down and it shows you how much. Here are the results. Feel free to comment. Maybe I'm missing something here, but when it says "100%" when it actually scalled it up/down, seems like a bug to me... Original image: 300px by 300px, 300ppi Imported images: 100px by 100px, 100ppi: scaled it UP to 300px and showed it as 100% in the Transform window 100px by 100px, 300ppi: kept the original size (100px) and it showed as 100% in the Transform window 300px by 300px, 100ppi: scaled it DOWN to 300px and showed it as 33.33% in the Transform window 600px by 600px, 300ppi: scaled it DOWN to 300px and showed it as 50% in the Transform window 600px by 600px, 600ppi: scaled it DOWN to 300px, but showed it as 100% in the Transform window
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‎Feb 07, 2020
01:46 PM
Hi, I was trying to update my profile, but it's not updating. The "username" and the email is not updating, even though I successfully changed it. On my profile's "admin" page, it updates, but the info doesn't update publicly. As you can see, it's still "iam3ple" when I changed it to "DannyWyatt"... Anyone knows what could be happening? Already logged out, logged back in... no luck 😕
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‎Feb 07, 2020
01:17 PM
1 Upvote
Hi, Thanks for the reply. That would be a workaround, but when working with something that's not final, that wouldn't be practical... I'm trying to figure out how to link those 2 together so I can move them around together, resize, etc, and then if I need to resize the whole image and keep working, I don't want to commit to that, you know what I mean? I know that I can move the gradient around when the Gradient Fill (adjustment layer) window is open, which is kinda useful, even though I think Photoshop should add this feature to the layer itself without opening the window. And then, the ability to link the layers together. It's kinda weird that this is not so straight forward...
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‎Feb 07, 2020
12:02 PM
Hi, When I add a gradient adjustment layer and then crop the image, the gradient shifts (see images in attachment). How can I prevent this? I want the gradient to always align with the image/shape. Original Cropped Thank you
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‎Feb 01, 2020
12:56 PM
Hi, I think I came across this issue before, but today it's really confusing me. So I have this document where I have an image as background that I converted to a smart object, which is now a Linked psb file. When I open that file individually (double click the psb on my computer), the canvas is 5927x3951 I dragged and dropped an image that's 4500x3000 into that same dcument and yet it gets super small: 1080x720. And when I try to Transform, it says that's already at 100%. Sure, I can resize it, because it becomes a smart object when it's Placed, but why does it resize the image to a complete different size and yet says it's at 100%? I tried with a new document and it behaves the same way. Also, besides trying to undestand this, is there a way to reset the image size automatically? Does Photoshop keep the original image info so that we can reset it to its original size? Thanks 🙂
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‎Jan 13, 2020
04:10 AM
Hi Bojan, On a Mac it's CMD + Shift or CMD+Shift+Alt/Option. On my Photoshop it's increasing 2px/2pt or 10px/10pt on a new project (please check the previous reply I sent JJMack explaining what's happening now... weird, but working, somehow...) Thanks for the reply 🙂
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‎Jan 13, 2020
04:09 AM
Hi, JJMack For some reason, on a new document, it's working as expected... weird... It's increasing 2pt/2px, not 1pt/1px though. Not a big issue at all. It's not a huge difference. And it's increasing 10pt/10px when adding the Alt/Option key as expected. Here's the weird part: I opened the other document and it behaves weird, still. Checked the doc settings and checked the text as well. Both "working" and "not working" docs and text boxes have the exact same settings and yet behave differently. I even copied the "non working" text box to the new doc and it still behaves weird so I guess there's something wrong with this text box... go figure... Thanks for your feedback 🙂
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‎Jan 12, 2020
12:36 AM
Hi, I'm still using CS6 (it just works for what I do) and I noticed that when I try to use the shortcuts for increasing and decreasing the font it jumps to ridiculous numbers. Example: If I'm using px as my font unit, it jumps from 50px to 100.79px or from 50px to 303.93px if I'm adding the Alt/Option key (I'm on a Mac) When using pt as my unit it jumps from 12pt to 62.79pt or from 12pt to 265.93pt if I'm adding the Alt/Option key Am I missing something here? Any setting that I can change to make it usable? Thank you! 🙂 EDIT: it started working, kinda, on a new project. Please check my reply to JJMack below on what's happening.
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‎Jan 03, 2018
05:51 PM
Hi, I created an action that uses the Save As option, then I saved it as PNG. I saw that the option "As A Copy" is ticked once I change from PSD to PNG, but the name remains the same, it doesn't add "copy" at the end. I'm even using a different folder as the destination. When I save it and I check the folder, everything looks as expected: the name of the file does not have the "copy" at the end. I delete the file, go back to Photoshop and run the action. Now, the file that was created has "copy" at the end. What's going on? Can't I use actions with Save Us without Flattening the image first? If I can Save As a single file as PNG without Flattening, why is the Action different? Thanks
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‎Jan 02, 2018
04:11 PM
I just tried it and if I don't change the name of the file, it doesn't change the destination. But this to me sounds like a bug, because why would it change the destination based on the user changing the name of the file? What if the original file is called ABC.png and I want to create a file called DEF.png (not jpg)? That would overlap, but the thing is that maybe I want the original file to be the "master" file and then I want to crop it and create a second file with a different name. Seems like a bug, right? Especially when it goes back to normal once I do the second run
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‎Jan 02, 2018
01:45 PM
This is what's happening. See how it's a normal folder first, then it's in the trash and the name of the image itself when I hit Run, just renames itself This is when I record all the steps, before I send the created file to the Trash Then when I delete that png, the location itself changes: And this is the file in the Trash, when I hit run the first time:
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‎Jan 02, 2018
10:59 AM
I have 7 different actions with different steps on each. Today I was adding a few extra steps to all of them, at the end of each action (just a simple Open, Crop, Save, Close) What I noticed with all of them is that once I try to run just that last group of steps I just added, it runs, but it doesn't really execute the "Save" part. At least, not on the first pass. When I do it again, from the same place, it then saves the file as expected. As I said, this is happening with all the Actions, not just a single one. This seems like a bug to me. Anyone experiencing it? EDIT: Ok so I just found out why it wasn't working and let me know if this is a normal behavior. Once I record all the steps, the file is created inside the folder it's supposed to. So far so good. Then I delete the file that was created, so I can try it by running those last 4 steps. What I noticed (by accident) was that on the destination instead of showing the folder it's showing the Trash Bin and maybe that's why it didn't work, because for some reason it changed the destination to the trash Bin (weeeeeeird). Once I run it the first time and then go back to the destination, now it shows the normal destination, the folder I want it to be saved to. So basically, when I create the steps, it creates the file inside the folder, but once I delete the JPG I just created, the destination inside the action changes to the Trash Bin. I run it, regardless, and once it's done and I check it, it's back to the original folder. I run it a second time and now it creates the JPG. Definitely a bug. Is there a place where we can report bugs directly to Adobe?
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‎Jan 02, 2018
01:06 AM
Will it preserve all my brushes, actions, keyboard shortcuts, etc? I mean, this is a bit annoying, because it slows down the workflow, but I also don't want to mess with any other stuff by downgrading...
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‎Jan 02, 2018
12:57 AM
Yes, that's the exact same problem I'm facing. I didn't try the up/down arrow when I posted here, because I never use it, but I tried it now and it doesn't work either. The person on that post is facing the same issue as me. Hope they will fix this
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‎Jan 01, 2018
11:14 PM
Yes, it is there on CS6 and not on CC. This is a feature I use all the time, just because when I knew about it I was like "wow this is exactly what I needed to save me time" and know that I don't have it I was like "oh crap, it will make me waste more time" Sometimes I would like to know who's behind these decisions to remove features that are useful...
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‎Jan 01, 2018
03:02 PM
Hi, I recently upgraded from CS6 to CC. When I edit fonts, for example, I like to hold CMD and then with the mouse drag the value left and right and in CS6 it would make the change on the fly, so I could see what I was doing. Now with CC I can't, until I release the mouse, which kinda defeats the purpose. Is there an option to turn this ON/Off? Thanks!
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‎Jan 01, 2018
02:59 PM
Thank you so much for that and I will definitely try it!
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‎Dec 31, 2017
08:01 PM
Thanks. I wish they could include that as an option or at least it would be great if, after saving a certain step inside an action, we could just go and delete some stuff inside, like for example the location part inside the Save As step. I just found a way to workaround it for my workflow. I created different folders (Folder 1, Folder 2, etc) and had to make the same action several times, but having it saved to each different folder. It took me a while, but since I'm going to do it 365 days (once a day for a year), it's worth the time Thanks for your reply!
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‎Dec 31, 2017
04:55 PM
I was Googling this and couldn't find the answer.
Before I explain, I'm not trying to use Droplets, Batch convert, etc. I want to use the Actions panel only. There's a reason for that, based on my workflow.
So let's say I open a file (inside the location ABC), work on it and I just want to create a JPG version, keeping it in the same folder as the PSD (ABC) and keeping the same name. Right now, if I do it, the Action saves that specific location (ABC), that means that if I open another PSD in a totally different location (location DEF) and run that Action, the JPG will be saved in the first location (ABC) and not inside DEF.
Is it possible to avoid the location parameter at all?
Thank you
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‎Sep 05, 2017
10:00 PM
Hi, I have two questions that can hopefully be answered: 1 - The Photography plan costs only 9.99 a month and includes Lightroom and Photoshop, while the single app plan costs 19.99. If I want just Photoshop, why would I pick the single app when I can buy the Photography plan? Is there something I'm missing there? Is Photoshop on both plans, different from each other? 2 - I read somewhere that I can install for example photoshop in 2 computers with only one account, but can only use one at a time. Since there's no need to be connected to the internet in order to work, who does that work? If I install Photoshop on my 2 computers and want to work on both at the same time without being connected to the internet, I will still be able to work with them. Can someone explain how this works? Thank you
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‎Jun 08, 2017
04:00 PM
Thank you so much for the reply! Now I understand how it works.
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