Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Feb 12, 2025
08:35 AM
Hey @TDC3000!
I hope you're doing well. Unfortunately, I don't have an SD card with me right now to test. Does this issue only happen with files imported from the SD card? Have you noticed any difference when importing photos from another location? If only some photos are affected, feel free to share a sample here, and I'd be happy to test them on my end.
Thanks a bunch!
Best, Alek
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‎Feb 12, 2025
08:20 AM
Hi @biemmezeta!
Thanks for your patience! To help narrow this down, could you please go to Lightroom > Preferences > General, disable "Use Graphics Processor," and then restart the app? If the problem goes away, it looks like the graphics processor might be the issue. If it still happens, we'll know it's not the cause.
Best, Alek
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‎Feb 12, 2025
06:19 AM
Hey @LAMY2017!
Thanks for checking if it worked in Chrome. I tested it on Firefox version 135.0, and Photoshop for Web is running smoothly on my end. Could you see if there are any updates available for your Firefox?
Cheers, Alek
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‎Feb 11, 2025
11:05 AM
Hey @LAMY2017! I'm really sorry for the frustrations.
Did Photoshop Web work correctly for you before? Did it start showing this error after an update to the app or your browser? To narrow down if this is a Firefox issue, could you please test if it works correctly on Google Chrome or Edge?
Thanks a bunch!
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‎Feb 11, 2025
10:42 AM
Hi @sachin_sawkare2224! 👋
Welcome to the community!
Could you share a bit more info, like which version of Lightroom and operating system you're using? It would be really helpful if you could start a new thread for your issue, so your comments don't get buried in this old thread.
Thanks a bunch!
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‎Feb 11, 2025
10:38 AM
Hey @f_f0568! 👋
Welcome to the community!
Can you let me know which version of Lightroom and operating system you're using on your device? AI-powered features aren't available on all devices, so make sure yours is included in the compatibility list here:
Thanks! Alek
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‎Feb 11, 2025
10:14 AM
Hi there @Adesanya_Christiana1462! 👋
Welcome to the community!
Can you share a bit more info? What version of Lightroom and Android do you have installed? What model is your phone? Did you take these photos with the same device you're using Lightroom Mobile on, or were they taken with a different camera and then imported to your device?
Thanks a bunch! Alek
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‎Feb 11, 2025
10:04 AM
Hi @bobbyizq!
I'm really glad to hear you found a workaround! For the tool to be functional with Windows Defender active, you will have to whitelist the Adobe domains. Have you tried whitelisting all the Adobe Network Endpoints listed here?
If your Adobe account is managed by an IT team, you'll need to contact them to whitelist these for you.
Hope this helps!
Thanks a bunch, Alek
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‎Feb 11, 2025
09:53 AM
Hi @JasonBatley!
I'm sorry for the frustrations using Photoshop. Can you share a bit more about the issue you're encountering with the Control + D keyboard shortcut? It would be really helpful if you could also share your System Info. You can find it in Photoshop under Help > System Info. Just copy the info to a text file and attach it to your response.
Thanks for your patience!
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‎Feb 11, 2025
09:46 AM
Hi @sarzy! 👋
Welcome to the community! Thanks so much for taking a video of the issue!
I've been testing it on my end, and the UI is much smaller. I can zoom the photo in and out to place the guides. I'm using an Android device though, and I don't have an iPhone to test this right now. Just to double-check, could you let me know the exact version number of Lightroom Mobile you have installed? If you try to pinch to zoom and then move the image up, does it still snap back to place? Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app?
Thanks a bunch!
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‎Feb 11, 2025
06:47 AM
Hi @biemmezeta!
If you're synced to the cloud, you won't lose your edits or presets. Resetting your preferences will simply restore your installation to the default settings.
Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
Thanks a bunch! Alek
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‎Feb 11, 2025
06:21 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @LilaHPhoto!
Thanks a ton for the info and the videos! Please give some of the solutions recommended by drtonyb a try. From the video titles, it looks like you're using version 13.5 of Lightroom Classic, right? If so, you might want to consider updating to the latest release and see if that helps.
Thanks a bunch! Alek
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‎Feb 11, 2025
06:05 AM
Hi @Dimani Mathie36919524czeg!
I'm so glad to hear it's working now! .MOV support should still be fine, but if you ever want to stay up-to-date on affected features, you can always check the Known Issues page:
Thanks, Alek
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‎Feb 10, 2025
12:56 PM
Hi @A.L.5E2E!
I'm really sorry we haven't been able to resolve this yet. Could you let me know which version of Photoshop you have installed on your Windows computers? It would be super helpful if you could share the System Info from one of the affected machines. You can find it in Photoshop under Help > System Info. Just copy the info to a text file and attach it to your response. Also, if you could share a video of the issue, that would help us try to reproduce it on our end.
Thank you so much for your patience!
Cheers, Alek
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‎Feb 10, 2025
12:32 PM
Hi @adobezamm! 👋
Where is the folder you want to import the images to located? Is it on an external hard drive? If so, make sure it's correctly mounted. Did you change the name of the folder recently by any chance?
If you're using Import Presets, could you try setting the Import Preset to "None" and manually selecting the folder?
Thanks a bunch!
Cheers, Alek
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‎Feb 10, 2025
12:26 PM
Hi @TDC3000!
Thanks so much for the detailed description of the issue.
Have you tried resetting sync data? Head to the settings in Lightroom Classic, under the Synchronization section, and click on "Rebuild Sync Data." The option will appear if you hold down the Opt key.
If that doesn't help, please also try resetting Lightroom preferences. Just hold Opt and Shift while you're opening Lightroom.
Thanks a bunch!
Cheers, Alek
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‎Feb 10, 2025
12:21 PM
Hi @linvilt!
Which version of Lightroom Classic are you using? Is this issue happening with photos taken by a specific camera? And do you happen to have photos with the same name in different folders? Have you rebuilt previews recently?
Thanks a bunch!
Cheers, Alek
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‎Feb 10, 2025
11:57 AM
Hi @Dimani Mathie36919524czeg! 👋 Welcome to the community!
Sorry for the frustration! Which version of Photoshop are you using? Is this happening with every .MOV file? If you’d like to try installing a previous version of Photoshop, you can do that in the Creative Cloud app. Just go to Apps, click the three dots in the Photoshop section, and then choose "Other Versions." You should see the option to install older versions there.
Thanks! Alek
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‎Feb 10, 2025
11:47 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @LilaHPhoto!
I totally understand your frustration. Let's get to the bottom of this! Could you let me know which version of Lightroom Classic you're using? Does this happen to every photo you crop, or only some of them? If it's just specific photos, did you do anything differently with them?
When you open the photos in the print module, do they revert to their original version, or do they appear uncropped in the develop module too? Are your edits also reverted, or is it just the cropping that's affected?
Thanks so much!
Cheers, Alek
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‎Feb 10, 2025
11:26 AM
Hi @???????_7599!
Which version of Lightroom Mobile are you using?
I've tested your image on my end and I can use object removal without any issues. If you don't like the results of the AI generation, remember you can tap the "Refine" button at the bottom to see 3 variations and choose your preferred one.
Thanks a bunch!
Cheers, Alek
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‎Feb 10, 2025
11:19 AM
Hi @Hans2718277451k9!
Thanks for sharing the photos. I totally see what you mean now. It doesn't look like there's any problem with your computer—it's just some limitations within the tool. While it's really handy, the AI Denoise tool won't always give perfect results. Sometimes, you might need to use masks and manual denoising to get the best outcome. Your feedback is super valuable, and the team is continually working to improve the tools.
Thanks a bunch!
Cheers, Alek
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‎Feb 10, 2025
08:04 AM
Hi @biemmezeta!
Thanks a ton for the videos and the System Info!
I noticed something interesting: in the video, you had 3 masks, but it seemed like the issue only affected one of them. Is that right? If so, did you do anything differently with that particular mask compared to the others?
We can try resetting Lightroom preferences, which will restore the app to its default state and usually helps with various issues. To do that, just hold Opt and Shift while you're opening Lightroom.
Let me know how it goes. Thanks a bunch!
Cheers, Alek
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‎Feb 10, 2025
07:21 AM
Hi @Lanther13!
That's interesting. On my end, the settings don’t reset even after closing the camera or the app. Could you try reinstalling the app to see if that helps? If your photos are synced, reinstalling the app will keep all your assets safe. But be wary that if sync has been paused, any non-synced assets might be at risk. If assets aren't synced, photos and presets will be deleted when you delete the app.
Can you let me know what model of iPhone and iOS you're using? Overexposed images have been a long-standing issue with the more powerful iOS camera sensors of the newer iPhones and iPads. Lightroom iOS uses the raw image data that iOS platform capture APIs pass over to the Lightroom app. With the stronger sensors of the last few years, images seem overexposed more often than with older sensors and devices, and this is due to greater image data. This is apparent with LR Mobile camera images because the LR app does less post-capture processing on these DNGs than the native camera app does for iOS Camera raw image DNGs.
You could try using the HDR capture mode. The app applies special processing to HDR captures from the built-in camera, and these usually come out looking better by default. The downside is that HDR mode lacks all the Pro mode capture controls.
Thanks a bunch!
Cheers, Alek
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‎Feb 10, 2025
06:48 AM
Hi @Dan5UP!
If you haven't tried this yet with chat support, could you please reset your Lightroom preferences? Just press Opt and Shift while opening Lightroom.
Sometimes, graphical bugs are related to GPU issues. Could you please go to Lightroom > Preferences > General and deselect "Use Graphics Processor"? If the problem goes away with this setting, it’s likely an issue with your graphics processor or driver.
Thanks a bunch!
Cheers, Alek
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‎Feb 10, 2025
06:36 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @lucien58!
Could you please check in Photoshop to ensure that the correct printer and paper size are selected?
When you have a moment, go into the macOS printer driver dialog box by clicking "Print Settings" in the Photoshop Print dialog box and manually re-select the printer and paper size.
Thanks so much!
Best, Alek
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‎Feb 07, 2025
11:44 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @Bazsl! I'm testing on my end, and duplicated Smart Objects remain linked to the original Smart Object using Ctrl + J. Since when do you recall this behavior began happening? Was it after a recent update to Photoshop or your operating system? An initial thing we can try is resetting Photoshop preferences, that will help restore Photoshop to its default state and fix various issues. Here's how to do that: Let me know how it goes, thakns! Alek
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‎Feb 07, 2025
11:36 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @ImaRetiredTeacher! 👋
Could you clarify what you need help with? Also, which tools did you use and what version of the apps are you using?
Thanks a lot!
Best, Alek
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‎Feb 07, 2025
10:50 AM
Hi @lucien58! 👋
I totally understand the frustration. Could you let me know what printer you're using and the paper size you're trying to print? Also, when you go to the Photoshop Print Menu, does the image look off-center in the preview? Is it the same in Lightroom Classic?
Thanks a lot!
Best, Alek
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‎Feb 07, 2025
10:39 AM
Hi @Dan5UP! 👋
Let me see if I've got this right: when you click on the black boxes, does it let you edit the text fields? Or do the black boxes disappear when you click on the text fields in the Info section? What version of Lightroom are you using? Do you remember when this issue started? Was it after a recent update to the app or your operating system? Also, have you changed the text size in your Mac settings or in the Lightroom preferences?
Thanks a lot!
Best, Alek
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‎Feb 07, 2025
10:28 AM
Hey @Lanther13! 👋
Sorry to hear about the frustrating experience with the integrated camera in Lightroom Mobile. Could you let us know what version of the app you're using? Are you in HDR mode by any chance? Also, check if you have Auto Exposure locked or unlocked.
Thanks! Alek
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