‎Jul 17, 2024
11:08 PM
@Jan Moscowitz One of the companies I worked at, actually had a Xerox Docutech and it allowed us to print booklet styles. It even allowed to saddle-stitch it with a staple in the middle (think of a small annual report!). It was pretty cool. This was a few years ago, and we would print from Adobe InDesign. Looking at your images, if it's only a 16 page document, you probably could just print as a saddle stitch. When I saw the words 'perfect bound,' right off the back, I thought you are printing an actual book (think of a paperback with a flat spine). Until, I saw the number of pages, and realize it's only 16-pages! Of course, with only 16 pages, you are eventually printing on 4 signatures (4 pages per signature) —simply, 4 pages on one sheet of paper. You could then tell the printer to saddle-stitch it, fold the paper and staple it for you. If the page documents is 8.5" x 11", if you are doing this in-house, check to see if your printer can accept 11"x17" paper size (tabloid size). This way, you can use 1 sheet of paper, and have page 4 and 1 on one side, and Page 2 and 3 on the other side. I did a test print on my home printer. And the 'print booklet' printed fine, on one sheet paper. I used a letter size print out for a test print on a Epson printer... so this is my set-up when I have to provide a 'blueprint' of a booklet. File - Print Booklet Click on Preview. For one side, page 1 (cover) and page 4 (back cover) will show. Odd number pages should always be on the right, and even number pages on the left side. This is what will show up when I print it up once I change a setting in the printer settings. Trust the setting For my 'Home' Printer, I need to click on Print Settings. Setup. And change to paper size (Although my printer can print 13" x 19",) I elected to do my test print on letter size, 8.5" x 11". I am printing on landscape mode (second icon) for this test print I have to scale to fit to fit both pages in. Click on Printer. Normally, I have the setting off, but for this process I have it turned may give you a warning. That's OK Under Layout is a drop-down menu. Open that and select Two-Sided printing After selecting tw-side printer settings, I change the binding from Short-edge Binding because I want to be able to fold the paper in half and have the right-side page facing up. Hit Print. And vøila! Printed on one sheet of paper, with 4 pages on it! Sweet! *Note: If you are printing in house, just create a simple 4-page document as a test print. I just do simple text to speed the printing process to show you. Hope this helps! **Note #2: Printing in-house compared to a commercial printer, will always not be the best because when you print on both sides, you may have some 'creep' when you fold the pages, in this case, you will have 4 sheets of paper folder in half which will be 8 pages. I used to have one bookmarked which I had normally used, but, I don't print as much anymore, but, you can try this one here...
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‎Jul 17, 2024
10:04 PM
@Jennifer29102508g6k1 you could replace your InDesign 2024 icons in the dock with InDesign 2023 icons, so when you click to open those apps, the 2023 will open. I have an older MacBook Pro 2013 (I just can't cut that umblical cord and get a new M3 or M4!), but because of AI in Photoshop 2024, I normally will use Photoshop 2023 (older icon is in my dock), and if I need the 2024, will quickly look in my finder.
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‎Jul 17, 2024
09:29 PM
@orysia38666244rb2b I agree with everyone, if you have the original file you can totally re-create to look so much better than what I am going to show you in a few seconds...there is a few different ways, but I personally would NOT do it because it isn't professional looking. It would look so much better 'portrait mode' and you could add more rows to the tables and comments section 1. Object - Fitting - Fit Content Proportionally : the content is fit proportionately and not distorting the frame in itself. ----------- 2. Object - Fitting - Fit Content to Frame : the content is distorted to fit the frame in itself. ---------- So, as you can see, 'yes' you can take a PDF from landscape to portrait mode in InDesign, but in this case, it definitely isn't pretty. And I 'feed' the instruction into ChatGPT, and yeah, editing the file as it suggested, it likely take longer than my guess-estimation. If I had to guess-estimate on how long to re-do it from scratch, maybe between 2-3 hours with workable fillable forms. Give or take a fewminutes here and there!
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‎Jul 17, 2024
08:24 PM
@June Rabbit also if you click on the three dots ••• you can also Hide the Context Bar too
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Community Expert
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jul 17, 2024
07:58 PM
‎Jul 17, 2024
07:58 PM
okay, am I going to date myself here.... who remembers Flavor Flav of Public Enemy? Well...for those who don't know Flavor Flav is a singer of a rap group, called Public Enemy. Flavor Flav always wore a huge timepiece (aka clock) around his neck...for some strange reason, I thought of him, when I saw the bell!
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‎Jul 17, 2024
03:25 PM
@Monika Gause is the copying and pasting a PC issue? I have a MacBook running 28.5. I don't have any issues....I wonder if it's a Windows 11 issue? None of my students have an issue
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‎Jul 17, 2024
02:03 PM
@jessicaf10695773 can you try saving your InDesign to your hard drive first and then click to share. Adobe will create a safe link....versus sharing the link from the cloud
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Community Expert
in Adobe Firefly Discussions
‎Jul 17, 2024
01:48 PM
‎Jul 17, 2024
01:48 PM
Prompt: white sandy beach, bluish green water, beach front huts on the water, calm, sunny weather
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‎Jul 17, 2024
01:12 PM
@laurenw12478384 'harwood' isn't a word in the dictionary. But, it is a name (last name), and a city name too....Harwood, Vermont. For that matter, there is a school named 'Harwood'
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‎Jul 17, 2024
12:50 PM
@becciw47051515 You could also select the 'Placed' Image and do an Image Trace. Maybe choose High Fidelity Photo. When it's done the processing, click on Expand. With the direct delecttion tool (white arrow) or keyboard shortcut 'A' you can then select the outline and change the colour. See the vectorWireframes.png is the image trace of your acorn (shown in wireframe preview to show you what it looks like if vector) and image.png is what is in preview mode. By using the 'direct selection' tool, you can manually select the outline to any colour you desire
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‎Jul 17, 2024
12:29 PM
@Navani Soni try this.... Open Illustrator Preferences (Command K - MAC) (Control K - PC). Scroll to Type. Enable Missing Glyph Protection. It would substitute missing glyph fonts Make sure you are using the Type Tool for adding Glyphs to your Illustrator files Not all fonts have a wide selection of glyphs. Symbol or Wingdings have a wider variety of glyphs
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‎Jul 17, 2024
11:56 AM
@Martin_W. sorry to hear that you had so many issues with transitioning over to your new MacBook Pro M3. So, making sure the question in question is: 'Adobe Illustrator files show as blank icons, in the Finder' correct? Try: In Finder, Select the AI files Get Info: Command I Change the settings to Open With: Illustrator
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‎Jul 17, 2024
11:19 AM
@Maja326555487e0g where exactly is the Xd link on your website?
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‎Jul 17, 2024
10:55 AM
@Grafik5E89 have you thought of trying to use different flows, overlays or even use layers, and just hide the layers when you change the default state to hover/toggle states
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‎Jul 17, 2024
10:11 AM
1 Upvote
@Javed Aslam if you using Adobe Illustrator, you wouldn't need to use Canva as Adobe Illustrator is by far a more superior product. If you still really want to use Canva: • save your files as an SVG (scalable vector graphic) or • export as an SVG (scalable vector graphic) • save as a PNG with transparency) You might be better to use Adobe Express which is the equivalent to Canva. You still can import SVG files into Express.
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‎Jul 17, 2024
01:43 AM
@RudaVidal Instead of Exporting your file as an SVG, have you tried 'Saving' as an SVG? And when you 'Save' as an SVG, you can check 'Use Artboards,' and type in the numbers of artboards is needed. So, the first artboard is #1, so don't select that one, and you can write 2-10 for the other artboards.
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‎Jul 17, 2024
01:25 AM
@jonn3y can you save your file as a SVG (Scable Vector Graphic) and then importing that into a DXF converter tool that can output a cleaner DXF file for your CNC machine (see vectorFiles.png). When you export your file (export.png) - Options - Preserve Appearance (dxf-settings.png). Also, if your artwork uses complex effects or transparencies, flattening it before export can sometimes eliminate unintended lines caused by how Illustrator translates those effects to DXF. Go to Object > Flatten Transparency before exporting. These might be getting converted to polylines with extra lines upon export (flat.png)
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‎Jul 17, 2024
12:47 AM
@hunter. • There is NOT a direct way to hide or disable specific fonts within the font list. I do minimize the number of recently used fonts displayed at the top of the list. In Illustrator Preferences - Type - Number of Recent Fonts. I think I set mine to 3 or 5? • Turn off any 'Type' in the Preferences you may not use. Show East Asian Options and Show Indic Options is not checked (see ill-pref.png) • I also rank up the size of the font (A A A) so not as many font families are showing (I pick the bigger A ).
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‎Jul 17, 2024
12:31 AM
@MORLACOSTUDIO After opening Adobe Illustrator does this automatically shows up as non-visible? When working with workspaces, I would click Workspace - New Workspace - Give it a name.
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‎Jul 17, 2024
12:26 AM
@Bea38643891ucm2 did you restart your Illustrator application if it's a one-off? By any chance is the file corrupted?
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‎Jul 17, 2024
12:02 AM
@Digital5DD6 the first thing I thought is: • is the artboard correctly sized to the image? Illustrator may be extending the background color to fill the entire artboard size during export? • by any chance do you have anything hidden or maybe a stray point in your document? Object - Path - Clean Up (Stray points). Sometimes hidden objects or stray points on your artboard can cause unexpected behavior during export too
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‎Jul 16, 2024
11:44 PM
1 Upvote
@Erika38643347dpoq does this work for you? The SVG is a vector file. The PNG is a transparency file
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‎Jul 16, 2024
11:19 PM
@Aisan3838669186en if you are copying text, try 'Pasting Special' In Illustrator and choose "Paste Without Formatting" to avoid any formatting issues from PowerPoint (see paste-without-formatting.png). For a graph from prism? I never used prism, but can you export your graph as an image, such as a PNG or JPG? This way, you can place the image into Illustrator. This bypasses the text formatting issue altogether!
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‎Jul 16, 2024
10:21 PM
1 Upvote
@Ljubica28475040gzy4 I use to work in pre-press, and a few things that we did was make sure the files are created as expected, and would create colour proofs (may it be a matchprint, color laminate or color overlay) for clients so they know what they will be getting (think of it as a one-off CMYK print job). If you are using a commercial printer, double-check with them if they have colour profiles to use for your design. I know certain companies do. And so, we would have a list what goes with whom. I have never worked with clients who 'printed on cookware,' so do have a chat if they use color profiles and if they want it RGB or CMYK. Some commercial printers may accept RGB! Check to see Illustrator and Acrobat have the same CMYK working space profile selected. This ensures consistent color interpretation within the software. (Edit > Color Settings in Illustrator). See illustrator.png and acrobat.png Embed ICC Profile. In your PDF export settings, under "Marks and Bleeds," ensure "Include ICC Profiles" is checked. This embeds the CMYK profile into the PDF, allowing printers to interpret the colors correctly. When looking at the PDF in Acrobat, use the "Output Preview" mode with the intended printing press profile selected. This simulates how the colors will appear (acrobatoutputPreview.png) If you are using pantone books, these books should be stored in a cool, dark place. Exposure to light and sun can cause the Pantone swatches in the books to fade. This can lead to inaccurate color representation. In honesty, you shouldn't be worried about using Pantone spot colors with CMYK. The color discrepancies you're seeing when exporting to PDF are likely due to color settings. (same thing when you work with RGB and convert it to CMYK. Yes, the colors would appear dull after the conversion, but it will be fine). Always do a a matchprint, color laminate or color overlay just in case, if you don't feel confortable. Better than spending thousands versus a hundred dollar or less! I think that's all I can remember from my pre-press days. I do remember telling clients what you view on your screen could look different what you print out; and that's because unless you color calibrate your printers and monitors, the colours may look different. Hence, why if you are in a computer lab, the computer beside you will look different from the one, one may be working on. For our colour laser printers, we would literally color calibrate it every hour making sure the colours are accurate. Hope this helps?
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‎Jul 16, 2024
09:48 PM
@Tan34583873up61 As @Chris W. Griffith has mentioned, 'XD' is in 'Maintenance Mode''s been like that since May 2023 I think. I notice they still do updates I guess for security reasons. Someone posted that 'XD' is no longer for new users, and that isn't correct, as my students are still able to download Xd. You just have to wait 24 hours to install it. Many companies and businesses still use Xd and likely will do so until Xd is finally 'dead'...Figma is pretty decent. Penpot is getting better. But, it's always better to learn more now, sooner than later, because you just never know when Adobe does decide to stop it altogether and not provide any security updates.
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‎Jul 16, 2024
02:43 PM
@William37179699l8vj with your first two questions: With so many people having different screen szies from desktop to mobile, when a web developer builds the website, they would (or should) build it to be responsive so that the screen changes from mobile to tablet to desktop and vice-versa. This ensures a positive user experience regardless of the platform. Second question. Yes, hosting is included with any Creative Cloud subscription
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‎Jul 16, 2024
10:37 AM
1 Upvote
@Gariphakir what version of adobe Illustrator are you using and operating system. I am currently usinng a Mac with the latest Adobe Illustror 28.5. Try this
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‎Jul 16, 2024
09:44 AM
@Serka Reklam Please refer to the comment from Monika Gause and @Srishti Bali with regards to the opening screen, which sounds like a huge issue for PC users: Scroll down to read both comments from Monika Gause and @Srishti Bali (Srishti may have the work-around). @Anubhav M
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‎Jul 16, 2024
09:38 AM
@garethirwin1234 honestly, I would likely reset myprefrences in Adobe Illustrator. *Note: Sometimes, I will also zap my PRAM on my old MacBook Pro. Not 100% sure if you can do this on a PC
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‎Jul 15, 2024
02:43 PM
@Saminyasar20115572nhi0 there are many answers above from whatthefont, typekit now Adobe Fonts, identifont... drag the image into the online apps, and it will come pretty close. If you use and click on the camera, it will help you locate the Adobe fonts.
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