‎Jun 12, 2021
03:17 PM
Sorry. I made a mistake of replying from the email and not the forum. See below. That said, it does appear my theory is correct in that this should be a luminance mask and not a color mask since that works perfectly.
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‎Jun 12, 2021
03:13 PM
I think the issue is that there is not a large enough delta between the area I want masked, which is the white/grayish rock and the sand in the screenshot attached. I am trying to use the Gradient Filter and want to lower the color temperature in the rock and increase the exposure slightly. Luminance masking seems to work and color masking works where there is a stronger difference. My steps: Select graduated filter and draw out gradient as per the second image below. Adjust to desired settings as per the side panel below. I even tried more aggessive changes Select Range Mask Color and use color picker to select ~5 areas of the rocks. Adjust amount and view mask to see if anything selected As I look at the image more and think about this, I think this may be more of a luminance difference than color.
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‎Jun 12, 2021
03:04 PM
Hello Todd, I think the issue is that there is not a large enough delta between the area I want masked, which is the grayish rock and the sand in the screenshot attached. I am trying to use the Gradient Filter and want to lower the color temperature in the rock and increase the exposure slightly. Luminance masking seems to work and color masking works where there is a stronger difference. I welcome suggestions. David
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‎Jun 12, 2021
11:48 AM
When I select various parts of an image to have the filter just apply to that color, nothing happens. I updated to Mac Big Sur a few weeks ago so I don’t know if that is the problem. I just updated my LR Classic and that did not fix the issue either.
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‎May 03, 2021
04:40 PM
Edit: The first is 5304x7952 and all others are 5304x7950.
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‎May 03, 2021
04:38 PM
I'm shooting a series of images to be stacked for noise reduction in Starry Landscape Stacker. The image size of all images except the first is 5304x7952 pixels. The first image is 5304x7950. This happens numerous times. I am not doing anything different. Please help. David
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‎May 03, 2021
04:31 PM
BUMP! Should this be in the Lightroom forum?
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‎Apr 29, 2021
08:16 PM
I have a previously edited image, as a tif file, that I want to fine tune again in Photoshop. I right click, Edit in Photoshop, choose Original and make my minor changes in Photoshop. When I save that file, there is no update in the history saying 'Edited in Adobe Photoshop (date time)'. However, when I send back to Photoshop, the changes I made are still there. Should I see a new 'Edited in Adobe Photoshop' if the image has previously been edited in Photoshop? I would think so since. When I send a new raw file over from Lightroom to Photoshop, make changes, and save, I do get the History updated. I am using Macbook Pro, Mac OS 11.3 (Big Sur) and have my apps up to date. For these images tested, the images are on an External Hard Drive. Thanks for any help or suggestions you can provide.
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‎Feb 01, 2021
04:43 PM
Thanks Jane. See my note below to Ali. This was exactly the issue. David
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‎Feb 01, 2021
04:42 PM
Hello Ali, During my bout of insomnia last night, I figured out that the problem is an operator error. I think I may have a sticky key on my Macbook Pro so when I hit CMD-Q, the CMD is not always entered. Thus, when I finally do close Photoshop, the Quick Mask is still activated. Thanks for your help. David
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‎Jan 31, 2021
05:58 PM
Recently PS has started opening with Quick Mask selected. This creates all sorts of issues with functionality that take me too long to resolve. After experiencing this numerous times I may be smart enough now to know how to fix. How do I keep this from happening? Thanks, David
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‎Aug 23, 2020
01:08 PM
I had posted a question, but resolved my question. Thanks for making me aware of "Show Parent Folder".
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‎Aug 23, 2020
12:21 PM
It seems everytime there is any problems with Photoshop, the Reset Preferences fixes things. This is quite a pain for sure, but in my case, it did resolve the issue and I haven't had any problem since.
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‎Aug 23, 2020
12:20 PM
Hello Akash, Sorry for the late reply. The Reset Preferences did work. Thank you for your help. David
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‎Jul 25, 2020
10:46 AM
I have the exact same issue after the recent updates. Everything is up to date on my Macbook Pro and my Adobe software. Thanks for any help you can provide.
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‎Apr 11, 2020
09:33 PM
Akash, I am having the same problems. I have the settings to Apply to Current Layer. I am working with Smart Objects. Some of the Nik modules work and the modules I use, Dfine 2 and PreSharpener 2, often crash Photoshop. I did not have problems with versions prior to PS2020.
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‎Jan 12, 2020
06:07 PM
1 Upvote
Okay. I did a reboot of my computer and this does seem to be working much better now. Thanks so much. David
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‎Jan 12, 2020
05:34 PM
Thanks for that suggestion. It seems this did help slightly, but not enough to help, if that makes sense.
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‎Jan 11, 2020
07:17 PM
Hi, I recently started having issues with performance that are causing the following behaviors: If I add a curves adjustment layer or any adjustment layer, the Mask does not appear white, but as a transparent mask in my layers panel. If I make an adjustment, the mask does not immediately show the adjustment. I have to click the mask or on the image and then the mask gets updated When I save a file, which is in TIF format, the save bar below in the lower left corner hangs at 99%. Again if I hit Escape on my Macbook Pro Touchbar, the hang goes away and the image shows up in Lightroom. If I make a change to an adjustment layer, I often have to hover my Wacom pen over the image to see the change. This is most noticable when turning layers on and off. I recently started working with luminosity masks, self created, and using Tony Kuyper's TK7 panel and this is when I started noticing the issues. I also thought I may be running out of RAM or scratch disk. However, these are my settings: I appreciate any suggestions folks have.
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‎May 27, 2019
08:41 PM
1 Upvote
Hello Akash, I'm not sure if anyone answered this question for you or not. As far as I can tell, the problem is only with the Sigma 50mm lens in my case. I don't have problems with other lenses.
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‎May 27, 2019
08:32 PM
You jinxed me Matt Fitt​! LOL. Now I have this same error that you mentioned. SO ANNOYING! Let me know if anyone can help resolve this. I suppose I will need to load one of the EXIF editor plug-ins, but I don't think that is the best resolution.
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‎May 22, 2019
04:07 PM
Ahh, okay. Thanks for letting me know about that behavior on the Auto Recovery folder. Btw, I do agree regarding the safeguard. Ged Traynor​'s suggestion did seem to help in keeping Nik from crashing.
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‎May 22, 2019
12:31 PM
Okay, that makes sense. But what about the processing I'd done in Photoshop before sending to Nik? I would think that should be in the Auto Recover folder, which as I stated, is totally missing.
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‎May 22, 2019
12:17 PM
Hi Ged, That did seem to help the crashing!! Thanks so much. Still waiting on a response on the AutoRecover. I did go ahead and reprocess the photo, but I would like to know for future reference on the Auto Recovery behavior. David
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‎May 22, 2019
07:01 AM
Hi, I'm running PS CC 2019 version 20.0.4 on MacBook Pro running latest version of Mojave. I was working with Color Efex Pro, hit the done button, and my system crashed. I have Automatically Save Recovery Information set at 10 minutes. When I go into my Library, under Adobe Photoshop CC, I only see two folders: AMT and PDF. That's it. No AutoRecover. I have also had issues with Nik plug-ins since the recent update. When using Silver Efex Pro, every time I cancel out of Nik and don't save, Photoshop crashes. I've sent Crash Reports to Adobe on this. I appreciate Help or Suggestions as to how to recover this file. David
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‎May 04, 2019
06:22 PM
I would like to have my Picture folder in Finder be the Top Level folder on the drive. However, I am unable to do this. When I add the Folder, Pictures, it wants to do Import. If I Uncheck All, then the Folder does not get added. Is there a way to do what I want to do, that is Add Pictures Folder as Top Level? If not, I'll simply add a Folder to pictures as my Top Level. Thanks
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‎May 03, 2019
03:40 PM
I am running Lightroom on MacBook Pro running the latest OS of Mojave. When I try to drag a folder containing images from an external drive to my internal drive, Lightroom wants to put the new folder into an existing folder as a sub-folder. I tried including my 'Picture' Folder in the Library, but I wasn't able to get that to work either. It seems if I didn't Import anything after pointing to that Folder, Lightroom just 'forgot' about it. I've watched videos on how to do this, and from what I can see, I should just be able to select the folder and drag into my hard drive and voilá. But no luck. I suspect it's operator error on my part, but I can't figure out what I may be doing wrong. I appreciate any help. Thanks, David
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‎Apr 17, 2019
10:29 AM
Simple! Thank you very much.
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‎Apr 17, 2019
09:17 AM
When I search Text and select 'Any Searchable Field' by a specific text I get images that have nothing to do with the search term in my results. Is there any way I can find out why the search term is putting those images in the results? Thank you, David
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‎Mar 02, 2019
07:00 AM
Genius! Thanks so much Johan.
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