Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
Mar 10, 2025
12:23 PM
Hi @HalynaCHP! 👋 Welcome to the community!
What version of Lightroom Classic are you using? Could you please make sure you're signed in to the correct Adobe account in both the Creative Cloud app and Lightroom Classic? Thanks so much!
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Mar 10, 2025
11:47 AM
Hi @Marcelelage! 👋 Welcome to the community!
Could you share more details about the issue you're experiencing? What version of Lightroom and operating system are you using? Are you getting an error message? If possible, could you share screenshots or a video? Thanks so much!
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Mar 10, 2025
11:33 AM
Hi @Jayden23640348c5uk! 👋 Welcome to the community!
I'm sorry, but I don't really notice a difference between the pictures you shared besides the quality. Could you share more details on what you're seeing and how you're expecting it to look?
Screens can vary a lot, and as such, what you're seeing on your phone will usually not match perfectly to what you see on your PC. What I see on my screen is also most likely different than what you're seeing on yours as well. To make your phone and monitor display the same colors, you'll need to adjust the color settings on both devices. Access the display settings on your phone and computer, and manually tweak the brightness, contrast, saturation, and color temperature until they visually match when viewing the same image on both screens. However, due to different display technologies, achieving a perfect color match might not always be possible.
Thanks so much!
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Mar 10, 2025
11:11 AM
Hi @glennr26233003! 👋
As a first step, let's try resetting your preferences to restore Photoshop to its default state. Just make sure to back up anything you don't want to lose, like custom brushes. You can learn how to do this here.
If that doesn't work, could you also try uninstalling and reinstalling Photoshop? Some users with Image Processor issues have found this helpful.
Thanks so much! 😊
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Mar 10, 2025
10:51 AM
Hey, @simon28997170cvbr. Welcome to the Lightroom Community. I'll help you figure this out.
The specific lens isn't supported, as per;
What format are the lens correction profiles you've received? You can follow this conversation to import Lens Profiles manually:
Let me know if it helps. Thanks! Sameer K
(Type '@' and type my name to mention me when you reply)
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Mar 10, 2025
10:40 AM
Hi @asgdsaf! 👋 Welcome to the community!
Could you let us know which version of Photoshop and macOS you're using? For macOS systems, the HDR display setting is enabled by default, but there are specific display settings that need to be adjusted for full functionality. Here are the steps to ensure the proper settings are enabled, depending on your display and operating system setup:
If you have an Apple HDR Display:
1. Go to System Settings > Display > Presets on your HDR display or built-in Apple laptop display. 2. Select the Apple XDR Display (P3-1600 nits) preset. 3. In Photoshop, HDR display should be on by default, but go to Preferences > Technology Previews > Precise color management for HDR Display to confirm the box is selected. If you have a non-Apple HDR display:
1. Go to System Settings > Display and toggle ON the High Dynamic Range option. 2. In Photoshop, HDR display should be on by default, but go to Preferences > Technology Previews > Precise color management for HDR Display to confirm the box is selected. Thanks so much! 😊
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Mar 10, 2025
03:12 AM
I had a remote assistant help me thank you
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Mar 08, 2025
09:13 AM
Same here with 8TB Photo and Video Library. 3.5Gb Catalog (local). Everytime time I add new files is a pain in the a**. looks like never finish but after some days it finishes.
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Mar 07, 2025
12:33 PM
Hi @krystynagdynia! I totally understand the frustration.
Here's something we can try:
Go to Lightroom on the Web and check the "Sync error" folder under "All Photos."
Pause the Sync function on all active devices and make sure you have backups of the files you're trying to upload.
Clear the "Sync error" folder and empty the "Deleted" folder.
Try reuploading the images.
Hope this helps!
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Mar 07, 2025
08:03 AM
Hi @frawer! 😊 Thanks for sharing the System Info! Could you try resetting Photoshop preferences? This will restore Photoshop to its default state and often helps with unexplainable errors. Here's how to do it: Reset Preferences.
I also recommend checking out this handy guide to troubleshoot general GPU issues. Try the solutions here and let me know if any of them help: Troubleshoot GPU Issues.
Thanks a bunch! Alek
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Mar 06, 2025
07:01 PM
I'm curious if there has been any development on this issue. It's still persisting, and it's really a terrible situaiton. as I go through my catalog, I clikc a photo, and it's stuck syncing the photo the precedes it, if I make edits those edits are either stuck in a never ending sync hangup, or the photo randomly goes missing. it's really frustrating and I have no idea what is going on. I've tried all the suggestions in this thread. Only thing I haven't tried is saving my catalog, removing LrC / Adobe creative cloud from my machine, and doing a clean install of everything.
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Mar 06, 2025
02:22 PM
I was able to get this working but it was very painful... Adobe did not help and said I would have to create a new catalog and re-edit and tag 30K pictures... First I copied my files from my nas to a harddrive and tried to find missing pictures on the local drive and it still did not solve the problem. The issue seemed to be residual data from the PC so it could not change the root of the folder. I discovered I could find missing photos on the harddrive but not the upper folder. The good news is that if you find a missing photo, it would pull in all the photos in the directory and all subdirectories. However, it would start a directory at that level. So you will loose the directory structure you had before... For example, if you have travel and the two subdirectories france and italy and no individal picture under france, just the directories. I went into france which had pics and did a find on one of the folders. I created a france folder at the root level. Then I went to italy and did a find and it created an italy directory. The good new if found all the files under each directory. But the travel folder was lost. I would recommend not moving or adding folders until you have found all your pics on the hard drive. I hope that is clear and helps someone...
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Mar 06, 2025
10:40 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Aleke, I found a reference to error 88 in Canon support that recommended turning off margin regulation in the print dialogue. I did that and my image printed but in a reduced size, likely closer to 8x10 or smaller which may be the size registered in the printer. I will contact Canon to see what they have to say. It shouldn't be this complex given the wide distribution of both the software and hardware. R
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Mar 06, 2025
10:36 AM
Perhaps try a thorough reset of Photoshop preferences?
(read this entire text before acting please)
Unexpected behaviour of photoshop may indicate damaged preferences, which are saved when Photoshop closes.. Restoring preferences to their default settings is a good idea when trying to troubleshoot unexpected behaviours in Photoshop.
When preferences become corrupt, then various issues can occur.
Here’s some info from Adobe about preferences:
Learn how to access and modify Photoshop preferences and customise per your frequent workflows
According to Adobe, manually removing preferences files is the most complete method for restoring Photoshop to its default state. This method ensures all preferences and any user presets which may be causing a problem are not loaded. More here:
the process:
Quit Photoshop.
Navigate to Photoshop's Preferences folder. macOS: Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings Windows: Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings Note: The user Library folder is hidden by default on macOS. To access files in the hidden user Library folder, see How to access hidden user library files.
Drag the entire Adobe Photoshop [Version] Settings folder to the desktop or somewhere safe for a back-up of your settings
Open Photoshop. New preferences files will be created in the original location.
You may want to backup your settings and custom presets, brushes & actions before restoring Photoshop's preferences.
Here is general info about that:
And here’s an Adobe Quick Tips link as an aid to overall understanding
Thanks to Digitaldog for this quick and simple method:
Press and hold Alt+Control+Shift (Windows) or Option+Command+Shift (macOS) immediately after launching Photoshop. You will be prompted to delete the current settings.
You can also reset preferences on quit, if Photoshop is running, by going into General Preferences>General>Reset on Quit.
This action only affects the items found in the preferences dialog box. Numerous program settings are stored in the Adobe Photoshop Preferences file, including general display options, file-saving options, performance options, cursor options, transparency options, type options, and options for plug‑ins and scratch disks. Brushes (and lots of other setting) are not affected by the above instructions for deleting preferences.
You may wish to make a screen capture of the settings in the Preferences dialog to reset them prior to deleting of this file.
Before you reset your preferences, in case of future issues, I suggest you make a backup copy as Adobe may need one to check problematic preferences.
Quit Photoshop. Go to Photoshop's Preferences folder
Preferences file locations:\
[on MacOS see: Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings Note for those on macOS: - be aware that the user Library folder is hidden by default on macOS. More on that here:
In the Finder, open the “Go” menu whilst holding down the Option (Alt) key.
Library will now appear in the list - below the current user's “home” directory. ]
Now you can drag the entire Adobe Photoshop [Version] Settings folder to the desktop or somewhere safe as a back-up of your settings.
Note for macOS:
Preference preservation is affected by macOS permissions,
you’ll need to allow Photoshop ‘Full Disk Access’ in your Mac OS Preferences/Security and Privacy
If resetting preferences doesn't fix your issue:
Go to Preferences > Performance... and uncheck Multithreaded Compositing - and restart Photoshop.
Is Photopshop still hanging?
Go to Preferences > Performance... click Advanced Settings... and uncheck "GPU Compositing" - then restart Photoshop.
It may even be time to reinstall Photoshop.
It’s recommended that you use the Adobe CC cleaner tool to remove all traces first.
(See above about preserving preferences firstn though! It’s worth preserving them unless they are corrupted.)
How and when to use the Creative Cloud Cleaner tool | Advanced steps
Uninstall Photoshop BUT make sure to choose the option “Yes, remove app preference”.
Once that process finishes, start the installation process and look into the “Advanced Options”. Uncheck “Import previous settings and preferences” and choose to “Remove old versions”.
neil barstow - adobe forum volunteer,
colourmanagement consultant & co-author of 'getting colour right'
See my free articles on colour management
Help others by clicking "Correct Answer" if the question is answered.
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Mar 06, 2025
09:11 AM
Hi @Francesco Rugerfred Sedda!
I'm really sorry we haven't been able to help yet. Could you please start a new thread in the community with all the relevant details about your issue, along with the troubleshooting steps you've already tried with our support? This way, we can avoid repeating ourselves and work towards a solution more efficiently. We'd love to make this right for you.
Thanks a bunch!
Best, Alek
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Mar 06, 2025
08:48 AM
Hi @justin_8332!
Just to understand the situation better, are you currently using a university or enterprise account? Or what do you mean with needing a request ticket to use the desktop app?
Does the issue also occur when you open or save files locally, or does it only affect files in the cloud?
Could you please test some of the workarounds listed here and see if they help? Thank you so much!
Best, Alek
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Mar 06, 2025
08:14 AM
Hi there @Melmak! 👋 Welcome to the community! 😊
Could you please share your System Info? You can find it in Photoshop under Help > System Info. Just copy the info to a text file and attach it to your response.
Also, it would be helpful to know what method you used to reset preferences. If you haven't already, doing it manually is the most thorough way to restore Photoshop to its default state. This ensures all preferences and any user presets that might be causing issues are not loaded. You can learn how to do it manually here.
Thanks a bunch!
Best, Alek
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Mar 06, 2025
07:26 AM
Any update on this? Will the user be able to select a color for the border of the selected thumbanil or mask? Makes no sense that the border is black on a layer mask than can be all or mostly the same color. Again it wasn't like this on previous versions of PS (at least on Intel Macs)
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Mar 06, 2025
05:06 AM
Hi @Kevin33990832028h ! Hope you are doing well I have read your post and in my opinion if you are encountering issues after Photoshop 2025 update then you can try the following methods: 1) Reset Preferences 2) Check GPU Settings 3) Switch back to Photoshop 2024
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Mar 06, 2025
02:57 AM
Adding HSL Masking sliders as an alternative to the color point selector in color range mask, simillar to HSL Secondary in Lumetri/Premire Pro. The color range is a great tool, but when batch editing shots where the color point moves it isn't ideal. Being able to mask with HSL Sliders as an alternative of having the color picker automatically adjust HSL sliders would be more useful I think.
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Mar 06, 2025
02:52 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, that was my point. It's physical RAM plus the system pagefile, so it can exceed installed RAM.
The scratch disk is not included.
But normally, system paging slows down everything and should be avoided.
We have seen this excessive paging on Mac and Windows in equal measure. As I said, a lot of people have fixed it with a clean install and clean preferences. So I'm inclined to think it is a bona fide Photoshop issue, but one that only occurs with a somehow faulty installation. My money is on corrupt preferences.
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Mar 05, 2025
03:16 PM
This makes sense. I just noticed that this file is actually 140 MB, I may have misread. I've been applying presets so I think it's very likely my presets are including things that aren't really necessary for each photo. I will adjust. Thank you!
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Mar 05, 2025
11:00 AM
Hi @John22507690l2w7! 👋 Welcome to the community!
Since this thread is a bit old, I recommend starting a new thread with all the relevant details about your case so your comments don't get buried. Our team would love to help!
Thanks a bunch!
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Mar 04, 2025
04:37 PM
It sounds like it might be to do with Media Encoder. Does Photoshop use Media Encoder to render video?
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Mar 04, 2025
04:24 PM
It turns out that the problem is associated with my Wacom tablet. When I perform the above function with just the mouse, they still work fine. The Wacom tablet seems to have a lag, and sometimes it just seems to ignore my pen drops. I'm working this our with Wacom now. It has nothing to do the the 15 plugins I have. It never has, but that was a good idea to check. I also went through the performance checklist and found no issues.
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Mar 04, 2025
01:32 PM
Hi, no input devices or second displays involved, this is happening on my MacBook Air M2. Attaching a short video which shows the error occuring on the caption field only but I have had up to three bars appearing over several different fields when working with metadata. Quiting app resets everything but this is getting annoying as it starts to occur soon after I start working. If I don't quit the app I instead move the window around so I can see what I have already written in the fields if anything. Best, Nicholas
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Mar 04, 2025
01:13 PM
Hello @Valkiria Studio! 😊 Just to clarify, are you referring to videos taken with your phone's default camera app, or have you been using the in-app camera in Lightroom? Does it make any difference if you use the other?
Did this issue start after you updated the app or made any changes to your device?
Also, could you check if your phone can be updated to Android version 15? If the update is available, please test it to see if it helps. Thanks so much for your patience!
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Mar 04, 2025
10:49 AM
Hi @jkashi! I'm really sorry to hear about the issues you're experiencing with the new Lightroom update. As a first step, could you try resetting your preferences? Here's how to do that: Reset Preferences.
If that doesn't work, let's try uninstalling and reinstalling the app.
If you're still having trouble, you might find our guide to optimizing Lightroom Classic performance helpful. Check it out here: Optimize Lightroom Performance.
Thanks so much! 😊
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Mar 04, 2025
10:33 AM
Thanks, I tried this and it worked for me.
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Mar 04, 2025
10:05 AM
1 Upvote
Hi there @angryf84! It looks like that exact workflow isn't available in the iPad version at the moment. I'll move this thread to the ideas board so the rest of the team can use it as feedback. We review these suggestions and prioritize future releases based on user interest. Thanks so much! 😊
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