Ivan Zajats
Ivan Zajats
‎Nov 06, 2023
01:37 AM
As a quick solution you can press Q (Quick mask mode) and refine the edge with a Brush. https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/making-quick-selections.html There are several options, but the best one for selecting hard edges is a manual one - Pen tool. It's more for cut outs, so if you need just a slight correction of an area, you may not need a super accurate mask. Masking is a very big topic, I recommend tutorials by Aaron Nace (Phlearn), Jesús Ramirez (Photoshop Training Channel), Unmesh Dinda (Piximperfect). You should learn many tools and techniques to choose the best for a certain case. Here are just a few, but they have many tutorials.
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‎Nov 05, 2023
12:41 PM
I suggest adding a tiny info panel for the Eyedropper tool (so that we don't need to open the main Info panel and look across the entire monitor back and forth). Would be very handy. Here's how users are checking the values now without the feature.
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‎Nov 05, 2023
06:07 AM
My suggestions for the Select & mask Brush tool 1. Add the Opacity slider. We can just choose the Hardness, but the Opacity is always 100%. Not good for precise work as some areas may need a bit of transparency. 2. Add the Blend modes. Pro editors often use the Soft light & Overlay modes for mask adjustments. It preserves the darkest/lightest pixels and helps to clean up the mask easier & faster. P.S. Yep, those manual adjustments can be done outside the Select & mask window, but since there's a Brush tool, why not to have its full functionality?
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‎Nov 01, 2023
10:59 PM
Btw, Luminar has a similar feature, but for auto removing the power lines (wires). Lightroom is lagging behind...
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‎Nov 01, 2023
10:00 PM
Recently I started working with files from stocks which have too looooong file names. (you know, all those keywords for better search) Let's say, I'm not allowed (or don't want) to change the file names. So, I can't comfortably open as Tabs more than 2-3 files and navigate between them. 😞 I mean, I can't add more with drag-an-drop (which is my favourite way). Yep, Ctrl+Tab works fine for switching between the files, but if ~10 images are open and I need to check them in a random order... too many additional clicks. Anyway, I'd prefer to see all the Tabs in a line at once. It would be much better to have an option (somewhere in the Preferences) to limit file names to a certain number of characters, so that we could easily open multiple files as Tabs and comfortably navigate.
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‎Oct 15, 2023
10:38 AM
It's ironic that they are killing stocks 🙂 I mean, who will buy images for compositing if it's done in one click? And not only compositing elements, but the whole images from scratch. As soon as they expand the resolution limits, so it will be.
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‎Oct 11, 2023
06:56 PM
lol, show me the duplicate... nobody can find it strange things are happening here
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‎Oct 10, 2023
11:49 PM
1 Upvote
up! I still need this! I believe, landscape photographers will like it as well. When you're shooting sunsets & sunrises and have hundreds of images, such autocleaner would be a huge time-saver!
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‎Oct 10, 2023
10:56 PM
@John T Smith, I've posted again. Hopefully, it will not disappear.
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‎Oct 10, 2023
09:10 PM
1 Upvote
I've already suggested 50+ ideas/feature requests for Adobe products (mainly Photoshop).
2 of them were implemented, one is under review now.
Adobe implements these features, makes new releases, earns big money.
Does the company anyhow support its contributors, the idea generators?
Nope, except a short reply "Thanks for you request. It's under review. Released".
They even don't mention us in the blog posts with new releases.
LET'S CHANGE THIS! I suggest the following.
1) a contributor should be mentioned in the Adobe blog post with a new release;
2) a printed personalized certificate for a contributor whose Idea was implemented;
3) 1 year of Adobe subscription for each implemented feature.
The company must value idea generators.
With these bonuses there will be more of them. Everyone wins. 🙂
Main Adobe products have just 3-4 new features once a year. Not dozens, not hundreds...
For such a big and successful company it's not a problem to reward its contributors as I mentioned.
It's not about money, it's about attitude. And it costs almost nothing, except reputation.
P.S. Don't flood my topic, don't disgrace the company.
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‎Oct 10, 2023
08:52 PM
1 Upvote
@kglad, thanks for the detailed and helpful answer! I'll have to re-post my request, because it's very important. But one of the moderators floods the topic, quarrels, and then deletes it (and we can guess who) which is unacceptable and disgraces the company. That's who is toxic, not me 🙂 Luckily, I've saved it in a text file on my computer (my instinct was correct, hah).
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‎Oct 10, 2023
08:40 PM
I know how to zoom in, but I'd prefer 1 click to see a bigger screenshot
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‎Oct 10, 2023
12:28 PM
@kglad, we had a jpeg 🙂 LOL This is a fundamental theme about rewarding idea creators.
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‎Oct 10, 2023
11:40 AM
@John T Smith, no, it was in this community. I'm afraid, some moderators here do whatever they want...
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‎Oct 10, 2023
09:23 AM
Make bigger screenshots in Help articles! Can you clearly see the Menu items here? Do you use smth like this for those screenshots?
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‎Oct 10, 2023
09:19 AM
Where is my topic I've posted about a week ago?! what's going on here?
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‎Oct 10, 2023
09:07 AM
Add numerical values to the Curves (like we have in Photoshop).
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‎Oct 04, 2023
10:57 AM
1 Upvote
@Sameer K, @Mark.Dahm, very pleased to see that! Here are my other ideas for Liquify, please, consider them as well. Rotation inside the Liquify. Liquify Reconstruction improvement. Remember & load the last Freeze Mask in Liquify.
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‎Sep 14, 2023
02:07 PM
OMG, nothing changes... You release a new PS version – not a single word about it on the main page!
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‎Sep 14, 2023
01:59 PM
definitely, must be optional
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‎Sep 14, 2023
01:45 PM
I'm not against additional votes, just curious what's their profit (if any).
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‎Sep 13, 2023
06:45 PM
Recently noticed, as soon as I post a comment or a new topic, I get 2-3 likes/votes. Are these Adobe native bots created to make users feel less lonely on the forum? 🙂
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‎Sep 13, 2023
06:21 PM
I'd like to have the + button in Image Processor for adding more actions. like we have in Layer style window: Yep, we can combine our actions into a complex one manually, but for different sets of images we may need different number of different actions in different order, etc. So, it'll be a mess to combine them manually in different configurations each time.
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‎Sep 13, 2023
05:33 PM
Make an Autofill masked area feature for Freeze Mask in Liquify (as you've done recently for Remove tool). It should be optional, I believe. Will help to save time.
We draw a loop around an area we want to mask (freeze) and it is filled automatically.
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‎Sep 01, 2023
12:39 AM
I've tested both a bit. With Image Processor we don't need to have any saving steps in the action itself 🙂 With Batch I had to choose the saving options manually for each file in the pop-up window. Resize option is very handy, no need to have multiple actions for different sizes. So, for me Image Processor looks more convenient.
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‎Aug 31, 2023
02:37 AM
What's the differenece between Image Processor & Batch? When we choose one or the other? As I understand, both are for editing series of images and applying actions.
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‎Aug 27, 2023
01:18 AM
I don't know what you mean. As an example, we can create 2 FS actions - for 8 & 16 bit, plus a conditional which chooses one of them, depending on the bit depth. So, the two main actions could be hidden.
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