Ivan Zajats
Ivan Zajats
‎Oct 26, 2021
12:35 PM
It seems, you forgot to vote if you agree. You can also create your own topic with your suggestions.
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‎Oct 26, 2021
12:02 PM
I thought it's obvious that I mean the rotation of the canvas (R).
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‎Oct 26, 2021
09:18 AM
So, the new Harmonization neural filter is very close to what I wanted. But it requires accurate masking of the subject first (which is quite simple already).
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‎Oct 21, 2021
04:52 AM
3000 layers?! are you joking? just curious to see your projects
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‎Oct 20, 2021
01:51 PM
hm... can't you just drag and make the panel wider?? you really think scrolling every time will be more handy?
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‎Oct 14, 2021
11:27 AM
We need 2 more filters: by the number of comments & by the number of votes!
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‎Oct 05, 2021
10:15 PM
1 Upvote
Kind of you, thanks. But probably I don't really need it, if I'm not able to change it later. The best actions are those made by yourself - you always know what they do and how to edit them.
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‎Oct 05, 2021
09:40 PM
1 Upvote
Googled a bit about scripts, too complicated for me... I'd better continue renaming the groups manually 🙂 Though it's not necessary at all.
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‎Oct 05, 2021
08:39 PM
I believe that it would require a script. By @Stephen Marsh I guess, you're right, but I know nothing about scripts... so, I need a detailed explanation.
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‎Oct 05, 2021
08:33 PM
You do not have to make the blur step interactive. By @JJMack WRONG
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‎Oct 05, 2021
06:56 PM
There are several ways to do FS. In all of them there's a step with blur - either Gaussian, or Surface, or Median. At this step the action asks the user to choose the appropriate radius. We choose 10 or 20 pixels, or any other number, and it's done. My question is: can this number be automatically added to the name of the FS group? Just curious. I always add it manually not to forget what radius was used.
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‎Oct 05, 2021
06:03 PM
Jao vdL is right, export as the originals makes the real raw copies with separate xmps for each variant of editing. Certainly, it would be more handy to have everything in one xmp without making raw copies, but anyway this solution works. So, we can have a backup of all the settings outside the LR.
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‎Oct 05, 2021
09:45 AM
I'd love to, but I can't vote for my own topic.
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‎Oct 05, 2021
07:56 AM
If you like the idea, why has it still 0 votes?) The implementation is the Adobe's job, we shouldn't worry about it. If adding the info to one xmp is complicated, they can just add a button "create real raw copies", so each file would have it's own settings as usual. Anyway, my main concern is to preserve ALL the variants' settings outside the LR catalogue.
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‎Oct 04, 2021
09:54 PM
 These should be either clickable or added to the list, imho 🙂
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‎Oct 04, 2021
09:49 PM
1 Upvote
Why can't we edit our posts and comments here?
What if we need to correct a misprint or add smth important to the initial post?
Adding it as a new reply just makes a thread longer.
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‎Oct 04, 2021
07:07 PM
Very often we need to reduce the presets' intensity on some images. There are quite "complicated" presets not just with the basic sliders settings, but with custom curves in each RGB channel. When you start changing them manually, you can easily destroy the overall look (especially, if you are an amateur). I mean, changing the contrast and exposure leads to some color shift, etc. What about adding a special slider for changing the intensity of all the settings at once?
I've found this 3rd party solution, but haven't tried it.
ADOBE, can't you just buy this plugin and build in the LR?
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‎Oct 04, 2021
06:39 PM
Another advantage of this: if we developed the files in LR and then switched to another computer without LR, we still could open and edit all the variants in Phtoshop (ACR).
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‎Oct 04, 2021
06:20 PM
Would be great to save the develop settings of the virtual copies as xmp files as well. Often we make color & BW versions or use different presets for the same image. Why not to save all the versions either in one xmp or as separate xmps? So that we could share it with a retoucher, for instance, without converting to several DNGs. Or in case we lose the catalogue file, we'd preserve not only 1 version of the processing.
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‎Sep 28, 2021
09:18 AM
If you like "manual process", do everything with a clone stamp 🙂 Why do they make all those improvements and automated features? to save user's time! 2 clicks are faster than 5 steps I mentioned. Couldn't users replace the sky before? or remove smth with a clone stamp? Stop criticizing the technical progress.
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‎Sep 28, 2021
08:49 AM
You made live previews for the Blend modes, why not to improve the Gradient too?
It would be very handy, like in the Illustrator.
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‎Sep 28, 2021
06:08 AM
Ideally, we should get a new Group with: 1) the object layer with a feathered mask (the feature itself implies that we select the subject manually and roughly) 2) the Adjustment layer of Curves (and probably Hue-Saturation) matching the tone and color
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‎Sep 28, 2021
03:36 AM
Accurate selection is still a problem if the background is busy or the same tone and color, etc. Certainly, you can make a quick rough mask and feather it. Content Aware Paste could be a nice feature for amateurs and beginners, I guess. A "magic button" for those who are not familiar with masking yet, but want to make a meme, a funny picture of their friend on the Moon or with a dinasaur, etc 🙂 So, the Adobe could expand their audience. It could be useful for professional compositing artist as well to make quick drafts for clients. If it could paste on a separate layer with a mask, would be great! (non-destructive editing) Here's a regular workflow for any composite: 1) selecting a subject (manually or with a command) 2) adjusting the mask edge 3) adjusting the hue, 4) ... saturation 5) ... and tone to match the new background. I suggest to automate steps 2-5 with one command. Taking into consideration that they already have all the functionality! I'll enumerate again: Content Aware Move, Content Aware Fill, Sky Replacement. Just COMBINE everything together! and make that magic button, guys!
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‎Sep 27, 2021
05:53 PM
There is a Content aware Fill (which works better and better in every update!) There is a Content aware Move tool (which cuts a selected fragment and places it into another area of the same layer). What about making a Content aware PASTE to work with different layers? For fast compositing without precise manual masking. Would be great! Practically, it's similar to the Content aware Move tool, but should work between different layers. So, you've already got this functionality inside, just add it to the Paste menu as a new command.
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‎Sep 27, 2021
05:17 PM
I NEED the Rotate view tool (R) inside the Liquify, it'd be VERY handy!
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‎Sep 27, 2021
04:46 PM
STILL no improvement?! I'm using CC2017, but anyway... the problem was mentioned almost 10 years ago!
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‎Mar 31, 2021
01:20 PM
Why the file size in the bottom corner of PS doesn't correspond to the file size on HDD? My files are >2 times bigger!
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‎Mar 25, 2021
11:27 PM
yep, but a file can have many layers and masks! besides, it may be useful for creating clipping layers (as mentioned in the comment BELOW, lol 🙂
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‎Mar 25, 2021
11:24 PM
that's a good example why we need this!
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‎Mar 25, 2021
07:15 PM
Recently I've learnt that a new layer can be created below the active one by holding the Ctrl button while clicking the icon. But for some reason it doesn't work with the Adj. layers Why? Is there any other key for them? Just curious (don't suggest to make custom actions as I was told on facebook, lol; actually I don't need this at all, just explore PS features)
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